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#361 Mority

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Posted 17 June 2013 - 04:55 PM

But after 10 years Quantum Archaeology is still ridiculed on unsceitific grounds, and when I have answered one argument the same argument is thrown up again as if It had not been refuted, and I am shouted a lunatic in streams of ad hominems attacks.

It is ridiculed since you have been unable to refute any of the criticisms. Frankly it seems that you don't yet understands physics, computation, simulation or mathematics enough to even do a basic assessment of the QA-challenge and you've admitted yourself that you're only doing philosophy. You're not a credible front to a movement that is essentially technological and your refusal to address any specifics makes the situation worse.

Exactly, nothing to add.

#362 Julia36

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Posted 17 June 2013 - 05:30 PM

But after 10 years Quantum Archaeology is still ridiculed on unsceitific grounds, and when I have answered one argument the same argument is thrown up again as if It had not been refuted, and I am shouted a lunatic in streams of ad hominems attacks.

It is ridiculed since you have been unable to refute any of the criticisms. Frankly it seems that you don't yet understands physics, computation, simulation or mathematics enough to even do a basic assessment of the QA-challenge and you've admitted yourself that you're only doing philosophy. You're not a credible front to a movement that is essentially technological and your refusal to address any specifics makes the situation worse.

Ad Hominem.

Credibility is irrelevant.
This is a matter of science now as philosophy has sloughed it:)
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#363 Julia36

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Posted 17 June 2013 - 05:41 PM

But after 10 years Quantum Archaeology is still ridiculed on unsceitific grounds, and when I have answered one argument the same argument is thrown up again as if It had not been refuted, and I am shouted a lunatic in streams of ad hominems attacks.

It is ridiculed since you have been unable to refute any of the criticisms. Frankly it seems that you don't yet understands physics, computation, simulation or mathematics enough to even do a basic assessment of the QA-challenge and you've admitted yourself that you're only doing philosophy. You're not a credible front to a movement that is essentially technological and your refusal to address any specifics makes the situation worse.

Exactly, nothing to add.

But this is a philosophy & Immortality forum!

That I may or may not be a heretic is irrelevant

The idea needs testing and that cannot be done in science against a philosopher.

The only thing a philosopher has to do is see if the idea is logically consistent.

Since information is incapabable of being destroyed, archaeology is being done, and calculation power to reconfigure the past is increasing, it is indeed consistent to posit at some stage we will be able to describe the past in detail enough to resurrect the dead.

Some have said that cold not be for billions of years (eg Frank Tipler...it will occur at the end of the universe); I suggest it will happen when we have sufficient computing power which is likely by 2027!

If you turn cryonics into a dogmatic defence of cryonics is right and everything else is a heresy to be attacked, you are not doing philosophy or science.

It is no threat to cryonicists is QA is correct: it will help cryonicists themselves achieve their aim of individual immortality.

I think we have a default button for adversarial combat.

You surely cant expect me to do the science as well as the philosophy????

But Quantum Archaeology is already being done. The past is already being described in astonishing detail and biological systems 'resurrected that were extinct for 100's of billion years.

#364 Julia36

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Posted 17 June 2013 - 06:10 PM

Ok so lets get to specifics, for example a lotto-machine where a few dozen balls bounce around and then a few of them are drawn out to generate the winning numbers. Now:

1) You know the winning numbers (for example 37-12-2-6-23-26-27)
2) You know the make of the lotto machine
3) You know the name of the person who operated the machine
4) You know that the lotto-machine was in a room behind closed doors
5) Initially that is all you know.

Now, tell me how are you going to reconstruct the trajectory of the balls inside the lotto machine. According to your timeline, this should be possible in a few years, maximum 10, which is just a blink of an eye in technological terms. Tell me what you need to "simulate" those trajectories, i.e. construct an experiment trying to do just that. You may user whatever equipment available today or in the foreseeable future to conduct your experiment. How will you do it? This could be an X-Price for QA in 2020, unless it's practically impossible.


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If you know the winning numbers you wouldn't do it ?? I dont think you can have meant that.

It is a fact that statisticians (eg the ones I cited) win lotteries, sometimes for vast amounts.

Stanford stats PhD win millions on lottery 4 times is a Stanford

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Taking the Euromillions which I see is drawing about $200,000,000 tax free tomorrow:

You can do a lot in in experimental physics, so like snooker, you should look at photographing the trajectories. The balls are not coming from random places but are starting from fixed places, and being bounced into a container with estimatable drop, and presumably wind turbulence.
They dont move about randomly (though aimed to give the impression they do so)
but on inevitable courses fixed by their environment variables.

Since all things are interrelated, the main thing is its got to sound right:

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some of us convert our maths to music to test it.

