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stopgam's thread

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#2041 Julia36

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Posted 19 February 2015 - 09:58 PM

Detailed map of the brain reveals SEVEN unknown types of cells



Using a process called single cell sequencing, scientists at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden produced a detailed map of brain cell types and the genes active within them.

It is the first time the method has been used on such a large scale

Read more: http://www.dailymail...l#ixzz3SEL1yCpk


#2042 Julia36

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Posted 19 February 2015 - 10:01 PM

Smartwatch replaces phone


#2043 Julia36

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Posted 19 February 2015 - 10:06 PM

Man-made blood nears



Artificial blood that could one day be used in humans without side-effects was created by scientists in Romania towards the end of last year.

The blood contained water and salts along with a protein known as hemerythrin that is extracted from sea worms." more




#2044 Julia36

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Posted 19 February 2015 - 10:30 PM

Huge epigenomic map examines life's impact on our genes




"The new "epigenomic" map doesn't just look at genes, but also the instructions that govern them. Compiled by a consortium of biologists and computer scientists, this information will allow doctors to pinpoint precisely which cells in the body are responsible for various diseases. It might also reveal how to adjust your lifestyle to counter a genetic predisposition to a particular disease


Researchers are still figuring out exactly how and when epigenetic tags are added to our DNA, but the process appears to depend on environmental cues. We inherit some tags from our parents, but what a mother eats during pregnancy, for instance, might also change her baby's epigenome. Others tags relate to the environment we are exposed to as children and adults. "The epigenome sits in a very special place between nature and nurture," says Kellis.

Each cell type in our body has a different epigenome – in fact, the DNA tags are the reason why our cells come in such different shapes and sizes despite having exactly the same DNA. So for its map, the Roadmap Epigenomics Consortium collected thousands of cells from different adult and embryonic tissues, and meticulously analysed all the tags.



" MORE>>>


[QA contends epigenomics and others things are absolutely governed by laws and retracable.]

Edited by stopgam, 19 February 2015 - 10:34 PM.

#2045 Julia36

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Posted 19 February 2015 - 10:43 PM

Physicist  Frank J Tipler argues the logic of Scientific Resurrrection (2010) : tenured prof at a Christian university





The Physics of Immortality



Edited by stopgam, 19 February 2015 - 10:59 PM.

#2046 Julia36

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Posted 19 February 2015 - 10:51 PM






#2047 serp777

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Posted 19 February 2015 - 10:57 PM

Some of the things you posted are interesting, but you really should have named this thread "irrelevant spam thread for all of my arbitrary whims"


Alot of the stuff you post has nothing to do with QA or answers my problems with it.

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#2048 Julia36

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Posted 19 February 2015 - 11:04 PM

I'm trying to show the advance of science and that mapping of the human environment is accelerating, with resurrection an inevitable consequence as we understand biophysical processes, statistics and computation.

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#2049 sthira

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Posted 19 February 2015 - 11:35 PM

I'm trying to show the advance of science and that mapping of the human environment is accelerating, with resurrection an inevitable consequence as we understand biophysical processes, statistics and computation.

Yes, and keep posting. Don't listen to that comment -- what you're doing is not spam at all, and we appreciate your good humor and your information-sharing. Keep posting!
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#2050 Julia36

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Posted 19 February 2015 - 11:40 PM

Volvo says self-driving cars will react 'faster than most humans'


S"Volvo Cars has designed a complete production-viable autonomous driving system," Peter Mertens, head of Volvo's research and development said in a statement.

"The key to making this unprecedented leap is a complex network of sensors, cloud-based positioning systems and intelligent braking and steering technologies."

The Chinese-owned group is locked in a race with its Japanese competitors Nissan and US Internet giant Google to be the first to put fully automated cars into circulation."






#2051 Julia36

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Posted 19 February 2015 - 11:54 PM

Breakthrough in Holograms ups Accuracy rate Price Plummets




"Researchers at Brigham Young University (BYU) and MIT are bridging the gap with a new important step toward the next generation of high-bandwidth, color-accurate holographic video displays that could span the size of an entire room at one tenth the cost of state of the art devices." more>>







Edited by stopgam, 20 February 2015 - 12:35 AM.

#2052 Julia36

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Posted 19 February 2015 - 11:57 PM




Computer hacking gang 'ordered ATMs to dispense money

Edited by stopgam, 20 February 2015 - 12:39 AM.

