How Science is trying to resurrect the dead.
Micro Map of the past being created.
- Quantum computers and new maths to calculate detailed histories and memories of everyone dead.
- Face and body reconstructions a million years old already achieved: mind reconstructions coming.
- 106 billion people to be resurrected within 40 years.
MAIN ARTICLE:~~>(working: Nine pages)

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Ah the barrier theory again! No barriers. Not even the skull nor time by our deaths. The cosmos is demonstrably one interactive system. A human mind and a geology sample are as much relational by the laws of physics as everything else is.
QA is thus another assault on the human ego, which is evolved to defend against such notions of non-uniqueness.
It is inconstant to think we can calculate there was a winter in 1600 but cannot calculate what a caveman thought, except the size of calculation must be different.
Nothing exist alone. In the model of space and time it is connected by myriad chains of causation from it's most secret states to the future.
QA isn't prohibited by science it is inevitable and predicted by science. The only way it couldn't happen is if the cosmos ceased to exist.
You cannot observe a mind, so yes there is a real barrier.
>>>> the mind is the working brain. Project blue brain demonstrate a simple working mind with one cortical column.<<<<
Yet, in order to "simulate" a dead person you need to get the contents of their mind exactly right, i.e. the simulated mind must experience exactly what the real person would have experienced during their entire lifetime. Please explain in some detail how you will verify that the simulated contents of the minds are the "correct" ones?
>>>>you cross - check iot with other refence points in teh Quantum Archaeology grod, which is a dynamic grid with all known events plotted, plus all gaps accurated plotted using the laws of physics and statistics.<<<<
ps. please do not use the argument that since "everything" is connected you "somehow" divine this information from thin air. you've already conceded indirectly that you don't/cannot simulate the whole universe from the big bang since that computation is literally too big to be completed in this universe, so that avenue will remain closed.

>>>some things are less likely than others and they therefore carry different weighting probabilistically. But causally nothing is accidental. With enough computing it is revealed!
>>>I( would think that is a big simulation, but it is already being done in progressive detail...in fact the complexity trend of a universe simulation is speeding faster than Moore's Law.
Nick Bostrom and Farnk Tipler have given estimates of the complexity and computing power needed.
A human being has only so man y thoughts and movements he can do. So if you cdan simulated each perm of them you have the ability to resurrect him.
Then you eliminate one's that cant have been by dross referencing with knowable truths (events) in a huge matrix. This is becoming possible in computing.
You only need the relevant bits fora specific resurrection. You dont need to calculate the universe.
It;s never from think air, but the use of statistics in Classical Physics is under developed, whereas in Quantum physics it is highly developed and the basis of quantum mechanics.
FYI I come from a stats tradition and was follishly in the occult before I discovered reality of science and falsehood of religion. But on the way learned to calcuolate astrology which was a cultural base of science.
eg the Ephemeris is about positions of stars and how they interact

Ptelomy and Newton came this route, and it is great training for detailed science work & gave rise to the Periodic table.
The cosmos is utterly ordered and that is the case for the star and the atom.

This looks like random chaos, but astronomers have learned it is absolutely ordered, with each speck of dust existing only by and absolutely following laws. Prediction and retrodiction are thus possible