Sorry but you have "dismissed" them based on handwaving and hunches, not with understandable argumentation. Seriously, I do not think that you know enough about natural sciences and mathematics to argue for your case, or even to properly understand the criticism. This is quite evident from your posts. And really, I don't think that criticizing someone's lack of expertise is an "ad hominem"-attack. I get the feeling that you're still quite young,so you certainly have the time to acquire even advanced degrees in the sciences if you want.I can assure you I do, and have heard them before - pondered them and dismissed them.

stopgam's thread
Posted 28 January 2013 - 12:10 PM
Posted 04 February 2013 - 02:30 PM

Posted 04 February 2013 - 02:35 PM

Posted 05 February 2013 - 12:41 AM
Sorry but you have "dismissed" them based on handwaving and hunches, not with understandable argumentation. Seriously, I do not think that you know enough about natural sciences and mathematics to argue for your case, or even to properly understand the criticism. This is quite evident from your posts. And really, I don't think that criticizing someone's lack of expertise is an "ad hominem"-attack. I get the feeling that you're still quite young,so you certainly have the time to acquire even advanced degrees in the sciences if you want.I can assure you I do, and have heard them before - pondered them and dismissed them.
It is a complex area by numbers opf meme-shifts Platypus.
Like al subject it is crassly simple and obvious when you master it, but utterly mad and ridiculously nonsensical until you do that.
I guess what you're ernest about is is QA real, a consitnt model , vaible and indeed is Mankind about to resurrect the dead?
All of those.
Consider this:
Fragments of Adolf Hitler
by the Soviets and presently held by the State Archives of the Russian Federation
(he's the latter day boogey man so I am fond of reviving him in debate)

I doubt you'd object to my assertion a clone could be built of him?
Then we are looking at ONLY recovering his memories.
Quantum Archaeology presents ONE method of doing that.
It is premised on archaeology and recovery of data.
It also assumes a few thousand other maxims or axioms, which together look impenetrable.
Easy NB ---->>>easy<<<<<----- self-evident algorithms.
Separately, they are contemptuously easy.
eg Cause and Effect.
eg Probability
eh Calculation capacity will grow.
eg Cross referencing confirms event descriptions.
eg An even is a density point in spacetime
eg Information is incapable of being destroyed (Leonard Susskind)
eg etc etc
None of those are ambiguous.
Each has subsets of other axioms.
There are zilions though, but what amazes me is about 25% of futurists can appreciate immediately...instinctively that the general idea must be true.
i shouldn't get too blasted by science....machine intelligences are going to do more than we dreamed was possible in science as fast as you click your fingers.
It would be MORE remarkable if that was NOT so than that it ccurse (Vernor Vinge)
Hitler will be back:
-so let me ask YOU
what follows from this?
Posted 05 February 2013 - 09:11 AM
I don't think it is something that could be ruled out indefinitely, but I also don't think it is something that we should necessarily expect to occur in the future. I think the technology needed to accomplish something like this is so far out of our current reach, that it is pretty much impossible to visualize.
The entire human race could become extinct before we advance enough to achieve something like reviving everyone who has ever died.
Posted 05 February 2013 - 01:50 PM

RICHARD III's face reconstructed by forensic archaeologistis Feb 2013
from newly found remains by a battlefield, using probability science and causation.archaeologists reasonable certain the face is accurate.
google news/wiki
This thread is insane, interesting, and hard to follow. I have jumped around and read some of it, and have been lost most of the time, but I certainly like the idea of quantum archeology.
I don't think it is something that could be ruled out indefinitely, but I also don't think it is something that we should necessarily expect to occur in the future. I think the technology needed to accomplish something like this is so far out of our current reach, that it is pretty much impossible to visualize.
The entire human race could become extinct before we advance enough to achieve something like reviving everyone who has ever died.
Hi Adaptogen.
I dont find difficulties in visualising it, assessing it technologically (which is mainly vast calculation) nor making a working assumption we will NOT go extinct before Resurrection Science is achieved.
see this week
The reconstruction of the dastardly tyrant Richard III above from remains using probability and cause & effect.
You make be daunted by the size of calculation involved. That is logical.
I estimate, having studied it, resurrections will commence in 20-40 years.based on science, acceleration of trends in science that have held for decades, what is needed and when calculators and maths will be within 40 years.
These estimates are not guesses.
Is this the end?
Are Men outside the laws of the retrodictive science of Cause and Effect and the statistics of probability - by which all known laws of the universe operate?
Or must dead men too, be traceable (and therefore amenable) amenable by brute, giant calculation - plucking them at the very moment of their cessation, from the past into the safety of the steadying future?

