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Dihexa: "it would take 10 million times as much BDNF to get as much new synapse formation as Dihexa."

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#1411 Amorphous

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Posted 20 August 2015 - 05:03 AM

I didn't say it is not orally active. It is definitely orally active as expressed in my previous posts. Since I have only limited amount of dihexa, I was trying to optimize the usage of whatever I have on hand, and I just tried to communicate my findings to other Longecity user or member. I think I am old timer. I've learned so much from reading other peoples experiences and I feel like I need to contribute mine. Using it "topically" to improve bio-availability was suggested by other member long time ago, and I think I have to agree at this moment. Rectal use-haven't and will not try it. IV or IM-wouldn't even dare 

Immediate feeling after dihexa includes clarity and energizing. 

Objective response includes insomnia (late use) and increase blood pressure

Long-term effect--to be determined

#1412 phil8462643

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Posted 24 August 2015 - 07:39 AM

I mentioned jiao gu lan a few posts back and said I would post my findings. Zip, Nada, Placeboooooooooh no. Just to be complete. I might make a concentrate and try it to see if I can possibly get something out of the bottle I paid for. oh well.

Theoretically, for purely research purposes and never actually happening, 100 percent hobby purposes, and purely theoretically,
Near the beginning of this thread, there were new compounds coming up quite often. has anyone read about any compounds that might work like or better than dexedrine or adderall? In my area, I have read that docs dont have the ability to prescribe. I am mostly interested in info on something that people with the gene which makes dexedrine calm them down and focus respond well to. Could even be a close relative. I have theoretically tried maybe 20 nootropics. I thought that if anyone had the research, this would be where they might be.
Phil8462643 (taken from pi)

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#1413 aphex

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Posted 26 August 2015 - 10:59 AM

Did anyone of you ever get the ordered Dihexa from xks201 (OP)?

I don't want to read every single page and for me it seems you guys are discussing the effects you get from the dihexa received by another person but not the actual group buy.

I wrote a message to xks201 but he didn't answer.

... So this was a scam?

#1414 jabowery

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Posted 26 August 2015 - 05:28 PM


Absorption is the biggest problem about this compound. DMSO obviously totally dissolves this compound; however, when you take it sublingually, the water from the saliva basically extract it out forming a gel-like substance which most likely do not absorb along with the DMSO.



I wonder if the gel is a polymerization of the dimer.  Dihexa is a dimer.


Polymerization would likely deactivate dihexa.

Did anyone of you ever get the ordered Dihexa from xks201 (OP)?

I don't want to read every single page and for me it seems you guys are discussing the effects you get from the dihexa received by another person but not the actual group buy.

I wrote a message to xks201 but he didn't answer.

... So this was a scam?


He delivered to most if not all.  There may be some residual disputes.

#1415 Amorphous

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Posted 28 August 2015 - 05:43 AM



I wonder if the gel is a polymerization of the dimer.  Dihexa is a dimer.


Polymerization would likely deactivate dihexa.


That is possibly the reason the effect of dihexa in DSMO is not as noticable as it is in MCT oil. 

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#1416 Ark

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Posted 28 August 2015 - 01:18 PM

I wonder if the gel is a polymerization of the dimer. Dihexa is a dimer.

Polymerization would likely deactivate dihexa.

That is possibly the reason the effect of dihexa in DSMO is not as noticable as it is in MCT oil.

That means most people kissed their money away, hopefully the word gets out. Good post, I was extremely skeptical of DMSO for Dihexa from the start. Especially when olive oil mixed with allot of black pepper definitely had a enhanced effect when taking together orally. The effect can be extremely pronounced and one should use caution when using. (If not obvious) The effects are extremely profound and I don't want to go into my experiences but I can vouch it's bioavailability is high. I only wanted to jump in and say my piece so no one goes mega dosing it because they read on the forum it does nothing or close to nothing.

