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Dihexa: "it would take 10 million times as much BDNF to get as much new synapse formation as Dihexa."

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#1441 Baten

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Posted 06 October 2015 - 08:00 AM


I am pleased with my thinking ability in the now. Some wanted Memories from the recent past still non existent and can not be recalled as required but other memories have been surfacing without requesting them including some I seem to have made during the illness. It's not a complete blank yet. The memories that are surfacing are not useful. They just are. Funny when I remember things the memories I can remember things without hearing the tinnitus in the little cerebral videos though I know it was there but the videos can be rerun without it. I must be remembering tinnitus with another part of the brain. The earliest memories of the illness contain the tinnitus.

What are your other supplements?

If Dihexa is working for the alzheimer progression, try combine it with c60, edavarone and leucomethylene blue (methylene blue+vitamin c).


Is this leucomethylene blue available anywhere?

#1442 vdog26

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Posted 10 October 2015 - 05:10 PM

Does anyone know If I have a sample of this product. Where would I be able to send it to get Tested?

If I posses a sample of this substance, would anyone be able to point be to a lab where I can get it tested for authenticity and purity of the substance?

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#1443 Apprentice_Bob

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Posted 15 October 2015 - 03:50 AM

Is there any definitive dose for methylene blue?

#1444 phil8462643

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Posted 20 October 2015 - 06:52 AM

Hey y'all! Just popping back in to update about Jiao gu lan. I'm a Carnosine addict, guess you could say. Ran out of my powder and staring at the herb/vitamin/pill collection. Idea springs to mind... Empty about 5 Jiao gu lan caps into my mouth and take a sip o' water, swish...

I must say that there was an initial wave of energy which reminded me of a sugar rush. But it didn't disappear, leaving me in energy debt like sugar, and upon further analysis and after some time, I would say that it feels like I drank a shot of wheatgrass with a 20 mg Dexedrine sustained release pill.

I found the Jiao gu lan in a Thai herb shop. The shop is top of the line with regards to quality but all info on the bottles was in Thai. I am lucky enough to have a very intelligent and articulate gf who translated out the descriptions on each and almost every bottle, one by one. Did I mention that she is very patient too? I was drawn to the bottle by the pic. Great grandmother was an herb doc and I sometimes wonder if she left some codes in my DNA. It mentioned something about detox and energy. Pills are dehydrated extract, by the flavor and consistency of the powder. I feel great and am 80% sure that I will keep Jiao gu lan in my stack. It feels like a cross between Bacopa and khat (without the let down).

Very subtle in a way, however.

EDIT: The Latin name of Jiao Gu Lan is: Gynostemma Pentaphyllum

Edited by phil8462643, 20 October 2015 - 07:23 AM.

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#1445 toob-man

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Posted 20 October 2015 - 10:10 AM

As of yet, I still haven't 'noticed' anything, but the sleep disturbances make me confident it's doing 'something' at least. So It seems to be absorbing and reaching the brain, but as to its benefits I can't be sure, but it's still early yet.

Have you figured out how much Dihexa can be dissolved per milliliter of the "octane oil?" I have found that ordinary MCT oil, which is about 60% "octane" and 40% "nanane" (I can't remember the official names), cannot hold much, way under 20 mg per ml. When I get some el cheapo glass syringes and graduated cylinders from eBay/Hong Kong, I will get more accurate numbers (I found out that MCT is instant death on rubber plungers). I'm mainly curious as to whether the octane stuff works better than MCT for dissolving Dihexa.


I've been thinking that the best way to take Dihexa is by absorbing it through the skin. I know that can be done with 70% to 90% DMSO (90% does the best job of transporting drugs), but there's the question of whether DMSO messes with the Dihexa. And of course, for all I know, after absorbing, say, 1 ml of DMSO/Dihexa on 4 square inches of skin, you end up with with 4 square inches of white power on your skin! That would be depressing... Anyway, the other option is to see if MCT or the octane can transport it through the skin. I take it you're currently just drinking the oil/Dihexa? With or wiothout food?




#1446 Logic

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Posted 22 October 2015 - 09:42 AM


I am pleased with my thinking ability in the now. Some wanted Memories from the recent past still non existent and can not be recalled as required but other memories have been surfacing without requesting them including some I seem to have made during the illness. It's not a complete blank yet. The memories that are surfacing are not useful. They just are. Funny when I remember things the memories I can remember things without hearing the tinnitus in the little cerebral videos though I know it was there but the videos can be rerun without it. I must be remembering tinnitus with another part of the brain. The earliest memories of the illness contain the tinnitus.

What are your other supplements?

If Dihexa is working for the alzheimer progression, try combine it with c60, edavarone and leucomethylene blue (methylene blue+vitamin c).
With c60 you are protecting the mitochondrian, I think that new neurons have a better chance of achieve maturarion and migrate for longer distances in the brain while c60 is in the body.
Edavarone is a brain antioxidant, in a recent study in mice edavarone showed very good results in reversing Alzheimer disease.

