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Dihexa: "it would take 10 million times as much BDNF to get as much new synapse formation as Dihexa."

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#781 knightly

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Posted 28 July 2014 - 07:33 PM

What if we focus on finding help for people with Cancer for example, treatments (new ones) to help them. That would be much better than researching something than this, because really in my opinion, all this "it will make you smarter 10 million times more or whatever), its all ego related, and you don't want to be a ego nut forever , or do you? :(

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#782 neuroatypicow

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Posted 28 July 2014 - 07:47 PM

What if we focus on finding help for people with Cancer for example, treatments (new ones) to help them. That would be much better than researching something than this, because really in my opinion, all this "it will make you smarter 10 million times more or whatever), its all ego related, and you don't want to be a ego nut forever , or do you? :(


that's the charm -

once we're 10 milion times more smarter than we are, we'll be able to help find new cancer treatments as easy as deciding which pair of socks we're going to wear today.


your straw man is wilting from all the tears of false concern you're crying.

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#783 DHEXA

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Posted 28 July 2014 - 07:57 PM




that's the charm -

once we're 10 milion times more smarter than we are, we'll be able to help find new cancer treatments as easy as deciding which pair of socks we're going to wear today.


your straw man is wilting from all the tears of false concern you're crying.


Not to mention alleviating the grief & pain that comes with serious cognitive decline to both the individual and his or her loved ones.

Anyway, knightly looks like he's a professional troll - It's best to just ignore them. :)

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#784 neuroatypicow

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Posted 28 July 2014 - 08:05 PM

i get what you're saying, but 'professional' troll would seem to imply a set of core competencies that he has yet to display.

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#785 xks201

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Posted 28 July 2014 - 08:09 PM

Cow have you noticed increased verbal fluency?
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#786 neuroatypicow

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Posted 28 July 2014 - 08:28 PM

i thought of 2 good answers to that question, xks:

in descending order of helpfulness:

1) in hopes of laying down some beneficial new habits which hopefully involve the neurons i'm growing like a vine of newly-ripened tomatoes, i've been skyping a lot with my remote friends, and also playing quiteabittalotta online games with them, all of which involves a lot of gabbing, and memory, emotions, socialization, manual-dexterity, spacial awareness, decision-making.


2) moo

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#787 sk_scientific

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Posted 28 July 2014 - 08:35 PM

i thought of 2 good answers to that question, xks:

in descending order of helpfulness:

1) in hopes of laying down some beneficial new habits which hopefully involve the neurons i'm growing like a vine of newly-ripened tomatoes, i've been skyping a lot with my remote friends, and also playing quiteabittalotta online games with them, all of which involves a lot of gabbing, and memory, emotions, socialization, manual-dexterity, spacial awareness, decision-making.


2) moo


hahaha  :-D

Very good.

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#788 xks201

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Posted 28 July 2014 - 09:05 PM

Fair enough. From the little I can glean you appear quite upbeat and increasingly verbally fluent.
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#789 fairy

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Posted 28 July 2014 - 09:07 PM



You're right, the second paragraph is too synthetic. In the first paragraph and in the first part of the second I only used the half-life of Dihexa, no hypothesis on the form of q(t) was made. In the second part of the second I speculated about q(t) being the result of a first order reaction. Of course this is not necessarily true, I think we need to know the mechanism of action and have a look at goo.gl/afw14X to find the correct q(t). I wish I could be more clear but It takes some time to write these formulas on the forum:







#790 neuroatypicow

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Posted 28 July 2014 - 09:13 PM

i've been feeling a little better, actually. i did have a bad weekend though, i get 3-day migraines so i was down for the count, but i'm better now. the migraines are pre-existing, so all'y'all don't go flushing your NSIHexas down the commodes.


my anxiety manifests itself very oddly... having fun actually INCREASES my anxiety, i actually dread going out with friends. once i'm out i'm fine, but afterwards there is a period of decompression i have to endure. before i was medicated i used to have to take a benadryl and nap to calm down. that was before i knew about anti-cognitive effects of anticholinergic antihistamines blahblahblah...

these days i'm pushing at my envelope, stretching my comfort level. i had 3 skype sessions of 5 hours each last week, and did a 3-hour gaming session with my galpal in cali. we're playing again tonight for 3 hours. and on a weeknight! this never happens with me!

so yeah, something's percolating away upstairs, like those old-fashioned coffeepots in the Brady Bunch kitchen.

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#791 neuroatypicow

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Posted 28 July 2014 - 09:34 PM



impenetrable wall of sciencey-stuff!



hi guys, i'm interested in what you're working on, but don't have the smarts and math knowledge to understand your process. could you summarize what you're attempting to work out?


