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new ways to test the MWI

mwi photons electrons flash drives

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#1 treonsverdery

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Posted 17 November 2012 - 12:33 AM

yay quantum computing
Yay the Many Worlds Interpretation of physics (MWI), possibly.

What are some ways of testing the MWI
I have previously described some here online These may be new approaches

first lets think about the USB flash drive as quantum effect sensor. if you look these up on wikipedia it says that these actually use quantum tunneling of an electron through Si to function. That suggests that billions (The giga from USB Gigabyte) of quantum tunneling sensors can be cheaply reproducibly constructed on a tiny chip. so yay, we can make a highly plural quantum event sensor.

from what I have read about MWI a new universe is created or rather provided as a result of each quantum difference. At some material online I have described how surrounding one quantum event with another (like a gradual photonic loop surrounding a radioactive material) could be used to create nested quantum effects, which the MWI may interpret as the generation of many universes with a dependency on what the surrounding universe does.

Now the new part

visualize a laser aimed at a bunch of retroreflectors all at a row

*-----------------------[\] - - - - - [\] - - - - - [\] - - - -

at each retroreflector it either retroreflects or not, from a MWI perspective each photon meeting the retroreflector creates another universe to accomodate both the reflect as well as pass versions. Then as the the photon goes through each of the aligned retroreflectors we get a larger accumulation of created universes.

Now the nifty part, as these are retroreflectors, the source photon could actually bounce back to the first or any earlier reflector. one version of the MWI i heard about suggests that this causes the extra created universe which differs only from this one quantum event to actually re-become-a-part of the source universe. [MB, .5b] i doubt that, yet if true it means a tremendous yet brief variation of enery as well as mass has somehow occured. Perhaps that is detectable from a delay of the next parallel universe creation occuring possibly nanometers away at the retroreflector from a different photon

send two photons along the multiretroreflector path, if one of the two re-retroreflects removing a universe, then thats possible the velocity of the creation of universes from the other photon could be affected, as perhaps they are both sipping out of the same otherworldly glass. That could be measured, as well as characterized with different amounts of photons

further, what id the laser is modulated, that is it is pulsing along to some data form that is both nonpredictable as well as completely nonrandom like IP packets from internet radio. a scientist could easily detect that what was coming from the retroreflector was ip nternet radio packlets, as well as what they should definitionally contain ( a particular song) so we see if the twice retroreflected universe removing photons sound like, do they deviate at all from whats on the radio? from a MWI perspective you would expect the two photonic modulated data streams to be utterly identical, yet if the universe removing remeasured photon started to diverge, structurally or even "songwise" it would be proof of a different datastream.

while I feel there are errors with this description, (some may prefer an array of linear double slit apparatus) It does appear that there may be observability of out of universe energy or dataform phenomena. also noting that putting a few billion quantum responsive items on chip, like flash drives, the system could be exposed to various forms of physics at different areas, like you could have a millimeter area with lots of strong force effects, or try to create a mm area with lots of weak force effects, or an area with neutrino effects, just to see if any casual parts of known physics affect the phenomena

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: mwi, photons, electrons, flash drives

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