Methylene Blue is another good option for the stack, it enahces the ATP production, oxygenation, works as antioxidant, activates Sirt1, AMPK, enhances antioxidant genes and can produce new mitochondria.

With c60 and Methylene blue you can protect your brain for the possible risks of Dihexa, c60 is a good anticancer agent, and methylene blue enhances oxygen consumption and as we now a good approach for killing damaged cells and/or cancerous cells is enhance OXPHOS and reduce glycolysis.



You may want to consider Turnbuckle's take on combining MB with Niacin.  See no. 14:



I would add 2 parts Ribose to every 1 part of Niacin and take it in small 3 small doses with meals, but thats just a pet theory of mine atm.

#1447 Amorphous

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Posted 23 October 2015 - 03:30 AM

I've been thinking that the best way to take Dihexa is by absorbing it through the skin. I know that can be done with 70% to 90% DMSO (90% does the best job of transporting drugs), but there's the question of whether DMSO messes with the Dihexa. And of course, for all I know, after absorbing, say, 1 ml of DMSO/Dihexa on 4 square inches of skin, you end up with with 4 square inches of white power on your skin! That would be depressing... Anyway, the other option is to see if MCT or the octane can transport it through the skin. I take it you're currently just drinking the oil/Dihexa? With or wiothout food?







There is no white powder left on skin. I've just tested it on my forearm. I can't even see any powder even with a magnifying glass. I used 99.9% pharmaceutical grade DMSO as solvent.

If you are taking Dihexa with MCT oil, the best should be on empty stomach (higher acidicity) or take take with something acidic

#1448 toob-man

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Posted 23 October 2015 - 06:20 AM


I've been thinking that the best way to take Dihexa is by absorbing it through the skin. I know that can be done with 70% to 90% DMSO (90% does the best job of transporting drugs), but there's the question of whether DMSO messes with the Dihexa. And of course, for all I know, after absorbing, say, 1 ml of DMSO/Dihexa on 4 square inches of skin, you end up with with 4 square inches of white power on your skin! That would be depressing... Anyway, the other option is to see if MCT or the octane can transport it through the skin. I take it you're currently just drinking the oil/Dihexa? With or wiothout food?







There is no white powder left on skin. I've just tested it on my forearm. I can't even see any powder even with a magnifying glass. I used 99.9% pharmaceutical grade DMSO as solvent.

If you are taking Dihexa with MCT oil, the best should be on empty stomach (higher acidicity) or take take with something acidic


Excellent! By the way, in the Maya Muir article on DMSO, http://www.dmso.org/...mation/muir.htm, she said:


"The first quality that struck Dr. Jacob about the drug was its ability to pass through membranes, an ability that has been verified by numerous subsequent researchers.[1] DMSO's ability to do this varies proportionally with its strength--up to a 90 percent solution. From 70 percent to 90 percent has been found to be the most effective strength across the skin, and, oddly, performance drops with concentrations higher than 90 percent. Lower concentrations are sufficient to cross other membranes. Thus, 15 percent DMSO will easily penetrate the bladder.[2]

In addition, DMSO can carry other drugs with it across membranes. It is more successful ferrying some drugs, such as morphine sulfate, penicillin, steroids, and cortisone, than others, such as insulin. What it will carry depends on the molecular weight, shape, and electrochemistry of the molecules. This property would enable DMSO to act as a new drug delivery system that would lower the risk of infection occurring whenever skin is penetrated."


I said in my post that the 90% solution was best for transporting drugs, but the article actually says that 90% is best for passing through the skin, so it may or may not be best for transporting drugs. I got some of the 99.98% pharmaceutical grade from eBay, so I'll try it out soon. In the small volumes we're talking about, I'm not sure that it matters, but I'll eventually try both 90% and 99.98%. The only problem is that I can't tell when I've taken Dihexa, at least orally, so unless taking it "through the skin" turns out to be noticeable, there's a good chance that I won't be able to tell whether 90% or 100% is better, even if one of them really does do a better job of transporting Dihexa "into the system."



#1449 angus

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Posted 06 November 2015 - 11:52 AM



I've an original feedback on using dihexa (source: nyles7) in very low dosage w/ sublingual Route of Administration (RoA).


After having read the whole thread, i know most of you recommend other RoA like subdermal (w/ DMSO) or oral (high dosage).

But my experience so far is completly different.

I use it since 7 days in the evening w/ very low dosage (probably near ug/mcg dosage). I simply touch the powder with the tip of one finger, letting it to be a little recovered w/ the powder and then litteraly brush/baste under my tongue w/ the finger.


The effect becomes apparent in less than several minutes. I feel calm, w/ clear ideas. I notice an increase in blood pressure, a little difficulty to breathe, but nothing long and pronounced (lots of similar feedback expressed in this thread).

The day after, my circulation of lower limbs is amazing (i suffer from varicose veins since a few years) and i'm more calm.


I plan to test oral and intra-nasal RoA.


Anybody experienced this?


