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#1171 Julia36

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Posted 05 February 2014 - 03:46 PM


How Science is trying to resurrect the dead.

"All great truths begin as blasphemies."
George Bernard Shaw
  • Micro Map of the past being created.
  • Quantum computers and new maths to calculate detailed histories and memories of everyone dead.
  • Face and body reconstructions a million years old already achieved: mind reconstructions coming.
  • 106 billion people to be resurrected within 40 years.
MAIN ARTICLE:~~>http://web.archive.o...rchaeologyfile/

King Alfred the Great's bones discovered inside a MUSEUM

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( + video short)

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The recovered pelvic bone ofAlred, England's greatest King.

"archaeologists now want to re-excavate the site to see if they can find a more complete skeleton.
Why do they care? Well, England wouldn't be here without Alfred. He fought off the Vikings who had taken most of the country and went on to establish London as its capital and English as its language. Rose Burns with Hyde900 said, "Not for nothing is he known as Great - Alfred the Great he is the only monarch in England to have that title and it's because he drove back the Vikings and he instituted all sorts of important structures, the military structure was revolutionized even law, the legal structure again he established proper legal structure for the first time."

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Charlemagne's bones identified: 1,200-year-old remains

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First King of Europe couold be reconstructed and brought back to life before most. Tomb in Aachen Cathedral

German scientists say 'great likelihood' they've found Charlemagne's bones

"After 26 years of research, scientists finally announced last week that the bones interred at Charlemagne's supposed resting place at Aachen Cathedral probably do belong to the emperor, The Local reports. The German researchers say the 94 bones and bone fragments are from a tall, thin, older man, and their dimensions match descriptions of Charlemagne, who was unusually tall for the period at 6 feet, but also thin. (PhysOrg notes another oddity: His father, Pepin the Short, measured only about five feet.) The researchers also found evidence of injury to the kneecap and heel bones, which is consistent with claims that Charlemagne walked with a limp in his later years" More


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Family Ttree of Chalesmaigne. Vast numbers of peoples of European descent are descended from him.


New Ancient Kingdom of Pharos Discovered in Egypt.

- 16 Pharos

- Ancient Royal cemetry

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Den's tomb

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"A previously unknown, yet potentially very important, ancient Egyptian kingdom has been discovered by archaeologists working in the Nile Valley. ..." MORE>>


Edited by Innocent, 05 February 2014 - 04:31 PM.

#1172 Julia36

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Posted 05 February 2014 - 04:06 PM

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Excavations at Abydos, 70 miles north-west of Egypt's famous Valley of the Kings, have revealed the existence of an entire royal cemetery, now believed to be the final resting place of up to 16 mysterious pharaohs - an entire dynasty whose existence was up till now virtually unknown to the Egyptological world.
Bizarrely more than a century ago, in 1901-1902, a British team, led by the famous Egyptologist, Flinders Petrie, entered four of the tombs - but had no idea as to who they belonged to or even of their high-status. Ironically, the vital inscription revealing the existence of the lost kingdom and indicating the cemetery's royal status, was in a tomb buried deep under the desert sand less than 20 metres from where they were digging. Almost a century later, in 1997, a Danish Egyptologist, Dr Kim Ryholt, deduced from a highly damaged ancient Egyptian papyrus, that a lost dynasty should theoretically have existed at Abydos between 1650 BC and 1600 BC - part of an era of political disunity known in Ancient Egyptian history as the Second Intermediate Period.

But there was no proof until the last few weeks when a team of American Egyptologists discovered a previously unknown tomb buried under three metres of sand. On entering it and illuminating its wall paintings for the first time in literally thousands of years, they deciphered a painted inscription which revealed the name and titles of an unknown pharaoh - the first physical proof that the mysterious lost kingdom and its ruling dynasty had actually existed." MORE


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Posted ImageSelf-taught father of Archaeology, Flinders Petrie in 1922 @ Abydos had eneterd 4 of the tombs



His student Lawrence of Arabia was ordered to quit archaeology and start Suadi Arabia
by the Britsih Foreign Office.

