Has anyone considered doing IV or IM injection of this stuff dissolved in DMSO? That is what the original study did. Not to mention it would have the highest bio-availability.

Dihexa: "it would take 10 million times as much BDNF to get as much new synapse formation as Dihexa."
Posted 06 April 2015 - 07:16 PM
Posted 06 April 2015 - 07:49 PM
Jan's handwriting has relapsed. The attached scan includes the original sampled improvement plus another couple of days sampled improvement followed by yesterday's relapse to the poor handwriting more representative of recent years.
The hiatus lasted approximately 10 days and seems to have been continual for the duration.
Attached Files
Posted 07 April 2015 - 03:12 AM
Jan's handwriting has relapsed. The attached scan includes the original sampled improvement plus another couple of days sampled improvement followed by yesterday's relapse to the poor handwriting more representative of recent years.
The hiatus lasted approximately 10 days and seems to have been continual for the duration.
Maybe she is just having a bad day. The brain is a tricky organ.
Posted 08 April 2015 - 09:43 AM
Jan's handwriting has relapsed.
Crap... :\
Did you change the administration schedule in between events? Could tolerance/brain cap be a factor here? Was she somehow previously engaged in some activities that could have improved her handwriting?
On another topic, this one related to the brain's plasticity, I was wondering if you could use some spaced repetition exercises or more likely use some spaced learning pattern to somehow restore/strengthen the brain's connections for (in this particular example) her handwriting. Dihexa plus these (easy) LTP and LTM encoding tecniques should bring some good results.
Posted 09 April 2015 - 05:48 AM
Alright so for all the borderline insane people out there I have news. I just did an IV injection of Dihexa, yes IV!! Though most of you might think I'm an idiot and crazy, you must admit you're glad there is someone crazy enough out there to do it rather than have to wonder about it.
Firstly I should state my source of Dihexa, which is from Nyles7 on ebay. He provided a spectra, but I can't say that really means anything because though I have used NMR I don't know if that is something that could easily be counterfeited, so to speak.
The solution I used was about 1 ml of DMSO I bought from ebay at 99.9% purity.
I sterilized the Dihexa by putting it in my freezer at -30 degrees F (that should kill anything short of archea and viruses), but there is really no worry because I doubt the ones that can kill me live around my house. That would be a different story however, if I were in a hospital. To sterilize the DMSO I literally microwaved it for about 3 minutes, mind you it was only 1 to 2 ml. I read the solution with a laser thermometer. It read over 300 degrees F, so that should suffice. I then waited for it to cool to about 90 - 100 degrees F and then added the 20 mg Dihexa.
I drew up the solution into a 5 ml syringe, smaller would have been better, with a 25 G needle and injected it into one of the veins popping out of my left arm!!
Experience: Can't say I feel anything fantastic yet. Upon injection my lungs and throat started to feel a little tight, kind of like a mini asthma attack, and I have some slight tension in my sinuses and forehead. However, that is about it!! I will update later on. If I get a chance I will to some objective measures, like lumosity or cambridge science, I already have a baseline from previous tests, so that won't be an issue. Bring on the comments!!!
Posted 10 April 2015 - 01:56 AM
Posted 10 April 2015 - 04:22 AM
Wouldn’t hurt you a bit. I’ve dissolved it in a teaspoon of DMSO, set it on the magnetic stirrer for an hour (that stuff is a bitch to dissolve), and drank it. Lately though, I’ve been pouring it into an old Afrin bottle and administering it intranasally, because of the results jabowery is reporting.
Does anybody know how long a DMSO solution will keep in the fridge, though? I’m not worried about dissolving it per se, since that what they’re doing at WSU. So I know it’s not destroying or denaturing the Dihexa. But what if I store the solution refrigerated for say a week, a month, a year?
Posted 10 April 2015 - 04:45 PM
Wouldn’t hurt you a bit. I’ve dissolved it in a teaspoon of DMSO, set it on the magnetic stirrer for an hour (that stuff is a bitch to dissolve), and drank it. Lately though, I’ve been pouring it into an old Afrin bottle and administering it intranasally, because of the results jabowery is reporting.
Does anybody know how long a DMSO solution will keep in the fridge, though? I’m not worried about dissolving it per se, since that what they’re doing at WSU. So I know it’s not destroying or denaturing the Dihexa. But what if I store the solution refrigerated for say a week, a month, a year?
I would just make the solution as needed. This compound is so new I don't think anyone can answer your question definitively.
Also, I don't have any update on the effects from injection. I will do another injection Monday and hopefully I will have something good to share. As far as I can tell cerebrolysin worked much better for me, but I took cerebrolysin after a lot of pot smoking and relatively heavy drinking.
Posted 10 April 2015 - 06:39 PM
Posted 10 April 2015 - 08:20 PM
I would just make the solution as needed. This compound is so new I don't think anyone can answer your question definitively.
I was able to find a little bit of information on the subject—looks positive overall:
The stability of Dihexa stock solutions (DMSO/water) at 15ºC was assessed. The samples were transferred to autosampler vials and internal standard was added. The samples were stored in the autosampler and injected into the system for HPLC-MS analysis on day one, three and nine after preparation. There was no apparent reduction in response over nine days. The stability of Dihexa in acetonitrile stored at -20ºC over 64 hours was also assessed. There was no reduction in the responses compared to freshly made samples. These data indicate Dihexa is stable in its stock solution if chilled for at least nine days and in acetonitrile at -20ºC for at least two days, and probably much longer.