I can't find any study regarding antiotensin IV stating this possible effect on the circulatory system. Can it be attributed to the temporary increase of blood pressure?

For now, I've no data on my blood pressure since starting dihexa, but as the results are amazing, i'll quantified it on a daily basis. 

#1450 Baten

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Posted 22 November 2015 - 12:15 PM

ebay on nyles7's dihexa;

>>We have removed this listing from the website


I wonder why they'd go and do that?

#1451 toob-man

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Posted 30 November 2015 - 07:28 AM

Okay, For Dihexa + DMSO: it turns out that the rubber plunger in the small, 1 ml polyethylene syringes is not affected by DMSO (to my amazement), so we do not need to use a glass syringe. The eBay/Hong Kong glass syringes were not very good anyway. Also, there are inexpensive polyethylene (PE) syringes with polypropylene (PP) plungers, and I suspect that these will work fine with things like MCT oil that do kill the rubber plungers.


I got some 99.9% pharmaceutical grade DMSO from kaitlynstreasurebox on eBay. They claim that they've been selling DMSO for 30 years, and that they do not sell the cheap stuff. I made a small batch of 90% by measuring 9 ml of DMSO, and adding 1 ml of distilled water. That may seem like a "well, duh," but the result is less than 10 ml, so you cannot simply add water until the total is 10 ml. Well, you can, but the result will be something less than 90%, although that probably won't hurt anything in practice.


50 mg of Nyles' Dihexa just barely dissolves in 2 ml of 90% DMSO. The result looks like syrup. I have a few 3 ml dropper bottles that I got from Extreme Vaping (they have several other sizes), so I added another 1 ml of 90% DMSO and put the result into the 3 ml dropper bottle. That extra 1 ml really helps, changing it from a syrup to a normal, flowing liquid. I got about 103 or 104 drops out of it, so 2.9 ml of DMSO + 50 mg of Dihexa should result in almost exactly 100 drops, i.e., 0.5 mg per drop; nice and simple.


I've been washing my hands to get off any lotion, and then placing 4 drops, 2 mg, into the palm of one hand, and spreading it around with a finger. The DMSO takes some time to absorb through the skin in most places, but seems to go through the skin of the palms quite quickly, just a minute or so. I'm not certain of this -- maybe I accidently used more drops, or spread it over a smaller area -- but I think it absorbs much more quickly through the palms.


Because it is absorbed so quickly, even I can feel the effects, and from just 2 mg. In contrast, I did not notice anything orally, even with 50 mg mixed in (but not really dissolved in) MCT oil. However, this does not by itself mean that this is a much more effective way of taking Dihexa, because delivering a drug fast makes it much more noticeable (one reason drug addicts often end up using needles). However, my impression is that this is indeed a much more efficient way of absorbing Dihexa, and I tend to be happy taking just 2 mg or sometimes 4 mg per day. Having said that, I have no clue as to whether that's just nonsense on my part, whether I really need to take 10 mg or even 20 mg per day. Hopefully we have people here who (1) can tell much more accurately than I can how much Dihexa they have absorbed into their system, and (2) will be able to mix it with DMSO and try it out. Again, the reason I used 90% DMSO is because it moves through the skin quite a bit faster than 100% DMSO (kaitlynstreasurebox also has some 90% DMSO for those who don't want the hassle of mixing it).


Nyles is still selling Dihexa, just not on eBay. Google nyles7 and you'll have his website. Truelife Research also sells it, and claims 99% purity vs Nyles' 97%, but of course they also charge more.


Overall, I think this makes Dihexa much more economically feasible, but there is still the question of whether DMSO somehow messes up Dihexa, and whether taking it orally, perhaps after (mostly) dissolving it in MCT and perhaps adding pepper, is actually better. And of course, Angus' experience with simply getting some on his finger and then brushing it under his tongue may actually be best. I would only point out that he may be using more than he realizes, so we need to know how many "finger touches" equals 50 mg. Hopefully, he can also try the DMSO route and determine whether one is more effective than the other. If DMSO does reduce the effectiveness of Dihexa, then the finger/tongue method may well turn out to be the best way to take it!


And finally, J147 is also soluble in DMSO, and at the crazy prices that stuff costs, I really hope that using a "DMSO palm injection" will work, especially since they say that it is not easily absorbed orally.



#1452 di36

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Posted 02 December 2015 - 10:33 AM

Okay, For Dihexa + DMSO: it turns out that the rubber plunger in the small, 1 ml polyethylene syringes is not affected by DMSO (to my amazement), so we do not need to use a glass syringe. The eBay/Hong Kong glass syringes were not very good anyway. Also, there are inexpensive polyethylene (PE) syringes with polypropylene (PP) plungers, and I suspect that these will work fine with things like MCT oil that do kill the rubber plungers.


I got some 99.9% pharmaceutical grade DMSO from kaitlynstreasurebox on eBay. They claim that they've been selling DMSO for 30 years, and that they do not sell the cheap stuff. I made a small batch of 90% by measuring 9 ml of DMSO, and adding 1 ml of distilled water. That may seem like a "well, duh," but the result is less than 10 ml, so you cannot simply add water until the total is 10 ml. Well, you can, but the result will be something less than 90%, although that probably won't hurt anything in practice.