#2053 Julia36

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Posted 20 February 2015 - 12:57 AM

Obama appoints first chief data scientist

The US government has hired DJ Patil, a veteran of Silicon Valley who has worked for companies including eBay, LinkedIn, PayPal and Skype (The Verge). With the full title of chief data scientist and deputy chief technology officer for data policy, Patil will look to find better ways for the government to use data" wired ul


[A.I. chief is required but gvmts aren't futurits]

#2054 Julia36

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Posted 20 February 2015 - 02:17 AM

London Futurists The case for Universal Basic Income

last week


Interesting to see this new financial instrument emerging


Edited by stopgam, 20 February 2015 - 02:46 AM.

#2055 Julia36

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Posted 20 February 2015 - 04:25 AM


#2056 Julia36

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Posted 20 February 2015 - 04:43 AM

Home Robots to go on sale this Summer


[teething problems for PEPPER first raft of $2,000 domestic robots]



[above HRP2 robot.]

"Japanese telecommunications giant SoftBank Corp. hopes to sell thousands of Peppers to consumers, starting this summer, predicting that eventually robots will be a mass-market technology along the lines of the PC or the smartphone.

This month, SoftBank joined forces on robotics with International Business Machines Corp. to jointly develop IBM’s Watson artificial intelligence technology for the Japanese market, including robots. A SoftBank spokesman said Pepper was one of a number of platforms on which Watson could appear."





#2057 platypus

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Posted 20 February 2015 - 08:42 AM


What is the good starting-point for the QA simulation? Do you for example need to simulate the evolution of all life (= life of all living things) exactly right or can you start from the emergence of Homo Sapiens? In the latter case I guess you would still need to simulate the life of every member of the species correctly down to the synapse-level? 


There is no good starting place. The universe is non deterministic. Even if you had all of the initial conditions the universe would not turn out the same way, particularly something as subject to random chance as evolution. Its likely you wouldnt end up with humans--something entirely different or maybe no life at all.


I agree, and even if universe was not deterministic, simulations would be killed by deterministic chaos and sensitivity to initial conditions.

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#2058 platypus

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Posted 20 February 2015 - 09:26 AM

Ok so a gram of DNA can store 455 exabytes ~=  4E21 bits. That is quite respectable but lets compare it to the initialization requirements of the QA-grid:




- 1 bit per 3D voxel

- length of side of voxel = Planck length = 1.6E-35 meters

- length of side of grid = 2000 light-years 

-> number of voxels per side of grid = 1.17E56

-> total number of voxels = 1.6E168 which is also the number of bits needed to store the initial state. 


The mass of DNA needed to store 1.6E168 bits = 4E146 grams, which is about 2E113 solar masses. Note that the estimated number of particles in this universe is 1E82 so even if you're trying to assign just one particle per each needed solar-massed DNA-storage unit you are going to run out of this universe about 31 orders of magnitude before the system is complete. I would hazard a guess that this kind of QA-system will never be built :)




Here are the numbers again with a bit more reasonable assumptions:


- 1 bit per voxel

- length of side of voxel: 1E-18 meters (~1/100th of the "size" of the electron)

- length of side of grid: 3000 light-years (distance to farthest stars visible with naked eye -> this needs to be expanded after the time of Galileo)


-> total number of voxels per side of grid = 3E37

-> total number of voxels = 3E112 = number of bits needed to store the initial state

-> amount of DNA-memory needed to store the initial state = 8E90 grams which is still WAY too big to fit in this universe

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#2059 Julia36

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Posted 20 February 2015 - 04:32 PM


Forensic Facial Reconstruction Cro-Magnon Man from remnants.


[Quantum Archaeology must seem magic to you chaps!



I'm Sherlock Holmes, the world's only consulting detective.

I'm not going to go into detail about how I do what I do because chances are you wouldn't understand. If you've got a problem that you want me to solve, then contact me. Interesting cases only please.

This is what I do:

  • 1. I observe everything.
  • 2. From what I observe, I deduce everything.
  • 3. When I've eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how mad it might seem, must be the truth.

If you need assistance, contact me and we'll discuss its potential."

from a fan website!


Sherlock Holmes in the story uses myriad data bases people often overlook this when trying to copy his methods.  ( QA has access to myriad data bases).Fiction, but based on the father of forensics, Joseph Bell.




I'd stake my life Quantum Archaeology is correct, mainly because



Here are some points on The Method:


1. laws govern the universe,


2. recovery is already being done as classical archaeology,


3. computing is getting more powerful,


4. the Tree of Life project is well underway,


5. zillions of data bases are being collected  which machine intelligence will synthesize


6.  A.I. is gearing up with no obvious limit.


7. A "Quantum archaeology grid"  is capable of being constructed which will let you plot the unknowns by cross referencing knowns with the laws of science.


