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Dihexa: "it would take 10 million times as much BDNF to get as much new synapse formation as Dihexa."

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#181 libro

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Posted 05 April 2013 - 02:02 PM

this is the first time I've ever encountered where a person is accused of trolling for lack of posts. Please be aware that I take precaution in detailing my experiences as my experiences may be solely due to the placebo effect which means if I refrain from posting my experiences, it is out of scientific respect rather than some insidious plot to troll a message board upsidedown by failing to make a post to this thread. As of today, I've had no major experiences to chronicle but will however resume my usual dosage in order to possibly cause a cumulative effect on my intellectual capacities.

How much do you take?

#182 hadora

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Posted 05 April 2013 - 03:31 PM

Nootlyinclinded, are you still alive?

whenever i discover a nootropic that works, like cerebrolysin, i hurry to write my experiences to people who are likely to be interested,ie this forum.... i want to share ma experience, especially if i'm the FIRST ONE EVER to use a nootropic !! So i suspect dihexa isn't that noticable or unbeleivably effective.

or maybe the guy is just a troll ? :) the internet are full of them

this is the first time I've ever encountered where a person is accused of trolling for lack of posts. Please be aware that I take precaution in detailing my experiences as my experiences may be solely due to the placebo effect which means if I refrain from posting my experiences, it is out of scientific respect rather than some insidious plot to troll a message board upsidedown by failing to make a post to this thread. As of today, I've had no major experiences to chronicle but will however resume my usual dosage in order to possibly cause a cumulative effect on my intellectual capacities.

i didn't accuse you of anything i just said it may be a possibility out of many others like bad synthesis, small dosage, peptide degradation,...
you said that you ordered only 500 mg, it's clearly not enough to assess its effects

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#183 megatron

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Posted 05 April 2013 - 06:12 PM

What do you guys think of this statement "Educated people tend to have a greater density of synapses in their brain (probably due to learning causing more synapses, rather than more synapses causing intelligence)"


#184 hellbounddevildog

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Posted 05 April 2013 - 06:14 PM

Hmm, sounds interesting. Hope there is some more positive to this throughout nootly's trials. Would be interested in an offered group buy if so.

#185 megatron

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Posted 05 April 2013 - 09:28 PM

-"Cancer Drug That Shrinks All Tumors Set To Begin Human Clinical Trials"


If there's any truth in this, then we shouldn't have to worry about potential cancer caused by Dihexa in say 10+ years into the future.

#186 Xenix

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Posted 06 April 2013 - 07:12 AM

I'm not a neurologist, but I think it's going to take a little longer than a few days to rebuild synapse connections enough to notice a substantial change (increase) in cognition.

I wonder if Dihexa (like other nootropics) will work better for people with brain damage as opposed to healthy individuals - i.e. people with more brain damage will notice more gains in cognition than people with less (or none).

Indeed, Dihexa, seems promising - for animals that were treated with scopolamine (intended to resemble cognitive problems like those seen in Alzheimer's) - but what about real world insults to the brain? I sincerely hope that this can help me with carbon monoxide poisoning, because otherwise I am SOOL... living the rest of my life as a shadow of my former self, of what could have been, is utterly depressing... that said, my 2 grams of Dihexa should be arriving next week. I hope that 40mg/day is enough to notice some changes within 2 months, or else I'm out of options.

#187 hadora

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Posted 06 April 2013 - 09:47 AM

I'm not a neurologist, but I think it's going to take a little longer than a few days to rebuild synapse connections enough to notice a substantial change (increase) in cognition.

I wonder if Dihexa (like other nootropics) will work better for people with brain damage as opposed to healthy individuals - i.e. people with more brain damage will notice more gains in cognition than people with less (or none).

