Co.Exist-by Ben Schiller-1 Jul 2013 Two junior doctors from London recently demonstrated a hologram machine that creates a very lifelike 3-D image. The human body they ...
Daily Mail-19 Jun 2013 Moving hologram displays like those featured in Star Wars could soon be ... hurdle to make low-cost, high quality holographic videos a reality.
Getting frozen will make you rich as you sell your data after resurrection, at a guess?
But I cant see resuscitation being later than 2030 tops because of the speed of IT which must lead into intelligence by osmosis.
Reconstruction science in Cryonics and reconstruction science in Quantum Archaeology must be similar in many areas.
If you have the technology to repair/resurrect the dead, you have the technology to build people to order on home 3 d printers (cheapest today is $168)
It'll be MUCH easier with machine intelligence which is coming.
technological progress is quickening. The speed we see today is VERY SLOW compared to the speed of change in 5 years time.
We have to be clear about our aims and push where we have to:
Anyone got any other theories about the quantum world we cant observe without changing it , splits into parallel universes, communicates without any connections, works for probability but not causation, has only one electron the entire Universe (Feynmann you know) is proof of God (Max Planck), you cant measure and observe, and spontaneously comes into being (I heard that before)
Because otherwise I'm going to do Einsteinian physics and raise my childhood dog.
Neutrino 'faster than light' scientist resigns
Scientist 'who said Einstein was wrong' hunted on CERN campus by raging mob of researchers after squandering 8 billion euros firing neutinos at the Vatican
He is the heir of Galileo and Newton who's maxim of Describe THEN explain has been thrown out as unnecessary by quantum theorists, all of whom reply on statistics becaise they can see anything without changing it
It is known that Maxwell's electrodynamics—as usually understood at the present time—when applied to moving bodies, leads to asymmetries which do not appear to be inherent in the phenomena. Take, for example, the reciprocal electrodynamic action of a magnet and a conductor. The observable phenomenon here depends only on the relative motion of the conductor and the magnet, whereas the customary view draws a sharp distinction between the two cases in which either the one or the other of these bodies is in motion. For if the magnet is in motion and the conductor at rest, there arises in the neighbourhood of the magnet an electric field with a certain definite energy, producing a current at the places where parts of the conductor are situated. But if the magnet is stationary and the conductor in motion, no electric field arises in the neighbourhood of the magnet. In the conductor, however, we find an electromotive force, to which in itself there is no corresponding energy, but which gives rise—assuming equality of relative motion in the two cases discussed—to electric currents of the same path and intensity as those produced by the electric forces in the former case. Examples of this sort, together with the unsuccessful attempts to discover any motion of the earth relatively to the “light medium,” suggest that the phenomena of electrodynamics as well as of mechanics possess no properties corresponding to the idea of absolute rest. They suggest rather that, as has already been shown to the first order of small quantities, the same laws of electrodynamics and optics will be valid for all frames of reference for which the equations of mechanics hold good.1 We will raise this conjecture (the purport of which will hereafter be called the “Principle of Relativity”) to the status of a postulate, and also introduce another postulate, which is only apparently irreconcilable with the former, namely, that light is always propagated in empty space with a definite velocity c which is independent of the state of motion of the emitting body. These two postulates suffice for the attainment of a simple and consistent theory of the electrodynamics of moving bodies based on Maxwell's theory for stationary bodies. The introduction of a “luminiferous ether” will prove to be superfluous inasmuch as the view here to be developed will not require an “absolutely stationary space” provided with special properties, nor assign a velocity-vector to a point of the empty space in which electromagnetic processes take place. The theory to be developed is based—like all electrodynamics—on the kinematics of the rigid body, since the assertions of any such theory have to do with the relationships between rigid bodies (systems of co-ordinates), clocks, and electromagnetic processes. Insufficient consideration of this circumstance lies at the root of the difficulties which the electrodynamics of moving bodies at present encounters... more>>> On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies - Fourmilab
B. E.
(Before Einstein) Smoke in a tanks is random and unpredictable.