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Winston Churchilll challenging Lawrence of Arabia (2nd left) to a camel race. 1921.

Edited by Innocent, 05 February 2014 - 04:34 PM.

#1173 Julia36

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Posted 05 February 2014 - 04:36 PM


Great lecture from Penn team Archaeologist talking on Abydos, 2009, saying it is one of the least explored areas.

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Josef W. Wegner

Edited by Innocent, 05 February 2014 - 05:11 PM.

#1174 Julia36

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Posted 05 February 2014 - 04:58 PM

4600-Year-Old 'Provincial' Pyramid Discovered In Egypt, Older Than Cheops

"Archaeologists in southern Egypt have unearthed an ancient step pyramid built around 2600 BC. The pyramid, determined to be one of seven “provincial” pyramids scattered throughout central and southern Egypt, was found near Edfu, the site of an ancient settlement located about 750 kilometers south of Cairo on the west bank of the Nile River."

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Robbers reduced the size of it hiding it in the sands.

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The pyramid at Edfu
"Gregory Marouard said that at the foot of the Edfu pyramid, his team found inscriptions that were dedicated to children and babies.
"These are mostly private and rough inscriptions, and certainly dedicated to the child/babies' burials located right under these inscriptions at the foot of the pyramid.""

Amazing how a whole big pyamid could still get discovered!

We find and log as many artefacts as we can, then comes the atomic calculation, constructing a Quantum Archaeology Grid to enable the resurrection of the dead by microrobotics.


Edited by Innocent, 05 February 2014 - 05:21 PM.

#1175 Julia36

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Posted 05 February 2014 - 05:05 PM

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Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan couldn't attend a meeting of the Justice and Development Party in the Turkish city of Izmir over the weekend, so he sent a 10-foot digital hologram of himself to deliver his speech.
In the video below, the lights go out over the crowd as a blue light unfurls upward and solidifies into a bigger, if hazier, Prime Minister.
The crowd cheered during the pre-recorded speech

Read more: http://www.smh.com.a...l#ixzz2sT5mcLFt

#1176 Julia36

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Posted 05 February 2014 - 05:10 PM

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#1177 Julia36

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Posted 05 February 2014 - 05:27 PM

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USA starts connecting vehicles to each other

"Cars that retain their human drivers despite growing numbers of self-driving vehicles will gain automated safe-driving features in the United States, according to an announcement this week that U.S. federal agencies will encourage vehicle-to-vehicle, or V2V, communication technology for passenger vehicles.
The proposal relates to a kind of internet in which the connected computers are cars and trucks sharing data about speed, position and nearby traffic signals ten times a second in order to reduce accidents. If two cars on a three-lane road simultaneously attempted to switch into the center lane, for example, the V2V system could warn both drivers. Alternately, if a car two vehicles ahead brakes, the third driver could be alerted whether or not the middle driver braked immediately." MORE>>


#1178 Julia36

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Posted 05 February 2014 - 05:35 PM

Discovered: any cell can be rewound to a pre-embryonic state easily

New Scientist has also learned that this technique may have already been used to make a clone.

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+ Video

Edited by Innocent, 05 February 2014 - 05:55 PM.

#1179 Julia36

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Posted 05 February 2014 - 05:53 PM


Lockheed Martin fires most powerful portable LASER weapon it has ever created in hi-tech race to replace missiles

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Read more: http://www.dailymail...l#ixzz2sTGUMIDN

#1180 Julia36

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Posted 05 February 2014 - 06:19 PM

Second industrial revolution is under way


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3D printed fossils can be sent immediately by internet
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3D print a fossil with virtual palaeontology

Man's forgotten return to Africa revealed in DNA

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""colleagues were not expecting to find signs of western Eurasian genes in 32 individuals belonging to a variety of Khoisan tribes. "I think we were shocked," says Reich.
The unexpected snippets of DNA most resembled sequences from southern Europeans, including Sardinians, Italians and people from the Basque region (see "Back to Africa – but from where?"). Dating methods suggested they made their way into the Khoisan DNA sometime between 900 and 1800 years ago – well before known European contact with southern Africa (see map).
Archaeological and linguistic studies of the region can make sense of the discovery. They suggest" more