You can do a lottery in one of 3 ways, which is how science is done in the human size world, in the World of the very big, and in the world of the small down to about 100 nanometres, where quantum theory dominates by probability:

1. By probability - obviously giving you long-term aggregates. Probab ility is a sub-set of causation dealing with higher scale phenomena eg groups or crowds.

2. By causation, the most reliable system ever discovered, the basis of all science - obviously giving exact prediction. (If you calculate the answer will be 345, the answer will always be 345; it can be repeated by anyone following your method, and it is known why this answer will be 345.)

3. Other techniques from statistics and experiment.

It isn't just correlation vs causation but if you can find patterns (Laws of Physics are JUST that)
they dramatically reduce calculation required.

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any one sequence is 1 approx 117,000,000

Made of 1 in 50 + 1 in 49, + 1 in 48 , + 1 in 47 + 1 in 46,


1 in 11, + 1 in 10.

but you can extract sequences that that already been in the past, and also meaningful sequences which should be less likely, eg 12345, 49, 48,47,46,45 in any order.

You can probably do that with 4 consecutive numbers.

Then you can factor in every system you can get hold of eg TelsystemX http://www.web2galax...atistik_en.html

To be probabilistically certainty to win a prize is 1 in 13 tickets: ON AVERAGE.

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Once you know several thousand or million sequences that will not arrive probabilistically, you can begin to simultaneously deduce what that means for the way numbers are selected.

You can draw geometrical lines eliminating possible pathways and this will eliminte many more number sequences.

For example as balls bounce off one another in Euromillions, clusters of eliminated numbers that cannot bounce other balls to be selected can be eliminated as well.

eg if ball 6 arrived at the selection tube, its history could not include a high probability for the elimintaed sequences to be drawn.

The name of the machine is important because you could run simulations and empirically test your predictions.

You should be able to pick winners, photographing the moving balls to calculate approximate speeds and this has already been proved with roulette wheels where selecting a minor area of the wheel X spin speed of the ball X speed of the wheel,

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and also factoring in where the ball was dropped into play, was so successful, casinos bar computers being smuggled into to do the calculations and give an edge over the house (I haven't studied it but I think it was 4 to 1 on the gambler's favour).

The Eurolottery is more numbers split into 2, (49 & 11)

and 7 different games - all equivalent to roulette, with different available numbers (as above)

The UK who's philosophy was regarded as 'just mathematics' by Europeans has a high strike rate of winning the Eurolottery!

You can average the length of time balls are in flux before selection,
but it is absurd to think in this scale game you could not determine a statistical probability of winning if you can determine the variables.

It is just a simple maths equation.

I have gone fleetingly thru this; it is obviously more complex; but I hope you win the lottery tomorrow which is a jackpot and buy yourself time!

But what you have done is set a challenge and limited the variables you can know.

You may need more (this is one part of of sampling).

I watched a world famous statistician showing how sampling with algorithmic probability could extract information from white noise and knew Law was the dominant tool in science.

Problems look sublime on the surface but can be broken down, because everything must obey laws.

Incidentally if you want to make money gambling there are much easier ways than a lottery.

from 117 million to 1 you can get down to 10,000: 1 for a smaller payout ($10,000!)

and systems abound to utilize the stock markets on this.

The place to start may be the actuaries society.

So you need to gather as much information about the prediction you can.

Cryonic suspension allows string information about a legally dead person.

QA posits you can construct a
QuantumArchaeology grid

as it aims not only at the resurrection of Man, but of mapping the past in the deepest detail we can (there may be no limit to this, but for resurrection not much past 5 nanometers may be needed)

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Edited by Innocent, 17 June 2013 - 07:01 PM.

#365 Julia36

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Posted 17 June 2013 - 06:17 PM

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What's happening here is a true forwards as backwards.

This site is addictive I have to get back to testing my theories in A.I. at some stage: money is irrelevant.

Edited by Innocent, 17 June 2013 - 07:15 PM.

#366 Julia36

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Posted 17 June 2013 - 07:14 PM

Chinese Supercomputer Is Now The World's Fastest - By A Lot

Chinese Supercomputer Is Now The World's Fastest - By A Lot
absolutely predicted (though not by me)

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Edited by Innocent, 17 June 2013 - 07:22 PM.

#367 Julia36

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Posted 17 June 2013 - 07:32 PM

We're somewhere in this box on the graph of change in technical competence (vertica)

John Smart Standford Singularity Summit

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TIME ---->


Please contact moderator if you would like to house 106 billion resurrectees.

Edited by Innocent, 17 June 2013 - 07:33 PM.

#368 Julia36

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Posted 17 June 2013 - 10:04 PM

and to time yourself to make the Least effort for the specific gain you want.