Indeed, Dihexa, seems promising - for animals that were treated with scopolamine (intended to resemble cognitive problems like those seen in Alzheimer's) - but what about real world insults to the brain? I sincerely hope that this can help me with carbon monoxide poisoning, because otherwise I am SOOL... living the rest of my life as a shadow of my former self, of what could have been, is utterly depressing... that said, my 2 grams of Dihexa should be arriving next week. I hope that 40mg/day is enough to notice some changes within 2 months, or else I'm out of options.

guy tell us more

how did you damage yourself with carbon monoxide ? what are your symptoms ? did you see a neurologist ? do you have cognitive impairment ?

how much did you paid for 2 grams ? did you order it from a reputable peptide company ? are you gonna test yourself before and after (memory .... ) ?

don't forget that peptides need to be frozen or they will degrade very rapidly

Edited by hadora, 06 April 2013 - 09:49 AM.

#188 Izan

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Posted 06 April 2013 - 08:28 PM

why is everybody who's ordering this peptide, being so secretive about it? it's like they don't want to share information at all.

#189 Xenix

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Posted 07 April 2013 - 03:30 AM

I'm not a neurologist, but I think it's going to take a little longer than a few days to rebuild synapse connections enough to notice a substantial change (increase) in cognition.

I wonder if Dihexa (like other nootropics) will work better for people with brain damage as opposed to healthy individuals - i.e. people with more brain damage will notice more gains in cognition than people with less (or none).

Indeed, Dihexa, seems promising - for animals that were treated with scopolamine (intended to resemble cognitive problems like those seen in Alzheimer's) - but what about real world insults to the brain? I sincerely hope that this can help me with carbon monoxide poisoning, because otherwise I am SOOL... living the rest of my life as a shadow of my former self, of what could have been, is utterly depressing... that said, my 2 grams of Dihexa should be arriving next week. I hope that 40mg/day is enough to notice some changes within 2 months, or else I'm out of options.

guy tell us more

how did you damage yourself with carbon monoxide ? what are your symptoms ? did you see a neurologist ? do you have cognitive impairment ?

how much did you paid for 2 grams ? did you order it from a reputable peptide company ? are you gonna test yourself before and after (memory .... ) ?

don't forget that peptides need to be frozen or they will degrade very rapidly

Read the other thread I posted on this if you are interested in my symptoms/condition - they haven't really gotten any better. Carbon monoxide poisoning seems similar (maybe one in the same) to anoxic brain damage. HGF/C-Met activation seems very promising in regenerating brain cells (neurogenesis) and their connections (synaptogenesis): http://ip.com/patfam/en/46969763, but I will not know if I am taking enough of a dose, or for long enough, until I have completed my course of what I believe to be Dihexa.

Basically, yes I have cognitive impairment. It has affected my memory (both short and long-term), executive function, energy, word retrieval (I never used to stutter but now I do), empathy, etc etc. It's causing me great social isolation and depression as a result. I've tried pretty much everything that seemed promising but to no great improvement - Cerebrolysin showed some promise, but nothing I couldn't pass off as placebo.

2 grams cost me just under $1,100. Yes, it was from a reputable Chinese company. I'm not really concerned about 'tests' and other subjective measures - I will be studying the improvements of my quality of life.

Yeah, they do degrade rapidly. My supplier recommended storing it at -20C, but the best I have is my freezer which does about -10C, so that will have to suffice. I think they are storage instructions to last years, but I will only need 40-50 days (I'll be taking 40-50mg a day).

why is everybody who's ordering this peptide, being so secretive about it? it's like they don't want to share information at all.

Based on the number of personal messages I've received, I know that if I did reveal my source to Longecity, my manufacturer would be absolutely swamped with requests for Dihexa from members (and lurkers) of this forum - and they would soon investigate and stop supplying Dihexa. If you do some research of your own you can figure it out, it's not hard.
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#190 arcticjoe

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Posted 07 April 2013 - 08:26 AM

xenix, i've read your other thread and i suspect you dont have carbon monixide poisoning, but probably some sort of toxicity from all the piracetam (possibly heavy metal poisoning due to cheap piracetam sourcing from china, where quality standards are rarely met, and CoAs often faked.). I've used piracetam in heavy doses over 10 years ago and i've had similar symptoms to yours, which only passed upon cessation and it took nearly 3-4 years for my brain to recover. i've tried every noot available at that time, but the only thing that really worked was not taking anything at all for a looong time.

Edited by arcticjoe, 07 April 2013 - 08:27 AM.

