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Therapeutic use of psychedelics (mostly daily treshold doses)

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#91 robosapiens

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Posted 03 December 2013 - 09:42 PM

I have found that low dose muscaria, properly dried, has a nootropic effect much like other gabaa agonists can

#92 mission780

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Posted 04 December 2013 - 10:48 AM

I have found that low dose muscaria, properly dried, has a nootropic effect much like other gabaa agonists can

What kind of nootropic properties have you experienced with it?

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#93 Limburger

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Posted 15 October 2015 - 12:48 AM


There's a psychedelic available as good as lsd in health shops or pharmacy's or whatever, its a essential oil with pretty much all glowing reports.

Haha best find yet in my search for interesting goodie's that are available.


The essential oils listed in the "oilahuasca" teks are pretty uniformly hepatotoxic and highly carcinogenic. Both chronic use and single acute doses produced a strong increase in liver cancer in animals. There are multiple published studies; Google is your friend. Whether or not these are active is interesting in the abstract, human experimentation is unsafe and irresponsible if you look at the medical literature.


are any of these as safe as 4-aco-dmt?

any info on 25c-nbome? i heard 25i caused a few seizures and deaths


There have been several reports of deaths from 25i-NBOME at what were believed to be common dosages, including one instance where the batch had been used by multiple people at the same dosage before, including the person that suffered fatal seizures and heart failure. While it is possible that this was a result of mislain blotter, there is no reason to use a low-quality psychedelic class that has been implicated in fatalities, seizures, and persistent HPPD. The NBOMEs are sold for one reason alone: their potency makes them cheap to buy and sell. At this point, all potent, selective agonists for 5-HT2a are suspect and should be shelved until future times when research on psychedelics can be conducted legally and safely. Choose something else.

#94 Limburger

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Posted 15 October 2015 - 12:56 AM

Wanna link to those BNOME-cases you're citing?

You can't take drug scares at face value, ever. Doing your own reading is the only way.


I was going to for him, but then I realized that it's very easy to type "NBOME fatalities" into Google. You can check out primary publications that aren't paywall protected from toxicology journals, you can read media reports, or you can check out firsthand reports of what dying from NBOMEs looks like on forums like Bluelight or Drugs-Forum. No one knew they weren't safe initially--and no one is saying that everyone who takes them will die--but after so very many fatalities, NBOMEs cannot be said to share the more generally benign safety profile of most other psychedelics.

#95 gizmobrain

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Posted 16 October 2015 - 12:32 AM

Has anyone mentioned anything that can legally be obtained in the USA yet?

I live far away from Colorado, btw :)

Edited by gizmodroid, 16 October 2015 - 12:33 AM.

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#96 Lsdium

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Posted 06 December 2015 - 02:42 PM

medievil, any update about your 2c-d use?

#97 sativa

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Posted 06 December 2015 - 03:28 PM

Psychoactive essential oils are great nootropics and depending on dose, full blown psychedelics.

Psychoactive herbs are also VERY useful and beneficial with regards to knowing the self.
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#98 Sasha_

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Posted 07 December 2015 - 06:21 PM

FYI, ayahuasca retreats now available in USA ! https://ayahuascahea...a-retreats-usa/

#99 birthdaysuit

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Posted 08 December 2015 - 12:34 AM

This guy I “know” wants to buy some psychedelic mushrooms and/or buy spores and the equipment needed to grow them. He never grew them before and he’s wondering if others here have ever grown them? Judging by tutorials online it doesn’t seem to be too tedious. Why is he asking these questions, by he I mean I. 


For the past few months, after I quit smoking cannabis and alcohol I convinced myself that I had developed a form of social anxiety.

All throughout me teenage years, until about a year ago I was an extrovert. Very outgoing, with lots of charisma. However, I am now the complete opposite of that following my cannabis induced panic attack. I have not felt the same since and have become extremely introspective, edgy, unable to think clearly and panicky.
I’ve tried almost every supplement possible. The only ones that seemed to slightly work were myo-inositol, rhodiola rosea, however, after a few months they stopped working. I have taken blood tests, thyroid tests. etc. Everything came back normal.   