Citation: http://www.dissertat...ccoy_020110.pdf
Posted 11 April 2015 - 02:29 AM
Posted 11 April 2015 - 06:10 AM
I bought a Benchmark on the recommendation of a couple of people here. It was about $200. The cheapest I’ve ever seen my particular model anywhere was about $185 with free shipping. Unfortunately, I can’t find the vendor’s web site again. But you don’t really need a heavy-duty stirrer just for mixing liquids that have the viscosity of water and are only being mixed for a few minutes to an hour. If you just want to use it for mixing powders with water or DMSO, one of the cheap Hannas will do just fine. You can even make one out of a PC fan. Just glue some magnets to the rotor, and Bob’s your uncle. Here’s the one I made from stuff I had laying around:
Posted 11 April 2015 - 08:03 AM
Posted 11 April 2015 - 04:04 PM
Still trying to figure that one out. If you mix water and DMSO, strange things happen. First of all, you get an exothermic reaction, so don’t mix a lot together. Not sure if it will blow up or burn your face off or whatever. But here’s where it gets interesting. Water + DMSO + Dihexa = thick, opaque gel. But the gel is still thin enough to be pumped, which may make it absolutely perfect for intranasal application—no drips, no runs! I’m still fiddling around trying to figure out the right ratios, and this will take several more weeks to complete. But a good starting point might be 150 mgs. Dihexa, 5 ml. DMSO, and 10 ml. water. As far as I can tell, all nasal spray bottles are calibrated to administer 0.10 ml/shot.
My ultimate goal is to perfect a ‘hippocampal cocktail’ of Dihexa, tianeptine, NSI-189, and Semax that can be administered intranasally. I’m pretty close to figuring out how to do it. I think it’s doable—I just need to get some lipophized Semax and run a few more tests.
Posted 13 April 2015 - 02:31 PM
As far a I can tell the dihexa I got from Nyles7 isn't real. I have felt no effects whatsoever, and I injected it intravenously.
Posted 13 April 2015 - 08:33 PM
As far a I can tell the dihexa I got from Nyles7 isn't real. I have felt no effects whatsoever, and I injected it intravenously.
Other than anecdotal reports from pseudonymous folks on the net, why would you expect any subjectively noticeable short-term effects as diagnostic of dihexa?
The animal studies showed no significant effects on normal rats. Improvement in neurologically damaged rats occurred over the course of a month.
Posted 14 April 2015 - 07:04 AM
Posted 14 April 2015 - 03:46 PM
I may give up on this little project. While snorting DMSO was OK for a few days, I found that after two or three weeks some skin irritation occurred. Strangely enough, it seems that you can apply the stuff directly to mucous membranes until the cows come home with no ill effects. The irritation actually occurred on the portion of the skin of the nose where the liquid dripped out of the nostrils.
Posted 15 April 2015 - 05:10 PM
Jabowery any update on your wifes condition?
Posted 15 April 2015 - 07:32 PM
I may give up on this little project. While snorting DMSO was OK for a few days, I found that after two or three weeks some skin irritation occurred. Strangely enough, it seems that you can apply the stuff directly to mucous membranes until the cows come home with no ill effects. The irritation actually occurred on the portion of the skin of the nose where the liquid dripped out of the nostrils.
Here's what we do:
Dilute it with distilled water until the following doesn't cause much pain:
Get an eye dropper. Draw up the H2O+DMSO+Dihexa solution. Lie on your back with your head over the edge of the bed so your head is tilted down. Drop half of the solution into each nostril. Don't snort, just let it drain while you lie there. After a few minutes you might "snorting" to help it penetrate but mostly what you'll do is get the "excess" to the back of your throat and, if you snort too hard, into your bronchial tubes -- which you don't want of course. Sit up and make sure you cough up any that goes into your wind pipe so that any that drains from your sinuses goes into your stomach.
Posted 15 April 2015 - 08:29 PM
Posted 15 April 2015 - 08:33 PM
Posted 15 April 2015 - 08:48 PM
I would prefer to take it orally would 150 mg dihexa to 5 ml DMSo to 1 ml of water be a good start?
We use, by volume, 25% DMSO and 75% distilled H2O to get the burn down.
Posted 16 April 2015 - 07:40 AM
So how much dihexa should i use of I do it this way thanks!
Posted 16 April 2015 - 10:13 AM
So how much dihexa should i use of I do it this way thanks!
So how much dihexa should i use of I do it this way thanks!
Good question. If you find out, let us know. My guess is that 150mg is excessive except, perhaps, as an, initial, loading dose.
Posted 16 April 2015 - 06:35 PM
Posted 16 April 2015 - 10:44 PM
How are you guys storing your Dihexa?
Posted 16 April 2015 - 11:20 PM
How are you guys storing your Dihexa?
Preferably in horse semen
Posted 17 April 2015 - 07:25 AM
So how much dihexa should i use of I do it this way thanks!
Your guess is as good as anybody else’s. Quite frankly, I’m a little leery of the stuff myself, after cracking open my old freshman biology text and boning up on tyrosine kinase receptors. I have 500 milligrams left. I’m going to take 50 milligrams on the first day of each month until it is gone. Time will tell if I buy more. I think I’m just going to dissolve it in a teaspoon of DMSO and drink it.
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