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It has often been quoted we are 98% banana:

but we are 100% data

Like the banana.

Although we think of ourselves as having free choice, we are absolutely determined by the laws of physics.

Our lives including our private thoughts, are played out only according to the laws of physics.

So if you can gather a few variables and do tons of maths, you MUST describe the dead person.

We may seem uniquely unusual to ourselves, but to coming machine intelligences we will be as predictable as any computer program.

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Because there are feweer events i the past than the present.

The pesent is more complex than the past.

You can see how simple most people were in the past ---> in learning, but also in brain complexity.

Most were bacteria.

To work out the past you need

Data from the present X mathematics.

The more maths the less data needed.

the more data the less maths.

NB There is a difference between us....Cryonics is aiming at the living.

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Quantum Archaeology is aiming at the dead.

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No man is dead. Nor beast nor particle, wave nor event.

Man is incapable of death.

We have punched a hole in the wall of death and philosophy is escaping from religious fear.

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Edited by Innocent, 17 June 2013 - 10:40 PM.

#369 Julia36

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Posted 17 June 2013 - 11:33 PM

In the Run-up to a tech Singularity 2030-2045 (Venge/Kurzwqeil)

many new magical technoloogies will appear.

This list typifies many.

They are likely over the next 10 years IMO not in decades.

• genetics technology;
• energy technology;
• materials technology;
• brain technology;
• information technology.
A sixth area, not itself a technology but acting as an influential wash over all technologies, will be environmentalism.

Likely technological accomplishments in the next decades

• Planetary engineering, e.g. waste disposal into the earth’s mantle
• Iceberg-towing for arid zone irrigation
• Ocean mining
• Integrated logistics, full intermodal integration–goods in transit never touched by human hands
• Intelligent vehicle highway systems
• Integrated water supply systems on a continental scale
• 120-mile-per-gallon personal vehicles
• Manufacturing for durability, reclamation, remanufacturing and recycling
• Ocean ranching/farming
• Fail-safe nuclear power plants
• Human and animal prostheses, implants and assists
• Brain technologies
• Automated farming and animal husbandry
• Outdoor robots
• Genetic diagnoses, therapies, enhancement tools
• Intelligent structures
• Dynamic structures
• Smartness in all devices, components and systems
• Weather modification
• Earthquake prevention
• Product customisation
• Simulation of all devices and systems in design
• Automated kitchen
• Full integration of ergonomics into design
• Subsurface structures
• Nanoscale products and systems
• Robotic assists for people
• Space station
• Planning for terraforming



Edited by Innocent, 17 June 2013 - 11:33 PM.

#370 Julia36

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Posted 20 June 2013 - 12:15 AM


We may be able to calculate our living histories and raise the dead.

If we can resurrect everyone who has ever lived, we we logically have achieved immortality.

Quantum Archaeology sets down some ideas on how to do it, and notes what's already been resurrected and reassembled by statistics

Before 2027 on present accelerating trends, we will have built nano-bots that can reassemble inside the cell and quantum robots inside the atom. Both of these are being attempted, and nanobots already prototyping.

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Science is becoming a fully fledged religion, with faith in an afterlife replaced with Hope by prediction.

No-one is dead. No-one has finally died. Death is impossible. The quantum works by laws. Information is incapable of being destroyed. Calculation power is dramatically accelerating.

"By 2030 the human era will be over! Vernor Vinge

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QuantumArchaeology - Google Sites

Edited by Innocent, 20 June 2013 - 12:41 AM.

#371 Julia36

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Posted 20 June 2013 - 12:59 AM

First Futurist

Ridley Scott HG Wells 45mins

Early futurist HG Wells rare (brief) recording


Edited by Innocent, 20 June 2013 - 01:34 AM.

#372 Julia36

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Posted 20 June 2013 - 02:05 AM

These are better

BBC archive recordings HG Wells

List & Play


#373 Julia36

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Posted 20 June 2013 - 06:42 AM

It must be obvious we're mapping smaller and smaller events using the laws of physics to manufacture measurement technology.
In the 2020's we should be able to map the quantum world back in time.

Miniaturisation is a trend that is plolttable (and accelerating).


First brain cells signals captured:
"To our knowledge, this is the first time scientists have used carbon nanotubes to record signals from individual neurons, what we call intracellular recordings, in brain slices or intact brains of vertebrates," said Bruce Donald, a professor of computer science and biochemistry at Duke University who helped developed the probe.

Read more at: http://phys.org/news...n-cell.html#jCp

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"To our knowledge, this is the first time scientists have used carbon nanotubes to record signals from individual neurons, what we call intracellular recordings, in brain slices or intact brains of vertebrates," said Bruce Donald, a professor of computer science and biochemistry at Duke University who helped developed the probe.