8. Simulations thru 14 billion years are already being played with using trillions of moving points.


9. "Information is incapable of being destroyed" (Susskind).


10. Recovering (by calculation) a man's mind is the same as recovering his body, the same as recovering his tribe, his species his environment. In fact he is part of those. The issue then is might of calculation. At least you could recover and build every possible person (that would certainly resurrect the dead) but I think we can go much better than that using grids. My hunch is we can do archaeology in the subatomic world using coming science, and that's why scientific resurrection is called Quantum Archaeology.



Your well thought argument challenges coming power of hypercomputation, and you seem to be deciding what's impossible from what we can do now, by today's science. I dont think its so easily dismissed and trends supports me.]






Quantum Archaeology Grid

"Number rules the universe"  - Pythagorus

The Quantum Archaeology Grid is a dimensional grid sketched by plotting known events then drawing in the relational lines connecting them.

The relational lines are dictated by the laws of science and have knowable shapes.

Any event - a quantum wave event or a cosmic planetary event, it makes no difference - is the effect of other events proceeding according to the laws of physics and not by chance.

When enough events have been inserted into a quantum archaeology grid, it is therefore possible to read off any required event by referring to the coordinate axis.

An analogy would be the construction of the periodic table by Mendeleev.

Mendeleev pioneered grids for predicting atomic weights and make up of all elements in the universe which became known as the periodic table. 1869..

The periodical table. Everything in the cosmos is ordered lawful and inevitable.Everything moves according to laws alone, and is predictable and therefore retrodictable by those laws of science.

The quantum archaeology grid is infinitely scalable both in sizes and other dimensions such as chronological time.

The one likely to be used for raising the ancient dead is a four dimension archaeological grid.

For human history back 50,000 years the quantum archaeology grid will be highly complex, but not infinite.

It will exist as equations and data in computing quantum computers,and will supply answers for requests about descriptions of human states in the past, where a given human brain could be in a timeline of progressive states from conception to death. It can also be printed out or viewed as 4 dimensional grid (3d moving simulations).

(Click to enlarge) Example of a 3d grid. A 4d grid would just be moving.

It can obviously be drafted as rows of static data and doesn't need to be pictorial nor moving. To follow the thoughts of a single individual over ten seconds could be read off as columns of statistics or viewed as simulations in a neural network development tank.

(Click to activate). Events moving in space-time on coordinates. The events can be insects or stars, or quantums. Note how one event affects another by laws and not by chance..

If there are not laws in the quantum world, things cannot exist, as patterns would have no tendencies to form. If there are laws, they must necessarily follow cause and effect even though we can presently only conceive their actions probabilistically.]

Edited by stopgam, 20 February 2015 - 05:13 PM.

#2060 Julia36

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Posted 20 February 2015 - 10:49 PM

Anti-aging chocolate invented




Eunice Sanborn died aged 114


"By using the antioxidant which keeps flamingos pink, a Cambridge University affiliated lab behind ‘Esthechoc’ claims the chocolate improves the skin’s physiology, and brought skin biomarkers of a 50 to 60-year-old back to the levels of a 20 or 30-year-old."





#2061 Julia36

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Posted 21 February 2015 - 02:21 PM

Another Advance in Microscopes




Hitachi today announced that it has developed an atomic-resolution holography electron microscope accelerated at a 1.2-megavolt ("MV") under the government-sponsored FIRST Program project named "Development and Application of an Atomic-resolution Holography Electron Microscope", and has achieved the world's highest point resolution of 43 picometers ("pm"), i.e., 43 trillionths of a meter. With its ability to measure electromagnetic fields at the atomic resolution, the developed microscope will contribute to the advancement of fundamental sciences by supporting the development of cutting-edge functional materials, through elucidating quantum phenomena that cause the functions and properties of high-performance materials, such as magnets, batteries, and superconductors." more>>


Edited by stopgam, 21 February 2015 - 02:22 PM.

#2062 Julia36

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Posted 21 February 2015 - 02:29 PM

Lost Sherlock Holmes story discovered BBC


Dr Joseph Bell - the model for Sherlock Holmes Doyle studied under.




[pure detective work]




Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote the story, titled Sherlock Homes: Discovering the Border Burghs and, by deduction, the Brig Bazaar, in 1904 to raise money for a bridge in Selkirk, Scotland.

It was unearthed by town resident Walter Elliot, 80, who discovered it under a pile of books in his attic.

He believes it may have lain there for almost 50 years.

The 1,300-word tale was printed in a 48-page book of short stories, Book o' the Brig." >>






Edited by stopgam, 21 February 2015 - 02:31 PM.