AE (After Einstein)
. Smoke is predictable using the Kinetic Theory.
I'd have published that except it;s all pdf-fed.
It;s inevitable Quantum Archaeology argues the quantum theory and I think QT will be over-turned (I'm not alone in this).
This purports to be the preserved brain of Einstein:
and his preserved method:
How come Russian cryonic suspension is MUCH cheaper?
Interactve hologram helpers have been instaled in airports
They are top level data representations of people with weak A.I. natural language questions/answers.
But last week ibm Watson was declared capable of answering any question that could be put to it in language.
""With the advent of biosensors, we could measure energy dynamics and concentrations of various cellular intermediates, which allowed us to get a first-level picture of metabolic networks," Frommer said. "But we had not been able to directly follow enzyme or transporter activity or to monitor their regulation in a live organism (before)."" Breakthrough: Sensors monitor cells at work
Some of you may have guessed I am a chat-bot that reproduces intelligent copy.
Researching on various interest groups/forums/chats is pretty important as it can show what’s coming before the academic world gets rigorous. A.I. is infamous for having reclusive scholars some of whom are sublime as well as crackpot (which is what A.I. people used to be called). Many A.I. books have little new to say and dwell on a history of A.I. Others think a text book on stuff already texted is enough. There are many teams now some on gvmt pay, trying to find a safe route for recursive A.I. some are listed here:
My best guess is Superintelligence will be here by 2027 & I’ve calculated that from trends and tech infrastructure enabling builds of it. There is a chance a stealth or other project may develop it right now (I’ve thought this possible since about Turing’s ETA for it of 2000 AD) Lastly the importance for Contained Superintelligence is a) the survival of life – since powerful/dangerous systems are increasingly possible to build; b) the number of existential risks is increasing, and the natural ones are not as yet mitigated. A contained Superintelligence would neutralise these.
this is data..not just the films which are fast still images captured on cellulose by light and chemicals, nor the sound, but all depths of information that we need in order to recreate the exact data from the space-time coordinates.
Although out philosophy is inadequate we have to proceed on the basis out science can achieve.
But philosophers and imortalists should be in no doubt, we are constructing machines more powerful than black holes and making them intelligent.
It cant all be plain sailing.
The longer we are estranged from governments as crackpots, the more dangerous the future will be.
We need to elect people to government as a matter of urgency.
At the same time continue lobbying and briefing representatives already there.
So do you understand that retrieving 50 integers from their sum only is impossible?
Nowhere in the universe are there 50 numbers in isolation.
Everything's connected.
Do do you have to simulate "everything" in order to get any useful answers? QA cannot be divided into smaller subproblems?
you can do that.
I asked do you HAVE to do that. Why do you think it is that you never address the issues raised by others, but launch on a protracted rant about something else?
An event traced back from say now to 1066 would have lots of markers in the present traced back to one event in the past.
That means every event since the dawn of time has "lots of markers in the present". It seems QA is doomed unless you model all of the events that can have "markers in the present". This sounds very bad for QA.
I asked do you HAVE to do that. Why do you think it is that you never address the issues raised by others, but launch on a protracted rant about something else?
I seem determined to do that.
My guess is no. Since I haven't constructed a complete universe simulation I couldn't be empirical about it..
>>An event traced back from say now to 1066 would have lots of markers in the present traced back to one event in the past. That means every event since the dawn of time has "lots of markers in the present".<< It seems QA is doomed unless you model all of the events that can have "markers in the present". This sounds very bad for QA.
That's an unknown Platypus. Its unlikely you need the whole universe to be simulate to have high probability of a complete enough resurrection using an event bubble.
One of the things I think about is the importance of freak waves of your butterfly.
