Forensic Facial Reconstruction Cro-Magnon Man from remnants.
[Quantum Archaeology must seem magic to you chaps!
I'm Sherlock Holmes, the world's only consulting detective.
I'm not going to go into detail about how I do what I do because chances are you wouldn't understand. If you've got a problem that you want me to solve, then contact me. Interesting cases only please.
This is what I do:
- 1. I observe everything.
- 2. From what I observe, I deduce everything.
- 3. When I've eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how mad it might seem, must be the truth.
If you need assistance, contact me and we'll discuss its potential."
from a fan website!
Sherlock Holmes in the story uses myriad data bases people often overlook this when trying to copy his methods. ( QA has access to myriad data bases).Fiction, but based on the father of forensics, Joseph Bell.

I'd stake my life Quantum Archaeology is correct, mainly because
Here are some points on The Method:
1. laws govern the universe,
2. recovery is already being done as classical archaeology,
3. computing is getting more powerful,
4. the Tree of Life project is well underway,
5. zillions of data bases are being collected which machine intelligence will synthesize
6. A.I. is gearing up with no obvious limit.
7. A "Quantum archaeology grid" is capable of being constructed which will let you plot the unknowns by cross referencing knowns with the laws of science.
8. Simulations thru 14 billion years are already being played with using trillions of moving points.
9. "Information is incapable of being destroyed" (Susskind).
10. Recovering (by calculation) a man's mind is the same as recovering his body, the same as recovering his tribe, his species his environment. In fact he is part of those. The issue then is might of calculation. At least you could recover and build every possible person (that would certainly resurrect the dead) but I think we can go much better than that using grids. My hunch is we can do archaeology in the subatomic world using coming science, and that's why scientific resurrection is called Quantum Archaeology.
Your well thought argument challenges coming power of hypercomputation, and you seem to be deciding what's impossible from what we can do now, by today's science. I dont think its so easily dismissed and trends supports me.]

Quantum Archaeology Grid
"Number rules the universe" - Pythagorus
The Quantum Archaeology Grid is a dimensional grid sketched by plotting known events then drawing in the relational lines connecting them.
The relational lines are dictated by the laws of science and have knowable shapes.
Any event - a quantum wave event or a cosmic planetary event, it makes no difference - is the effect of other events proceeding according to the laws of physics and not by chance.
When enough events have been inserted into a quantum archaeology grid, it is therefore possible to read off any required event by referring to the coordinate axis.
An analogy would be the construction of the periodic table by Mendeleev.
Mendeleev pioneered grids for predicting atomic weights and make up of all elements in the universe which became known as the periodic table. 1869..
The periodical table. Everything in the cosmos is ordered lawful and inevitable.Everything moves according to laws alone, and is predictable and therefore retrodictable by those laws of science.
The quantum archaeology grid is infinitely scalable both in sizes and other dimensions such as chronological time.
The one likely to be used for raising the ancient dead is a four dimension archaeological grid.
For human history back 50,000 years the quantum archaeology grid will be highly complex, but not infinite.
It will exist as equations and data in computing quantum computers,and will supply answers for requests about descriptions of human states in the past, where a given human brain could be in a timeline of progressive states from conception to death. It can also be printed out or viewed as 4 dimensional grid (3d moving simulations).
(Click to enlarge) Example of a 3d grid. A 4d grid would just be moving.
It can obviously be drafted as rows of static data and doesn't need to be pictorial nor moving. To follow the thoughts of a single individual over ten seconds could be read off as columns of statistics or viewed as simulations in a neural network development tank.
(Click to activate). Events moving in space-time on coordinates. The events can be insects or stars, or quantums. Note how one event affects another by laws and not by chance..
If there are not laws in the quantum world, things cannot exist, as patterns would have no tendencies to form. If there are laws, they must necessarily follow cause and effect even though we can presently only conceive their actions probabilistically.]
Edited by stopgam, 20 February 2015 - 05:13 PM.