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Interview With Professor Fathi Moussa In Paris

c60 fullerene moussa c60oo

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#31 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 28 October 2012 - 06:56 PM

It's already on his web site:


This is just the basic offer for researchers.

I am sure folks looking at the C60.net video can probably guess what changes we may offer in the future to reduce prices.


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#32 zorba990

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Posted 28 October 2012 - 09:32 PM

What purpose is served by forcing people to register?

This question was not answered, other than with "Well if you don't want to see the video, don't register!"

To what ends are we being asked to create wordpress accounts? Are we being signed up for some mailing list? Will we all be publicly invited to some google+ circle? Who knows. You can change your email address after registering to nospam@dontbotherme.com, though.

Anyways, whatever, video was okay but not exactly earth-shattering. A TL;DW would be: C60 is nontoxic, you can eat a spoonful of it and it's fine, it works as a lipophilic anti-oxidant, the mice in the study had no tumors at the end (which is unusual; old mice get tumor-y), and the study is being reproduced with more mice in 3 sites (with the C60 mice getting continuous dosing) in an NIH-funded study.

NIH Funded? Wow. There should be a public record of that somewhere right? (Tax dollars being spent and all). Any links?

Click HERE to rent this advertising spot for C60 HEALTH to support Longecity (this will replace the google ad above).

#33 hav

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Posted 28 October 2012 - 09:51 PM

NIH Funded? Wow. There should be a public record of that somewhere right? (Tax dollars being spent and all). Any links?

If I understand AgeVivo's earlier clarification (as opposed to the doctor's french accent), they're still at the application stage which has not yet been accepted by the NIH. I got the impression from what the doctor said that they were invited to apply which sounds kind of promising. But still not a done deal.


#34 zorba990

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Posted 28 October 2012 - 09:52 PM

It's already on his web site:


Price still seems to be nearly 10x DIY.

#35 smithx

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Posted 28 October 2012 - 09:59 PM

$800,000 "commercial use license" fee which may be assessed for "sharing or public performance"? In other words, if you show it on your computer to your friend who came over for a visit, bam, you owe $800K.

Sounds reasonable to me.

By the way, shouldn't this be in "Commercial" rather than a topic forum, since Anthony is clearly collecting email addresses for commercial purposes, and is advertising this site in a banner ad?
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#36 niner

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Posted 28 October 2012 - 10:06 PM

It's already on his web site:


Price still seems to be nearly 10x DIY.

It's the exact same price as carbon60oliveoil.com. Sarah Vaughter's site has 50ml for $35, so she's cheaper, but shipping to the US probably makes up for it. Not exactly a competitive market yet.

$800,000 "commercial use license" fee which may be assessed for "sharing or public performance"? In other words, if you show it on your computer to your friend who came over for a visit, bam, you owe $800K.

No, it's only $100,000., at least if you pay on time. The late fee is $880,000, so if you're a procrastinator, you're on the hook for $980,000.

#37 hav

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Posted 28 October 2012 - 10:19 PM

It's already on his web site:


This is just the basic offer for researchers.

I am sure folks looking at the C60.net video can probably guess what changes we may offer in the future to reduce prices.


Follow me on Google Plus: https://profiles.google.com/113037236572014252197

I couldn't help but notice that the good doctor said he didn't think centrifuging and filtering were necessary for someone taking the mixture as a supplement, but that they were necessary for scientific study usage. He seemed pretty sure that undissolved c60 would just be harmlessly excreted from the body. But technically, he didn't study that variation.

I have stopped centrifuging my own home made mixture but I still filter it. Mainly because I find filtering removes undissolved c60 and that's what was done in the study. I found that filtering and then centrifuging did not remove any further undissolved c60 that I could detect. I also found that filtering before dissolving in the c60 removes quite a bit of other material from the olive oil ahead of time that would just get removed later, so I double filter. Before and after dissolving in the c60.

The doctor appeared to chuckle when Anthony mentioned that people were taking c60/evoo as a result of his paper. But Anthony didn't ask, and the doctor didn't say if he was doing the same. But I' think I saw a little twinkle in his eye...

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#38 AgeVivo

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Posted 28 October 2012 - 11:01 PM

AgeVivo's earlier clarification (as opposed to the doctor's french accent), they're still at the application stage

Not as opposed. If it was opposed, then it would surely be that I am not yet aware of the latest news.

#39 hav

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Posted 29 October 2012 - 12:46 AM

AgeVivo's earlier clarification (as opposed to the doctor's french accent), they're still at the application stage

Not as opposed. If it was opposed, then it would surely be that I am not yet aware of the latest news.