#1181 Julia36

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Posted 05 February 2014 - 06:33 PM

If robots divide us, they will conquer - FT.com

"Machine Age, a new book by Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This predicts that we will experience “two of the most amazing events in human history: the creation of true machine intelligence and the connection of all humans via a common digital network, transforming the planet’s economics. Innovators, entrepreneurs, scientists, tinkerers, and many other types of geeks will take advantage of this cornucopia to build technologies that astonish us, delight us, and work for us.”
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Above robot is buildable now, and can do basic chores.

What distinguishes the second machine age from the first is intelligence. The machines of the first age replaced and multiplied the physical labour of humans and animals. The machines of the second age will replace and multiply our intelligence."

Edited by Innocent, 05 February 2014 - 07:18 PM.

#1182 Julia36

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Posted 05 February 2014 - 07:18 PM

Please Join Us for The Twenty-Eighth AAAI Conference (AAAI-14)!

July 27–31, 2014, Québec City, Québec, Canada


A.I. creeping forward. 2022 is the year when it will dawn IMO like 3D Printers dawned in 2013 9though they'd been indevelopment 20 years)

AI and the Web
Cognitive Systems
Computational Sustainability and AI
Constraints and Satisfiability
Game Playing and Interactive Entertainment
Heuristic Search
Human-Computer Collaboration
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Machine Learning
Multiagent Systems
Multidisciplinary Topics
Natural-Language Processing
Planning and Scheduling
Reasoning Under Uncertainty
Robotics and Vision

#1183 Julia36

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Posted 05 February 2014 - 10:24 PM

New method rescues DNA from contaminated Neandertal bones


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"Retrieval of ancient DNA molecules is usually performed with special precautions to prevent DNA from researchers or the environment to get mixed in with the DNA from the fossil. However, many ancient fossils have been lying in museum collection for decades, and are contaminated with present-day human DNA before they enter the DNA-laboratory. A new method presented in the online edition of the journal PNAS this week provides a solution to this problem. A statistical model for how degradation can be detected in DNA sequences is shown to be able to isolate DNA from ancient bones even when it is vastly outnumbered by modern-day DNA contamination--not in the laboratory, but in the computer." MORE

One of the data bases we need to construct for resurrection is of DNA.
It is unlikelyany human-kind dead peoples are going to stay dead, and the quantum archaeology gird(see top) will include al earth environments as far back and in as much detail as our data bases and calculations permit.
THese will improve through time until we model all of desired history.

THere's no rush for the dead: anyone dying will 'awake' after only a few moments in their subjective time. This must be unless people are outsiode the laws of science or else our sceince has a barrier on how small it can measure.

Complexity of calcuations improves on trends that have held for decades.

#1184 Julia36

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Posted 06 February 2014 - 12:40 PM

If Quantum Archaeology is right, why dont I feel it ?
I FEEL I'm going to die and that's it!

The same issue was with cryonics. WE see death as the natural pattern all around us.

But we have maths now, and technology.

Both those are improving. Into the future there must logically come a point when we can do archaeology on anything human that has been.

As technology improves it miniturises and can do smaler operations. Logically it will be able to work INSIDE the atom.

A human being is part of nature and a dead human being part of nature past.

So dead men are described by the laws of Nature...never outside it.
Understanding them, modelling them will enable us to recreate the past.

Resurrection is so massive that when people see it can be done, they will commit to it.

But I dont think you can grasp it intuitively, you have to work it out on paper.
I coined Quantum Archaeology & I cant 'believe' it.

Posted ImageWe dont have to work all the laws and histories ourselves.
In about 2022 Machine Intelligence will emerge as a dominant technology (Itls precursors are already here eg in Google A.I.) and machines will calculate and do the science for us.

