norepinephrine: Thanks for bringing the thread back on topic with a very level headed reply. While overall I agree with your points, I will focus on a couple of them.
Anyways, let's get back to the topic at hand - self-esteem and confidence. I agree fully with the idea that canned lines, manipulating situations and using "tactics" are a shit way to get women - they may work in the short-term but one can only maintain the veneer of an indifferent, high-status individual for so long before the illusion collapses and one finds themselves in exactly the same position as they started
This is only partially true - used properly, the lines can be the bridge that overcomes the gap to true confidence - success breeds confidence and hence fake it til you make can be a viable approach. However, there are two important qualifications here: when using lines, the mindset needs to be the right one to follow up on them, IOW, inner game needs to be looked at simultaneously. Second, I am unconvinced that confidence can be faked - by the time you successfully fake it, you probably have it. So used wisely, the lines and routines definitely have their place for your average beta out there. Where he goes after using them is mainly driven by his own character.
As such, having a friend who is more successful then you are, or having a role-model to adapt from will be far more beneficial then just taking a pill and calling it a day.
Very true - question remains where to get such a person (or for that matter, a good wing man). Naturals are of limited use here (they simply cannot relate to the issue at hand) so in effect you need to find someone who has gone down that path before who can relate and coach you. I have yet to find such a person in real life (I am not even sure I ever came across someone in comparable situation as myself online).
What really helps even moreso than any of those is the following: regularly exercising (especially heavy strength training for testosterone); regularly getting enough sleep (low sleep, low T); working on posture and body language (very important and very underrated, but ladies know how to spot someone in the way they walk, talk and carry themselves); self-hypnosis and meditation; eating well; wearing clothing that makes me feel good while also being timeless and fashionable (typically a collared shirt and jeans that fit, but more formal situations call for more formal attire).
This is what I have been focusing on in the last couple of weeks (mainly exercise, diet and food). Results are slowly starting to show (I gained ~7 pounds at similar or lower body fat level - tough it still needs to go down a few more percentage points to go from 4 to 6 pack) and that definitely does something for your self image.
Posture and body language is possibly the single most important part. Aside of the few trainings addressing them in a professional setting within my company I have sadly seen precious little in that area that could help you. Books most certainly do not do it for me, here I definitely need one on one coaching. Any ideas there?
Clothing will either be smart casual or tailored suits in my case (this may eventually get expensive, I am not quite sure how much further I can build muscle without springing for a whole batch of new suits but then again, its not like I cannot afford to do so). Hair style could possibly still use some work and I still wondering if I should go do laser eye surgery to lose the glasses as I cannot bear contacts all day in front of a screen.
So I would say I have the basics covered. Or as a female friend of mine recently said: you already beat 99% of the guys I meet (FWIW, we did date on and off but for reasons of basic incompatibility in world views as well as geographical barriers, we always got stuck and went back to friends).
However, now comes the central point:
Most of all, though, what matters is the willingness to go out of your comfort zone, the ability to lead situations and keep progressing forward and the balls to act at those certain critical situations (getting a phone number, arranging a date, going in for the kiss, etc.).
This is the one area I need to work on above anything else. And since the above things cover the bases but have at best brought marginal improvements in this area, I am still looking at something to facilitate this as I clearly fail to do so on my own devices. I maintain that there are two main options to explore here:
1) Dopaminergics - anyone who has ever seen people doing coke knows why (NB: I refuse to touch coke because I am almost sure I would get hooked on it). Sadly, the only available dopaminergic in Switzerland is MPH and my shrink so far refuses to prescribe it to me. I will definitely push him (not yet sure if I want to go as far as black mailing him) next week.
2) T supplementation. Here my GP was less than helpful but I will try to see an endo some time in Jan. I won't mess with black market steroids for a multitude of reasons but T supplementation under the eyes of a professional seems like a safe enough thing to try.
As for the Way of the Superior Man, I started reading it and there is some good stuff in there (it's kind of like a pre-cursor to some of the inner game stuff of today, Rational Male might be closest relative to that, if you have not read it, it might be the single best game blog I have come across so far). The one part where I have my doubt is this whole mission business - it sounds like a sensible enough proposition, but ultimately I come back to one thing in my case: there is no mission for me. I simply do not care enough about anything to go and run with. There are bits and pieces of a mission for me but nothing that would qualify as a wholesale mission. Is that a problem? Maybe, maybe not. Will check out the Model, too.
Edited by nupi, 03 January 2013 - 10:04 AM.