Edited by stopgam, 05 February 2013 - 02:02 PM.
Posted 06 February 2013 - 01:44 AM
Posted 06 February 2013 - 12:54 PM
We're going back for the dead.
We are going to reverse- not just compensate human suffering.
Man's imagination, lining to his technology has no limits. The laws of physics will be used to confound history.

These jews arriving to be gassed will be resurrected by science within 2 generations by us - with 106 other people to 50,000 BCE and continue as immortals.
That anyway is the posit of Futurist philosophy which may never breach what is scientifically possible in its projections.
We should b e bold enough to strip from all religions what is useful and not stick in the absurd adversarial positi9on new science finds itself.
The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined."
Posted 07 February 2013 - 11:47 PM
THey haver to unite relgion and science which seems mutualy exclusive, and have divided into groups ridiculing each other.
However they but 2 schools of philosophy...pone backed by technology the other based on faith,(which the sceintists ridicule)
My own position is agnostic to both.
I refuse to take a position and dont conclude science with or without technology nor relgion with or wiothout mysticism is what I think is the model of everything.
I dont know. I'm open to pursuasion (Kenny, see williams v. dawkins Oxford debate)
I do think resurrection is an idea from relgion and it has moved over into science.
I futher think it will move into technology and resurrection will happen IMO in 20-40 years & have stated my reasons for thinking this, based inter alia on trends.
Finally I reiterate cryonics (and Quantum Archaeology) would do well to push their philosophies pragmatically and win over the relgious bodies by ideas & pragmatism ie withouit tryng to wipe them out (they would understandably react to attempted assasination).
I now intend to crawl into back into my comfortable barrel in Athens
Hoy Yankeee..... Stand out of my LIGHT!
Posted 17 February 2013 - 12:08 AM
anyone who can arange to get cryonically suspended might be well advised to get it:
The issue is acurate data reconstruction.
Linguists have announced (this week) the reconstruction of ancient protolanguages using probability ane causation from fragments of languages surviving in the prersent,.
Computer program reconstructs dead languages
Ancient languages reconstructed by computer program

(Ancient Language Computer Program Recreates Sound Of Dead ...
Huffington Post-)
We have done this with a proton pump nearly a BILLION years old.
Firt the genre, then the individual.
If you think about it,
calculating the past must only be about size of calculation plus verifying its Truth.
I have reasion to believe we can attempt this now and will be riasing the dead in 20-40 years.maybe sooner.