The idea mankind is special with a different set of laws and sceince is a relgious one, which many or most of us have built into out cultures. It is VERY hard to shake off,l and our unconscious minds dominante.

You are NOT going to die, because you are INCAPABLE of death.

The future will reach back and raise it's dead, and that must be a law of nature.

This is not wishful thining, this is alrewady happening: the discipline of Archaeology does that; de-extinction does that.

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TEDxDeExctinction website »

De-extinction is about raising extinct species from the dead.

With enough calculation power to configure greater detail, Quantum Archaeology is about rasing extinct individuals from the dead.

If de-exti9nction is correct, quantum archaeology must be correct.

The universe is not lawless but absolutelt built by and governed by the laws of physics. It is reversible as a maths construct, and rebuildable for any spacetime coordinates we wish.

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In case you've murdered your spouse:
QA wont happen in issolation but as myriad other sceinces and technologies bloom.

We can teleport hundreds of miles already and colonising other plkanets and building colonies from speca dust is going to happen.
My aim as a philsopher was to demonstrate that the psyche must change by refuting death.
You should live your life knowing death is not possible, and planing all your time tables acording to that.

Edited by Innocent, 06 February 2014 - 12:46 PM.

#1185 Julia36

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Posted 06 February 2014 - 12:53 PM

Dr. Doolittle wins $1,000,000 Evolution Prize for Lateral Transer radically modifying Tree of Life

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We may all ponder the mystery of life at times, but Ford Doolittle made it a vocation.
The professor emeritus at Dalhousie University in Halifax, whose work helped uproot the tree of life, has spent more than 40 years unravelling the mysteries and processes of evolution.
And at 71 he continues the quest – one that gets a boost Monday when Doolittle will be awarded Canada’s top science prize for 2014, the Gerhard Herzberg Canada Gold Medal for Science and Engineering.
“I would have kept going anyway, but it’s nice,” Doolittle says of the medal and $1 million in research funding that comes with it.
The prize, awarded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, is for research contributions characterized by excellence and influence.
In Doolittle’s case, it’s also a nod to bold and radical ideas.
As a teenager Doolittle became intrigued with understanding life in its simplest form. After a Ph.D from Stanford University, the U.S.-born Doolittle landed in Halifax in 1971 as a molecular biologist.
The more he learned about microbes, their genetic machinery and they way they readily swap genes, the more he became convinced the proponents of the neat and orderly tree of life had it wrong.
Fifteen years ago he laid out the evidence that shook Darwin’s evolutionary tree of life, arguing it was an inadequate model for understanding two-thirds of life’s history on Earth.
Rather than a single primeval ancestral cell emerging some four billion years ago as the tree model suggested, he pointed to evidence that life evolved from a population of many different primitive cells that kept swapping genes.
“The history of life was much more complicated and net-like and web-like than it was tree-like..." more

Edited by Innocent, 06 February 2014 - 01:04 PM.

#1186 Julia36

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Posted 06 February 2014 - 01:14 PM

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Calculation + Artefacts = Resurrection

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DNA in Dinosaur Bones?

Nature may have doomed Ice Age giants

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Feb 6th 2014

"Flower power may have meant the difference between life and death for some of the extinct giants of the Ice Age, including the mighty woolly mammoth and woolly rhinoceros.
Scientists who studied DNA preserved in Arctic permafrost sediments and in the remains of such ancient animals have concluded that these Ice Age beasts relied heavily on the protein-rich wildflowers that once blanketed the region.
But dramatic Ice Age climate change caused a huge decline in these plants, leaving the Arctic covered instead in grasses and shrubs that lacked the same nutritional value and could not sustain the big herbivorous mammals, the scientists reported in the journal Nature on Wednesday." more

Edited by Innocent, 06 February 2014 - 01:46 PM.

#1187 Julia36

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Posted 06 February 2014 - 05:14 PM

Computer programs for geographical analysis
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Lascaux France.

