Women looking better is a far more achievable goal than changing personality which is a combination of both conditioning and genetic temperament, in those terms men and women are not equals women can lose weight, use make up, get cosmetic surgery, buy nicer clothes. I've seen many women make 180 transformations, on the other hand it's not so easy for men they can't change height, cognitive aspects easily. Don't forget that a cognitive trait in men such as obsessive thinking may be useful in many fields or work but be completely unattractive to most women, most women like men which act in the moment, over analysing everything is not romantic.
Plus society AND the medical establishment seems to be much more open to help women improve what they need to get dates - looks. Hell in Europe it's not even unheard of that health insurance would pay for cosmetic surgery (usually for good reasons though). Even in my own case, the government paid what amounts to pretty damn nice car to get my teeth/jawbone fixed which definitely had medical relevance but also improved looks (the part about readjusting my chin while they were at it had very little relevance to medical problems). But good luck trying to get doctors to help you with the few things we know could improve confidence.
Testosterone? Unless you are almost down to zombie like levels, they will not prescribe it (I am going to take another shot at that in Jan).
Dopaminergics? "Uuh, they are abused by some, so no."
Opioids? "What, are you insane?" (never actually tried that one but I am sure, sadistic bastards would not even give me Tramadol or Oxycodone after splitting my jaw apart)
MAOI-B? "Selegiline is for parkinson" or "MAOI are not first line treatment options"
Instead, you can get SSRIs to your hearts content (which has some use in at least treating the negative symptoms, not that they necessarily help in overcoming the problem) and maybe benzos because, after all, there is money to be made in prolonging the problem, resolving it, not so much. Oh and yeah, you can spend as much of your health insurances' money you want on therapy that boils down to "just do it anyway".
I will have to have a hard discussion with my shrink in Jan - either he let's me try some of the more out of the box medications or I will just see to get a yearly supply of Prozac and no more overpriced sessions...