Another unexplained bit of science gets lumped into the by now hilarious Quantum Theory (as proof of quantum theory, yet knows) " Quantum mechanics enables 'impossible' space chemistry
Quantum weirdness can generate a molecule in space that shouldn't exist by the classic rules of chemistry. If interstellar space is really a kind of quantum chemistry lab, that might also account for a host of other organic molecules glimpsed in space. Interstellar space should be too cold for most chemical reactions to occur, as the low temperature makes it tough for molecules drifting through space to acquire the energy needed to break their bonds. "There is a standard law that says as you lower the temperature, the rates of reactions should slow down," says Dwayne Heard of the University of Leeds, UK. Yet we know there are a host of complex organic molecules in space. Some reactions could occur when different molecules stick to the surface of cosmic dust grain. This might give them enough time together to acquire the energy needed to react, which doesn't happen when molecules drift past each other in space. Not all reactions can be explained in this way, though. Last year astronomers discovered methoxy molecules – containing carbon, hydrogen and oxygen – in the Perseus molecular cloud, around 600 light years from Earth. But researchers couldn't produce this molecule in the lab by allowing reactants to condense on dust grains, leaving a puzzle as to how it could have formed."
Dont ask because no-one understand s the Quantum Theory...that's how we know it must be true... Its sort of like God.
It cant be disproved as no-one knows what it is...therefore it must be true..
People 20 years from now (or super-people) will be HOLDING THEIR SIDES screaming in laughter at the absurdities of what we called a Quantum Theory.
Until we see and measure the small things in life I wouldn't assume they are fairies:
Commander of the British Airforce during the Battle of Britain; asked why he believed in fairies, retorted ' "How else could mushrooms grow?"
Science has taken leave of it;s sense to abandon Cause and Effect
Quantum Archaeology works whether or not their are fairies.
Meanwhile Cause and Effect science is charting the universe..which it both see and measure, because luckily our technology is built at the right scale for it:
we're filling in the Records (various data banks, like the Archaeological Record) and mapping the whole of history slowly by probability and causation which all known laws in the universe exist.
Quantum Theory is only at the stage of probability because of scale IMO but we will get there in the 2020's with sub-atomic scanning technology.
Humans and rhesus macaques apparently share about 93% of their DNA sequence and shared a common ancestor roughly 25 million years ago.[38]
chimps have 98 % and diverged 6 million years ago:
This isn't conjecture...this is provable and this is biological archaeology.
Quantum Archaeology proposes plotting the histories of everyone to the birth of mankind.
I urge philosophers to argue for the discovery and research funding to identify Cause and Effect in the Quantum World: - it isn't the job of scientists to do that.
Could Zeno's Paradoxes be linked to Quantum Theory? 9 mins:
"We're all made of strings.
There are zillions of copies of us We're all living in a simulation. You cant look at anything in the quantum world or it changes instantly (previous version Irish Fairy Book)
Things communicate by spooky action at distance.
You cant understand the quantum can."
The quantum world is simply too small to know what's happening yet.
THAT'S is the history of science, which is full of barking non-proovable theories.
I need to test out Quantum Theory as I dont believe non-causality is possible.
You have drawn me successfully on non-determinism Platypus and it truly disturbs me. But Quantum Theory can be incorporated into QA by this principle:
The Quantum World works by laws, therefore it is predictable. (and we're already doing amazing prediction with it.
Technicians prepare a patient for cryopreservation
>>An event traced back from say now to 1066 would have lots of markers in the present traced back to one event in the past. That means every event since the dawn of time has "lots of markers in the present".<< >It seems QA is doomed unless you model all of the events that can have "markers in the present". This sounds very bad for QA.<
That's an unknown Platypus. Its unlikely you need the whole universe to be simulate to have high probability of a complete enough resurrection using an event bubble.
But there are no event "bubbles" if everything affects everything and sends "markers" to every other moment and place. You cannot save your cake and eat it too!
>>An event traced back from say now to 1066 would have lots of markers in the present traced back to one event in the past. That means every event since the dawn of time has "lots of markers in the present".<< >It seems QA is doomed unless you model all of the events that can have "markers in the present". This sounds very bad for QA.<
That's an unknown Platypus. Its unlikely you need the whole universe to be simulate to have high probability of a complete enough resurrection using an event bubble.