#1417 Fenix_

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Posted 30 August 2015 - 06:40 AM

Well I have most of my dihexa dissolved in DMSO at the moment. It is definitely more potent than just eating the straight powder, for me at least. I do get a bit of that gel when I dose (sublingual). I think that even if it polymerizes in saliva, it might break down again in the digestive tract or in the blood. Also I can confirm that the powder itself is orally active as well. No need to get fancy, but the DMSO will probably make it last longer.

#1418 jabowery

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Posted 30 August 2015 - 02:39 PM

Well I have most of my dihexa dissolved in DMSO at the moment. It is definitely more potent than just eating the straight powder, for me at least. I do get a bit of that gel when I dose (sublingual). I think that even if it polymerizes in saliva, it might break down again in the digestive tract or in the blood. Also I can confirm that the powder itself is orally active as well. No need to get fancy, but the DMSO will probably make it last longer.


There is the possibility that the gel is a colloid and not a polymer.  A colloid would increase the surface area of the dihexa, rendering it more available rather than less.


Has DMSO been used in any of the dihexa studies?  If not, what is the solvent used?

#1419 Fenix_

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Posted 30 August 2015 - 05:55 PM

I think all of the studies have been done with either IV or intracerebral injections.

#1420 di36

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Posted 11 September 2015 - 12:34 PM

has anyone noticed any lack of focus while on dihexa?

#1421 fairy

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Posted 11 September 2015 - 06:02 PM

has anyone noticed any lack of focus while on dihexa?


Yes, check this report: https://goo.gl/kCeUy3.

#1422 Fenix_

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Posted 11 September 2015 - 11:47 PM

Apparently if you take too much dihexa you may start using lots of big words and write blog posts on leddit.

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#1423 Ark

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Posted 12 September 2015 - 12:42 AM

I found the best dosage is 68 mg twice a day suspended in olive oil and black pepper. Washed down with grape fruit juice.
My total consumption, is around 4 grams over a month ingested the way I described.

Edited by Ark, 12 September 2015 - 12:43 AM.

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#1424 Ark

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Posted 12 September 2015 - 12:45 AM

I'm planning on doing 4 more grams and running another blog/log. I'm giving my body a chance to adjust since many including myself have had hypothermia issues as a strange and curious side effect.

#1425 Un chien andalou

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Posted 24 September 2015 - 01:58 AM

Dihexa: the story and science of a neurogenic wonder-drug

Edited by Un chien andalou, 24 September 2015 - 01:59 AM.

#1426 plumper76

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Posted 24 September 2015 - 11:32 PM

So according to that article latent tumors would turn cameos with dehexa use. My question to the community is how dangerous so you think occasional oral use of dehexa is? Obviously someone's knowledgeable about cancer and the dehexa compound could beat answer this question.
So according to that article latent tumors would turn cameos with dehexa use. My question to the community is how dangerous so you think occasional oral use of dehexa is? Obviously someone's knowledgeable about cancer and the dehexa compound could beat answer this question.

#1427 toob-man

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Posted 27 September 2015 - 10:12 AM

I mentioned jiao gu lan a few posts back and said I would post my findings. Zip, Nada, Placeboooooooooh no. Just to be complete. I might make a concentrate and try it to see if I can possibly get something out of the bottle I paid for. oh well.

Theoretically, for purely research purposes and never actually happening, 100 percent hobby purposes, and purely theoretically,
Near the beginning of this thread, there were new compounds coming up quite often. has anyone read about any compounds that might work like or better than dexedrine or adderall? In my area, I have read that docs dont have the ability to prescribe. I am mostly interested in info on something that people with the gene which makes dexedrine calm them down and focus respond well to. Could even be a close relative. I have theoretically tried maybe 20 nootropics. I thought that if anyone had the research, this would be where they might be.
Phil8462643 (taken from pi)

I tried Dexedrine once, several decades ago, and found that it had little effect, and mainly "slowed me down." I've taken Ritalin, and am currently using Focalin (which is the "good half" of the two drugs in Ritalin), and they definitely help with focus and getting things done, but again, just a little. Plus, they have "uncomfortable side-effects," including tachycardia, nothing huge, but a day or two off of them leaves me feeling noticeably better. I just read that they increase norepinephrine, which may explain it. The good LONG-TERM nootropics for me are Neriracetam, Noopept, PRL-8-53, and Fasoracetam. I have a fair amount of "chemo-brain," and they make a big difference.


