The information is lost and that's it.
It is hard to imagine the very big for some people.
Its just a technique of thought anyone can learn.
There are traces of the past in the present.
It looks lost until archaeologists start digging
![Posted Image](http://images.nationalgeographic.com/wpf/media-live/photos/000/651/cache/mammoth-tusk-arbugaeva_65181_990x742.jpg)
Mammoth tusks being recovered by locals. Picture in National Goegraphic April 2013.
![Posted Image](http://press.nationalgeographic.com/files/2013/03/ngm_april_2013_cover.jpg)
Archaeologists end up hiring mathematicians for large scale recoveries where data is vast and chances of error many.!
In Quantum Archaeology, once we have entered all the records (data bases) into a computer, amazing calculations will be run at speed.
There are fast techniques for learning, memorizing and calculating.
then there's exponentially growing computers, at present (June 2013) doing about
500,000,000,000,000,000 hardish calculations per second.
this compares with a world class human calculator
China's Milkyway2 world champion supercomputer is fast but it is nothing compared to what quantum computers are expected to bring:
If they can efficiently solve error problems, they may do near infinite calculations in a fraction of a second.
In August last year, a team of Harvard University researchers were able to use the D-Wave One to solve the largest protein folding problem ever, using the quantum computer.
Protein folding is a complex system found in all living things involving amino acids. "
Super-recursive algorithms may outperform even quantum computers.
So the maths for Quantum Archaeology is within reach.
We are still having 'human' ideas and developing by longhand great inventions.
But when recursive machine intelligence arrives (we've been on it specifically since 1956)
They will invent and build better calculators.
A.I. was halted by UK , USA and Japanese governments "the A.I. Winter"
because A.I. workers were regarded as crackpots by Margaret Thatcher.
![Posted Image](http://i.istockimg.com/file_thumbview_approve/4572937/2/stock-photo-4572937-mad-professor.jpg)
![Posted Image](http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/multimedia/archive/00402/125603356_Thatcher__402808c.jpg)
Some of us committed suicide, including Alexander Chislenko
Chris McKinstry, and the bright star at MIT Professor Push Singh. The rest just felt like it..
![Posted Image](http://www.wired.com/images/article/magazine/1602/ff_ai_suicide2_250.jpg)
Chris McKinstry Push Singh
They're only dead at the moment.
(If that sounds cruel, it is exactly the opposite, because it is almost certainly true).
We cant give an inch at compromising with the Truth: the stakes are high.
There is no known limit to calculation or machine intelligence.
The past is rising.
Archaeology is SOARING!
DNA breakthrough in unsolved Boston Strangler murders
![Posted Image](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-RN7-j-lXgtQ/TWGUzey3LjI/AAAAAAAABFg/tmlR7NXYhZE/s1600/Boston+Strangler.jpg)
If mankind survives long enough to build and contain Superintelligence, he must be able to reach into the past and recover information on breathtaking scales.
I dont know why religion has got their first in anticipating resurrection.
Cryonics is the safest course. It might not be needed. But then again it might.
If mankind survives
we are building our own heaven or hell as Hugo de Garis noted
in this fair survey of A.I. - still relevant
Rough Cuts Building Gods 1 1/2 hours
So the Construction of Containable Superintelligence is more important than the Los Alamos Project - the race against the fascist powers for atomic bombs, because atomic power could have hurt much opf the world.
Superintelligence could metabolise the Galaxy in under a few weeks.
That is the position mankind is in.
A successful containable build of Superintelligence
would enable Man to control the climate reverse ageing, resurrect the dead and move us to a higher civilisation.
Quantum Archaeology assumes no such advent and seeks a method for resurrection using known and known to be coming computing and maths.
the best way to think of the scales:
Calculation power is coming.
Stuff you wouldn't expect to be here for trillions of years will be here in the 2020's because of the advent of machine intelligence.
The proliferation of A.I. systems cant be halted by a pact or treaty.
Stanford's first A.I. online course graduated over 100,000 students in 2012.
The I LOVE YOU virus will look like a speck of dust
![Posted Image](http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/240/8/8/the_iloveyou_virus_by_aquaticpainter-d2xhlf0.jpg)
Only building containable Superintelligence first, by a responsible body could make the world safe.
Otherwise we'll have 1/2 billion runaway A.I.'s from schools and colleges as systems get more available on line.
![Posted Image](http://www.globecartoon.com/neweconomy/images/05.gif)
HRH deleted the I Love You Virus as a Bloody Communist Scam without reading it.
If you dont think technology's going to get dangerous....
Click on this old blurred April Fool OK button as it loads:
![Posted Image](http://horselover.net/cards/images/aprilfool/computer.gif)
![Posted Image](http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120810194044/jamesbond/images/9/92/Blofeld_FRWL.png)
Edited by Innocent, 11 July 2013 - 08:44 PM.