Dihexa: "it would take 10 million times as much BDNF to get as much new synapse formation as Dihexa."
Posted 26 May 2015 - 08:33 AM
Posted 26 May 2015 - 09:10 AM
Mine is in powder. As for the crystal rocks... dmso is an option as is a big hammer!
Posted 26 May 2015 - 10:00 AM
I’ve seen two different products. Both resembled coarse sand. One was a light tan color, and the second sample (from Nyles) is a very, very faint yellow color. The chunks varied in size; the largest were about the size of #12 sand, or tiny pebbles. From a dissertation paper published at WSU, Dihexa simply does not dissolve in water. It is soluble in DMSO and acetonitrile. The largest granules will take several hours to dissolve in DMSO on a magnetic stirrer. Grinding with a mortar and pestle is the only way to get it to dissolve faster, and is the only way to weigh out microscoop quantities, as some of the granules can easily weigh more than five milligrams.
Posted 26 May 2015 - 12:22 PM
Posted 26 May 2015 - 07:46 PM
So, sublingual or with water is not an option
Extremely unlikely, based on the available evidence.
Posted 11 June 2015 - 12:25 PM
The group buy is still open, right?
I wouldn't Dihexa anymore, is there anybody interested in my spot?
Posted 11 June 2015 - 08:50 PM
Ok so it looks like a comprehensive metabolic panel, which includes tests for liver function, would be the best way to go with blood work. I am thinking a hormone panel would be worthwhile too, as angiotensin regulates aldosterone (not sure about AngIV specifically?). Where is the best place to have these done, and for a reasonable price? I found a hormone saliva test online, but nothing for blood work. And I doubt most GPs would be willing to order these panels for healthy patients. I am going to call Labcorp and Quest tomorrow to see if they will do personal tests. I will be keeping an eye on blood pressure as well.
Would this help aldosterone, or hinder it? I ask because I have a minor problem with aldosterone.
Posted 11 June 2015 - 10:04 PM
I’ve seen two different products. Both resembled coarse sand. One was a light tan color, and the second sample (from Nyles) is a very, very faint yellow color. The chunks varied in size; the largest were about the size of #12 sand, or tiny pebbles. From a dissertation paper published at WSU, Dihexa simply does not dissolve in water. It is soluble in DMSO and acetonitrile. The largest granules will take several hours to dissolve in DMSO on a magnetic stirrer. Grinding with a mortar and pestle is the only way to get it to dissolve faster, and is the only way to weigh out microscoop quantities, as some of the granules can easily weigh more than five milligrams.
Do you or anyone else mind linking to an online retailer where I can buy cheap DMSO or acetonitrile, preferably on Amazon. I have a gram of Dihexa sitting here waiting to be dissolved!
Edited by crazepharmacist, 11 June 2015 - 10:05 PM.
Posted 11 June 2015 - 11:40 PM
I have a question for the Dihexa users.
Is dihexa more like aniracetam, in that it makes you more creative, imaginative and inventive.
Is dihexa more like ritalin or oxyracetam, in that it makes it easier for you to focus
on one task, and think of nothing else, until it's finished.
The difference is essentially between a broad perspective, that allows you to be more imaginative, creative etc.
and a narrow perspective, giving you a concentrated, laser-beam like, focus.
Thanks to any Dihexa users that answer this question.
Posted 12 June 2015 - 01:06 AM
Do you or anyone else mind linking to an online retailer where I can buy cheap DMSO or acetonitrile, preferably on Amazon. I have a gram of Dihexa sitting here waiting to be dissolved!
I always buy this stuff. I think it’s the cheapest, but I’m not sure. Note the free shipping. I assume you bought the gram from Nyles?
Posted 12 June 2015 - 01:35 AM
I’ve seen two different products. Both resembled coarse sand. One was a light tan color, and the second sample (from Nyles) is a very, very faint yellow color. The chunks varied in size; the largest were about the size of #12 sand, or tiny pebbles. From a dissertation paper published at WSU, Dihexa simply does not dissolve in water. It is soluble in DMSO and acetonitrile. The largest granules will take several hours to dissolve in DMSO on a magnetic stirrer. Grinding with a mortar and pestle is the only way to get it to dissolve faster, and is the only way to weigh out microscoop quantities, as some of the granules can easily weigh more than five milligrams.
Do you or anyone else mind linking to an online retailer where I can buy cheap DMSO or acetonitrile, preferably on Amazon. I have a gram of Dihexa sitting here waiting to be dissolved!
What are you gonna do with acetonitrile?