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#191 hadora

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Posted 07 April 2013 - 10:36 AM

This is what i think too

#192 Major Legend

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Posted 07 April 2013 - 07:01 PM

I'm not a neurologist, but I think it's going to take a little longer than a few days to rebuild synapse connections enough to notice a substantial change (increase) in cognition.

I wonder if Dihexa (like other nootropics) will work better for people with brain damage as opposed to healthy individuals - i.e. people with more brain damage will notice more gains in cognition than people with less (or none).

Indeed, Dihexa, seems promising - for animals that were treated with scopolamine (intended to resemble cognitive problems like those seen in Alzheimer's) - but what about real world insults to the brain? I sincerely hope that this can help me with carbon monoxide poisoning, because otherwise I am SOOL... living the rest of my life as a shadow of my former self, of what could have been, is utterly depressing... that said, my 2 grams of Dihexa should be arriving next week. I hope that 40mg/day is enough to notice some changes within 2 months, or else I'm out of options.

"living the rest of my life as a shadow of my former self, of what could have been, is utterly depressing."

You've summed me up there...The worst is dealing with the brain fogs, the fluctuations in performance in mood. We can talk over PM.

Of course, Piracetam didn't even work for me prior to my cerebral accident. I don't find it surprising that healthy individuals especially in their early 20s are not seeing much effect from nootropics, bar obvious stimulants like caffeine or amphetamines.

If you have real brain damage like the kind you are talking about, this chemical sounds like it would work wonders for you, however its also possible you may never regain your cognitive prowess completely. More connections does not mean new brain cells. This means this compound also has merit for me, but I don't deem my damage to be great enough to experiment with a chemical that messes with growth factors in my body. Although it does greatly interest me if my situation gets bad enough.

Also don't forget to account for ageing too.

#193 Xenix

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Posted 08 April 2013 - 05:40 AM

Edit: double post

Edited by Xenix, 08 April 2013 - 05:50 AM.

#194 Xenix

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Posted 08 April 2013 - 05:49 AM

I'm not a neurologist, but I think it's going to take a little longer than a few days to rebuild synapse connections enough to notice a substantial change (increase) in cognition.

I wonder if Dihexa (like other nootropics) will work better for people with brain damage as opposed to healthy individuals - i.e. people with more brain damage will notice more gains in cognition than people with less (or none).

Indeed, Dihexa, seems promising - for animals that were treated with scopolamine (intended to resemble cognitive problems like those seen in Alzheimer's) - but what about real world insults to the brain? I sincerely hope that this can help me with carbon monoxide poisoning, because otherwise I am SOOL... living the rest of my life as a shadow of my former self, of what could have been, is utterly depressing... that said, my 2 grams of Dihexa should be arriving next week. I hope that 40mg/day is enough to notice some changes within 2 months, or else I'm out of options.

"living the rest of my life as a shadow of my former self, of what could have been, is utterly depressing."

You've summed me up there...The worst is dealing with the brain fogs, the fluctuations in performance in mood. We can talk over PM.

Of course, Piracetam didn't even work for me prior to my cerebral accident. I don't find it surprising that healthy individuals especially in their early 20s are not seeing much effect from nootropics, bar obvious stimulants like caffeine or amphetamines.

If you have real brain damage like the kind you are talking about, this chemical sounds like it would work wonders for you, however its also possible you may never regain your cognitive prowess completely. More connections does not mean new brain cells. This means this compound also has merit for me, but I don't deem my damage to be great enough to experiment with a chemical that messes with growth factors in my body. Although it does greatly interest me if my situation gets bad enough.

Also don't forget to account for ageing too.

My issues have been going on since August last year with no real fluctuations. Piracetam used to work magically for me but it's like I'm immune to it now.

Yeah, Dihexa sounds promising in promoting synaptogenesis rather than neurogenesis, but if it can help reverse damage in the brains of those who suffer from Alzheimer's Disease (as the researchers of Dihexa claim) then I think that many people who suffer from a wide array of neurological disorders can also be helped. The problem, of course, is that their research is based on treating Scopolamine-deficits in rat brains and then hypothetically extrapolating these results to humans - not directly treating brain injuries in humans yet.