"The entire visible universe can be perfectly simulated with 10^123 bytes of storage capacity." Frank Tipler

we're already doing it, though not in that detail.

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Once done sufficiently we then simulate back in time:

It is ONLY a question of calculation power...in maths or machinery.

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The amount of calculation we can do is accelerating fast.

Floating Operation points per sceond
over time

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#374 Julia36

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Posted 20 June 2013 - 05:41 PM

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Waves are also run absolutely by the Laws of Physics.

As we learn to manipulate the quantum world, we can reconstruct the past.

Out technologies are miniaturising.

A Particle Accelerator was oday reposted as shrunk to the size of a table top.

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Particle accelerator that can fit on a tabletop opens new chapter for science research

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"We have accelerated about half a billion electrons to 2 gigaelectronvolts over a distance of about 1 inch," said Mike Downer, professor of physics in the College of Natural Sciences. "Until now that degree of energy and focus has required a conventional accelerator that stretches more than the length of two football fields. It's a downsizing of a factor of approximately 10,000."


In the 2020' homes will have particle accelerators and atomic assemblers using on-line programmes and household waste to assemble anything required safely and in most cases free.

the Future:Posted Image

the past is accessible by maths and archaeology

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Edited by Innocent, 20 June 2013 - 05:45 PM.

#375 Julia36

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Posted 21 June 2013 - 02:08 PM

Inside Richard Dawkin's Home:

His Hate mail.

It is very hard to get a meme change with people.

Death is a massive attack on the ego, but is overcome about 7 or 8 yrs.

Religion steps in then with confirmation (accelerated religious training)

and acceptance of death is the result.

Cryonicists know how difficult it is to re-educate by argument (is there another way?)

Cryonics and Quantum Archaeology are arguments to the future like religion.

But Death is visible everywhere, and we not only have to overturn it;s inevitability, but also religion.

Immortality and physical scientific resurrection are must bigger helps to ;people living lives of pain but the arguments have to impact graphically into people.

Cryonicists should tour cities and town with props, lecturing.and leafleting (and signing up

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#376 Julia36

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Posted 21 June 2013 - 03:03 PM

Progress was slow but acceleration is hitting the knee of the curve in accelerating IT.

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First rolerball mouse was big & used bowling balls. 1952

In 2020's we will be able to manipulate maths into the quantum world describing dead people for any time in history

- then reassemble them with coming microrobots



The emerging science of resurrecting the dead.

  • The universe is made of events and the laws that govern them.
  • Enough traces in the present exist to describe the past.
  • There is no qualitative difference between a dead being and any other historical data.
  • Archaeology is increasing.
  • Microrobots for physical assemblies are already prototyping.

Quantum Archaeology is a proposed science of resurrecting the dead. It anticipates coming process technologies that accelerate science and technology. It assumes the universe is made of events and the laws that govern them, and seeks to make maps of brain/body states at the instant of death for every being in history. Then give them back their bodies, healthier and better. Living beings are seen as data sets that can be worked out by statistics and mathematics and plotted on a four dimensioned grid.



Modern Archaeology is increasingly about data and computers.

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Airbourne laser archaeology uncovers a lost Cambodian ancient city penetrating the thick jungle.

Sound/acoustic archaeology is is it's infancy but already tapping the secrets out of Stonehenge:

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Stoneage Britain was the European Holy Land.

It is possible to get some sounds out of artefacts from the past
We will increasingly use sub-atomics and retrodiction

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Britain: Neolithic Capital of Worship (picture Cumbrian UK)
It will be possible to reconstruct sights and sounds..including actual voices and speech from Neolithic times.

Most of Britain is sunk in the sea:

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It is REASONABLE to expect we will get better with computing and technology to uncover the memories and bodies of the ancient dead.

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Sounds imprinted into the walls are capable of recovery

An archaeolgical gird, divides a site into coordinates and maps finds.

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Quantum Archaeology proposes we do this for the whole of history back to big bang

in the quantum archaeology grid

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The QA gird is dynamic..plotting moving events through history for billions of years.
Much of the needed data is already available in disparate data bases which could be synthesised.

Edited by Innocent, 21 June 2013 - 03:57 PM.

#377 platypus

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Posted 21 June 2013 - 03:54 PM

Do you think that some things are technologically impossible to realise? Can you name a few?

#378 Julia36

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Posted 21 June 2013 - 04:03 PM

Do you think that some things are technologically impossible to realise? Can you name a few?

Yes, you cant violate the laws of physics.

However there is an endless list of things solved that were deemed impossible.

The main reason they failed but later succeeded was no support infrastructure.