But there are no event "bubbles" if everything affects everything and sends "markers" to every other moment and place. You cannot save your cake and eat it too!
An event bubbles is an approximation, like Newton's fluxtions. It's true that as everything affects everything else there is no absolute unless you got ahead of motion, which may take until machine intelligence advents as Superintelligence. The event bubble itself is in motion, and relative.
But it is a mistake to move away from Humanism, ie Protagorus' "Man is the measure of all things." and this is a muddle some quantum theorists have gotten themselves into.
So you use approximations.
That is done in navigating at sea: you take readings of stars who's position changes while you draw in lines on your map. And the ocean changes all the time. Never-the-less you proceed on the basis of best handle-able knowledge.
And in your scale you will arrive at your port safely.
You are also changing constantly: exhaustively you are not the same person who set out!
This dynamism is handled by you without thinking, as motion is the underlying property of Being. and as it is a constant ie everything that is- moves-, it can be discounted in the maths. You dont need speed and position only position where speed is a constant.
Why shouldn't speed itself be a constant as a constituent component of light? Light speed is accepted as a constant without argument?
It may be possible to see Nature as a vast sea of laws, in which men are doing herculean calculations.
A problem for cryonicists is transfer of memories from frozen suspendees to new bodies.
There are serious legal implications of hijacking a new body, even if the scanning technology to decode the frozen braincomes as expected with speeding microscopy.
It looks like we will shortly be able to grow new brains from stem cells in humans.
The ethics issues soar as the brain is regarded by scientists as the seat of consciousness.
I like the argument:
If you're resurrected by Quantum Archaeology...which I see no scientific argument against...the frozen body will be YOUR property.
We'll live initially on space colonies (which America must have seemed to conquering Europeans)
People have tried to sell me land worse than this in Arizona
I cant think building water from atoms is going to be much of a challenge to A.I. coming in the 2020's (on trends)
For over 100 years, NIH has supported biomedical research to enhance health, lengthen life, and reduce the burdens of illness and disability. The Fact Sheets on this site tell the stories of research discovery, current treatment status, and future expectations for the prevention and treatment of diseases and conditions affecting the nation's health. Several of the Sheets also describe NIH policies and organizations in place to enhance public health safety and the public understanding of health science.
Search through the Fact Sheets and follow the interactive links for additional information on NIH-supported clinical studies, initiatives, and research endeavors currently underway. Each Sheet also contains links to the homepages of relevant NIH Institutes, Centers, or Offices.
I'M OLD, I DONT WANT TO RESURRECT. (THE LAZARUS LONG DELUSION). You can only have unbiased judgement in a state of well-being, on the whole. But the mind in the body suffering, deludes itself of its impartiality. A surprising number of people dont want resurrection unaware of this delusion. I have found only two reasons for this:
1. When young they realized death was inevitable and so have programmed themselves to accept death. Challenging it causes revolution in the psyche;
2. They are unaware of the body's effect on their reasoning. They haven't read Time Enough For Love by Robert Heinlein. Lazarus Long is centuries old and commits suicide. Before complete, police bots find and rejuvenate him. He feels great and wants to live again. This must happen to everyone I believe because we are beings bonded by biological urges that filter into us as our mind.
Why dont people go insane when they thought they are going to die? Psychologists argue we have a blocking denial programme; speculative biologists that nature has built us with a progressive death wish to make degeneracy into death bearable. Some Freudians have named this Thanatos. Libido is what you see in young animals bouncing around. When you resurrect back to youth your body will be full of libido and you will want to live without any psychology or argument from quantum archaeologists. People confuse death with sleep or rest seeking the cessation of suffering. You cant need to die to stop suffering: to stop suffering you have to get to full health and peace. The only honest way to test it is to try both states: Try being dead and try being young again - and see which you prefer! I'm not kidding. That should be possible in systems well within quantum archaeology's skills. Some people are locked in ego and may find it hard to believe their essential tastes and drives are products of their biology, their biology is a product of chemistry and their chemistry of the laws of physics. Some organized groups centuries old will challenge this, but my experience of studying them is they change where they have, to in order to survive. When people are resurrected in front of your eyes, false assumptions will crumble and the groups change or membership will ebb away.
