I apologize to the group for my social pratfall, I am under some amount of stress at the moment and have peripheral tasks to give some focus to. I will be back at a later date and will report anything of substantial importance if I am endowed to do such. It isn't in my nature to withhold information that may be beneficial, though I do fear that sock puppetry and nonsense may convolute the efforts of the genuine on the internet.
For anyone's interest, the following information: NSI-189, ISX-9, Dihexa and Rasagiline Mesylate are in my possession. I await J147 as well.
I am ceasing Dihexa until after phase I and phase II of my previously outlined hypothesis. I have adjusted my schedule to include 6 more days of NSI until a brief respite, and then I will move on to about 14 days of ISX-9.
Best regards and good luck.
I am sure you have seen this feedback thread for ISX-9 please post there as you finish with your trial, I am very interesting to hear it!
Why are you interested in Rasagiline for? I have looked at it many times, it used to be very expensive and I never tried it, but it did not seem very interesting.
I understand you are busy and leaving the forum for a while, reply whenever you feel like it.
Edit: from Teamtlr...
Rasagiline is a novel, highly potent, irreversible monamine oxidase B inhibitor, which is related to Selegiline. Unlike Selegiline, Rasagiline is not an amphetamine derivative, and is also free of the metabolization into the neurotoxic L-methamphetamine. [1] MAO-A only becomes significantly inhibited in a dose-dependant fashion; in the marmoset doses of 0.1mg/kg was free from significant MAO-A inhibition, yet not with 0.5mg/kg.[2] Upon appropriate MAO-B selective inhibitory dosing, Rasagiline is virtually free from tyramine interactions, as well as being devoid of sympathomimetic effects. Human in vitro analysis displayed a 100-fold selectivity over MAO-B than MAO-A. [3]
It has also been observed to exhibit neuroprotective, neurotrophic, and mitochondriaprotective actions. These are thought not to be mediated via its monaminergic mechanisms, as the S-isomer displays the same effects, yet is free from any significant MAOI action. Rather, it seems that they are at least in part associated with the propargylamine moeity which exerts mitochondrial protection via Bcl-2 activation and downregulation of Bax proteins. [4] In vitro and in vivo analysis have observed Rasagiline to have superior neuroprotective effects than Selegiline. [5]
Perhaps the most notable is Rasagiline's ability to process Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) in to neuroprotective and neurotrophic soluble APPalpha via proteine kinase C and mitogen-activated protein kinase-dependant alpha-secretase activation. It also increases NGF, GDNF[6] and BDNF[7] proteins and expression
I think they make it sound too good, I have follow discussions from people with a real interest in selegiline and rasagiline over the years and it always seemed that selegiline is superior overall. There is a ton of research for selegiline also, most notably from the person that discovered it a few decades ago, http://www.amazon.co...ords=selegiline
Edited by Strangelove, 05 August 2014 - 01:13 PM.