Maybe the (potential) synaptogenesis that Dihexa induces could allow me to learn at a much faster rate (like a infant's brain) and rewire my brain into a somewhat desirable state. Of course, this is all hypothetical speculation. The WSU researchers say that Dihexa would be useful in treating brain damage after it has occurred (Alzheimer's). Anyway, I'm very curious if Dihexa can still have a decent effect on neural tissue after scar formation...

#195 abelard lindsay

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Posted 08 April 2013 - 06:01 AM

You guys see this? You might want to wait for them to try it out in mice at least before getting too excited.


Am J Hypertens. 2010 Jul;23(7):732-6. doi: 10.1038/ajh.2010.49. Epub 2010 Mar 18.
TrkB agonist antibody dose-dependently raises blood pressure in mice with diet-induced obesity.
Xu L, Zhang Y, Cohen SB, DiPetrillo K.
Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research & Novartis Pharmaceutical Company, East Hanover, New Jersey, USA.
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) regulates food intake and body weight, but is not useful as a therapeutic because of its short half-life. Chronic activation of its receptor, tyrosine kinase receptor B (TrkB), represents an alternative strategy for lowering body weight. However, because BDNF can raise blood pressure (BP) acutely, it is possible that chronic TrkB activation will produce adverse cardiovascular effects.METHODS:
We used radiotelemetry to test whether treatment with a TrkB agonist antibody (Ab) causes adverse cardiovascular effects in mice with diet-induced obesity.
High-dose (1 mg/kg) TrkB Ab reduced body weight and significantly increased BP, whereas low-dose (0.3 mg/kg) treatment lowered body weight without adverse cardiovascular effects. Rimonabant, through a different mechanism of action, lowered body weight in this model more thanTrkB activation, but showed no adverse effects on heart rate (HR) or BP. These data suggest that elevated BP was a direct effect of high-dose TrkBAb treatment rather than secondary to substantial weight loss.
Overall, high-dose TrkB Ab lowered body weight and increased BP, whereas low-dose TrkB Ab treatment caused therapeutic weight loss without adverse cardiovascular effects. We conclude that TrkB activation dose-dependently lowers body weight and transiently raises BP in mice with diet-induced obesity.

Edited by abelard lindsay, 08 April 2013 - 06:03 AM.

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#196 hadora

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Posted 08 April 2013 - 07:45 AM

You guys see this? You might want to wait for them to try it out in mice at least before getting too excited.


Am J Hypertens. 2010 Jul;23(7):732-6. doi: 10.1038/ajh.2010.49. Epub 2010 Mar 18.
TrkB agonist antibody dose-dependently raises blood pressure in mice with diet-induced obesity.
Xu L, Zhang Y, Cohen SB, DiPetrillo K.
Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research & Novartis Pharmaceutical Company, East Hanover, New Jersey, USA.
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) regulates food intake and body weight, but is not useful as a therapeutic because of its short half-life. Chronic activation of its receptor, tyrosine kinase receptor B (TrkB), represents an alternative strategy for lowering body weight. However, because BDNF can raise blood pressure (BP) acutely, it is possible that chronic TrkB activation will produce adverse cardiovascular effects.METHODS:
We used radiotelemetry to test whether treatment with a TrkB agonist antibody (Ab) causes adverse cardiovascular effects in mice with diet-induced obesity.
High-dose (1 mg/kg) TrkB Ab reduced body weight and significantly increased BP, whereas low-dose (0.3 mg/kg) treatment lowered body weight without adverse cardiovascular effects. Rimonabant, through a different mechanism of action, lowered body weight in this model more thanTrkB activation, but showed no adverse effects on heart rate (HR) or BP. These data suggest that elevated BP was a direct effect of high-dose TrkBAb treatment rather than secondary to substantial weight loss.
Overall, high-dose TrkB Ab lowered body weight and increased BP, whereas low-dose TrkB Ab treatment caused therapeutic weight loss without adverse cardiovascular effects. We conclude that TrkB activation dose-dependently lowers body weight and transiently raises BP in mice with diet-induced obesity.

guy Dihexa is a HGF agonist..
and it was already tried in rats

Edited by hadora, 08 April 2013 - 07:46 AM.