50 mg of Nyles' Dihexa just barely dissolves in 2 ml of 90% DMSO. The result looks like syrup. I have a few 3 ml dropper bottles that I got from Extreme Vaping (they have several other sizes), so I added another 1 ml of 90% DMSO and put the result into the 3 ml dropper bottle. That extra 1 ml really helps, changing it from a syrup to a normal, flowing liquid. I got about 103 or 104 drops out of it, so 2.9 ml of DMSO + 50 mg of Dihexa should result in almost exactly 100 drops, i.e., 0.5 mg per drop; nice and simple.


I've been washing my hands to get off any lotion, and then placing 4 drops, 2 mg, into the palm of one hand, and spreading it around with a finger. The DMSO takes some time to absorb through the skin in most places, but seems to go through the skin of the palms quite quickly, just a minute or so. I'm not certain of this -- maybe I accidently used more drops, or spread it over a smaller area -- but I think it absorbs much more quickly through the palms.


Because it is absorbed so quickly, even I can feel the effects, and from just 2 mg. In contrast, I did not notice anything orally, even with 50 mg mixed in (but not really dissolved in) MCT oil. However, this does not by itself mean that this is a much more effective way of taking Dihexa, because delivering a drug fast makes it much more noticeable (one reason drug addicts often end up using needles). However, my impression is that this is indeed a much more efficient way of absorbing Dihexa, and I tend to be happy taking just 2 mg or sometimes 4 mg per day. Having said that, I have no clue as to whether that's just nonsense on my part, whether I really need to take 10 mg or even 20 mg per day. Hopefully we have people here who (1) can tell much more accurately than I can how much Dihexa they have absorbed into their system, and (2) will be able to mix it with DMSO and try it out. Again, the reason I used 90% DMSO is because it moves through the skin quite a bit faster than 100% DMSO (kaitlynstreasurebox also has some 90% DMSO for those who don't want the hassle of mixing it).


Nyles is still selling Dihexa, just not on eBay. Google nyles7 and you'll have his website. Truelife Research also sells it, and claims 99% purity vs Nyles' 97%, but of course they also charge more.


Overall, I think this makes Dihexa much more economically feasible, but there is still the question of whether DMSO somehow messes up Dihexa, and whether taking it orally, perhaps after (mostly) dissolving it in MCT and perhaps adding pepper, is actually better. And of course, Angus' experience with simply getting some on his finger and then brushing it under his tongue may actually be best. I would only point out that he may be using more than he realizes, so we need to know how many "finger touches" equals 50 mg. Hopefully, he can also try the DMSO route and determine whether one is more effective than the other. If DMSO does reduce the effectiveness of Dihexa, then the finger/tongue method may well turn out to be the best way to take it!


And finally, J147 is also soluble in DMSO, and at the crazy prices that stuff costs, I really hope that using a "DMSO palm injection" will work, especially since they say that it is not easily absorbed orally.




What results do you have?

#1453 toob-man

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Posted 02 December 2015 - 11:32 PM


What results do you have?



Well, my post was about how to use Dihexa in DMSO, and I added that even I can tell when I have taken 2 mg "through the palm," even though I cannot discern any immediate effects when taking 50 mg orally. It's a "how to mix it" post, not a review of Dihexa's effects.


I am not the best person to tell you Dihexa's effects, in part because I mostly seem to notice long-term effects, not short-term, for the brain drugs I have tried. I have chemo-brain, and I want to find things that (over the long term) help my short-term memory (which took a major hit), that help me to think better in general, and help me to get things done (another major "chemo-hit"). Nefiracetam and Noopept were my best finds, with PRL-8-53, Fasoracetam, and perhaps nicotine (absorbed through the skin) the "up and comers." I THINK that Dihexa may be better than anything else overall, but I suspect that at least some of the others will help in certain areas that Dihexa doesn't help (I'm currently taking Dihexa, Noopept, and nicotine, having run out of the others). To be honest, I hope that several others will try the DMSO/Dihexa route and give their results!



#1454 playground

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Posted 27 December 2015 - 03:33 AM

Hi people,


There are people on here (and elsewhere) that have been researching (or adventuring) with

dihexa for months or even years now.


I have some questions for the knowledgeable and experienced:


=>  Those of you who have taken it, are you still taking it ?

      If not, how long did you take it for ?

      If yes, how long have you been taking it ?


=>  Do the benefits experienced early on, persist... or do they fade away ?


=>  Does it make you feel good ?  Or kinda toxic ?  Or kinda strange ?  Other ?


=>  What are the worst side effects ?

      How did you cope with, cure or mitigate the side effects ?


Thank you to anyone that answers my simple questions.


Happy new year  !