Edited by stopgam, 17 February 2013 - 12:12 AM.
Posted 17 February 2013 - 05:48 AM
Posted 18 February 2013 - 06:30 PM
Indeed. Ray's atempt at allowing pictures on site failed utterly duie to programming u
But QA was indeed coined on frums (on the old MINDX site and I have indeed whipped enthusiasm for it..mainly to examine it;s maxims and propositions for truthfulness.
Futurism including Transhumanism, Extropianism and Cryonicism... are all arguements to the future -- banned in philosophy since they are all empirically unprovable in argument.
I want to step down from maintaining tracks and a commentary on it and accelerate a Superintelligence build which has entered the construiction phase after 15 years of theoretical work at London Artificial Intelligence Club.
(Prof Nick Bostrom @ Oxford has a book
Superintelligence' out with OUP 2013 due now, based I think on his paper on Superintelligence see wiki.
Quantum Archaeology tries to formalize Frank Tipler's position on resurrection at the Omega point of the universe.
QA assumes retrodiction is possible with sufficient calculation power (which is generally a mix of physical state machines and symbolic notation)
QA contribution to scientific resurrection is that it looks likely in 20-40 years.
This is not spurious:
We are making facial reconstructions (on the outside of skills) from bone fragments good enough for those who knew the deceased to identity them.
We can do this beciase of knowledge of what the outside of the skull...the face....has to do and the limiots of what it can be.
The inside of the skull..the brain...can be - partly - similarly constructed.
The brain has long been held a mysery because it is not evident whereas the face is apparent.
THe 3 objetions to Quantum Archaeology - being debated at forums now, are crucial to the success of the early idea, but not part of the details.
I'm sure you understand the thrill of discovery , and the idea that men are not in fact dead is certainly amazing.
Tipler shoud not be condemned for Christianity by thinkers in his resurrection thesis, but marvelled that he could attempt to describe resurrection as part of sceince.
Quantum Archaeology isn't a relgious thing though and doesn't reference relgion once in it;s main artcle gathered from various debates..some of them here....where russian cosmists were introduced to it.
I was atending an autopsy a while ago and wondered if the actualy body was needed to resurrect the person...inside the actual body or a copy such as ther RNA copies...
or some other a ball of lightnight for instance.
How could a dead and cremenated person be recovered?
Scientists told me heat was converted at cremeation into irreciverable dissolution of information loss (to tripple emphasise the pont)
But this is not so.
Stanford Proferssor Leonard Susskind , for instance - someone whose graops on physics is Herculean states

"Information is incapable of being destroyed...that is the deepest physics I know"
I have taken that quote from his online YouTube lectures.
This was NOT the positionb helsd by most physicis when Quantum Archaeology began over a decade ago (most scientists subscribed to entropy and information destruction esp in black holes)
Death and esp[ecially Resurction or afterlife is a theme in man's social organisation pre-history (as far as we can guess)
It;s litreature dominates many religions.
There can be no genetic knowledge of death if you think about it for a moment!
So the whole idea of funreals and fear or superstition or even mitigation is tenuous, and dependent upon massive iontellectual feats of calculation.
We cant have any intuitive grasp of it - because those who die dont tell to fear nor overcome it.
They are necessarily incapable of even defining it.
But the death industry is MASSIVE.all built by the lioving who have not one ounze of knowelde of being being dead.

It is the worst arguemewnt fromgnorance in thge whole of philosophy since it is pervasive in society and not a man has experience of it.
The general beleif..not founded on experience but by the metaphore of verging on lunacy.
Your idea of death is currently one of loss of someone else, not of your own seems to me?
Even the idea of what you think of and observe as death in other, loss and speration, or even you dead (infinitely harder because it cannot be evidence based) is too difficult for most but university professors lik Parfitt to stab at.
The cryonics and transhumanist groups are the advance guard of the human race in foresight and probably in intellect.
Death - or the absence of it - is the theme about which extropan transhumanists gather.
But it is not empirical.
Science and Religion have become adversaries, and I doubt if that could have been the intention of early sceintists who were pretty much exclusively relgious men...including Newton and Darwin...though not Einstein.
What I hope is the best of both (and sceince has some probloems in it too) can be ladelled off to push Man forward into a happier and fundamentaly Truer philosophy.
Truth may be unknowable. But it may not be!
One can at least try to get better approximations by Method.
I never asked Robert Ettinger how he came to invent cryonics, but I'll guess it was because of his Nation's majority beleif systems, which embraced resurrection.
He almost cetrtainly thought
"How can all these men whom I admire and respect be wrong about resurrection?" and how is it that Human Imagination and Projection...if that is what religion is - is in confluct with science?
Edited by stopgam, 18 February 2013 - 07:09 PM.
Posted 09 March 2013 - 01:28 AM
I find the idea of leaving a instrumental sensor for some quiet quantum process running for a few decades and seeing what pops up, however no discernible pattern would arise in all likelihood. The truth is that quantum science tells us very little about the world we live in, it is entirely possible that everything eventually cancels itself out, but the fact that there is so much stuff keeps the reaction from happening quickly, we are simply children in the mists of a process which is taking many years to complete itself, except its unlikely because there is very little evidence to support that claim even with our knowledge on the universe.
If you are interested in learning more about how humans think and our relation to the world I recommend 1-2 tabs of acid and/or some quick DMT hits. under the influence You will likely see that the processes in the brain work independently and simultaneously collaborate in a almost "spooky" way. We are not part of the universe except that we live in it, there is no god except the one in your head. But science does not know much about that now. If you believe that uncertainty influences our behaviors than I recommend you consider the fact that neurotransmitters are small enough molecules to penetrate around inside your head, which means that we are truly bone and meat heads whom experience the random motion of molecules within our heads which is then translated into different things. This however does not mean we are controlled by anything specifically like an over god or anytype. We are simply Humans, if you feel uncomfortable with that I suggest you switch.
Posted 30 March 2013 - 10:57 PM
Scientists wouldn't be seen near them.
Probability does not invalidate causation. And stating spooky or mysterious things happen just means the processes are unknown and not Causation has disappeared!