Do you think the quantum realm is the smallest man can go, and that it is not governed ABSOLUTELY by the laws of physics?

Define what a law is.

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yesterday - imposible crackpots

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Today: prototyping In Europe

Time Travel Impossible- say scientists 2011

Time travel possible say scientist 2013

Steve Hawking on Ti9me Travel is possible:

Stephen Hawking - What It Takes to Time Travel


Dta is growing...already far too big for humans to deal with.

We need structured data (also too big)

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There's just ONE thing to fall into place for archaeology in the quantum world:


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We're already at the point where no-one need die (Cryonics)

We will make machines indistinguishable from humans

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Quantum robots that journey inside the atoms and recover information were ideated by Paul Benioff at Argonne Natiopnal Laboratory

they will be a scale smaller than nanopbots

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This crashing accelerating wave of technology cant be stopped.
It is already too wide to stop and will engulf all men and creatures living and dead in 20-40 years.

WE ARE IMMORTAL - because we are going to resurrect.

Analysis of Reversible and Quantum Finite State Machines Using Homing, Synchronizing and Distinguishing Input Sequences.

I understand your argument about quantum uncertainty, but we cant get small enough observation to find causality IMO


Edited by Innocent, 21 June 2013 - 04:30 PM.

#379 platypus

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Posted 21 June 2013 - 05:03 PM

I meant things that are not physically impossible but which are technologically impossible for the time being, and perhaps forever, or at least until we attain Kardashev Type I or above level civilization.

#380 Julia36

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Posted 21 June 2013 - 05:45 PM

I meant things that are not physically impossible but which are technologically impossible for the time being, and perhaps forever, or at least until we attain Kardashev Type I or above level civilization.

There must be many.

QA like cryonics and relgion, is an argument to the future.

But Prediction is a main feature of human intelligence.


Clarke's Three Laws are three "laws" of prediction formulated by the British writer Arthur C. Clarke. They are:
  • When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.
  • The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
  • Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

Although the only use Sturm and Jaffires see for their flying carpet is use on Mars, it shoud be taken up by skate boarders....

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This is 3 weeks old:
(If we can get these right they can go up walls..the speed keeping the rider on...)
Toward a flexible electronic flying carpet

James Sturm and Noah Jafferis
Piezoelectrically deformed substrates provide traveling wave-induced aerodynamic propulsive forces for a flat plastic sheet.
23 May 2013, SPIE Newsroom. DOI: 10.1117/2.1201305.004838
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After being intrigued by a theoretical paper with calculations describing the principles that might be applied to a flying carpet1 a few years ago, we set out to make one. Our resulting ‘flying carpet’ consists of a flat plastic sheet a few inches in size and about 1/100th of an inch thick. The sheet consists of special piezoelectric material that expands or contracts when an electrical voltage is applied to it.2 By making an appropriate layered structure, the sheet can be induced to bend, or curve itself, when voltage is applied. With multiple electrodes to apply different voltages in different sections, the sheet can be caused to bend into a snake-like shape, that is, one that bends up and down along its length, as shown in Figure 1. Finally, by varying the voltage over time, the snake-like oscillation can move forward or backward in a shape technically known as a traveling wave.
This traveling-wave shape is somewhat related to the way certain biological objects, such as manta rays or cells with flagella, propel themselves.3 Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of a flying carpet sheet just above the ground. As the wave moves backward, it traps some air under a high peak of the wave, and pushes that section of air toward the back of the sheet as the high peak moves backward, eventually expelling it out the back end of the sheet. By Newton's laws of equal and opposite reactions, as the air is pushed backward, the sheet must be propelled forward.
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Figure 1. Cross section of ‘flying carpet’ sheet just above the ground, changing its shape with time (at times t0 to t5). As the wave shape moves to the right, it pulls air with it and pushes it out to the right, resulting in a propulsive force Fp, which pushes the sheet forward to the left.2h0: Height above the ground.
To create the exact snake-like shape moving with time required to get the ‘carpet’ to propel itself was very complicated4 and required a few years of work. First, we had to build in sensors throughout the carpet to measure its shape at any given time. If the shape was not the exact one desired, the voltages driving the piezoelectric actuators, which caused the bending, were adjusted until the desired shape was obtained. Due to non-linearities and other real-world imperfections, if we wanted the sheet to move up and down 500 times per second, in the end electrical inputs with components oscillating as fast as 2500 times per second were required.
<a href="http://spie.org/Imag...38_10_fig2.jpg" target="_blank"> Posted Image