Still, there's that "get things done" problem. I plan on trying Bromantane and N-Acetyl-Semax (from Ceretropic), which I read somewhere, I think here, is a good alternative to Adderall, and without the jittery side-effects (they do NOT boost norepinephrine). And I have just started another focus and get-things-done drug, nicotine. I've never smoked, but I think the smokers may be on to something. I had tried the patches before, and thought the same thing, but they are too expensive and hard to control on dosing. Someone mentioned that you can get nicotine in oil for "vaping," but that instead of using the electric cigarette thing, you can simply put a drop or two on the back of your hand and rub it in. I bought a little 10-ml, 18 mg per ml, bottle for < $6, but I can tell you now that once you figure out the dose you want, you will probably want to get the UNFLAVORED stuff. Maybe some flavors are good, but for me, rum's a bust.





#1428 toob-man

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Posted 27 September 2015 - 10:28 AM

So according to that article latent tumors would turn cameos with dehexa use. My question to the community is how dangerous so you think occasional oral use of dehexa is? Obviously someone's knowledgeable about cancer and the dehexa compound could beat answer this question.
So according to that article latent tumors would turn cameos with dehexa use. My question to the community is how dangerous so you think occasional oral use of dehexa is? Obviously someone's knowledgeable about cancer and the dehexa compound could beat answer this question.


This MIGHT be nonsense. Making connections between cells, and causing cells to multiply, are two different things. I have never read that Dihexa boosts cell growth by a factor of 10 million, or even that it creates 10 million connections (per dose of whatever), rather, that it is 10 million times more effective than -- what was it? -- BGNF or something. In other words, the analysis may include an unconscious shift from the subject of connections to the subject of cell replication, a "shift-error."



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#1429 Fenix_

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Posted 28 September 2015 - 07:39 AM

Dihexa would accelerate stem cell division, in addition to differentiation and neuronal outgrowth, because its MOA is basically activating hepatocyte growth factor in the brain. I am not sure why but maybe HGF (or the c-Met receptor) in the CNS is structurally different than elsewhere in the body?


Source (posted earlier in this thread):

Edited by Fenix_, 28 September 2015 - 07:40 AM.

#1430 HappyShoe

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Posted 29 September 2015 - 02:25 AM

I read on here that a great method of administering/dissolving Dihexa is in MCT Oil. Unfortunately mine was recently destroyed by accident(the glass container shattered and it was lost). However, I happened to have some of this http://www.bulletpro...d-brain-octane/, so I gave it a shot.

I put it in a metal 1/2 cup measuring cup, and used the flat end on the bottom of the handle of a stainless steel knife to crush 30mg. It actually dissolved almost completely. I left the oil in my mouth for like 10 minutes(not sure if this does anything, but I figured why not).
Might be worth doing? It definitely changed the oil to a cloudy whitish color, so it seems it dissolved really well. I also figured if it is more likely to go to the brain, then that oil would be a great choice. This is day 1, so I'll let everyone know how it goes.

#1431 HappyShoe

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Posted 01 October 2015 - 01:18 AM

Day 2, it definitely worked in some way, it disrupted my sleep like crazy, and that never happens to me. My brain kept waking me up with intense thoughts and vivid 'fever dreams', as I would call them. Felt similar to how PQQ interfered with my sleep.

#1432 neuralis

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Posted 02 October 2015 - 11:48 AM

I've used 2 grams of dihexa in the last 4.5 months. Last week I had a brain MRI done and it showed absolutely no sign of possible tumors. 


I know 4.5 months is relatively short period of time and it doesn't really prove anything. Just thought I'd share.

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#1433 sparkk51

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Posted 03 October 2015 - 05:47 AM

I've used 2 grams of dihexa in the last 4.5 months. Last week I had a brain MRI done and it showed absolutely no sign of possible tumors. 