#197 Xenix

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Posted 08 April 2013 - 04:46 PM

My next batch from another manufacturer will be arriving next week - complete with mass spec and HPLC analysis; I will post these results from their synthesis (hopefully they will include the molecular structure) as soon as they arrive.
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#198 daouda

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Posted 13 April 2013 - 04:34 PM

I failed to see any group buy going on with Dihexa and I would be very interested to participate in one... Xenix if you happened to reorder another batch would you mind making it a group buy with me at least?
On another note you should definitely take a look at that NSI-189 thread
Also if you suspect carbon monoxide poisoning, why don't you consider Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy? It's efficacy is proven for CO poisoning, and it also looks effective for other types of brain damage, I plan to maybe travel to india to get HBOT done if I can ever get the funds (much much cheaper there), in combination with cerebrolysin (+uridine/DHA/choline, B vits etc) it should definitely achieve results.

#199 Xenix

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Posted 14 April 2013 - 03:40 AM

I failed to see any group buy going on with Dihexa and I would be very interested to participate in one... Xenix if you happened to reorder another batch would you mind making it a group buy with me at least?
On another note you should definitely take a look at that NSI-189 thread
Also if you suspect carbon monoxide poisoning, why don't you consider Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy? It's efficacy is proven for CO poisoning, and it also looks effective for other types of brain damage, I plan to maybe travel to india to get HBOT done if I can ever get the funds (much much cheaper there), in combination with cerebrolysin (+uridine/DHA/choline, B vits etc) it should definitely achieve results.

Yeah sure, if I see any noticeable improvements that I can attriibute directly to Dihexa then I'll definitely be in for a group buy. At this stage I'm just hoping 2 grams (which should be arriving any day now) will be enough to notice positive changes (assuming they are possible).

Thanks for the input, I've considered HBOT many months ago but hit a snag because A) the doctor I'm seeing won't give me a referral to get it as he suspects anxiety/depression rather than brain damage (which isn't the case); B) HBOT isn't available in my town - only several hundred miles away; and C) it's expensive and isn't covered by my insurance. I'm still looking into getting an MRI without breaking the bank, but I'm afraid that the damage won't be detectable (I've read that CO poisoning can be hard to notice in MRI).

I've looked into Colouracetam (NSI-189); at first it seemed like just another nootropic supplement, but then I read it can permanently alter the choline system, which does interest me. However, at this stage, Dihexa sounds like a much more promising compound - if completely experimental.

Best of luck if you go through with the India trip - I've always wanted to visit; maybe we could meet up there as we're both undergoing HBOT haha.
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#200 sunshinefrost

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Posted 14 April 2013 - 07:16 AM

I failed to see any group buy going on with Dihexa and I would be very interested to participate in one... Xenix if you happened to reorder another batch would you mind making it a group buy with me at least?
On another note you should definitely take a look at that NSI-189 thread
Also if you suspect carbon monoxide poisoning, why don't you consider Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy? It's efficacy is proven for CO poisoning, and it also looks effective for other types of brain damage, I plan to maybe travel to india to get HBOT done if I can ever get the funds (much much cheaper there), in combination with cerebrolysin (+uridine/DHA/choline, B vits etc) it should definitely achieve results.

Yeah sure, if I see any noticeable improvements that I can attriibute directly to Dihexa then I'll definitely be in for a group buy. At this stage I'm just hoping 2 grams (which should be arriving any day now) will be enough to notice positive changes (assuming they are possible).

Thanks for the input, I've considered HBOT many months ago but hit a snag because A) the doctor I'm seeing won't give me a referral to get it as he suspects anxiety/depression rather than brain damage (which isn't the case); B) HBOT isn't available in my town - only several hundred miles away; and C) it's expensive and isn't covered by my insurance. I'm still looking into getting an MRI without breaking the bank, but I'm afraid that the damage won't be detectable (I've read that CO poisoning can be hard to notice in MRI).