Posted 12 June 2015 - 01:47 AM
Yeah, drinking acetonitrile doesn’t sound like a good plan to me. I’m not even sure why they are using it at WSU; I haven’t read the entire dissertation, only skimmed the salient parts. I can’t imagine they were injecting the mice with Dihexa using the stuff as the solvent. Seems to me that you would just have a bunch of dead mice on your hands. They were probably just seeing what it would dissolve in.
Posted 12 June 2015 - 02:55 AM
I bought that same DMSO that Heisenburger just suggested, and made a solution yesterday with it. I read that you can freeze precip the DMSO out to obtain a more pure product, but neglected to do so since I am only taking around 1/2 mL of the stuff a day anyway. What dose are you guys using with DMSO? I tried 5mg this morning, definitely felt the effects. Tried to do sublingual but swallowed the liquid after a second due to a burning sensation.
Posted 03 July 2015 - 06:09 PM
Any news from people currently using Dihexa? I've ordered some Dihexa off of Nyles from ebay - here's hoping it will have some good effects.
Could someone please report back if they noticed increased visualization capabilities from using it?
Posted 03 July 2015 - 08:29 PM
I find it much easier to do math problems in my head. That is the only objective effect I have noticed. Otherwise it produces a general stimulant/wakefulness effect.
Posted 03 July 2015 - 11:14 PM
When I took this stuff a few months ago, I didn't notice anything immediately. However, I went through several changes that when taken together are promising. For one, I started weightlifting and doing well, something that I had tried to do in the past but it made me feel awful every time I did. Not this time though, and I'm doing it several times a week now.
At the same time, I also studied for and took the GRE.
I stopped playing computer games, and watching shows.
Most importantly, I became OBSESSED with a technical field that I had previously known nothing about and am currently doing well in that too. By obsessed, I mean learning about it for 9 hours every day.
Currently, I'm busy with other things and I wouldn't say I'm bored with the subject now, but I'm definitely not as interested. School has sucked up all my time (it generally sucks anyway.) When I finish my summer course, I may start the Dihexa again and see if the supposed effects are the same as the first time. In theory, the effects should be permanent, so my interest should start up again when school ends - without taking the drug. We'll see.
Posted 04 July 2015 - 03:50 PM
When I took this stuff a few months ago, I didn't notice anything immediately. However, I went through several changes that when taken together are promising. For one, I started weightlifting and doing well, something that I had tried to do in the past but it made me feel awful every time I did. Not this time though, and I'm doing it several times a week now.
At the same time, I also studied for and took the GRE.
I stopped playing computer games, and watching shows.
Most importantly, I became OBSESSED with a technical field that I had previously known nothing about and am currently doing well in that too. By obsessed, I mean learning about it for 9 hours every day.
Currently, I'm busy with other things and I wouldn't say I'm bored with the subject now, but I'm definitely not as interested. School has sucked up all my time (it generally sucks anyway.) When I finish my summer course, I may start the Dihexa again and see if the supposed effects are the same as the first time. In theory, the effects should be permanent, so my interest should start up again when school ends - without taking the drug. We'll see.
That's really promising. What doses did you take of the drug, and what route of administration?
Also, do you have any idea how it would do with meditation?
I find it much easier to do math problems in my head. That is the only objective effect I have noticed. Otherwise it produces a general stimulant/wakefulness effect.
Hey Fenix,
Thanks for responding. What doses of Dihexa have you been using, and what route of adminsitration?
Have you noticed any signs in terms of increased connectivity to your unconscious; better meditation or increased recall of dreams?
I'd appreciate your thoughts!
Posted 04 July 2015 - 08:13 PM
I took 30mg twice a week for 3 weeks. Orally. I would've used DMSO, but the good stuff is pretty expensive and with DMSO, you should get the best so that you don't drag whatever impurities are in it into your blood.
Meditation? I dunno... I did forget to mention though that my sleep quality has improved. Maybe they're related.
Posted 04 July 2015 - 10:11 PM
kassem23, subjectively, I feel a little bit more "in tune" with things, but I am unable to tell whether this would be a placebo effect. I have not noticed any difference in my dreams, and I rarely remember much of them. I am taking around 5 to 10mg per day sublingually in a DMSO solution.
What would your goal be regarding awareness of your unconscious? It seems difficult to do that seeing as how the unconscious mind by definition is hidden from normal experience. Do you believe that meditation reveals the unconscious? I believe that Carl Jung had some good ideas regarding the unconscious and might invest some time in reading one of his books.
