Dihexa: "it would take 10 million times as much BDNF to get as much new synapse formation as Dihexa."
Posted 20 July 2014 - 06:33 PM
Those using this please keep updating.
Posted 20 July 2014 - 06:43 PM
i don't know,
if i have the same acute response as the others i'll probably keep on my NSI, as i'm not going to take dihexa every day. i want to let the the positives felt from the initial intro to dihexa will help my mood and frame of mind while waiting the two weeks between doses, and maintaining my NSI dosing.
Posted 20 July 2014 - 07:00 PM
i don't know,
if i have the same acute response as the others i'll probably keep on my NSI, as i'm not going to take dihexa every day. i want to let the the positives felt from the initial intro to dihexa will help my mood and frame of mind while waiting the two weeks between doses, and maintaining my NSI dosing.
So what is your dosing and frequency for both? I've tried to dig through this thread and haven't been able to ascertain a consensus on the dihexa dosing.
Posted 20 July 2014 - 08:14 PM
it turns out that my sample did deliver yesterday, but i checked the mail too early. i have mine now, in an empty brown amber jar that previously contained DHF from THT.
i took 2mg, and also licked the little zipclose bag.
i take 25mg of NSI, twice a day, sublingually.
i will take increasing daily doses of Dihexa until i get to 30mg. then i'll wait 15 days, and take another 30mg. i should have a little under 5 doses' worth, my trial to last 9 weeks, but that doesn't take into account the long half-life. i'm sure it will still be active for weeks to months following cessation.
the above is subject to modification as needed.
there is no concensus, you're right. we have nothing to go by wrt the best way to take this. my personal preference is to take it in sporadic doses with weeks separating them, since i'm also co-dosing NSI.
Posted 20 July 2014 - 08:28 PM
there is no concensus, you're right. we have nothing to go by wrt the best way to take this. my personal preference is to take it in sporadic doses with weeks separating them, since i'm also co-dosing NSI.
We've done our best with rodent to human H.E.D. conversions per published research, however it would be wise for use to quote from the patent once more, as MetaGene pointed out:
Inspection of the data presented above (e.g. FIGS. 41 and 42) suggests at least three possible modifications to the dosing regimen. First, the effectiveness of the treatment and the long elimination half-life of Dihexa advocates for a lower frequency of drug delivery, e.g. biweekly, weekly, monthly, and/or with deescalating frequencies. Second, the effectiveness of the treatment protocol used in these initial studies also suggests that doses lower than 0.5 mg/kg will be effective, e.g. about 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, or 0.4 mg/kg. Finally, the stability of the functional recovery with continued treatment suggests that once functional recovery is complete continued treatment may not be required or may only require maintenance dosing. While bioavailability via oral drug delivery has been confirmed, there are reasons related to the physical capabilities of patients to also use other delivery methods, including subcutaneous and transdermal.
Edited by sk_scientific, 20 July 2014 - 08:29 PM.
Posted 20 July 2014 - 08:30 PM
thanks, i misread the numbers. i'll halve my doses or even a little more.
Posted 21 July 2014 - 12:41 AM
Posted 21 July 2014 - 02:10 AM
waitwait, that's not what i meant - i meant that i am doing small tolerance doses starting at 2mg., working up to 30mg. over the course of a few days, to finish at 30mg., once every two weeks. .5mg/kg for me would be 30mg. .25mg/kg would be 15mg, so i'm not sure if were supposed to dose this under the less is more philosophy, or what?
Posted 21 July 2014 - 02:53 AM
Starting low is always prudent. I can't see anything wrong with what your describing. I suspect the primary benefits of this compound are going to be the 'quiet' effects. We're talking about permanent changes in the CNS after all.
If this drug is as effective as the research indicates, it's going to cause changes at a sub-conscious level - It's changing the very thing we regard as 'consciousness'.
The noticeable effects are nice, but I see them more as a side effect of dihexas true potential. Long term, you're not going to feel a 'high', you're going to feel 'you'.
Granted, that's just me speculating based on my modest understanding.
Posted 21 July 2014 - 03:00 AM
Starting low is always prudent. I can't see anything wrong with what your describing. I suspect the primary benefits of this compound are going to be the 'quiet' effects. We're talking about permanent changes in the CNS after all.
If this drug is as effective as the research indicates, it's going to cause changes at a sub-conscious level - It's changing the very thing we regard as 'consciousness'.
The noticeable effects are nice, but I see them more as a side effect of dihexas true potential. Long term, you're not going to feel a 'high', you're going to feel 'you'.
Granted, that's just me speculating based on my modest understanding.
Completely agree.
Posted 21 July 2014 - 03:04 AM
Particularly since there is no standard protocol being followed, I'd suggest that people keep quantitative lab notes on a daily basis. This could prove invaluable for future research. Ideally, these daily notes would precede first dose to get some sort of baseline.
I know many if not most are doing this already so this is not addressed to them.
Edited by jabowery, 21 July 2014 - 03:04 AM.