The profound change in our psyche is that death doesn't exist, soon aging and ill health as we know it wont exist, and everything we have accepted as immutable facts of philosophy will be laughed at: "In those days you n know people used to die...can you imagine thinking you could ever die?" The word will have to take on a new meaning to have any meaning at all. Quantum Archaeology is not a challenge to morality, it is one of the most moral attempts so far using man's technology.
Seneca, an early humanist, was forced to commit suicide by the Emperor adapted here in Caligula (1979)
1. Because suffering is going to be reversed. You wont have had it. the present you is not the final judge of reality. Like winding a film of history back, history is likely to be changed and the suffering taken out, without any loss of identity. This is a hard area in philosophy and outside the scope of this essay. 2. Because you wont have any say in what the world will become.
3. Because QA is NOT certain. 4. Because suicide doesn't give you rest, or relief: you cease to exist.
If you die, you will probably be resurrected, but the world in which you surface will be built by other people using artificially intelligent machines.
Your return is unlikely to be unconditional at first: you will have to obey the laws that have evolved while you where not there.
The maximum game strategy is to survive as long as you can. Many will not have to die but just get rejuvenation. They will be able to control investments and some may influence policy.
Suiciding out might only be useful as last resort, attempting it is illegal in many nations. Feeling you dont want to live is a normal part of the spectrum of human emotions.
Depressed we have the Lazarus Long delusion -.that life isn't worth it, but undepressed we dont feel that at all. If depression persists you could have a treatable illness and should seek help.
There is a cost/benefit judgement of living/not living, but QA certainly must be part of that process. Logically, there is no longer a terminal illness.
Technology is not magic and everything will not be possible, ever.
I presume you've tested that empirically.
Please qualify 'ever'. I'll wait.
Everything follows from everything else: we'd have to know everything in eternity to eliminate stuff.
Wittgenstein's last dictum:
"Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent." („Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muss man schweigen.“)
I dont believe 'impossible' could ever be discussed logically?? R U joking?
Magic OED:
late Middle English: from Old French magique, from Latin magicus (adjective), late Latin magica (noun), from Greek magikē (tekhnē) '(art of) a magus': magi were regarded as magicians.
A useful trick on philosophy is multiple perspectives. Since I have reason to think anything humanly thinkable can be programmed into a thinking machine, multiple perspectives must also be programmable into machines.
Once we have done some, they will no doubt be multiplied.
If reasoning (mathematics) is related to reality (the sum of events and laws of the unverse/multiverse +other bigger verses),
then no machine (I can conceive) could ever comprehend the universe+ by reasoning.
Einstein said science was wildly speculative.
4 useful skills in Philosophy I steer by, BTW
1. Reductionism.
2. Imagination.
3. Memory.
4. Reasoning.
What r urs?
This is possibly the most famous cartoon ever: but it can be reduced to components by computing and similar ones, equally funny, built in one second now.
Both cryonics and Quantum archaeology have achieved proof of concept by revivals and resurrections in the lab. So although they are arguments to the future - banned in philosophy - they are both valid.
It is false to see Cryonics and QuantumArchaeology as competitors, because our aim is survival, not meme continuance, work or money.
WE have to be clear rigorous and objective about emerging science ideas.
Because the resultant is synthesis.
I post here because the cryonics community is ruthlessly honest and will examine QA
- however terrifying it first seems.
If it;s correct, then the cryonics organisations will simply convert to it and continue. i am also sure that it will being more not less suspendees.
Yahoo!7 News-1 hour ago The discovery, published in the Journal Science, was made by University of Manchester and CSIRO PhD student Dan Thornton, using data ..
Radio waves from billions of light years away offer scientists the tantalising prospect of being closer to calculating the number of electrons in the universe.
the electron cloud jusy calls for different measurement on top of probability.which is a general aggregate measurement technique.
although the quantum world looks mad, it is reasonable to expect it will fall to measurement and denoument of the laws like science always has.