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#1455 bossmanglb

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Posted 11 February 2016 - 05:34 AM



have you been supplementing long enought to come to a more assured judgement of dihexa?


also: chemo brain? if you have or had cancer, why would you risk running something like dihexa that so powerfully

increases c-met, angiogenesis, etc?




I've been thinking that the best way to take Dihexa is by absorbing it through the skin. I know that can be done with 70% to 90% DMSO (90% does the best job of transporting drugs), but there's the question of whether DMSO messes with the Dihexa. And of course, for all I know, after absorbing, say, 1 ml of DMSO/Dihexa on 4 square inches of skin, you end up with with 4 square inches of white power on your skin! That would be depressing... Anyway, the other option is to see if MCT or the octane can transport it through the skin. I take it you're currently just drinking the oil/Dihexa? With or wiothout food?







There is no white powder left on skin. I've just tested it on my forearm. I can't even see any powder even with a magnifying glass. I used 99.9% pharmaceutical grade DMSO as solvent.

If you are taking Dihexa with MCT oil, the best should be on empty stomach (higher acidicity) or take take with something acidic


Excellent! By the way, in the Maya Muir article on DMSO, http://www.dmso.org/...mation/muir.htm, she said:


"The first quality that struck Dr. Jacob about the drug was its ability to pass through membranes, an ability that has been verified by numerous subsequent researchers.[1] DMSO's ability to do this varies proportionally with its strength--up to a 90 percent solution. From 70 percent to 90 percent has been found to be the most effective strength across the skin, and, oddly, performance drops with concentrations higher than 90 percent. Lower concentrations are sufficient to cross other membranes. Thus, 15 percent DMSO will easily penetrate the bladder.[2]

In addition, DMSO can carry other drugs with it across membranes. It is more successful ferrying some drugs, such as morphine sulfate, penicillin, steroids, and cortisone, than others, such as insulin. What it will carry depends on the molecular weight, shape, and electrochemistry of the molecules. This property would enable DMSO to act as a new drug delivery system that would lower the risk of infection occurring whenever skin is penetrated."


I said in my post that the 90% solution was best for transporting drugs, but the article actually says that 90% is best for passing through the skin, so it may or may not be best for transporting drugs. I got some of the 99.98% pharmaceutical grade from eBay, so I'll try it out soon. In the small volumes we're talking about, I'm not sure that it matters, but I'll eventually try both 90% and 99.98%. The only problem is that I can't tell when I've taken Dihexa, at least orally, so unless taking it "through the skin" turns out to be noticeable, there's a good chance that I won't be able to tell whether 90% or 100% is better, even if one of them really does do a better job of transporting Dihexa "into the system."





#1456 toob-man

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Posted 21 February 2016 - 05:00 AM




have you been supplementing long enought to come to a more assured judgement of dihexa?


also: chemo brain? if you have or had cancer, why would you risk running something like dihexa that so powerfully

increases c-met, angiogenesis, etc?


Excellent! By the way, in the Maya Muir article on DMSO, http://www.dmso.org/...mation/muir.htm, she said:


"The first quality that struck Dr. Jacob about the drug was its ability to pass through membranes, an ability that has been verified by numerous subsequent researchers.[1] DMSO's ability to do this varies proportionally with its strength--up to a 90 percent solution. From 70 percent to 90 percent has been found to be the most effective strength across the skin, and, oddly, performance drops with concentrations higher than 90 percent. Lower concentrations are sufficient to cross other membranes. Thus, 15 percent DMSO will easily penetrate the bladder.[2]

In addition, DMSO can carry other drugs with it across membranes. It is more successful ferrying some drugs, such as morphine sulfate, penicillin, steroids, and cortisone, than others, such as insulin. What it will carry depends on the molecular weight, shape, and electrochemistry of the molecules. This property would enable DMSO to act as a new drug delivery system that would lower the risk of infection occurring whenever skin is penetrated."


I said in my post that the 90% solution was best for transporting drugs, but the article actually says that 90% is best for passing through the skin, so it may or may not be best for transporting drugs. I got some of the 99.98% pharmaceutical grade from eBay, so I'll try it out soon. In the small volumes we're talking about, I'm not sure that it matters, but I'll eventually try both 90% and 99.98%. The only problem is that I can't tell when I've taken Dihexa, at least orally, so unless taking it "through the skin" turns out to be noticeable, there's a good chance that I won't be able to tell whether 90% or 100% is better, even if one of them really does do a better job of transporting Dihexa "into the system."





Angiogenesis, the ability to create new capillaries for cells, whether in the heart or in a cancerous tumor, exists normally. Dihexa doesn't "create" angiogenesis, nor does it create cancer cells as far as anyone knows. Having had cancer -- in my case lymphoma, a white blood cell cancer -- doesn't mean that if I take something that boosts nerve growth that my brain cells will become cancerous. Admittedly, these things are indeed related in words, i.e., we can make self-consistent statements that suggest or imply that taking Dihexa would be a bad idea if you've had cancer, but as always, the self-consistency of sentences tells us nothing about truth or reality. For insights into reality, we have to look for things that necessarily follow from reliable premises, or at least, premises we believe to be true. As far as I know -- and I could find out differently tomorrow -- none of your concerns necessarily follow from anything. If I had brain cancer now, or thought that I might still have brain cancer following some treatment, THEN I would think twice about taking Dihexa!