Posted 21 July 2014 - 03:16 AM
i haven't been, but it's a good idea, and as i'm not working right now, i have lots of time to take care of 'housekeeping' tasks, so i'll try. i'll do it using an audio or video log, i hate writing.
bear in mind that i'm in a disease state - depression and anxiety - so i won't be relating things like increases in digit span, but rather increases in functioning, of manual dexterity and productive instrument practice, energy levels, anxiety levels, heartrate at rest, clarity of thought and expression, creativity and spontaneous composition, level of wakefulness, mood, motivation, and others.
Posted 21 July 2014 - 03:33 AM
i haven't been, but it's a good idea, and as i'm not working right now, i have lots of time to take care of 'housekeeping' tasks, so i'll try. i'll do it using an audio or video log, i hate writing.
bear in mind that i'm in a disease state - depression and anxiety - so i won't be relating things like increases in digit span, but rather increases in functioning, of manual dexterity and productive instrument practice, energy levels, anxiety levels, heartrate at rest, clarity of thought and expression, creativity and spontaneous composition, level of wakefulness, mood, motivation, and others.
May I ask your disease, if it's not too invasive?
Posted 21 July 2014 - 03:49 AM
no prob... intractable MDD with comorbid anxiety, with cognitive impairments and anhedonia and a few other things.
Posted 21 July 2014 - 06:26 AM
Posted 21 July 2014 - 07:11 AM
Particularly since there is no standard protocol being followed, I'd suggest that people keep quantitative lab notes on a daily basis. This could prove invaluable for future research. Ideally, these daily notes would precede first dose to get some sort of baseline.
I know many if not most are doing this already so this is not addressed to them.
This is very important. Not only will these notes be important for research, but also for the people trialing it to compare subjective effects and begin to make a profile of observed benefits and side effects. I intend to keep detailed notes whenever I begin trialing my current sample.
Cow, good luck feeling anything at 2mg. 30 is more like it. I just don't want to see a bunch of reviews saying you feel nothing from 2mg. Lol no one will feel anything at 2mg.
And who is to say that feeling something is a good sign? A substance that induces synapse formation that requires 10 million times as much BDNF and has a half life of over 30 days, means that even in minute dosages that something is happening and may offer benefits even though you cannot immediately feel them.
Posted 21 July 2014 - 12:57 PM
i haven't been, but it's a good idea, and as i'm not working right now, i have lots of time to take care of 'housekeeping' tasks, so i'll try. i'll do it using an audio or video log, i hate writing.
bear in mind that i'm in a disease state - depression and anxiety - so i won't be relating things like increases in digit span, but rather increases in functioning, of manual dexterity and productive instrument practice, energy levels, anxiety levels, heartrate at rest, clarity of thought and expression, creativity and spontaneous composition, level of wakefulness, mood, motivation, and others.
Thanks neuroatypicacow. It is particularly important for people suffering from a pathology to keep these notes.
This gets back to a subject that I rather ineptly touched on some time back regarding folks suffering from pathology engaging in experimental self-medication. It is difficult for "neurotypical" people to follow scientific discipline and it is _very_ difficult for people suffering from certain forms of pathology. For instance, Huntington's disease is characterized by a number of personality traits that render scientific discipline virtually impossible, but also render it exceptionally dangerous for them to try experimental treatments on themselves. I'm particularly sensitive to this issue as I'm a caregiver for an HD victim. HD victims exhibit impulsivity combined with poor judgement and poor executive function that can lead to life-threatening situations, not only to themselves but to others. Ordinary circumstances, let alone human safety trials of a new class of drug, are dangerous for such people. This was my primary motive for cautioning people when the first indications of impatience toward Nyles7 appeared in the current group buy. Obviously this impatience was not entirely unwarranted given the exceptionally difficult nature of the synthesis and the lack of information on synthesis.
The best solution to this dilemma faced by people suffering from neuropathology is what DIHXA did even though he's not suffering from neuropathology: Have a "safety man". In DIHXA's case he tasked his safety man with monitoring the behavior of the experimental subject to watch for changes in behavior that might be damaging. But for those suffering from neuropathology the safety man needs to assist in, if not control the protocol -- possibly keeping the medication physically locked away from the subject.
PS: I can't bring up all of the above without venting a bit about the poor performance of "the system" in funding dihexa's primate thence human safety trials. Stuff like this _really_ pisses me off.
Posted 21 July 2014 - 01:51 PM
i know what you mean, JB, but i had to be my own advocate, as the 'system' is worthless. a limited repertoire of meds for someone in my position, a shrink with an orthodox demeanor, and a gloomy prognosis at the rate i was going. so i spent 6 months reading and learning and reading and learning. i don't say i know a lot about these subjects, but i now know far more about what i don't know. i have a 'map' even if i don't know all the features. it gave me directions and options i didn't know of previously, and i was able to revamp my diet, re-incorporate exercise and regain enough control over my functioning to even leave the house, get out and go to my endo, my opthomologist, my podiatrist, my dentist, and have more assertive discussions with my shrink, and formulate a strategy vis-a-vis supplements and noots and RCs.
i have been improving, slowly, painfully slowly, for the past 2 months, ever since starting 7,8 DHF, and NSI-189 has accelerated things. i have paused DHF, as it seems less potent than NSI, and i want to do a round of Dihexa to kick this process in the haunches.