I've looked into Colouracetam (NSI-189); at first it seemed like just another nootropic supplement, but then I read it can permanently alter the choline system, which does interest me. However, at this stage, Dihexa sounds like a much more promising compound - if completely experimental.

Best of luck if you go through with the India trip - I've always wanted to visit; maybe we could meet up there as we're both undergoing HBOT haha.

Can't wait to see your report.

#201 Izan

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Posted 14 April 2013 - 11:37 AM

I failed to see any group buy going on with Dihexa and I would be very interested to participate in one... Xenix if you happened to reorder another batch would you mind making it a group buy with me at least?
On another note you should definitely take a look at that NSI-189 thread
Also if you suspect carbon monoxide poisoning, why don't you consider Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy? It's efficacy is proven for CO poisoning, and it also looks effective for other types of brain damage, I plan to maybe travel to india to get HBOT done if I can ever get the funds (much much cheaper there), in combination with cerebrolysin (+uridine/DHA/choline, B vits etc) it should definitely achieve results.

where in india would you like to have hbot done? i am interested too.

#202 daouda

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Posted 14 April 2013 - 02:44 PM

I dont know yet but here s some interesting info

Maybe, if possible, I'll also take advantage to get "Pancha Karma" (traditionnal ayurvedic "purification") done at an ayurvedic clinic...
A couple recommended ayurvedic centres for this kind of treatment
In Nagpur http://www.vinayakayurveda.com/
In Kerala http://ayurvedapanca....com/index.html
That s a 3 weeks treatment for 80usd per day, treatments, accomodation and food included
Im sure it can only help with my fibromyalgia-like symptoms with all the massages...

Also Xenix you said NSI-189 = Coluracetam?? Can somebody confirm?

Edited by daouda, 14 April 2013 - 03:26 PM.

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#203 daouda

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Posted 15 April 2013 - 08:36 PM

Izan and Xenix, I have gathered much more info on HBOT in India (locations where it's offered, prices etc) if you are interested I could maybe start a thread about it
( also I have gathered much more info about Ayurvedic clinics, actually Ive found more reputed and much MUCH cheaper places than those I have quoted above)
Maybe we could even arrange to get there at the same time and share an appartment etc, that could be fun

Edited by daouda, 15 April 2013 - 08:39 PM.

#204 libro

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Posted 15 April 2013 - 09:56 PM

So can anyone share this trustworthy chinese company with us?
Also what dosage of this substance seems good? I mean 2mg/kg it seems too much for human, isn't it?

#205 Xenix

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Posted 18 April 2013 - 11:03 AM

So can anyone share this trustworthy chinese company with us?
Also what dosage of this substance seems good? I mean 2mg/kg it seems too much for human, isn't it?

I'm reluctant to share my source on an open forum for obvious reasons; but if you do some research of your own, and get some quotes from different peptide companies, you'll find it really isn't that hard to discover a reputable company.

If you actually read through this thread/Dihexa literature you would know that 2mg/kg is what was used by the researchers in oral gavage-fed rat models. There is currently no human dose equivalent (HDE) as its hasn't started clinical trials; but judging from what I've read, 20-50mg would roughly be the HDE (depending on body weight) - http://www.longecity...nimal-to-human/

#206 Xenix

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Posted 18 April 2013 - 11:14 AM

Izan and Xenix, I have gathered much more info on HBOT in India (locations where it's offered, prices etc) if you are interested I could maybe start a thread about it
( also I have gathered much more info about Ayurvedic clinics, actually Ive found more reputed and much MUCH cheaper places than those I have quoted above)
Maybe we could even arrange to get there at the same time and share an appartment etc, that could be fun

I'm very skeptical about Eastern medicine; I'm not versed with Ayurvedic clinics, but it sounds a little sketchy from what I've read so far... Anyway, I'm VERY interested in HBOT in India, if you could start a new thread and paste some info into I'd appreciate it, thanks.

