Hmm, sounds like you have no idea of technological constraints, which makes you ignorant about technology in general. BTW this is not an ad hominem attack but simply an observation about your expertise. I have some experience in technology and algorithm development and can tell you that 14 years is a very short period during which very few real breakthroughs happen. So yeah, let's bet on the arrival of "singularity" by 2027, stakes can be a bottle of your favorite whisky or a subscription to Playboy or something along those lines. Wanna bet?
I'm interested in the science.
Physical constantsare just part of the laws of physics.
Nothing can contravene them
"There are many physical constants in science, some of the most widely recognized being the
speed of light in vacuum
c, the
gravitational constant G,
Planck's constant h, the
electric constant ε
0, and the
elementary charge e. Physical constants can take many
dimensional forms: the speed of light signifies a maximum
speed limit of the
Universe and is expressed dimensionally as
length divided by
time; while the
fine-structure constant α, which characterizes the strength of the electromagnetic interaction, is
dimensionless." wiki
Unless you mean contraignt barriers?
Quantum Archaeology is a top level use of the laws:
"An analogous term for a scientific law is a
Scientific laws:
- summarize a large collection of facts determined by experiment into a single statement,
- can usually be formulated mathematically as one or several statements or equation, or at least stated in a single sentence, so that it can be used to predict the outcome of an experiment, given the initial, boundary, and other physical conditions of the processes which take place,
- are strongly supported by empirical evidence - they are scientific knowledge that experiments have repeatedly verified (and never falsified). Their accuracy does not change when new theories are worked out, but rather the scope of application, since the equation (if any) representing the law does not change. As with other scientific knowledge, they do not have absolute certainty like mathematical theorems or identities, and it is always possible for a law to be overturned by future observations.
- are often quoted as a fundamental controlling influence rather than a description of observed facts. I.e. "the laws of motion require that""
It is hard to say what is impossible, and there is no known way of projecting through a signilogical signularity IMO.
2027 is my guess and could be way out of course, but I've looked at stuff prottyping including spending breif time in humanoid robot lab, particle accelerator copmplex and comunicating with many boffins.
I stand by my projection of human resurrection in 20-40- years, and thnk that conservative fro several reasons.
The main one is Superintelligence adventing.
Mopst people in A.I. expectr it, though no one but a few of us say when and we could all be wrong
(me 2027, Kurzweil 2045, Vinge 2030)
The speed of ability increase..which includes stuff like Moore's law, ands what you get for $1 is obviousl to most.
Last week a particle accelerator was reported as being miniturised by X 10,000
Toy helicoppters flying saicers were laying the rounds then dissappeared.
This month their state of the art was demionstrated @ TEDa few days ago :
Raffaello D'Andrea: The astounding athletic power of ... - TED.comOR
There is a time list based on communications I've had with peoploe in teh field and people who track them:
2015 humanoid robots
2017 gene medicine
2022 Quantum computers arrive
Soon after trhgem A.I. so good it seems increasaingly human.
Last week emotions have been successfully put into software.
Quantum Archaeology or whatever you wish to call it...
has propositions which seem sound.
Computi8g poer will increase
the universe is made of laws.
Archaeology will get better
And resurrection is already being done now.
It;s up to sceintists to debate it, but I'd be surprized if they dont split ontop for and against.
Our hostory shows we find more of the past and the proposed
quantum archaeology gridIS ALREADY BEING BUILT! because it;s components are already being built.
It seems to me the only argument would be about the authenticity of the rsurrectees - because given enough processing poweer you logically must be able to resurrect anyone dead.
"Does this mean I'm not really dead?"David Pearce has ideated Paradise Engineering...where life is pregrammed against suffering.
That too must sound enormous...but it;s becauysew e are sketching predictions at different scales and not working at the rock face.
The scale is the only thing that dazzles us.
It shouldn't.
Miniturisation is happening at blistering speeds.
Calculations IMPOSSIBLE 10 years ago are now being done, maths perobelms being solved that have existed for centuries.
The pace of change now is quickening, like a firework taking off.
Technologies /sciences are converging fast.
THis is a chart example similar to tech/sceince/margs convergence.

People born today wont haver to die, and people dying today will be ressurrected tomorrow.
This must be.
For in a nivetrse of infinities,
that which is imnproabable tends to always happen.

Although Death is profoundly beautiful, the delusion that it is a final state for consciousness is limited and stupid.
Man's ingenuity and technolgical inventiveness is more than death could cage.

It is ridiculous to assert with accelerating intelligence systems we coldn't describe every man's past.
What makes man so specieal.
We describe 13 billion years back into the cosmos to Big Bang.

Nothing exists except by Law. Nothing.
A dead man's brain is not going to take much calculation relative to computers in the future, whose capcity will miniscule our own.
Money chases computing power up & up

MOORE'S LAW is only one of many tech/maths/cost/acceleration paradignms.

So unless there are some limits in phycis showing why information cannot be redescribed, I am jusrified in asserting it can.
"Information is incapable of being desytroyed" Susskind. Stanford.
If you reply that doesn't mean WE can caputure it...
I have a right to try and advance Archaeology to that level, anticipating hypercomputation.
But the argument has to be in public about Cryonics Vs Quantum Archaeology
I think they will complement each others.
I see the danger that people would not cover themselves by getting frozen and QA might not work.
But Cryonics might not work.
Yet sceince doesnot show that.
It shows thta men, dead, frozen or lost in ancient hostory are no different from any other infomration, and if you insist it is a matter of phsyical body VS 'faith'
I think it is a matter in both cases of information and scale; of mircorobots and calculation power.
Edited by Innocent, 23 June 2013 - 01:18 AM.