"Scientists have traced the steps of the human beings that inhabited the region during the Paleolithic era. Through computer programs for geographical analysis, it is known that these nomads gradually abandoned high-altitude rocky shelters and caves to live on flatter plains." more>>


Edited by Innocent, 06 February 2014 - 05:16 PM.

#1188 Julia36

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Posted 06 February 2014 - 05:29 PM


The Algorithm of Evolution

Feb 2014

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By Vic Grout

(Does nature ‘run programs’? And, if it does, are the ‘algorithms’ any good?)
So, what is an algorithm?
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No, not that; this is a far more fundamental question. What IS is algorithm? Animal? Vegetable? Mineral? Ah …
OK, start with something simpler; often the first class discussion on a pure maths degree … What IS a number?

Edited by Innocent, 06 February 2014 - 05:44 PM.

#1189 Julia36

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Posted 07 February 2014 - 12:54 AM

I don't think things are fully deterministic.

Is this another joke? Things are limited by laws or they are not capable of being detected, having no parameters. They couldn't exist. Things are defined by laws. Laws are the possible relationships between energies. Energies exist ONLY within the laws of physics. They cannot exist outside the laws.

Probability is a subset of causality. It deals with larger areas called aggregates. Everything that is small is part of a larger set of things.

Everything that exists is connected by laws to everything else. So everything has many relationships and paths back to the past can be traced from many starting points.

If determinism didn't govern everything, it would not be possible to say anything about anything, not even probabilistically.

it is bad science to hypothesize in advance of the facts. until we know what's going on in the quantum world, we cant have a quantum theory only a set of ideas about events in the quantum scale. We know so little about it because it's so small, we must wait until we can see what happening and why things are acting they way they are.

As we find smaller things, we will find different things. None of them however wont exist! Not even before they're split into matter and anti-matter. The idea nothing was there before they split is foolishness. as is the idea they annihilate to nothing when they come together again. But we dont have an alternate theory yet nor enough penetrative knowledge. The reason we dont know is

1) because we cant observe

2) because we cant think clearly about it. (not enough calculation power).

But we do know that

calculation + technology = anything possible.

Underdeterminism is a covert attack on determinism. It seeks to invalidate the bedrock of science, which is cause and effect. It's doesn't purport that but the assumption that things can never be known or that the experimenter has some special place from which to know things is nonobjective.

There cant be such a state for Quantum Archaeology, because you will be able to reach into the past by calculation, and since information cannot be destroyed
....argh I've lost the thread of this ..

If underdeterminism were possible, determinism would fall, which is impossible since you can see round you that it works, and that's why I refuse to give it entry into this argument.

Cause & Effect, and not Quantum Theory is the most successful Theory there has ever been in science. Every time it is abandoned for 'something that cannot be understood' we take up a black box theory instead of real physics.

Have you worked as a philosopher, i.e. have you published something in the field?

That's irrelevant. Because if I had or I had not it wouldn't alter the veracity of what I am typing. I think you are pulling my leg with some of your questions. They would certainly make good philosophy jokes.

Something is correct because it is a valid argument ( a chain of logically flawless deductions) from agreed facts, and is therefore checkable.

We are already resurrecting the dead by archaeology. People as any other artefacts, can be described by data, and once you have the recipe you can resurrect them.

- any number of Platypuses as Robert Ettinger has shown in Chapter 8 of the Prospect of Immortality he was kind enough to send me.

the delusion was we were unique.

Religion is an attempt to dissolve cause and effect,and quantum theory is clearly a religious attempt sprung on science by a religious person.

"Both Religion and science require a belief in God. For believers, God is in the beginning, and for physicists He is at the end of all considerations…"

Max Planck originator of Quantum Theory.

I attack Quantum Theory as a nonsense and a covered attempt to make science religious.

It is one of the biggest cul-de-sacs in science, and we should spend billions looking for micro causations to build micro technologies.

However my opinion is irrelevant and Quantum Archaeology accommodates either view of the small, and parallel with religious theories of resurrection.

There is worse.

As determinism is correct, your every thought and action is inevitable.
It is impossible for you to think or do anything but what has been eternally set in motion by Cause and Effect.