(the #1 reason why Cow Mathematics never advanced: because Moo/Moo=Moo)

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#792 neuroatypicow

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Posted 28 July 2014 - 09:55 PM

also, making sure i eat. A LOT. giving my stem cells all the nutrition they can use. willing myself smarter.


Mind over Mater.



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#793 fairy

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Posted 28 July 2014 - 10:18 PM


I can't plot the graph of the drug concentration in the body as a function of time only knowing the half-life (thirty-nine days) i.e. the amount of time required for a quantity to fall to half its value as measured at the beginning of the time period - wiki, but if we ingest k mg every thirty-nine days obviously the concentration in the blood the day zero would be k (this in not true but we are speculation in *ideal conditions*), the day thirty-nine k+k/2, the day seventy-eight k+(k+k/2)/2=k+k/2+k/4 and so on. Take this to the limit and we would still have a concentration lower than 2k.

Knowing the half-life we can also find a lower bound for the concentration of Dihexa in the body; after some computations we find that ingesting a dose of k mg every day, the concentration is at least twenty times k after an administration period longer than the half-life of the drug. Finally, if the mechanism of action depends only on the concentration of Dihexa (first order reaction, simplest case), taking k mg every day we obtain the graph plotted with MATLAB, but I don't know if this makes sense, I can do the math but I'm not a chemist goo.gl/A9DwCT.

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#794 neuroatypicow

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Posted 28 July 2014 - 10:57 PM

thanks for the explanation, i'm not sure i understand, but that's my problem. are we trying to determine the dosing regimen for this?

i'm used to meds that can only be taken for a short period of time, and meds that should be dosed every few hours,

haven't had to bend my head around meds that could build up a dangerous concentration from dosing a safe amount too many times due to an excessively long half-life. this is a new dimension for me.

i've consumed ~100mg so far, am going to cease my trial for 3 weeks, even though i'm getting a gram of dihexa, for future cycles. i'm worried that hidden in all that formulae is the message "you're screwed neuroatypicow" : b

the paragraphs further upthread did say that a modified dosing pattern may be necessary: bi-weely, weekly, monthly. that implies that a little bit goes a long, long way, and that we don't want to dose this like we're dosing nsi.

#795 finalgates

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Posted 28 July 2014 - 11:24 PM

so what is the price for 450mg?1 month?

#796 fairy

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Posted 28 July 2014 - 11:42 PM



I'll email Dr. Harding.

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#797 knightly

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Posted 29 July 2014 - 12:08 AM

Yo know what, you guys do that.


But I still personally ythink that all this improve make your brain bigger eating as much food as you cnan to make your brain bigger,


its all got to do with yourself.

your missing something in this beautiful colorful life, I tihnk.

Maybe, you just need to be told something about yourself? AND THEN you either re act with: anger(anger = means your dangerous), ego loss like you realise something (it feels bad but clearlty your a good person)


 i think we all need to stop all this crap. its like the folks at body building foorum, they're a bunch of nuts with no control in their life. (not all of them, ok sorry).



what about instead of researching all this. we all meet up together bring money and feed tte he people out in Afarica ???


come on guys, we must loet our sleves go, even me. we must all JUST leave this earth in some way (not leave the earth) but lert tyour ego leave the earth, your earth, our earth. we're all one brothers.




the love of fEELING is so beautiful, IT TRULY is, it comes from my heart, its like my brain is sending this love to my heart. its so beautiful.

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#798 sk_scientific

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Posted 29 July 2014 - 12:18 AM

I'm impressed with your contribution, Fairy.  You're utilizing your education in Statistical Methods [of x/science] to assist those of us who snoozed through, failed to take, or forgot the course for our respective discipline of study in college.




I'm also impressed with xks201 and neuroatypicow in terms of their general person and, as well, developments 'under the influence'.  I think a very unexpected side effect of this substance, Dihexa, is the pro-social effect that it clearly appears to be having on cognition AND, let us not forget the relationship, behavior.

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#799 neuroatypicow

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Posted 29 July 2014 - 12:38 AM

thanks SK, :)

i'm trying to pull my weight, in spite of my diagnoses and with no formal education aside from music.


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#800 sk_scientific

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Posted 29 July 2014 - 01:08 AM

thanks SK, :)

i'm trying to pull my weight, in spite of my diagnoses and with no formal education aside from music.


Would you know that musicians often make the very best hackers?