Almost a year before I even started smoking cannabis I took almost 4g of Tek shrooms and experienced what I can only describe as being reborn. It was scary and markedly enlightening (I hate that word). I started to see that similar to my old self, people thought about being better than everyone else and projecting an image. During the trip I did however feel tremendously lonely for a short moment and during this time my friends were telling themselves how they wanted to try every drug, including heroin. This caused me to spiral into quite a daunting, negative mind loop. For well over 15mins I was thinking about my friends smoking cannabis everyday, and what that would surmount to. All I wanted at this point was silence; I meditated and felt pure inner bliss, but my friends kept asking if I was dead, so it didn’t last too long. It felt like a premonition that would happen a later on, where I being a victim of peer pressure would smoke cannabis heavily with my friends. I never even liked it.

Nevertheless, after tripping I had become positive in my thinking, never judging others and complementing them in the best ways possible, though not many people like to be complemented for some strange reason. I also started reading books about history, group psychology, etc. I tried having rational conversations with my friends but it was downright impossible. I was feeling good and dandy until I started smoking cannabis. 

So, for a year after ingesting psychedelic mushrooms I was a completely open and positive person. I remember it clearly and I have wanted so badly to get back to this mindset. I was wondering if I should microdose with shrooms and/or take the standard 3.5grams? From researching, I know that agonizing the 5-HT2A receptor in the hypothalamus causes increases in hormonal oxytocin, the bonding chemical. A glow and openness that I shared with others prior to smoking cannabis. I felt empathy and compassion for many months. 
Yet, now I have cognitive empathy, but because I am so introverted and anxious, I cease to invest it in others. 
If not mushrooms would metta-meditation be a more subtle approach or even CBD, which is said to have the apparent ability to stabilize disrupted or disabled NMDA receptor pathways in the brain. Studies have shown cannabidiol decreases activity of the limbic system and decreases social isolation induced by THC in rats.

Edited by birthdaysuit, 08 December 2015 - 12:37 AM.

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#100 umop 3pisdn

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Posted 08 December 2015 - 04:57 AM

Get these videos:



#101 Limburger

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Posted 08 December 2015 - 06:33 PM

Psychoactive essential oils are great nootropics and depending on dose, full blown psychedelics.

Psychoactive herbs are also VERY useful and beneficial with regards to knowing the self.


Just to reiterate, using high doses of essential oils causes liver damage. It makes sense (they're aromatics, which are well known to cause liver damage) and it's been demonstrated (just do a GoogleScholar search and you'll find the studies.) Don't do it. Take something else. It just doesn't make sense when nearly all other psychedelics are nearly harmless to take something known to cause major organ damage.



Almost a year before I even started smoking cannabis I took almost 4g of Tek shrooms and experienced what I can only describe as being reborn. It was scary and markedly enlightening (I hate that word). I started to see that similar to my old self, people thought about being better than everyone else and projecting an image...Nevertheless, after tripping I had become positive in my thinking, never judging others and complementing them in the best ways possible, though not many people like to be complemented for some strange reason. I also started reading books about history, group psychology, etc. I tried having rational conversations with my friends but it was downright impossible. I was feeling good and dandy until I started smoking cannabis. So, for a year after ingesting psychedelic mushrooms I was a completely open and positive person. I remember it clearly and I have wanted so badly to get back to this mindset. I was wondering if I should microdose with shrooms and/or take the standard 3.5grams?
Yet, now I have cognitive empathy, but because I am so introverted and anxious, I cease to invest it in others. 
If not mushrooms would metta-meditation be a more subtle approach or even CBD, which is said to have the apparent ability to stabilize disrupted or disabled NMDA receptor pathways in the brain.


The reports I've read on microdosing have been mixed. It sounds to me like you benefitted from a standard dose last time. Just make sure you follow the standard protocol (set, setting, sitter, etc.) to help you get the most out of your experience. Fair warning, while the lessons from an experience such as you had can be lifelong, don't expect the experience of the afterglow to be permanent. Weeks, months, even as long as a year, but life does eventually catch up. That's why Huston Smith, Aldous Huxley, etc. referred to it as cleansing the doors of perception--eventually the funk and clutter will come back, but hopefully you will have learned valuable lessons that you will take with you nonetheless. For what it's worth, many people speak very highly of the therapeutic benefits of mescaline-containing cacti. The effects are less deep and challenging than those of psilocybin-containing mushrooms, but they generally focus more specifically on empathy, compassion, and interpersonal relationships. Incidentally, mescaline containing cacti like Echinopsis lageniformis (syn. Trichocereus bridgesii) are legal to possess in every country I can think of. They aren't popular because they take considerable more time and money and research to deal with than what recreational users are accustomed to, but for someone looking for a once-in-a-lifetime transformative experience, I imagine the benefits would likely just outweigh the added hassle.