Figure 2. Propulsive force generated by a sheet as a function of the amplitude of the vertical wave. The wave frequency was 100Hz. The force was measured by attaching the carpet to a spring, and measuring how far it stretched the spring (‘lateral displacement’).2
We used two basic experimental arrangements. In one, the movement of the sheet was constrained by its ‘tethers’ (i.e., the wires from the sensors and actuators) and the height of the carpet above the ground was experimentally adjusted. In the second, we designed a ‘cart’ holding all the wires to automatically follow the carpet, so that it could move without being constrained by the wires. Figure 2 shows an example of data taken from a sheet that was propelling itself. The vertical axis shows the measured force and the horizontal axis shows the magnitude of the wave. Data is shown for conditions with the sheet at three different heights above the ground (1, 1.5, and 2mm). Forces pushing the sheet to the right (defined as positive) were observed when the wave moved to the left, and the sheet was pushed to the left (negative force) when the wave moved to the right, as expected.
One challenge involves integrating onboard electronics as thin-film transistors, power sources, and so on. Another key issue at present is friction with the ground when the carpet starts up. It needs to hit a critical velocity of ∼20 cm/s to attain ‘lift-off’ so that friction with the ground no longer matters. Right now it can propel itself only to a few centimeters per second while on the ground, and we are considering routes to improve this. Finally, looking to the future, because the device has no moving parts, such as motors, gears, or axles, it might be well suited for environments where high reliability is required, exploring the Martian surface, for example.

James SturmDepartment of Electrical Engineering
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ

James C. Sturm, the William and Edna Macaleer Professor of Engineering and Applied Science, has been a professor at Princeton since 1986. He received his BS in electrical engineering from Princeton University, and his MSEE and PhD from Stanford University.

Noah JafferisWyss Institute Harvard University
Cambridge, MA

Noah T. Jafferis is currently a postdoctoral fellow. He received his BS from Yale in 2005, and his PhD in electrical engineering from Princeton University in 2012. He was home-schooled before matriculating at Yale University at the age of 16.

1. M. Argentina, J. Skotheim, L. Mahadevan, Settling and swimming of flexible fluid lubricated foils, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, p. 224503, 2007. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.224503
2. N. T. Jafferis, H. A. Stone, J. C. Sturm, Traveling wave-induced aerodynamic propulsive forces using piezoelectrically deformed substrates, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99(11), p. 114102, 2011. doi:10.1063/1.3637635
3. A. J. Reynolds, The swimming of minute organisms, J. Fluid Mech. 23(2), p. 241-360, 1965.
4. N. T. Jafferis, J. C. Sturm, Fundamental and experimental conditions for the realization of traveling-wave induced aerodynamic propulsive forces by piezoelectrically-deformed plastic substrates, IEEE J. Microelectromech. Syst. 22, p. 495-505, 2013.


Archaeology (retrieving the past... is statistics, maths and computing in the future.
But they will be done by small personalised machines in your cellphone.

Its all about data and how data exits in time, and how you can trace it back.

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When a physical event is created in teh universe...it cannot be by chance.

Everything follows laws, so the event is the result of the laws of physics interacting.

Once you have a good few starting points, the rest is inevitable.

This site started in 2002, when animated gifs weren't possible.

In 2002..just 7 years haptic technology will be here biog time..so the screen will come out and interact with you.

You can predict that because it;s already prototyping.

I wont have to use a spell check with a red line under words that aren't in it;s dictionary, but it'll be done automatically based on your style/use of words, like handwriting recognition.

There's no commercial incentive to do that at present.

Edited by Innocent, 21 June 2013 - 06:14 PM.

#381 Julia36

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Posted 21 June 2013 - 06:33 PM

James Clerk Maxwell's quote fascinated me:
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"The 2nd law of thermodynamics has the same degree of truth as the statement that if you throw a tumblerful of water into the sea, you cannot get the same tumblerful of water out again. "because it would mean complexity (the sea) had some special property the rest of nature didn't have, and that doesn't make sense.
Information is incapable of being destroyed and although it take more energy to reassemble a syetm than let it decay, the energy is not thought to be available (M Theory)


Edited by Innocent, 21 June 2013 - 06:41 PM.

#382 platypus

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Posted 21 June 2013 - 09:23 PM

So what do you think will be technically impossible in the next 100 years? Or do you think that people become omnipotent and all-knowing? :D

#383 Julia36

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Posted 22 June 2013 - 02:30 AM

So what do you think will be technically impossible in the next 100 years? Or do you think that people become omnipotent and all-knowing? :D

I dont assume Intelligence has a limit: tere's no evidence it does.

God was a pretty successful meme in that it wiped out competing ones!

What matters is how can we make accurate predictions and reciveries, and get the best approximation to the facts?

I expect a Tech Singularity as early as 2027 - 14 years

At is everything possible will be done on such acceleration it is defined as impossible to say what will happen i the next moment.