I know 4.5 months is relatively short period of time and it doesn't really prove anything. Just thought I'd share.


What about an increase in brain volume?

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#1434 neuralis

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Posted 03 October 2015 - 02:25 PM


I've used 2 grams of dihexa in the last 4.5 months. Last week I had a brain MRI done and it showed absolutely no sign of possible tumors. 


I know 4.5 months is relatively short period of time and it doesn't really prove anything. Just thought I'd share.


What about an increase in brain volume?


For that I would need to have a scan from earlier point of time. About 10 years ago I suffered a contusion and had a brain MRI done in the ER. Since it happened in another country, I doubt I could get access to the results. Tho it would be cool to compare the results..

#1435 Psyman

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Posted 04 October 2015 - 05:35 PM

How do you compare your current state with your pre-Dihexa state?

He's trolling, and that's all copypasta.

I'm not sure I would call it trolling. Tomfoolery perhaps? None the less, I'm ready to snort a line!

#1436 ceridwen

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Posted 04 October 2015 - 10:07 PM

I took some this week it might slow the progression of Alzheimer's? It improved my mood,ability to move and lessened my tinnitus slightly. Still confused but a mellowing affect on mood quite liked it. Will take more tonight. If it really does cause massive synaptic growth it's no wonder it helps at least a bit but I don't really believe Alzheimer's will be cured until we have nanobots that could do this cell by cell. It also improves the numb feeling I have in my hands on waking. Obviously a multi pronged attack on the disease is required but it helps a bit

#1437 ceridwen

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Posted 04 October 2015 - 10:20 PM

I am pleased with my thinking ability in the now. Some wanted Memories from the recent past still non existent and can not be recalled as required but other memories have been surfacing without requesting them including some I seem to have made during the illness. It's not a complete blank yet. The memories that are surfacing are not useful. They just are. Funny when I remember things the memories I can remember things without hearing the tinnitus in the little cerebral videos though I know it was there but the videos can be rerun without it. I must be remembering tinnitus with another part of the brain. The earliest memories of the illness contain the tinnitus.

#1438 ceridwen

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Posted 04 October 2015 - 10:22 PM

BDNF does nothing for me

#1439 HappyShoe

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Posted 05 October 2015 - 05:00 AM

As of yet, I still haven't 'noticed' anything, but the sleep disturbances make me confident it's doing 'something' at least. So It seems to be absorbing and reaching the brain, but as to its benefits I can't be sure, but it's still early yet.

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#1440 BieraK

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Posted 06 October 2015 - 05:37 AM

I am pleased with my thinking ability in the now. Some wanted Memories from the recent past still non existent and can not be recalled as required but other memories have been surfacing without requesting them including some I seem to have made during the illness. It's not a complete blank yet. The memories that are surfacing are not useful. They just are. Funny when I remember things the memories I can remember things without hearing the tinnitus in the little cerebral videos though I know it was there but the videos can be rerun without it. I must be remembering tinnitus with another part of the brain. The earliest memories of the illness contain the tinnitus.

What are your other supplements?

If Dihexa is working for the alzheimer progression, try combine it with c60, edavarone and leucomethylene blue (methylene blue+vitamin c).
With c60 you are protecting the mitochondrian, I think that new neurons have a better chance of achieve maturarion and migrate for longer distances in the brain while c60 is in the body.
Edavarone is a brain antioxidant, in a recent study in mice edavarone showed very good results in reversing Alzheimer disease.

Methylene Blue is another good option for the stack, it enahces the ATP production, oxygenation, works as antioxidant, activates Sirt1, AMPK, enhances antioxidant genes and can produce new mitochondria.

With c60 and Methylene blue you can protect your brain for the possible risks of Dihexa, c60 is a good anticancer agent, and methylene blue enhances oxygen consumption and as we now a good approach for killing damaged cells and/or cancerous cells is enhance OXPHOS and reduce glycolysis.

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