I highly recommend metta. Surprisingly, just 7 minutes a day for three days has been shown to produce positive changes in the brain. Obviously, the benefits are small at first, but are cumulative over months and years of practice. It works better when combined with mindfulness and/or concentration. Meditation is just like strength training: one hour once a week is nowhere near as beneficial as ten minutes, twice a day, every day. The more frequently you practice, the more you benefit. You stop, and you decline until you revert to the mean.

Edited by Limburger, 08 December 2015 - 06:34 PM.

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#102 birthdaysuit

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Posted 09 December 2015 - 05:36 AM






Almost a year before I even started smoking cannabis I took almost 4g of Tek shrooms and experienced what I can only describe as being reborn. It was scary and markedly enlightening (I hate that word). I started to see that similar to my old self, people thought about being better than everyone else and projecting an image...Nevertheless, after tripping I had become positive in my thinking, never judging others and complementing them in the best ways possible, though not many people like to be complemented for some strange reason. I also started reading books about history, group psychology, etc. I tried having rational conversations with my friends but it was downright impossible. I was feeling good and dandy until I started smoking cannabis. So, for a year after ingesting psychedelic mushrooms I was a completely open and positive person. I remember it clearly and I have wanted so badly to get back to this mindset. I was wondering if I should microdose with shrooms and/or take the standard 3.5grams?
Yet, now I have cognitive empathy, but because I am so introverted and anxious, I cease to invest it in others. 
If not mushrooms would metta-meditation be a more subtle approach or even CBD, which is said to have the apparent ability to stabilize disrupted or disabled NMDA receptor pathways in the brain.


The reports I've read on microdosing have been mixed. It sounds to me like you benefitted from a standard dose last time. Just make sure you follow the standard protocol (set, setting, sitter, etc.) to help you get the most out of your experience. Fair warning, while the lessons from an experience such as you had can be lifelong, don't expect the experience of the afterglow to be permanent. Weeks, months, even as long as a year, but life does eventually catch up. That's why Huston Smith, Aldous Huxley, etc. referred to it as cleansing the doors of perception--eventually the funk and clutter will come back, but hopefully you will have learned valuable lessons that you will take with you nonetheless. For what it's worth, many people speak very highly of the therapeutic benefits of mescaline-containing cacti. The effects are less deep and challenging than those of psilocybin-containing mushrooms, but they generally focus more specifically on empathy, compassion, and interpersonal relationships. Incidentally, mescaline containing cacti like Echinopsis lageniformis (syn. Trichocereus bridgesii) are legal to possess in every country I can think of. They aren't popular because they take considerable more time and money and research to deal with than what recreational users are accustomed to, but for someone looking for a once-in-a-lifetime transformative experience, I imagine the benefits would likely just outweigh the added hassle.

I highly recommend metta. Surprisingly, just 7 minutes a day for three days has been shown to produce positive changes in the brain. Obviously, the benefits are small at first, but are cumulative over months and years of practice. It works better when combined with mindfulness and/or concentration. Meditation is just like strength training: one hour once a week is nowhere near as beneficial as ten minutes, twice a day, every day. The more frequently you practice, the more you benefit. You stop, and you decline until you revert to the mean.


My first time tripping was overwhelming and at times scary, although, there were many beneficial unveilings of my ego. The come up of the trip was especially scary because overhearing my friends talk about how they wanted to try heroin hurled me into a negative thought loop. I felt like I was in a cave, looking distantly at my friends, slowly losing myself. It was the loneliness I’ve ever felt in my life. However, this only lasted 20minutes before I lost all sense of reality. From then on, I felt absolutely amazing. However, like you said valuable lessons are learned if a psychedelic is used as a tool and not just some recreational drug to get you high. From this mindset, whether the trip is scary or positive, lessons can be learned but life will eventually catch up to you. 


I have second thoughts about taking mushrooms again in the standard dose range. I’m fearful, which is not at the ideal mindset one should have before tripping. 


Regarding, peyote and San Pedro cacti. Which, one is easier to acquire? I know one can buy the San Pedro cactus and prepare it so its hallucinogenic alkaloids can be ingested, yet aren't mescaline and San Pedro not the same thing. You've just got all of the other constituents and plant matter, whereas mescaline is only the one alkaloid. I’m not sure if those other alkaloids are harmful to a person’s internals and/or psyche. However, I have heard absolutely great things about San Pedro trips. I just want something lucid and forgiving, i want my mind to remain mostly coherent. Shrooms did not do this at all for me. 

Edited by birthdaysuit, 09 December 2015 - 05:37 AM.

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