I still don't know what to think about Dihexa. I ran out a while ago, and I would like to try more sometime. I went through most of what I had before I thought to dissolve it in 90% DMSO and simply "inject it" through the skin (let it be absorbed through the skin). I ended up taking just 2 mg/day, and did notice an improvement, but I only took it for a month or so before I ran out. I'm just not sure where it stands relative to J147 (which I have not tried yet). When I was taking Nefiracetam and Noopept, it did seem to provide an additional boost, and at just 2 mg/day, the price is right! If I get more, I will probably try taking 2 mg twice per day, but 2 mg at a time seemed to be all I wanted to take (I tried more a few times but always came back to 2 mg). However, it won't surprise me if others find that 10 mg at a time via DMSO through the skin works best for them.



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#1457 franbird

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Posted 28 June 2016 - 03:45 AM

Please pardon the bump but I've become interested in dihexa as I've been doing cerebrolysin for a few months.


What is the latest consensus regarding the possible risks? Is there a source that anyone could recommend?

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#1458 Baten

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Posted 29 June 2016 - 07:37 PM

Looks like Nyles7 is out of stock. Perhaps try mailing him since he seemed like the only affordable source around. I'd suppose he'd be restocking since his sales seemed to have been quite successful.

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#1459 toob-man

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Posted 29 June 2016 - 08:44 PM

Looks like Nyles7 is out of stock. Perhaps try mailing him since he seemed like the only affordable source around. I'd suppose he'd be restocking since his sales seemed to have been quite successful.

Another inexpensive source ($95/gram) is http://www.limitless.../apps/webstore/.


I think the guy's name is Chris. He was on a Showtime show that featured nootropics, if that means anything. Alas, he is also currently out of stock.


Another option is J147, from https://teamtlr.com/. $100/gram, $270/3 grams, similar to Dihexa. It also can be dissolved in a 90% DMSO 10% distilled water solution. 0.15 g in 5.6 to 5.7 ml gives about 200 drops, i.e. 3 mg per 4 drops. After all the "mouse to human" corrections are made, the amount used in the studies works out to 1 mg per 10 lbs per day, although I've been taking less, and I think everyone should start out at lower doses, just as a "well, duh" point. This assumes that it is 100% absorbed through the skin via DMSO, making it a little over 3 times less expensive than taking it orally. I've been letting it be absorbed through the palms. I tried it elsewhere, ankles and such, and it eventually irritates the skin. It doesn't seem to absorb as easily as Dihexa (which pretty much just goes right through the skin), and I've been applying 4 drops, letting it sit for 10 minutes, then adding a layer of 90% DMSO in an effort to "get it to go on through the skin." Later, you need to apply some MCT oil or lotion. A lot of work! Not worth it if you can afford to take it orally.


Oh, and the stuff does work. I don't think that it covers all the grounds, and I've been taking it along with Dihexa/DMSO (2 to 4 mg per day). I will eventually try adding Nefiracetam. The improvements are slow, but they are noticeable, both in myself and I think in my mother, who has early stage Alzheimer's (the diagnosis was given by a doctor, but they used no test to confirm that it was truly Alzheimer,s and not "ordinary senior brain").


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#1460 Moltic

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Posted 30 June 2016 - 05:19 AM


Looks like Nyles7 is out of stock. Perhaps try mailing him since he seemed like the only affordable source around. I'd suppose he'd be restocking since his sales seemed to have been quite successful.

Another inexpensive source ($95/gram) is http://www.limitless.../apps/webstore/.


I think the guy's name is Chris. He was on a Showtime show that featured nootropics, if that means anything. Alas, he is also currently out of stock.


Another option is J147, from https://teamtlr.com/. $100/gram, $270/3 grams, similar to Dihexa. It also can be dissolved in a 90% DMSO 10% distilled water solution. 0.15 g in 5.6 to 5.7 ml gives about 200 drops, i.e. 3 mg per 4 drops. After all the "mouse to human" corrections are made, the amount used in the studies works out to 1 mg per 10 lbs per day, although I've been taking less, and I think everyone should start out at lower doses, just as a "well, duh" point. This assumes that it is 100% absorbed through the skin via DMSO, making it a little over 3 times less expensive than taking it orally. I've been letting it be absorbed through the palms. I tried it elsewhere, ankles and such, and it eventually irritates the skin. It doesn't seem to absorb as easily as Dihexa (which pretty much just goes right through the skin), and I've been applying 4 drops, letting it sit for 10 minutes, then adding a layer of 90% DMSO in an effort to "get it to go on through the skin." Later, you need to apply some MCT oil or lotion. A lot of work! Not worth it if you can afford to take it orally.