#2063 Julia36

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Posted 21 February 2015 - 09:01 PM

Neaderthall Home life figured out




A new study of Neanderthal teeth has discovered that our ancient cousins required women to do typical household chores, while also expecting them to hunt alongside men.

The study suggests women in the group were responsible for looking after furs and adjusting garments, while men had the task of improving stone tools.>>> more



#2064 Julia36

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Posted 21 February 2015 - 09:13 PM

Life started 1,000,000,000 years earlier



Rock samples that date three quarters of the way back to the birth of our planet suggest life may have flourished on early Earth.

Chemical evidence hints that early microbes may have ‘crawled’ out of the ocean and lived on land by 'pulling' nitrogen from the air 3.2 billion years ago.

It was previously thought that the ability to use atmospheric nitrogen to support more widespread life appeared much later - roughly two billion years ago." more>>>>




Physics didn't start



"two physicists have put forward a radical new model which suggests the Big Bang didn't take place - and that our universe has no beginning and no end.


#2065 Julia36

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Posted 22 February 2015 - 12:45 AM



"Running parallel to the extraordinary advances in the field of AI is the even bigger development of what is loosely called the Internet of Things


. This can be broadly described as the emergence of countless objects, animals and even people with uniquely identifiable, embedded devices that are wirelessly connected to the internet. These ‘nodes’ can send or receive information without the need for human intervention. There are estimates that there will be 50 billion connected devices by 2020. Current examples of these smart devices include Nest thermostats, wifi-enabled washing machines and the increasingly connected cars with their built-in sensors that can avoid accidents and even park for you." MORE>>





Edited by stopgam, 22 February 2015 - 12:47 AM.

#2066 Julia36

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Posted 22 February 2015 - 12:57 AM

Reversal of Age-Associated Tissue Degeneration in Mice






#2067 Julia36

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Posted 22 February 2015 - 01:05 AM

[humans follow traceable laws. Not just approximately...absolutely. This is true for cities and true for minds.] Ancient and modern cities aren't so different






Despite notable differences in appearance and governance, ancient human settlements function in much the same way as modern cities, according to new findings by researchers at the Santa Fe Institute and the University of Colorado Boulder.



Previous research has shown that as modern cities grow in population, so do their efficiencies and productivity. A city’s population outpaces its development of urban infrastructure, for example, and its production of goods and services outpaces its population. What's more, these patterns exhibit a surprising degree of mathematical regularity and predictability, a phenomenon called "urban scaling." more>>



#2068 serp777

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Posted 22 February 2015 - 12:26 PM



What is the good starting-point for the QA simulation? Do you for example need to simulate the evolution of all life (= life of all living things) exactly right or can you start from the emergence of Homo Sapiens? In the latter case I guess you would still need to simulate the life of every member of the species correctly down to the synapse-level? 


There is no good starting place. The universe is non deterministic. Even if you had all of the initial conditions the universe would not turn out the same way, particularly something as subject to random chance as evolution. Its likely you wouldnt end up with humans--something entirely different or maybe no life at all.


I agree, and even if universe was not deterministic, simulations would be killed by deterministic chaos and sensitivity to initial conditions.



Very true. The initial conditions of the universe might require an infinite precision or a precision dependent on the planck scale which is out of reach because the laws of uncertainty. There's no way we could know the positions and momentums of all the particles to determine the initial conditions due to the uncertainty principle, even if the universe is fundamentally deterministic (a deterministic universe does not agree with quantum theory though)

#2069 serp777

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Posted 22 February 2015 - 12:48 PM


Forensic Facial Reconstruction Cro-Magnon Man from remnants.


[Quantum Archaeology must seem magic to you chaps!



I'm Sherlock Holmes, the world's only consulting detective.

I'm not going to go into detail about how I do what I do because chances are you wouldn't understand. If you've got a problem that you want me to solve, then contact me. Interesting cases only please.

This is what I do:

  • 1. I observe everything.
  • 2. From what I observe, I deduce everything.
  • 3. When I've eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how mad it might seem, must be the truth.

If you need assistance, contact me and we'll discuss its potential."

from a fan website!


Sherlock Holmes in the story uses myriad data bases people often overlook this when trying to copy his methods.  ( QA has access to myriad data bases).Fiction, but based on the father of forensics, Joseph Bell.




I'd stake my life Quantum Archaeology is correct, mainly because



Here are some points on The Method:


1. laws govern the universe,


2. recovery is already being done as classical archaeology,


3. computing is getting more powerful,


4. the Tree of Life project is well underway,


5. zillions of data bases are being collected  which machine intelligence will synthesize


6.  A.I. is gearing up with no obvious limit.


7. A "Quantum archaeology grid"  is capable of being constructed which will let you plot the unknowns by cross referencing knowns with the laws of science.