And worse still. All of the above is near irrelevant as we cant comprehend the complexity of Nature. We dont have the tools even to think near reality (the sum total of all facts)

Suicide is impossible (You'll be resurrected).

Murder is (they'll be resurrected)

Genocide's impossible (it'll be reversed).

Consciousness doesn't exist - it';s the ego declaring itself to have special powers above nature (impossible)

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Diogenes of Sinope

Physics is a conjecture, and survival - judged by the senses - is the gambit.

So Quantum Archaeology is a conjecture, and it can be tested by logical deduction in axiomatic logic.

Then it can be demonstrated with technology, in about 2025

Edited by Innocent, 07 February 2014 - 01:06 AM.

#1190 Julia36

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Posted 07 February 2014 - 10:09 AM


great - nothing to what's coming in archaeology. The quantum scales are going to enable tricks of measurement that pass time barriers.


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""This comparison, used for the first time to ascertain the authenticity of a painting, demonstrated with absolute certainty that the canvas support was produced after 1959, at least four years later than Leger's death in 1955," it added.

The "bomb peak" is based on radiocarbon levels released during a series of nuclear tests conducted during the Cold War, after 1955.

One of the secondary effects of these was an enormous increase in the level of radiocarbon (C-14) in the earth's atmosphere, the institute said.

These levels peaked towards the mid-sixties and then fell again with the signing of various international treaties banning nuclear weapons tests." MORE

#1191 Julia36

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Posted 07 February 2014 - 07:55 PM


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Photo of Earth from Mars.. NASA's Curiosity Rover.

Teleportation and entanglement may make travel to distant planets faster than we guess.

Measuring the very big and the very small help maths and technology improve

CERN to build new seven times more powerful giant particle collider

The Voice of Russia


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New CERN ring 100 killometres (present one in blue)
"Europe's physics lab CERN said Thursday it was eyeing plans for a circular particle collider that would be seven times more powerful than the facility which discovered the famous "God particle." "The time has come to look even further ahead," the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) announced." MORE

The budget is likely to approach a trillion euros IMO.

A.I. is needed to advance science technology, but interesting work can be done by men.

Cause of historical plagues found

"The two deadliest plagues in the world - the Black Death and the Justinian Plague - wiped out a great deal of Europe's population. A new study shows that they were caused by two different strains of the same bacterium. With funding from a variety of sources from the United States, Australia and Canada, researchers analyzed DNA from people who were victims of those plagues MORE


Medieval plague doctor's mask.
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Edited by Innocent, 07 February 2014 - 08:30 PM.

#1192 Julia36

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Posted 08 February 2014 - 03:23 PM


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phenakistoscope 1893.

Edison Newark Fire department 1896:

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Flip books thought to have begun in the late 1800's.

Films, a progression from first moving images on lampshades round candles ( praxinoscope China180 A.D) like this:
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are simple parts of the archaeological record. Gathered they can build The Quantum Archaeology Grid. When enough of the QAG is drawn in, recipes for any dead person can be established with enough accuracy to include their minds (also determined by the laws of physics). Then living people resurrected using coming microrobotics. Accelerating calculation is now added to data capture, past the small scales needed to raise complete people and their communities..

Edited by Innocent, 08 February 2014 - 03:54 PM.

#1193 Julia36

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Posted 10 February 2014 - 12:34 AM


We are drawing a grid of all events present and past. With enough calculation power we can complete the grid and describe events on big and small scales good enough for coming technology to resurrect the dead.

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"Astronomers have discovered a star that is 13.7 billion years old, making it the oldest star ever observed. The star formed just after the Big Bang and contains less iron than predicted by previous research.

The research was led by Stefan Keller and David Paterson, from the Australian National University, using the SkyMapper telescope at the Siding Spring Observatory. The star, SMSS J031300.36-670839.3, is located 6,000 light-years from Earth, and the discovery should provide new insight into the early universe and ancient stars that formed just after the Big Bang, called "first stars" by Keller and Paterson." MORE

Greg Bear is over at the Museum of Science Fiction:
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Beyond the Internet of Things: the amazing tech that's coming next:

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- Forget connected toasters, we want to control matter


Edited by Innocent, 10 February 2014 - 01:26 AM.