The Human era will be over.

Superintelligence construction and containment is THEE project.

There are several projects to avoid extinction eg CSER at Cambridge.

Upon it rests mankind's short-term hopes.

I dontr know what will be impossible as we've up to 14 years M: conquerng teh multiverse would be I guess.

We are retrieving bits from the past good enough to get a general picture of the environment and a tree of life for billions of years.

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This image shows a mammal like reptile nestled with a primary aquatic amphibian.

250 million years ago, a mammal forerunner and an amphibian shared a burrow. Scientists from South Africa, Australia and France have discovered a world first association while scanning a 250 million year old fossilized burrow from the Karoo Basin of South Africa."

full story:
Oddest couple ever found: Amphibian and mammal forerunner share 250 million year old burrow

Edited by Innocent, 22 June 2013 - 02:34 AM.

#384 Julia36

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Posted 22 June 2013 - 03:39 AM

Snail genetic tracks reveal ancient human migration

Gteat5 headline, but it;s how Archaeology works @ present until we get the GRID

Snail genetic tracks reveal ancient human migration

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The Irish come from the Pyranees!
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#385 Julia36

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Posted 22 June 2013 - 04:00 AM

Archaeology is converging with laser technology.

But it will converge RAPIDLY with computing and eneter the quantum world to human, living reconstructions.

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Archaeologists have unearthed an ancient Mayan city that has remained hidden in a remote section of jungle in southeast Mexico. 15 pyramids, including one that measures 75 feet tall, palatial complexes and sculpted stone shafts called stelae were among the discoveries left behind the legendary civilization before its collapse 1,000 years ago."


Uncovering the past using the future: how lasers are revolutionizing archaeology

High-tech tools are now giving archaeologists an unprecedented glimpse into lost civilizations

Uncovering the past using the future: how lasers are revolutionizing archaeology

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""This really is a paradigm shift in archaeology," Arlen Chase told The Verge. "In archaeology, you don't always have an understanding of how big your total sample really is. A lot of the time, you're basically just making estimates. Lidar allows us ... to properly imagine a universe for modeling and interpretation."

#386 platypus

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Posted 22 June 2013 - 02:39 PM

Hmm, sounds like you have no idea of technological constraints, which makes you ignorant about technology in general. BTW this is not an ad hominem attack but simply an observation about your expertise. I have some experience in technology and algorithm development and can tell you that 14 years is a very short period during which very few real breakthroughs happen. So yeah, let's bet on the arrival of "singularity" by 2027, stakes can be a bottle of your favorite whisky or a subscription to Playboy or something along those lines. Wanna bet?
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#387 Julia36

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Posted 23 June 2013 - 01:12 AM

Hmm, sounds like you have no idea of technological constraints, which makes you ignorant about technology in general. BTW this is not an ad hominem attack but simply an observation about your expertise. I have some experience in technology and algorithm development and can tell you that 14 years is a very short period during which very few real breakthroughs happen. So yeah, let's bet on the arrival of "singularity" by 2027, stakes can be a bottle of your favorite whisky or a subscription to Playboy or something along those lines. Wanna bet?

I'm interested in the science.

Physical constants

are just part of the laws of physics.

Nothing can contravene them

"There are many physical constants in science, some of the most widely recognized being the speed of light in vacuum c, the gravitational constant G, Planck's constant h, the electric constant ε0, and the elementary charge e. Physical constants can take many dimensional forms: the speed of light signifies a maximum speed limit of the Universe and is expressed dimensionally as length divided by time; while the fine-structure constant α, which characterizes the strength of the electromagnetic interaction, is dimensionless." wiki

Unless you mean contraignt barriers?

Quantum Archaeology is a top level use of the laws:

"An analogous term for a scientific law is a principle.
Scientific laws:
  • summarize a large collection of facts determined by experiment into a single statement,
  • can usually be formulated mathematically as one or several statements or equation, or at least stated in a single sentence, so that it can be used to predict the outcome of an experiment, given the initial, boundary, and other physical conditions of the processes which take place,
  • are strongly supported by empirical evidence - they are scientific knowledge that experiments have repeatedly verified (and never falsified). Their accuracy does not change when new theories are worked out, but rather the scope of application, since the equation (if any) representing the law does not change. As with other scientific knowledge, they do not have absolute certainty like mathematical theorems or identities, and it is always possible for a law to be overturned by future observations.
  • are often quoted as a fundamental controlling influence rather than a description of observed facts. I.e. "the laws of motion require that""

It is hard to say what is impossible, and there is no known way of projecting through a signilogical signularity IMO.

2027 is my guess and could be way out of course, but I've looked at stuff prottyping including spending breif time in humanoid robot lab, particle accelerator copmplex and comunicating with many boffins.