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#801 knightly

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Posted 29 July 2014 - 01:19 PM

I think that, we as humans, we're sitting here on our computers 'searching' for something, but what is this 'something'?

is it ego related? or do you just need to eat more food? or are you looking for social interaction and fill it up with the search of drugs.....

because, all is one, and if you continue to act selfish, then people die more second BY second is EVERYwhere and EVERYTHING.

its so beautiful, this earth so beautiful. I cry writing this, its all so sad, but yet all so beautiful, this earth, this universe, everything from the ack of it all, THERE WAS [SOMETHING] , there was some god in my opinion, we don't know yet, but there's something out there, something beautiful, that was BEFORE everything in my opinion, whatever it is, its just so beautiful, and they're up there, looking down at us smiling and crying and laughing and supporting us, I cry back to them with joy,

peace and love guys,

its just so beautiful, it truly is. its BEAUTIFUL.

I think that, we as humans, we're sitting here on our computers 'searching' for something, but what is this 'something'?

is it ego related? or do you just need to eat more food? or are you looking for social interaction and fill it up with the search of drugs.....

because, all is one, and if you continue to act selfish, then people die more second BY second is EVERYwhere and EVERYTHING.

its so beautiful, this earth so beautiful. I cry writing this, its all so sad, but yet all so beautiful, this earth, this universe, everything from the ack of it all, THERE WAS [SOMETHING] , there was some god in my opinion, we don't know yet, but there's something out there, something beautiful, that was BEFORE everything in my opinion, whatever it is, its just so beautiful, and they're up there, looking down at us smiling and crying and laughing and supporting us, I cry back to them with joy,

peace and love guys,

its just so beautiful, it truly is. its BEAUTIFUL.

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#802 Strangelove

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Posted 29 July 2014 - 01:21 PM

 is the pro-social effect that it clearly appears to be having on cognition AND, let us not forget the relationship, behavior.


Who else except from Cow is having a pro-social effect? I may have missed this one and I am very interested in a possible pro-social effect.


Cow how Dihexa makes you pro-social? Is it a motivational boost to socialize and/or what else?

#803 knightly

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Posted 29 July 2014 - 01:26 PM

I think that maybe we have something deep down that we need to sort out, like maybe we all just need to get out more in the sun and go play, and go with friends,etc and then as a result we won't be thinking about weather we need vitamins to stay alive or not.




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#804 neuroatypicow

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Posted 29 July 2014 - 01:34 PM


thanks SK, :)

i'm trying to pull my weight, in spite of my diagnoses and with no formal education aside from music.


Would you know that musicians often make the very best hackers?



i appreciate that SK.

- - -

ok, i've taken NSI for a month now, and have consumed approximately 100 mg. of Dihexa, so now would be a good time to suspend all neurogenic compounds for 2 weeks in the case of NSI, and 3 weeks in the case of Dihexa. I'll report in periodically as i experience the post-trial period of consolidation and integration, relating my moooooooood and functioning.

#805 neuroatypicow

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Posted 29 July 2014 - 01:36 PM

I think that maybe we have something deep down that we need to sort out, blahblahblah...


i think that you absolutely do.

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#806 therein

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Posted 29 July 2014 - 02:15 PM


 is the pro-social effect that it clearly appears to be having on cognition AND, let us not forget the relationship, behavior.


Who else except from Cow is having a pro-social effect? I may have missed this one and I am very interested in a possible pro-social effect.


Cow how Dihexa makes you pro-social? Is it a motivational boost to socialize and/or what else?



I would say I am getting somewhat of a pro-social effect from it. It increases my verbal fluency and makes most things effortless. I am not sure if my last week has been an easy week or if Dihexa made everything I do (including pretty advanced programming) feel a lot easier than usual. 

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#807 xks201

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Posted 29 July 2014 - 03:19 PM

I have not drank since the first report. My buddy offered to buy all of my alcohol last night so I tested the theory again with two double strength long islands and five beers and felt nothing but some very mild motor skill impairment I would normally see with about 2 shots.
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#808 therein

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Posted 29 July 2014 - 03:32 PM

I have not drank since the first report. My buddy offered to buy all of my alcohol last night so I tested the theory again with two double strength long islands and five beers and felt nothing but some very mild motor skill impairment I would normally see with about 2 shots.

I am glad you experienced this too. It seems to be great at preventing cognitive impairment from various substances. I vaporize Cannabis daily before going to bed as a sleep aid and while it still makes me tired and lifts my mood, cognitive impairment from Cannabis has been non-existent. I attribute this to Dihexa as it is the only thing I changed in the last week.

I am taking 15mg whenever I feel the effects are wearing off and I would say I can feel its effects for ~5 days before I need to redose.

Edited by therein, 29 July 2014 - 03:34 PM.

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#809 Strangelove

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Posted 29 July 2014 - 04:42 PM

Any side effects at all anyone?

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#810 sk_scientific

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Posted 29 July 2014 - 05:25 PM

Any side effects at all anyone?


Not that have been detectable for me so far.

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