Chucking out Galileo and Einstein is nutty. It is absurd to assert Einstein didn't understand the Quantum Theory. He invented tools to create it.
Everything is determined. How? We dont know small how yet.
Probabilty is for crowds and causation when we can observe and measure.
I see the ideas of Quantum Archaeology confirmed everywhere, and expect resurrection data to draft complete people in 6 years using maths like superrecursive algoritms and hypercomputing.

Man's ego is the problem!
we say Hmmm consciousness, design, free wil, volition, creation god spooky msytery means no laws.
EVERYWHERE we look laws exist.
It is logically impossible to have no laws in the presence of vast laws...the laws would disintergrate.
But not even quantum theorists say there are no laws!
If you consider everything as Causation everything works that we can study.
Because things are presently too small to stydy doesn't means causation has ceased.
However in the weird chance I'm worng, QA also accomodates the quantum theory.
Edited by stopgam, 30 March 2013 - 11:20 PM.
Posted 30 March 2013 - 11:24 PM
Edited by anagram, 30 March 2013 - 11:35 PM.
Posted 31 March 2013 - 12:12 AM
Quantum Archaeology seems very unlikely but we don't know much about that right now.
Its a science issue.
I believe we could do first mapping right now!
This is an actual mummy reconstruction.
Issue for brains are only one of scale and not method, ie calculation.

Edited by stopgam, 31 March 2013 - 12:16 AM.
Posted 09 April 2013 - 04:45 PM
Cryonics and Quantum Archaeology are both arguments to the future (banned in philosophy) and believe that technology and maths will improve.
Both will need consummate skill in repair, recovery and reassembly, and the world in which that happens (I have reason to believe it'll be possible in the 2020's) will be technologically very different.
Cc here from forums:
There are a whole range of tricks for manipulating large data.The difficulty is a statisticians paradise!
The amount of data that needs to be calculated is immense.
Unless someone else has a better idea, how else could one to gather the enormous amount of data required?
I also think it will be doable in the 2020's because of technology in development and the push, especially the mechanisation of maths.
The amount of data that needs to be calculated is immense. The number of synapses in the human brain is approximately 60 trillion. Even where one takes many measurements at high speed from a single sensor, the amount of data that needs to be gathered is enormous.
The data required is only vast until you unwisely attempt to draw it out (because only a megalomaniac would attempt to do it)!
The universe isn't just near infinite amounts of random junk.
Its gathered into components like fields and atoms and quarks.
So the amount of calculations is per component or event set, not the whole bloody place!
A human being and his memories can be calculated by a prototype and the degrees of deviation from it.
On the Quantum Archaeology Grid (Google) there can be dynamic (moving/altering) prototypes, based on synthesising data bases and records that we have.
I like "Archaeology" for resurrection, as it references methods already used for recovering things (eg statues, pottery) and also emphasises a human being is data set not something mystical which is unreachable (death especially is so horrid that myths abound about what it is); I was also into archaeology and geology as a precocious 13 yr old so I learned something of what digging up the past could do, and radio carbon dating is the herald of what quantum history is going to do IMO.
Good post medusa.
Paul Bennioff came up with the first real model of quantum robots in 1982. These tiny constructs, carrying quantum computers on their backs would go into the Planck scale world doing everything nanobots will do, data mine, repair and construct.
We're futurists so a lot of this seems spurious to non-futurists, but although fantastic it absolutely cant be against the laws of known science plus we have to have a rationale WHY it will work.
The basis concept is to leave the primary chemical bonds of the unrefined material in place so that the material appears unaltered.
I dont understand this (not my field), and would be grateful if you cold spell it out in child-speak....Calculation needed follows this relationship:
machine calculation is inverse to the maths used:
ie the more maths we can do, the less physical calculation power we need.
A computer/calculator IS ONLY like a giant abacus, and we can calculate with shortcuts - maths--.
So eg super-recursive algorithms may the required enormous power.
there are 2 strands to recovery as I see it:
1. Data collection.
2. Analysis and calculation around that data.
We are going to raise the dead- I'm sure about that, and the greatest objection to it..entropy...has already been overturned by information physics ("Information is incapable of being destroyed") - and we're going to raise them into a world vastly changed with properties only described in sci-fi.
Within a second of someone dying, subjectively they'll be up again in a better world.
But as you can only prove this by dying, its not a Theory as its not falsifiable!
I'm quite sure it's right though and the issue is the limits of information recovery.
Around that the advent of Superintelligence which is my main thing, apart from pumping my own ego, will surely solve all this.
Posted 09 April 2013 - 04:58 PM
The QA argument isn't spurious, parts already resurrected 800 million years old:

Edited by stopgam, 09 April 2013 - 05:32 PM.
Posted 10 April 2013 - 07:08 PM
Posted 30 April 2013 - 04:26 PM
Mike Perry (Forever For All) has attacked QA recently as being in conflict with Quantum Theory.
""An Alternative to Quantum Archaeology in Resurrecting the Dead" by Mike Perry"
My response:
Accusation summary: Quantum Theory proves Cause & Effect are obsolete so we'll never know the past.*
- defeat - "No-one understands the Quantum Theory." (Richard Feynman).
There isn't anything to add to this, however to engage in debate - Feyman's statement is still true: a challenge to Quantum Archaeology from Quantum Theory cannot succeed since it is argumentum ad ignorantiam, - argument from ignorance. We dont know what is happening in the quantum world because we cannot observe it yet. To throw out Galileo's hard-won first maxim ("Observation then explanation.") looks foolhardy, and QT's success is from statistics not physics.> "What can be said can be said clearly." Wittgenstein: Tractatus 4.116. Einstein's attacked Quantum Theory's explanations of what was happening in the world of the very small and predicted Causation would be reinstated. Superdeterminists also posit this.
It seems generally agreed there are laws in the quantum and where there are laws prediction has always followed.
Many scholars seem horrified at the size of calculations in quantum mechanics, but it can be shown the amount we can sum grows on a trajectory; thus at some stage we will be able to calculate enough.
Quantum Archaeology does not need to go quantumly small scale to complete its grid, and most quantum theory may be irrelevant to it: 5 nanometres is the smallest relevant size. Where laws exist, prediction and retrodiction are thought possible and even in Quantum Theory the world works by laws. Geometrical lines of intersection will be constructed probabilistically, proving events from the records and this has already been done past 100 million years.
Additionally, the world can be described as a purely cause and effect system using the Many Worlds Interpretation¬¬ and Einstein who could be called a superdeterminist, might be right: causality underpins all nature. Brilliant probability science giving astoundingly good statistical predictions is a triumph for probability science not a refutation of determinism. MWI dismisses probability cloud observer collapses by quantum decoherence. Even allowing quantum probability alone, closed and unobserved quantum systems are demonstrated to be both predictable and reversible. (See also 2012 Nobel Physics Prize"for ground-breaking experimental methods that enable measuring and manipulation of individual quantum systems"). Debate rages about how to capture the laws of the quantum realm, and camps traditionally oppose each other, some believing causation, existing, too complex and too quick for mankind. Nature has had infinite time for infinitely deep complexity predating our universe. Einstein was more hopeful of finding a way and dismissed quantum theory as a lack of perspective. Quantum Theory and Relativity contradict each other: they cant both be right, and Relativity is both observable and proven correct.
> 2. On Superdeterminism: Gerard 't Hooft "...the only reasonable view on the laws of nature is that they determine everything that happens, uniquely. This insight is necessary if you want to understand what is going on in a quantum system, in particular when you have entangled particles. However, this does not imply that the future is "predictable" in any way. Nature itself is the fastest calculator there is, and no one will ever beat that, apart from making statistical statements. That's what qm is." (to me -2013). This argument on limits is argument from size of calculations and (future) inflation. We can also assume we can describe the environment we live in by finding shortcuts to data aggregations and patterns that repeat. These are the laws of physics that will be delivered increasingly by coming accelerating intelligence. t'Hooft has attacked labeling in philosophy and seems to be arguing from set theory.
¬¬ See also The Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics (wiki) that resolves the central paradoxes and is absolutely a determinist theory of Cause and Effect in the quantum realm, rejecting the weirdness of the observer effect in favour of quantum decoherence, a splitting of worlds.

