I was just wondering if there was any nootropic that would dramatically increase recall memory.
I have tried many nootropics some of which include:
Oxiracetam (once)
Rhodiola Rosea
Bacopa Monnieri
Fish Oil
Alpha GPC
CDP choline
Choline Citrate
The list goes on...
I have taken them all at once, which didn't turn out too well, and most of them separately too.
The problem is that after I'm done studying, with my current stack (noopept + pramiracetam + aniracetam + fish oil + cdp choline + rhodiola rosea + L-tyrosine + B complex vitamins); I can't seem to recall the detailed information.
It's like I get the concept and the main idea of what I'm reading, but, if I were asked something specific like a chemical formula, then I'd just be completely blank.
I have tried many combinations,but so far, my current stack gives me the best effects comparatively.
And for some weird reason none of the nootropics seem to actually work positively. They either show no effect or just make me really sleepy/lethargic/confused.
My current stack just gives me the slightest amount of an anxiolytic effect with a hint of a concentration boost.
I'm starting to think that nootropics just don't work in general, and even if they do, it's not worth looking like a crack addict for the tiny little enhancement.
Placebo would work just as well.
I'm sure there are people who have the same experiences as me, so it would be wonderful if people could share some information and enlighten us all.
Edited by MindSpark, 15 November 2012 - 09:43 PM.