Ha, ha. I was referring to my understanding which you snipped off the quote... of exactly what the doctor said when he mentioned NIH. I think if he actually said it in French I might not have missed the nuance that they seem to have sought him out and initiated the contact but that it wasn't in the bag. You're obviously concerned that its not in the bag and that excess publicity and/or notoriety might blow the deal. A context which gives more sense to the way Anthony is approaching the posting of the video. I'm not referring to the licensing or login aspect. I'm referring to posting the video in a way that makes it not searchable on YouTube or show up in a YouTube directory. Precluding all the YouTube comment and discussion sure to follow. And the likely major network news coverage that often follows viral videos. Should work until someone else with a camera knocks on the doctor's door unless he's of a like mind and turns them away.


#40 stephen_b

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Posted 29 October 2012 - 02:27 AM

Very nice interview, with clear questions. Anthony, I think you underrated your interviewing ability. The translation seemed right on too. A verification of no gross tumors in the treatment group was very nice.
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#41 shadowhawk

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Posted 10 November 2012 - 12:26 AM

What purpose is served by forcing people to register?

This question was not answered, other than with "Well if you don't want to see the video, don't register!"

To what ends are we being asked to create wordpress accounts? Are we being signed up for some mailing list? Will we all be publicly invited to some google+ circle? Who knows. You can change your email address after registering to nospam@dontbotherme.com, though.

Anyways, whatever, video was okay but not exactly earth-shattering. A TL;DW would be: C60 is nontoxic, you can eat a spoonful of it and it's fine, it works as a lipophilic anti-oxidant, the mice in the study had no tumors at the end (which is unusual; old mice get tumor-y), and the study is being [might someday be] reproduced with more mice in 3 sites (with the C60 mice getting continuous dosing) in an NIH-funded study.

EDIT: I decided to edit this post and correct the error about the NIH-funded (ITP) lifespan extension testing, because people keep reading it and getting the wrong idea. It isn't happening. Moussa has submitted a proposal (or something). We HOPE that it happens one of these days. -moderator

Pull your own strings. If you want to see the video then just register. I did and the video was great. I sometimes pay for information. No problem. :)
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#42 Logic

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Posted 11 November 2012 - 02:34 PM

I tried to register; it says my email address does not exist....

#43 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 11 November 2012 - 11:56 PM

I don't get it Logic.
It doesn't exist... So you didn't enter it?


#44 Logic

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Posted 12 November 2012 - 09:02 AM

I am reading my Email at the given address as I type this Anthony.
This is the std Email address I use for registering on sites I am likely to get spammed from and has worked without issue for everything in the past.
As an I.T. person I know better than to expect a fake Email address to work.

I have now tried re-registering and am told that my chosen username is in use. Probably from my previous attempt to register.
There are no contact details on your page, which is why Im posting here.

#45 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 12 November 2012 - 07:24 PM

Hi Logic,

What happened when you requested a new password? I only assume you habe because of your post about IT.

Let me know

#46 smithx

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Posted 12 November 2012 - 09:17 PM

What are you collecting these emails for anyway? You still haven't said. Are you guaranteeing not to sell them or add them to any mailing lists?

I am very leery of getting on new spam lists, and the extreme absurd penalties for anyone else in the room watching the video don't do anything to make me feel more warm and cozy about this.
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#47 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 12 November 2012 - 09:42 PM


I am glad you have made your feelings known.

But if you want to see the video, you are still required to register on the website for the service.

It is ok if you don't want to register, no one is forcing you.


Edited by Anthony_Loera, 12 November 2012 - 09:47 PM.

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#48 smithx

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Posted 13 November 2012 - 09:47 AM

That was unresponsive to any of my questions.


What are you collecting these emails for anyway? ... Are you guaranteeing not to sell them or add them to any mailing lists?

By the way, are you really serious about the huge penalties if someone is shown the video who didn't register? For example, if someone registers, views the video, and someone else happens to be in the room at that time?

If you're not serious about those huge penalties, you need to re-write that language. If you are, I have no words.
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#49 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 13 November 2012 - 07:53 PM

Hi Smithx,

If the language has prevented people from stealing our copyrighted material, then my lawyer has done a darn good job.

Just for the record, the video interview is free to watch, just don't copy it.

Instead simple share the link to our website, so others can listen to the professor's words.


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#50 smithx

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Posted 13 November 2012 - 09:42 PM

Again you fail to answer the questions I am posing:

1) Are you adding email addresses to a mailing list?
2) Do you promise not to sell the email addresses to any other party?
3) Are you seriously threatening huge penalties for anyone who views your video in the same room as someone else who has not registered with your site?

Rather than evading, please answer the questions. Saying "you're free to not register" is not a substitute for specifying the actual effect of registering.
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#51 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 14 November 2012 - 12:08 AM


I think those questions are answered in the terms and privacy policy that you stated you have read (well except for promising not to sell emails, which I wouldn't sell anyways). Asking these questions over and over is troll like behavior. The fact is that if the language prevents the copyrighted material from being copied, then my lawyer has done his duty, and that is all I have to say about it.