#1194 Julia36

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Posted 10 February 2014 - 12:49 AM

Sir James Dyson plans to make affordable household robots.

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Personal human-like robots have been explored by Asimov. As their price tumbles of component parts, loads of companies to assemble different styles will spring up. During 2015 the Age of Robots will dawn. At first expensive - - within the year 1/100th of the cost.

Edited by Innocent, 10 February 2014 - 01:38 AM.

#1195 Julia36

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Posted 10 February 2014 - 12:54 AM

'Guggenheim' Painting Shown To Be Fake With new Archaeology


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Once attributed to the celebrated French artist Fernand Léger, this painting has been determined to be a fake.

Science and technology can only move really fast when machines take over work - especially research, invention, marketing, production and selling.

In 2022 Machine intelligence will dawn.

2025 Resurrection of the dead will be possible.


How NASA Prints Trees

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Edited by Innocent, 10 February 2014 - 01:51 AM.

#1196 Julia36

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Posted 10 February 2014 - 01:01 AM

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7th Feb 2014

A Craig Venter dream realized:
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"An interdisciplinary study has shown for the first time that 'click chemistry' can be used to assemble DNA that is functional in human cells, which paves the way for a purely chemical method for gene synthesis. Human cells can still read through strands of DNA correctly despite being stitched together using a linker not found in nature."

"This is a mind blowing advance that demonstrates chemistry's power to manipulate nature's nature," comments Nobel laureate Barry Sharpless at the Scripps Research Institute, US, who first described the click chemistry process. "I only dreamed I'd get to see click chemistry do this in my lifetime. It is a marvellous achievement." MORE

Edited by Innocent, 10 February 2014 - 01:57 AM.

#1197 Julia36

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Posted 10 February 2014 - 02:07 AM



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Apologies whats new is the application of click chemistry here making
synthetic humans possible and not the invention of Click chemistry which was invented in 2001.

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Click chemistry - Wikipedia,


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3D Printed Android Robot

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Edited by Innocent, 10 February 2014 - 02:22 AM.

#1198 Julia36

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Posted 10 February 2014 - 08:19 PM

They've Done It!

Controlled Nano motors inside live cells.


immediate implications is destroying the accumulated junk inside the cells that cause aging. You should be able to get rejuvenated

Edited by Innocent, 10 February 2014 - 08:24 PM.

#1199 Julia36

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Posted 12 February 2014 - 12:22 AM

Plans revealed to create Richard III genome (Update)

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(Reuters) - A year after they revealed a twisted skeleton found under a car park as the mortal remains of King Richard III, scientists in Britain plan to grind samples of his ancient bones and use them to map his genome.
The project, which may alter perceptions of the last king of England to die in battle more than 500 years ago, aims to learn about Richard's ancestry and health, and provide a genetic archive for historians, researchers and the public."

Waiting for the $10 3D printer chemistry kit:
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Hitler's personal body guard committed suicide with him.
According to the propositions of Quantum Archaeology, you wont even need DNA samples.

More Nazis Looted Art Discovered:

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Edited by Innocent, 12 February 2014 - 12:48 AM.

#1200 Julia36

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Posted 12 February 2014 - 12:39 AM

"'Mother Lode' of Fossils Discovered in Canada

The well-preserved nature of the fossils gives scientist a snapshot of life over 500 million years ago

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"A treasure trove of fossils chiseled out of a canyon in Canada's Kootenay National Park rivals the famous Burgess Shale, the best record of early life on Earth, scientists say.
"Once we started to break fresh rock, we realized we had discovered something incredibly special," said Robert Gaines, a geologist at Pomona College in Pomona, Calif., and co-author of a new study announcing the find. "It was an extraordinary moment." MORE


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