I stand by my projection of human resurrection in 20-40- years, and thnk that conservative fro several reasons.

The main one is Superintelligence adventing.

Mopst people in A.I. expectr it, though no one but a few of us say when and we could all be wrong

(me 2027, Kurzweil 2045, Vinge 2030)

The speed of ability increase..which includes stuff like Moore's law, ands what you get for $1 is obviousl to most.

Last week a particle accelerator was reported as being miniturised by X 10,000

Toy helicoppters flying saicers were laying the rounds then dissappeared.

This month their state of the art was demionstrated @ TEDa few days ago :

Raffaello D'Andrea: The astounding athletic power of ... - TED.com



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There is a time list based on communications I've had with peoploe in teh field and people who track them:
2015 humanoid robots

2017 gene medicine

2022 Quantum computers arrive

Soon after trhgem A.I. so good it seems increasaingly human.

Last week emotions have been successfully put into software.

Quantum Archaeology or whatever you wish to call it...

has propositions which seem sound.

Computi8g poer will increase

the universe is made of laws.

Archaeology will get better

And resurrection is already being done now.

It;s up to sceintists to debate it, but I'd be surprized if they dont split ontop for and against.

Our hostory shows we find more of the past and the proposed
quantum archaeology grid

IS ALREADY BEING BUILT! because it;s components are already being built.

It seems to me the only argument would be about the authenticity of the rsurrectees - because given enough processing poweer you logically must be able to resurrect anyone dead.

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"Does this mean I'm not really dead?"

David Pearce has ideated Paradise Engineering...where life is pregrammed against suffering.

That too must sound enormous...but it;s becauysew e are sketching predictions at different scales and not working at the rock face.

The scale is the only thing that dazzles us.

It shouldn't.

Miniturisation is happening at blistering speeds.

Calculations IMPOSSIBLE 10 years ago are now being done, maths perobelms being solved that have existed for centuries.

The pace of change now is quickening, like a firework taking off.

Technologies /sciences are converging fast.

THis is a chart example similar to tech/sceince/margs convergence.

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People born today wont haver to die, and people dying today will be ressurrected tomorrow.

This must be.

For in a nivetrse of infinities,
that which is imnproabable tends to always happen.

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Although Death is profoundly beautiful, the delusion that it is a final state for consciousness is limited and stupid.

Man's ingenuity and technolgical inventiveness is more than death could cage.

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It is ridiculous to assert with accelerating intelligence systems we coldn't describe every man's past.

What makes man so specieal.

We describe 13 billion years back into the cosmos to Big Bang.

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Nothing exists except by Law. Nothing.

A dead man's brain is not going to take much calculation relative to computers in the future, whose capcity will miniscule our own.

Money chases computing power up & up

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MOORE'S LAW is only one of many tech/maths/cost/acceleration paradignms.

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So unless there are some limits in phycis showing why information cannot be redescribed, I am jusrified in asserting it can.

"Information is incapable of being desytroyed" Susskind. Stanford.

If you reply that doesn't mean WE can caputure it...

I have a right to try and advance Archaeology to that level, anticipating hypercomputation.

But the argument has to be in public about Cryonics Vs Quantum Archaeology

I think they will complement each others.

I see the danger that people would not cover themselves by getting frozen and QA might not work.

But Cryonics might not work.

Yet sceince doesnot show that.

It shows thta men, dead, frozen or lost in ancient hostory are no different from any other infomration, and if you insist it is a matter of phsyical body VS 'faith'

I think it is a matter in both cases of information and scale; of mircorobots and calculation power.

Edited by Innocent, 23 June 2013 - 01:18 AM.

#388 Julia36

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Posted 23 June 2013 - 01:24 AM

It's the csale that hard to imagine. I do understand that.

But it wont be hard for coming a.i's.

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We're going to resurrect the dead.

- Then we'll resurrect everything.

Quantum Archaeology - Google Sites

#389 Julia36

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Posted 23 June 2013 - 01:54 AM

apols my spellchekers hasn't laoded
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#390 Julia36

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Posted 23 June 2013 - 02:40 AM

MIND CONYTROL Championships


We can play games just using our brain waves right niow.

In 10 years you will command your food float towards you.
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Resurrection Science: it's just Date.

Obvuously humans past and presentr are not outside that.

People get phased out on the scale.

But in maths you symbolize and scale doesn't mean much.

You're noyt doing brute force calculations, but filling in a matrix with known laws and known events.

Once you've got one event you figure out the next.

We haven't finished eveolving:

You'll prbably look like this in the 2020's:
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Edited by Innocent, 23 June 2013 - 02:49 AM.

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