Oh, and the stuff does work. I don't think that it covers all the grounds, and I've been taking it along with Dihexa/DMSO (2 to 4 mg per day). I will eventually try adding Nefiracetam. The improvements are slow, but they are noticeable, both in myself and I think in my mother, who has early stage Alzheimer's (the diagnosis was given by a doctor, but they used no test to confirm that it was truly Alzheimer,s and not "ordinary senior brain").


toob-man, could you tell us more about your Dihexa regimen and what kind of changes you've experienced?

#1461 fairy

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Posted 30 June 2016 - 03:18 PM

Stay away from TLR: https://www.reddit.c...esting_results/.

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#1462 PeaceAndProsperity

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Posted 30 June 2016 - 04:03 PM



I've an original feedback on using dihexa (source: nyles7) in very low dosage w/ sublingual Route of Administration (RoA).


After having read the whole thread, i know most of you recommend other RoA like subdermal (w/ DMSO) or oral (high dosage).

But my experience so far is completly different.

I use it since 7 days in the evening w/ very low dosage (probably near ug/mcg dosage). I simply touch the powder with the tip of one finger, letting it to be a little recovered w/ the powder and then litteraly brush/baste under my tongue w/ the finger.


The effect becomes apparent in less than several minutes. I feel calm, w/ clear ideas. I notice an increase in blood pressure, a little difficulty to breathe, but nothing long and pronounced (lots of similar feedback expressed in this thread).

The day after, my circulation of lower limbs is amazing (i suffer from varicose veins since a few years) and i'm more calm.


I plan to test oral and intra-nasal RoA.


Anybody experienced this?


I can't find any study regarding antiotensin IV stating this possible effect on the circulatory system. Can it be attributed to the temporary increase of blood pressure?

For now, I've no data on my blood pressure since starting dihexa, but as the results are amazing, i'll quantified it on a daily basis. 

Sounds like classic placebo effect: senses are sharpened, "mind is clearer," anxiety or breathlessness or pulse or blood pressure effects are noticed.

I get all these things often when I try new things, even amino acids.

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#1463 toob-man

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Posted 30 June 2016 - 07:13 PM


toob-man, could you tell us more about your Dihexa regimen and what kind of changes you've experienced?


As I said, I take 2 to 4 mg per day in DMSO. I'm not sure how much that equates to either orally or under the tongue. Since I am also taking J147, it's hard to be certain this time about the effects. When I was taking just Dihexa, I noticed a boost for maybe an hour or two, but that's not what I was interested in. Long term, it helped me to think more clearly and easily (I'm interested in long term changes). Really, that's about it, except that I'm not sure whether it was better than PRL-8-53 and Nefiracetam. In other words, does Dihexa do everything they did, and for less money? Since I plan to take J147 for the foreseeable future, my real question is whether Dihexa adds to J147, and whether Nefiracetam adds to both of them.


#1464 Moltic

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Posted 01 July 2016 - 03:42 AM



toob-man, could you tell us more about your Dihexa regimen and what kind of changes you've experienced?


As I said, I take 2 to 4 mg per day in DMSO. I'm not sure how much that equates to either orally or under the tongue. Since I am also taking J147, it's hard to be certain this time about the effects. When I was taking just Dihexa, I noticed a boost for maybe an hour or two, but that's not what I was interested in. Long term, it helped me to think more clearly and easily (I'm interested in long term changes). Really, that's about it, except that I'm not sure whether it was better than PRL-8-53 and Nefiracetam. In other words, does Dihexa do everything they did, and for less money? Since I plan to take J147 for the foreseeable future, my real question is whether Dihexa adds to J147, and whether Nefiracetam adds to both of them.



Could you expand on "think more clearly and easily" ? Also the fact that you were taking J147 is a difficult confounding factor for deducing the true effects of Dihexa. It's just that the initial hype made this substance seem like it would transform people into geniuses, while I'm not sure if it delivered on that for anyone.

#1465 toob-man

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Posted 01 July 2016 - 06:40 AM

As I said, I take 2 to 4 mg per day in DMSO. I'm not sure how much that equates to either orally or under the tongue. Since I am also taking J147, it's hard to be certain this time about the effects. When I was taking just Dihexa, I noticed a boost for maybe an hour or two, but that's not what I was interested in. Long term, it helped me to think more clearly and easily (I'm interested in long term changes). Really, that's about it, except that I'm not sure whether it was better than PRL-8-53 and Nefiracetam. In other words, does Dihexa do everything they did, and for less money? Since I plan to take J147 for the foreseeable future, my real question is whether Dihexa adds to J147, and whether Nefiracetam adds to both of them.



Could you expand on "think more clearly and easily" ? Also the fact that you were taking J147 is a difficult confounding factor for deducing the true effects of Dihexa. It's just that the initial hype made this substance seem like it would transform people into geniuses, while I'm not sure if it delivered on that for anyone.


