“Happiness consists in getting enough sleep. Just that, nothing more.”
― Robert A. Heinlein, Starship Troopers

we can be described by plots in space-time. Each item plot is a psychics 'event'. The correct combination of these restores a living sentient you.

This isn't actually pigeon. Capture and recreation only deals with sound and sights, but we're going to do complete simulations. Those must mean that the dead are not dead, and it is indisciplined thinking to have death in your world view.
QA was forged in discussions on Kurzweilai.net, producing howls of protests as death had been thought an irreversible state, perhaps having special properties and the first attempt was kicked off wikipedia as 'original research' and 'not notable'. It will correct its doubtless many errors as it digs out its pasts with a myriad of forensic archaeology. Coming science may make today's lifeless archaeology seem quaint as we resurrect more living examples from the few we have already done.
It is a gold mine for the superdeterminist. It asserts a man is a mixture of events, existing solely by the laws of physics.> It is moot if those laws are classical, relativistic or quantum: the laws of nature exist and we must journey to find them. What matters is techniques to achieve our aims like survival and resurrection with knowledge of them in the scale sizes we need.
In the quantum realm statistics are used as mechanics. Man's component parts and patterns are swappable with identical ones by the principle of interchangeability. The composites are common to other men and other life forms and reduce commonly, to other biochemical and therefore other physical events. These may be configured theoretically by deduction, and experimentally by trial and error - but then constructed. They are also convertible to 'pure information' and need never be set back in three dimensions.
In an interactive system which the universe seems to be (although we wrestle with only 4% of it), things in one state are linked by immutable laws to things in all other states. QA's conjecture is the whole of any person's past is necessarily deducible from few starting points in the present, known variables, with enough cross-referenced calculation done in techniques like symbolic maths and hypercomputation, and the laws of science. From these starting points in spacetime, zillions of inevitable patterns are tested about a history until a correct description map is achieved. This is the principle of reversibility.>>>
The horror was the size of sums which people intuitively dismissed as too big for philosophy, too big for science, and too big to calculate.
They are not too big to write down in symbols! Inventor of set theory, Cantor, into arithmetic, postulated transfinite numbers with aleph orders of infinities. Predictive analytics may suggest a time when he will be revived. Mathematics now calculates infinite complexities - something seen as magic to the layman, using Cantorian set theory as the basis of computing, and describing infinite universes bubbled off infinite cosmic membranes in infinite multiverses.
Data is not random but in discoverable groups and shapes that cross-reference and repeat. One can make shortcuts and confident retrodictions in space-time despite few events surviving.

we focus in one one set of parameters for one person. We have no physical contact with them...all done by calculation.
With coming techniques and a.i.s it is irrelevant whether you seek to recreate a passed galaxy or a person. The calculation size wont bother it.
A hierarchy of scales team of microrobots were construct resurrectee to life

Edited by stopgam, 04 January 2015 - 10:20 PM.