Posted 05 July 2015 - 03:44 PM
kassem23, subjectively, I feel a little bit more "in tune" with things, but I am unable to tell whether this would be a placebo effect. I have not noticed any difference in my dreams, and I rarely remember much of them. I am taking around 5 to 10mg per day sublingually in a DMSO solution.
What would your goal be regarding awareness of your unconscious? It seems difficult to do that seeing as how the unconscious mind by definition is hidden from normal experience. Do you believe that meditation reveals the unconscious? I believe that Carl Jung had some good ideas regarding the unconscious and might invest some time in reading one of his books.
I absolutely believe that most people are out of touch with their unconscious. Meditation brings one more into contact with one's higher self, and lets go of the monkey-brain (lower self / ego-consciousness, or however you want to say it). Meditation is one of the best methods for increasing cognitive function, including memory, focus and increasing will-power. It changes your brain on a physical level too, and there's lots of research that shows this to be the case.
As for being more in tune with things, that sounds good - what I meant, though, specifically, was whether you could see some qualitative difference in your ability to imagine sense-impressions, visually, auditorily or even viscerally. Say I ask you to imagine a water-fall, do you notice any qualitative difference in your ability to do so, compared to before Dihexa administration? That's the sort of inquiry I meant.
Visualization is paramount for the development of the imagination, and the imagination (symbolically) speaks the same language as the unconscious; hence, referring to the unconscious in this regard.
As for Carl Jung, I'm well-aware of his works, and find him to be a very knowledgeable mystic, but unfortunately, he didn't have the right guidance to truly benefit from his wisdom (e.g. his long-running psychosis, and whatnot) and would've done well to have had a guru to teach him the fundamentals of meditation; though he was an adept at some specific meditation techniques, including the use of Mandala's to express the unconscious material.
Edited by kassem23, 05 July 2015 - 03:47 PM.
Posted 10 July 2015 - 02:58 AM
How safe is DMSO? Is it neurotoxic? I really want to try Dihexa but am worried about the toxicity of the mentioned solvent. Are there alternative substances that will dissolve DIhexa?
Posted 01 August 2015 - 05:04 AM
Transdermal application seems interesting. What is the best way to do it? What is the best type of material to make a patch and how to do it? I've tried to dissolve dihexa in DSMO and simply rubbed into the skin. Seemingly it works, but obviously it is not the best way to do it.
Posted 10 August 2015 - 11:16 PM

Edited by phil8462643, 10 August 2015 - 11:17 PM.
Posted 10 August 2015 - 11:32 PM
Posted 11 August 2015 - 12:04 PM
Hello old friends. What is the general consensus compared to prl8-53 or was it 5-83? The nsi? Colouro? Any new developments? I got locked out of the account and one thing lead to another.... All is good and I hope all of y'all are doing well, I can't wait to hear back from some of you guys if anyone from 2013 is still here.. All the best.
look into reddit if You cant find some infos
Posted 19 August 2015 - 02:14 AM
So we don't have much to say as to positive effects regarding this very potent drug?
Posted 19 August 2015 - 06:27 AM
So we don't have much to say as to positive effects regarding this very potent drug?
Absorption is the biggest problem about this compound. DMSO obviously totally dissolves this compound; however, when you take it sublingually, the water from the saliva basically extract it out forming a gel-like substance which most likely do not absorb along with the DMSO. Same thing would possibly happen in the stomach. Just try this: dissolve dihexa in DMSO as concentrated as possible and place few drops of the solution under the tongue for as long as you can and just don't swallow it disregard how much it irritate your mouth. After a while you will feel the gel forming under the tongue and that means the dihexa is not absorbed (or very little absorbed?) - you can even spit it out and see the gel. No matter how potent dihexa is and if it is not absorbed well enough, it will not produce appropriate results. Dissolving dihexa in MCT oil seems like to me produce a little better responses, but who knows how much it is absorbed and delivered to the brain. I need more equipment to quantify the experiment of dihexa.
Dissolving dihexa in DMSO and apply topically actually make sense as some people (Lurker1) in previous post suggested, but choosing a good spot to apply is another experiment.
Posted 19 August 2015 - 07:02 PM
Posted 19 August 2015 - 07:53 PM
The stuff is orally active. We don’t really need to be pulling all these I Love Lucy antics to get it into our bloodstreams. We just like to tinker with stuff and play pirate scientist.
ETA: Don’t even ask me about these guys who want try sticking everything up their ass. I suspect they have some ulterior motive.
Edited by Heisenburger, 19 August 2015 - 07:58 PM.
Posted 20 August 2015 - 12:43 AM
I just I had noticed something profound, but there is nothing positive I can say about the stuff.
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