i do have my wife as a keen observer of my mental state, who has been noticing changes in me these past months. the me of 8 months ago wouldn't have been able to absorb as much reading as i have in just the past 2 months. she'll be next to me 5 days out of the week, to monitor me.
i just took 5mg. of DXA, sub. i'll make a journal note tomorrow summarizing my observations. as xks201 pointed out, it's early days, low doses, i don't expect anything novel from any other day this past week, but y'never know...
cheers, y'all!
edited, to add that i'll be adding coconut oil to my morning coffee, taking a women's ultramega multi each morning along with a jarrow's neurooptimizer supplement, and a lunch of sardines(ick!, but also, yum!) as supportive nutrition for the next few weeks. gotta feed my mind. i may even dig out my jefferson airplane LPs : b
Edited by neuroatypicow, 21 July 2014 - 02:05 PM.
Posted 22 July 2014 - 04:40 PM
If nothing goes wrong, I'll be trying 15mg sublingual Dihexa in about 8 hours.
Posted 22 July 2014 - 04:43 PM
day 3 for me. 10 mg., sub. no side effects, no positives. taking concurrently with 25mg. NSI, BID.
Posted 22 July 2014 - 10:10 PM
Posted 22 July 2014 - 10:33 PM
why do you insist on replying to me with a dismissive 'lol' every time you reply directly to me? i haven't done anything to deserve the snark.
haven't you ever seen a cow take escalating tolerance doses?
in addition to dihexa and nsi, i'm on several other conventional medications, and am simply exercising a little restraint and caution.
i'm not trying to 'feel' anything, this is a long game drug, not a take-before-exam racetam. i'm patient, and not complaining, i'm relating my observations.
even if it doesn't absorb sublingually, a moment's thought will reveal that it all ends up in the stomach anyway, so ease up, please? i'll get there, by Friday i'll be at 30mg. besides, with the enormous half-life, it's not going to waste no matter how miniscule a dose i take.
i'm not going to run out, i've got a gram coming my way, in addition to the 2 grams you owe me. i'm in this for the long haul.
edited to add that it's because i am trying to use the smallest therapeutic dose, that i'm taking it in smaller doses, sublingually, and upping gradually, in hopes that i do feel something long before i get up to 30mg. that would be correct drug protocol yes?, and also will stretch my remaining sample while still providing efficacy. because i am taking this alongside NSI i am cautious; this is an uncharted territory for us, generally, and my body, especially.
Edited by neuroatypicow, 22 July 2014 - 11:27 PM.
Posted 22 July 2014 - 10:50 PM
ps. i'm now recording my doses, side effects, positive effects, sleep changes, and other metrics in a spreadsheet, to be as diligent as i can be in my present state. the me of 6 months ago wouldn't go within 5 miles of a spreadsheet app, so, rah! some improvement, i guess
Posted 22 July 2014 - 11:05 PM
Cow you are just wasting the dihexa taking it 5 mg at a time. Take 30mg. And don't take it sublingually. Do not take sublingually. Not everything is good at absorbing sublingually. 30mg down the hatch then tell me you feel nothing. You are going to run out of it before you feel anything if you keep taking it sublingually and at low doses. Lol
While I agree that he should be taking a higher dose in order to not waste the limited supply of Dihexa we currently have, I don't think sublingual is a problem at all. If anything, keeping Dihexa away from the hostile GI tract is a good idea.
I'll be taking 15mg sublingually in a couple of hours.
Posted 22 July 2014 - 11:15 PM
Like neuroatypicow said, and sk_scientific touched upon earlier, sublingual administration shouldn't be a problem, it's going to get absorbed one way or the other.
Just an n=1. I've tried several doses sublingually, but the granules do not dissolve and i end up just swallowing them in the end. Even though the compound is small, it's still very non-polar, and consequently may prove difficult to absorb in this way.
Posted 22 July 2014 - 11:29 PM
Posted 22 July 2014 - 11:32 PM
no problem xks, i do appreciate you not wanting me to waste my sample, this stuff is(maybe?) worth its weight in gold ^_^
Posted 22 July 2014 - 11:53 PM
no problem xks, i do appreciate you not wanting me to waste my sample, this stuff is(maybe?) worth its weight in gold ^_^
Probably worth a lot more than that as 154mg of 99.9% (24k) pure gold is $6.48.
Edited by therein, 22 July 2014 - 11:53 PM.
Posted 23 July 2014 - 12:04 AM
no problem xks, i do appreciate you not wanting me to waste my sample, this stuff is(maybe?) worth its weight in gold ^_^
Probably worth a lot more than that as 154mg of 99.9% (24k) pure gold is $6.48.
$20.02 per my calculations
Posted 23 July 2014 - 12:19 AM
no problem xks, i do appreciate you not wanting me to waste my sample, this stuff is(maybe?) worth its weight in gold ^_^
Probably worth a lot more than that as 154mg of 99.9% (24k) pure gold is $6.48.
$20.02 per my calculations
I just found a random online calculator for gold prices. I might very easily be wrong. Even $20 isn't very expensive, though.
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