The resurrection plant Selaginella lepidophylla reviving within 3 hours after the addition of water.
Edited by stopgam, 30 April 2013 - 04:27 PM.
Posted 02 May 2013 - 11:26 PM

Posted 03 May 2013 - 01:35 AM
Anything philosophical & immortal?

Maths would do
Posted 05 May 2013 - 02:58 AM
Posted 06 May 2013 - 06:28 PM
Read more: http://blogs.smithso.../#ixzz2SXR3nPht
At the moment we're on the edge of simulating someone's face/body/brain from DNA. As we improve artefacts in myriad data bases, like the archaeological record, the biological record, the geological record, the cosmic record etc we will be able then to DEDUCE the environment. After that runing the DNA through environment simulators would give ANYONE's memory as well. That's the conjecture anyway.
Posted 15 May 2013 - 11:38 PM
Scientists said Wednesday they had found life-giving chemicals in water at least 1.5 billion years old, which they are now combing for signs of microscopic organisms surviving from a prehistoric age.
The water, isolated in pockets deep underground for billions of years, is now pouring out of boreholes from a mine 2.4 kilometres (1.5 miles) beneath Ontario, Canada, they wrote in the journal Nature.
“This water could be some of the oldest on the planet and may even contain life,” the team said in a statement."

another bit to place on the Quantum Archaeology Grid.
Soon - maybe even now - we'll have enough details to start churning the maths and track ANY event there's ever been in history
Charles Darwin's notes
- in case you think these are a mess.

Mendelev's statue St Petersburg & periodic table people thought was NUTS.
Note Cuasation

Retrodiction is coming Ready or not
Your every thought will be on display in maths

Edited by stopgam, 15 May 2013 - 11:58 PM.
Posted 19 May 2013 - 04:08 AM
I'm supposed to be pro-active and want to resurrect someone or rather a group as a demo.
I think that could be done at a stroll in 5 years.
In iorder to do that I wan t to go as far as we can with Causation and Probability.
And also ignore the quantum world until we get more knowledge of what's going on there.
By knowlw3dge I mean what can be manipulate and construct in it.
Explanations are important in physics of course but nothing beats a good demo
3 stages opf an idea:
1. It;s Barking.
2. Alright, it's Immoral.
3. Of course we knew it was correct.
Raising the dead is being actually DONE NOW but by genre, not individuals.
That is because of sufficient maths not being used (computers are just machines doing maths)
post at random today on raising genres:
Mammoth resurrection ethics 'questionable', says archaeologist
picture of a generic mammoth:
picture of a specific mammoth:

From genres to brain structure is a problem of SIZE.
which , all things even, is a problem of MATHEMATICS.
Another specific mammoth whic is VERY ILL:
we'll start with animals of course but monkeys to men...even dogs to humans aint much of a leap.
I dont mean Quantum Theory is wrong...I mean draw and plot the Quantum Archaeology Grid with what we can do now in Classical physics and leave blanks :
a) we might not need much in the quantum world
b) it might be deducible.
The important thing is the acceleration that science and technology are thundering ahead on:
when a technology reaches information conversion, it then accelerates at double exponential logs.
Sceinces are still split up: physicists are not statisticians are not mathematicians are not biologists etc
A few of us have done 20 different degrees for various reasons, and although we cant bootstrap out footware, we can perspective things like Quantum Archaeology OK.
Sombody wants to make it open source I hear and have family and friends responsible for resurrections.
Monitoring would have to be done by spr-robot-bots
I cant see sci-fi and science reality are going to be different, logically??
Anyway we cant die.
QA has to be dismissed are fundamentally wrong or we just dont need cryonic suspension.
I'm still with may be wrong and we dont know why so it;s best to get suspended.
Edited by stopgam, 19 May 2013 - 04:19 AM.
Posted 19 May 2013 - 04:45 AM
A Whole-Cell Computational Model Predicts Phenotype from Genotype
Understanding how complex phenotypes arise from individual molecules and their interactions is a primary challenge in biology that computational approaches are poised to tackle. We report a whole-cell computational model of the life cycle of the human pathogen Mycoplasma genitalium that includes all of its molecular components and their interactions. An integrative approach to modeling that combines diverse mathematics enabled the simultaneous inclusion of fundamentally different cellular processes and experimental measurements. Our whole-cell model accounts for all annotated gene functions and was validated against a broad range of data. The model provides insights into many previously unobserved cellular behaviors, including in vivo rates of protein-DNA association and an inverse relationship between the durations of DNA replication initiation and replication. In addition, experimental analysis directed by model predictions identified previously undetected kinetic parameters and biological functions. We conclude that comprehensive whole-cell models can be used to facilitate
biological discovery.
Showing we can move one scale to another, I think, using logic as computing:
& tapping in the data we know.
It MUST be conceivable we can do archaeology with this logic????
To what level then?
HOW far back can we go?
How detailed can our archaeology be?
I've thought about it: no least limits are only held by our tools...BUT OUR TOOLS GET BETTER,
and the dead can wait.
Someone who leaps over a cliff now will resurrect in his subjective time ONE SECOND LATER!
- The 3 objections to QA have been dealt with in my easy notes on Page 1:
So a HUGE bit of Cryonics IMO is going to be concerned with reconstructions of the dead, and the sooner we get that going the better.
Edited by stopgam, 19 May 2013 - 04:46 AM.
Posted 19 May 2013 - 05:01 AM
That wouldn't have memory, but it would have basic 'consciousness'.
And then why not the the DNA from retrodiction from people alive now, guided by the records we have?
First attempts might be crude, but eventually we'll get close, and then we'll get accurate as sceince and technology progress:
'CSI' forensics re-create crime scenes; dinosaurs come alive at Expo Center: Portland/Gresham news
Less than two days after two Portland police officers fatally shot a U.S. army veteran who ambushed them atop a city parking garage, homicide detectives could study a three-dimensional reconstruction of the crime scene from their desks. Forensic technicians spent hours atop the garage. But instead of pulling out tape measures, string and protractors, they set down a large tripod with a 360-degree digital laser imaging scanner and panoramic camera resting on top. Then, they pushed a button.
As the scanner rotated, it resembled more of a surveyor's tool used for building bridges than a high-tech crime-fighting tool you might see featured on TV's "CSI." Yet its applications for forensic investigations are proving invaluable, not only for its high accuracy in mapping scenes, but for allowing investigators to re-examine a scene from different angles or vantage points as many times as they need via computer. The scanner also enables prosecutors to take jurors to a crime scene without ever leaving the courthouse. Portland is the only police agency in the Northwest to have the equipment.

Tsar Ivan the Terrible of Russia. Reconstruction by M. Gerasimov, Soviet archaeologist and anthropologist who developed the first technique of forensic sculpture. 1965
These are crude and still needs bits of stuff to work with, but pattern-matching can be done at all scales, and everything is in laws, matrixes, orders and relative numbers.
Edited by stopgam, 19 May 2013 - 05:11 AM.
Posted 19 May 2013 - 09:35 AM
That's because the connections in the brain are shaped by the life experiences of the person, including internal mental states. You'd need to simulate the whole life of a person including the time in the womb when the brain is growing the fastest. There seems to be no way to "simulate" this as the problem is underdetermined or perhaps even non-deterministic at some level.WE can reconstruct (forensically) the fame from bones...why not the brain from DNA?
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