I may be able to expand a little, but not much. We're not talking tests, just the increasingly obvious fact that it's easier to see a problem or situation and solve it/deal with it. And as I said, I was taking just Dihexa at the time, not J147. I agree, however, that it won't make you into a genius. If your brain is damaged in some way (like mine, both from chemo and I suspect from genetics!), then there's a good chance that you will, over a period of months, see an improvement. Drop it for several months, and you will see a regression. Get back on it, and you see the improvement again. I won't say that people can't imagine it, but in some people, it really makes a difference. For me, the proof that this is not all in my head is that there are many substances that don't seem to do anything for me. For example, I expected great things from colouracetam, but as far as I could tell, it did nothing. I may not be able to tell exactly what I'm taking, but I can tell if it's one of the things that actually helps me.


The "big guns" for me were Nefiracetam and Noopept. Noopept is so cheap (I dissolve the powder it in alcohol and put 15 mg in #4 capsules) that I am going to take it unless I become convinced that it does harm, or is definitely, absolutely, totally, unquestionably useless. I HOPE that J147 + Dihexa -- and because of its long half-life, I will eventually drop Dihexa down to 1 or 2 mg per day -- will make Nefiracetam redundant, but we'll see (someday!).


Well, I can add this: it is possible that Dihexa, alone, made Noopept, Nefiracetam, and PRL-8-53 all redundant, but I was not able to really test that at the time. I will have to quit taking Noopept for a while -- and maybe start it up again later -- before I know whether the J147 + Dihexa makes it redundant. Oh, and an interesting test: You have movies you've seen a dozen times (maybe you don't, but I do). After taking a drug for 3 months or so, see one of them again. If you literally wonder if you're seeing the same version of the movie, and see lots of new things, and can follow everything much more easily, then yes, the drug is affecting you. I LITERALLY wondered if my girlfriend had slipped in different versions of several movies, just as a joke. I knew that that had to be nonsense, but a part of me seriously wondered. That was when I knew that Nefiracetam and Noopept (and they add different things) had something that I had never experienced with other nootropics (piracetam, anaracetam, pramiracetam, oxyracetam), even though the others, especially pramiracetam, clearly made a big difference, as my girlfriend confirmed. Along with Noopept/Nefiracetam, I still took pramiracetam, as it did add something, but later replaced it, first with Fasoracetam, and later with PRL-8-53 (although PRL + Faso is possible).


As for J147, my understanding is this: I don't know if you've ever read Larry Niven's novels (read Ringworld!), but with it's effects on aging, J147 is the closest thing we now have to Boosterspice. By the way, among Clarke, Asimov, and Niven, most of the older sci-fi guys I know consider Niven to be, by far, the most intelligent of the three, meaning, intelligent about physics, reality, AND people. Slightly better stories than Clarke's, but not quite as good at telling them (but close!).


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#1466 wanderlust

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Posted 01 July 2016 - 09:35 PM

hi can you add me to the group buy


and private message me if anyone is supplying this 


anyone taken it with nsi-189 and sodium valproate ?

#1467 franbird

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Posted 02 July 2016 - 02:09 AM

Chris from limitlesslifenootropics said he has almost gathered the numbers for a new group buy, priced at $140/g.
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#1468 Mind_Paralysis

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Posted 19 August 2016 - 09:52 PM

Chris from limitlesslifenootropics said he has almost gathered the numbers for a new group buy, priced at $140/g.


What happened to this then? Been like 1,5 months. And how many doses would 1 gram consist of? Has ANY accurate dosing as of yet been found, for this compound? I read the first few pages, and it seemed like people had no clue as to how potent it was, or how to dose it.


Has a mean and a recommended dose been established since then? What would that be then? 5-20 mg's per week? 5 mg's per day? Like, what?


We might need a Dihexa faq here, methinks...

Btw, I'm currently suffering from loss of white-matter as a result of chronic stress, primarily in the hippocampus, as that is the result of chronically high cortisol. Would Dihexa be at all helpful for this condition? As far as I can see, NSI-189 seems to be the more logical choice, as it causes hippocampal growth, but it's not entirely clear to me that enhancing learning won't be a gain as well... studying to learn things, to recall, is very hard in this state.


Could Dihexa give gains, to a burnt-out mind?



hi can you add me to the group buy


and private message me if anyone is supplying this 


anyone taken it with nsi-189 and sodium valproate ?


That's probably not a good idea... NSI-189 and Dihexa have been known to cause neuropathic pain, and some other curious symptoms in some people - this is theorized to be caused by... "growing pains" in your PNS and CNS. Haven't you considered that such a potentially increased neurogenic effect could be hazardous? What if you have to walk around in EXTREME PAIN for the entire duration of the effects??


Yeah sure, logically you should get some neat gains, but if you're manic and in pain for the entire duration, then I fail to see how you will be able to enjoy this effect.


Oh, and NSI-189 seems to cause mania - be careful...

Edited by Stinkorninjor, 19 August 2016 - 10:00 PM.

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#1469 ceridwen

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Posted 19 August 2016 - 09:54 PM

I'm interested in Dihexa

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#1470 JASOG888

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Posted 20 August 2016 - 03:18 PM

So am I.

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