An Algorithm Found These Images Hidden In Reflections From Glitter

Machines can now detect patterns better than men in many areas. And their competence increases fast.
New Algorithm makes Machines Function Like Brains
dec 2014

Carreira-Perpiñán has devised an algorithm that intersects applied math, statistics and computer science. It considers each of a mathematical function’s layers on its own, but also coordinates all the functions so they work together to get the desired outcome, whether it’s recognizing objects, recognizing speech and faces, helping self-driving cars, predicting the properties of materials or forecasting the stock market.
For example, the algorithm makes it possible for a computer to look at a picture you’ve taken of Yosemite National Park and, by computing progressively more abstract features such as edges, corners or object parts layer by layer, categorize the objects in the image such as mountains, trees or people — information your brain would come up with before you’ve even had time to snap that picture.
“Each of the steps in itself is relatively simple. It’s getting a machine to optimize many different steps at once that’s the challenge, because the resulting system is nonlinear, nonconvex and often nondifferentiable,” Carreira-Perpiñán said. “An algorithm that coordinates them all, and parallelizes them efficiently, while guaranteeing it can find a local optimum — that’s new.” more>>>

Kids Can Control Holograms With Their Minds Using The Force Trainer II
wireless headset picks up on a kid’s brain activity, and translates their concentration to a series of Jedi challenges included with the accompanying app

myBrain wants your brain to chill out. The company launched a new headgear Melomind, which reads your neural activity and translates it into the language of music. The idea is to check the level of stress and produce two corresponding music for it: Relaxed and Distractor. Relaxed is a pleasant stream of music, while Distractor is something very annoying and you don’t want to hear it.
Still a prototype, the biofeedback gear trains the mind to be relaxed. The company notes that they have received FDA approval for the device and will be launching it at $285 in September.">>>

Edited by stopgam, 14 January 2015 - 02:03 PM.