#207 daouda

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Posted 18 April 2013 - 12:43 PM

I used to be skeptical about Eastern Medicine until I found out, the hard way, that western medecine has so many flaws that its arrogance is far from being justified. And much research into eastern med just showed me that systems with thousands of year of practice simply had some time to empirically produce and sort out some things that works (and, regarding "medications", better so than pharmaceutical companies, and free of their extremely powerfull lobbying)... Anyway Im trying this pretty much out of desperation, especially the "detox" part that I actually truely need (dialysis and plasmapheresis are not enough), but all the massages can only be very good for my fibromyalgia-like symptoms. Plus the yoga, good food etc, and the experience... About the "sketchiness" of ayruveda, consider that bacopa, ashwagandha and many more substances discussed here have been well known and employed by this system for thousands of years. But of course these systems, closely related to local myths/religions, are always going to look sketchy to a scientifically educated westerner's eye.
I will probably start a thread on HBOT in India

Edited by daouda, 18 April 2013 - 12:56 PM.

#208 Xenix

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Posted 18 April 2013 - 04:58 PM

I used to be skeptical about Eastern Medicine until I found out, the hard way, that western medecine has so many flaws that its arrogance is far from being justified. And much research into eastern med just showed me that systems with thousands of year of practice simply had some time to empirically produce and sort out some things that works (and, regarding "medications", better so than pharmaceutical companies, and free of their extremely powerfull lobbying)... Anyway Im trying this pretty much out of desperation, especially the "detox" part that I actually truely need (dialysis and plasmapheresis are not enough), but all the massages can only be very good for my fibromyalgia-like symptoms. Plus the yoga, good food etc, and the experience... About the "sketchiness" of ayruveda, consider that bacopa, ashwagandha and many more substances discussed here have been well known and employed by this system for thousands of years. But of course these systems, closely related to local myths/religions, are always going to look sketchy to a scientifically educated westerner's eye.
I will probably start a thread on HBOT in India

I know what you mean about the flaws and lobbyists and arrogance of Western medicine, and I do think Eastern spirituality and medicine has its benefits, but I think I've exhausted most of those kinds of substances/analogues to that you've listed. Tried Yoga, hated it, I just like boxing to vent my anger.

Please do.

#209 daouda

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Posted 18 April 2013 - 05:11 PM

Yeah I can understand you, I never could get into yoga, and am myself a fighting sports fanatic (was doing both boxing and wrestling -greco-roman-, was just getting into BJJ, then fluoroquinolones destroyed my tendons, cartilages, muscles and nervous system). But yoga IN INDIA is probably something else. Also Ive been taking all these herbs for a while without dramatic benefits as well, but ayurvedic medicine is a complete system and not only a few isolated herbs taken without protocol. Anyway if you'd rather take pharmaceuticals and attempt high-tech medicinal procedures, there's obiously nothing I can do to convince you of the worth of TCM or ayurveda/siddha medicine etc. Ppl like me and you usually get there in last resort, beleive me if in 2 years you find yourself habing exhausted all "western medicine" possibilities, you will serioulsly consider these "exotic" protocols.
I'll start this thread once I have compiled more info on HBOT centers, what they charge etc (have been in contact with a couple of docs/hospitals so far, one is in the small city of Thrissur in Kerala (south india), they charge roughly 35usd per dive, and he cost of living there is dirt cheap)

Edited by daouda, 18 April 2013 - 05:14 PM.

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#210 Major Legend

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Posted 19 April 2013 - 01:11 AM

It's not worth the risk - it's all just BS, yeah there are chemicals that are useful from years of trial and error but in general eastern medicine is primitive, based on old theorys like elemental stuff that western science has long discarded. Like fire is inflammation and so on.

The whole holistic treatment argument is just a marketing thing to make you think that there is something out there that is better than western medicine, its an excuse to make you pay for lots of useless treatments and an excuse for why eastern medicine cannot target specific problems. I'm a big sceptic, I see lots of people who get fed this non sense and start beliving in it, even its clear the medicine is doing nothing for their problems.

I had a severe reaction to TCM, probably unclean stuff from china or an overdose - which mademe permanent brain damaged and for a while almost half paralysed. I don't advise anyone to mess with this shit, success is purely placebo.

Eating penis will make your penis get better??

Edited by Major Legend, 19 April 2013 - 01:13 AM.

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