Again Smithx, don't copy the video.
You are are always free to view it, just use (and simply share) this link. The free registration takes less than a minute:



Edited by Anthony_Loera, 14 November 2012 - 12:13 AM.

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#52 Picard

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Posted 14 November 2012 - 12:41 AM

The ire over this seems on the excessive side. An interview was coordinated and recorded. Footage was then made available upon acceptance of certain terms. If you dislike these terms, you need not access the video.
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#53 smithx

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Posted 14 November 2012 - 02:46 AM

The problem I have is that the terms are not fully disclosed. We STILL do not know what use he is planning to make of the emails. If he is not planning to use them, then why is he collecting them? It would be very easy for him to state exactly what uses he will and won't make of them, yet he still refuses to do so in any concrete form.

As for the penalties, they are so extreme as to be completely absurd.
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#54 maxwatt

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Posted 14 November 2012 - 03:01 AM

IF copyrighted material shows up somewhere on the web, the emails will provide a starting point for a lawsuit.
Or it could be a mailing list to sell supplements to.
Or the FDA will come put you in jail for doping. Be afraid, very afraid.
Even paranoids have enemies.

There are one-off mail servers will effectively mask your id.
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#55 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 14 November 2012 - 05:48 PM

Maxwatt, after the issue with the copyright violation we had with a COA, I simply set out to make sure we 'threw the book' at anyone who tried to steal our copyrighted works for commercial purposes. I think you might remember some of that silliness. So we are simply taking no chances this time around, that is all.

We STILL do not know what use he is planning to make of the emails. If he is not planning to use them, then why is he collecting them?

Smithx, don't be rude and read the privacy policy. If you have read it (which you apparently have) and continue post under under false pretenses, I would ask Maxwatt to consider issuing you a warning.

The ire over this seems on the excessive side. An interview was coordinated and recorded. Footage was then made available upon acceptance of certain terms. If you dislike these terms, you need not access the video.

Pricard,Yes I agree, It is as simple as that with the video.

Malice can always find a mark to shoot at, and a pretense to fire. -C. Simmons.

Edited by Anthony_Loera, 15 November 2012 - 06:18 PM.

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#56 HHM

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Posted 28 November 2012 - 09:18 PM

Anthony - Back in October when you first announced the Baati video there was problems with login etc. At a certain point I was able to enter and watch the video without entering anything in the login fields. Neither did I have to agree to agree to anything. Maybe Sarah did the same?

#57 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 28 November 2012 - 09:32 PM

Nope she did not.


#58 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 30 October 2014 - 07:28 PM

For the record.


Sarah Vaughter does not have permission of any kind to use our copyrighted material on her sales website here:



It currently states that "No restrictions were applied at the time I posted it" which is not correct.

It is copyrighted material, and Sarah's IP was recorded at a later time accessing the website, so she did conform to the websites Terms.


She currently uses it to sell her products, while we have asked her not to use the material.


According to Fathi Moussa, the video and it's contents were not to be used to endorse any particular C60 material.

It is not an endorsement of any kind for any particular seller. 


The video can be seen on C60.net and on PrivateMember.net 


I personally do not endorse her product for technical reasons outside of this copyright issue, and prefer only those manufacturers that use C60 from the original labs that provided it for the Paris study.



#59 mikey

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Posted 30 October 2014 - 09:50 PM

For the record.


Sarah Vaughter does not have permission of any kind to use our copyrighted material on her sales website here:



It currently states that "No restrictions were applied at the time I posted it" which is not correct.

It is copyrighted material, and Sarah's IP was recorded at a later time accessing the website, so she did conform to the websites Terms.


She currently uses it to sell her products, while we have asked her not to use the material.


According to Fathi Moussa, the video and it's contents were not to be used to endorse any particular C60 material.

It is not an endorsement of any kind for any particular seller. 


The video can be seen on C60.net and on PrivateMember.net 


I personally do not endorse her product for technical reasons outside of this copyright issue, and prefer only those manufacturers that use C60 from the original labs that provided it for the Paris study.




Please tell us what is wrong technically with her product, Anthony.


I've been buying the product from Chico, but was thinking of using hers because the price is so much better,


And just FYI, I have forwarded the link to your video many times, as it is a great contribution.

#60 mikey

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Posted 30 October 2014 - 09:52 PM

The problem I have is that the terms are not fully disclosed. We STILL do not know what use he is planning to make of the emails. If he is not planning to use them, then why is he collecting them? It would be very easy for him to state exactly what uses he will and won't make of them, yet he still refuses to do so in any concrete form.

As for the penalties, they are so extreme as to be completely absurd.



Yes, Anthony should be like the most ethical sites and state that he will not use or share our emails with anyone.


Especially since he is questioning Vaughter's ethics.


Why not, Anthony?

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