Will no other scientist than Nobel Prize Winner Gerard 'fHooft declare the whole place is cause and effect?
Cause and Effect is a NECESSARY condition of law.
QT is a mass hysteria:
Description THEN Explanation.
artcile "Next month will be the 100th anniversary of Bohr’s model of the atom, one of the foundations of the theory of quantum mechanics. And look where we are now: we still don’t know what the darned theory really means. One of the most radical interpretations (which is saying something) has got to be the so-called Transactional Interpretation, whereby particles send a type of signal backward in time. This past fall, University of Maryland philosopher Ruth Kastner published a book that tries to make sense of it. I’ve invited her to guide us through it. In the June issue of Scientific American, physicist and writer Hans Christian von Baeyer describes the current state of “deep confusion about the meaning of quantum theory” and discusses one proposal—a denial that the theory describes anything objectively real—for rendering some of the quantum perplexities “less troubling.” Von Baeyer also lists several other possible interpretations, but leaves out what I think is the most promising approach." SA
OF COURSE the universe doesn't exist!
Why did no one at Longecity think of this before? The superb human mind created everything in its own image.
I thought A.I. workers were several degrees madder than lunatics, but physicists are way past us.
I hope this to be my last post. I can get into the loo @ work on my tablet only so often...
Good luck with your belief that the future wont do better archaeology.
Benn Gunn treasure Island the Universe is made of cheeses:
Relief representing Anaximander (Roma, Museo Nazionale Romano). Probably Roman copy of an earlier Greek original. This is the only existing image of Anaximander from the ancient world.
What is the evolutionary purpose/utility of consciousness if everything has been predetermined at the Big Bang or even before it (no free will)?
Care to define consciousness.
Then in engineering terms?
This is conscious
a bimetal strip is conscious when you describe it in subjective terms..
so is a venus flytrap.
but you see their causality which is not so complex.
billions of evolutions up, the human brain is not so clearly causal...yet we know it must indeed be, and all our investigative science on the brain assumes that.
After that define purpose. ...
1. What I do is take the Concise Oxford English Dictionary definition.
2. Important you dont muddle subjective terms like choose, freedom, purpose with objective ones like caused inevitable, 'results in', because they are different models of looking at the world.
Fine to hold concurrent perspectives of course but not to mix them in a sentence, or you are asking why is X -> Y! which is an error..
Suggest you start on the universe before moving to multiveres in M Theory (much maths)
and also determinism works for the whole place.
This does not mean we cant use probability which is part of causality but for different scales
And never hypothesise in advance of all the facts.
That is the mistake quantum theorists make and why they look preposterous.
It is from Sherlock Ho,mes but AC Doyle took it from Dr Joseph Bell who invented forensic science (his mentor) who took it from Galileo's first maxim.
sherlock holmes
Arthur Conan Doyle
Man obviously smoked pipes to keep fire
Those who did lived and those who didn't perished.
It must be heavily in our genes to smoke, and I suspect it isn't about just fire keeping, but has other uses, the fascination of glowing embers and smoke induced hypnogogia making men and women day dream becauise it wouldn't let you fall asleep our you'd be burned.
So my advice is to get a churchwarden's pipe from Bond's...very long stem that wont burn your beard.
Max Planck was church warden but I suspect his pipe went out.
If you believe that smoking kills everyone and we're all identical genetically,
you might try a bubble pipe:
Mice dont smoke. They think most things are mystical like quantum theory and
cant see cause and effect as much as rats. Who cant see cause & effect as much as dogs, who cant see cause & effect as much as monkies who cant see cause & effect as much as quantum theorists who cant see cause & effect as much as determinists. Lust for life: Breaking the 120-year barrier in human aging
great article on anti-aging from io9
Forget the subjective. That's why peer review is indispensible.
Quantum world yes. Quantum theory very silly.
" We shall see whose instinctive view of science proves right" Einstein on the quantum theory
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