8. Simulations thru 14 billion years are already being played with using trillions of moving points.


9. "Information is incapable of being destroyed" (Susskind).


10. Recovering (by calculation) a man's mind is the same as recovering his body, the same as recovering his tribe, his species his environment. In fact he is part of those. The issue then is might of calculation. At least you could recover and build every possible person (that would certainly resurrect the dead) but I think we can go much better than that using grids. My hunch is we can do archaeology in the subatomic world using coming science, and that's why scientific resurrection is called Quantum Archaeology.



Your well thought argument challenges coming power of hypercomputation, and you seem to be deciding what's impossible from what we can do now, by today's science. I dont think its so easily dismissed and trends supports me.]






Quantum Archaeology Grid

"Number rules the universe"  - Pythagorus

The Quantum Archaeology Grid is a dimensional grid sketched by plotting known events then drawing in the relational lines connecting them.

The relational lines are dictated by the laws of science and have knowable shapes.

Any event - a quantum wave event or a cosmic planetary event, it makes no difference - is the effect of other events proceeding according to the laws of physics and not by chance.

When enough events have been inserted into a quantum archaeology grid, it is therefore possible to read off any required event by referring to the coordinate axis.

An analogy would be the construction of the periodic table by Mendeleev.

Mendeleev pioneered grids for predicting atomic weights and make up of all elements in the universe which became known as the periodic table. 1869..

The periodical table. Everything in the cosmos is ordered lawful and inevitable.Everything moves according to laws alone, and is predictable and therefore retrodictable by those laws of science.

The quantum archaeology grid is infinitely scalable both in sizes and other dimensions such as chronological time.

The one likely to be used for raising the ancient dead is a four dimension archaeological grid.

For human history back 50,000 years the quantum archaeology grid will be highly complex, but not infinite.

It will exist as equations and data in computing quantum computers,and will supply answers for requests about descriptions of human states in the past, where a given human brain could be in a timeline of progressive states from conception to death. It can also be printed out or viewed as 4 dimensional grid (3d moving simulations).

(Click to enlarge) Example of a 3d grid. A 4d grid would just be moving.

It can obviously be drafted as rows of static data and doesn't need to be pictorial nor moving. To follow the thoughts of a single individual over ten seconds could be read off as columns of statistics or viewed as simulations in a neural network development tank.

(Click to activate). Events moving in space-time on coordinates. The events can be insects or stars, or quantums. Note how one event affects another by laws and not by chance..

If there are not laws in the quantum world, things cannot exist, as patterns would have no tendencies to form. If there are laws, they must necessarily follow cause and effect even though we can presently only conceive their actions probabilistically.]


You'd stake your life on it? I'd bet every penny I had that it won't happen.




1. There is no economic or possible reason for wanting to resurrect a bunch of people or do quantum archaeology. You won't find investors because the expenses will be unfathomably huge.


2. That you expect machine intelligence to be so much more vastly intelligent than humans.


3. Unknown laws govern the universe, which we may not be able to know because of the limitations of physics. There may be no theory of everything because mathematics doesn't have sufficient axioms . it may be the theory of everything is an NP complete problem anyways, so you wouldn't be able to solve anything even if you had the theory of everything (like the 10^500 different universes in string theory)


4. Ai might occur and you're assuming there is no limit. There might be an intelligence limit or at least the rate of gaining intelligence is limited.


5. Though simulations use trillions of points, even an infinite number of points wouldn't be able to get you an identical universe. You assume the universe is deterministic and you assume you'd be able to violate the uncertainty principle by knowing the momentum and locations of all particles in the entire universe.


6. That computers will be able to calculate the sophistocated motion of 10^80 atoms with 10^81 dark matter particles in an unfathomably large universe with resolutions up to10^-43 meters. Then you have to use time resolutions of 10^-34 seconds.


7. Computers might reach some limit before we can do all of the magic you describe. Once you get down to the size of atoms you can't get any more processing speed. Thats a limit determined by the laws of physics and chemistry.


8. You ultimately have an unabashed optimism that seems excessive. Its based on many assumptions as well as magic mathematics and statistics. Your defense to this is something like "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. However, I'm waiting for a demonstration or indication that new maths or statistics will just solve your problems.


#2070 platypus

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Posted 22 February 2015 - 01:49 PM

I actually could not invent a more impossible-sounding thing even if I tried. How are we going to "simulate" private discussions of people 50000 years ago? Hello?

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