stopgam, the "grid" will never help you to figure out the configuration and state of a historical brain since the number of possible brain-states is larger than the number of observable "events" in your grid. There are already 100 trillion connections in a single brain so we can assume that the number of possible states that brain can be in is several orders of magnitude larger than that.
Your "grid" doesn't have even close the number of observations needed to uniquely nail the state of even a single brain, so the problem is grossly underdetermined and you simply lack the required data to constrain your simulation.
The fundamental problem is worse of course, since if you postulate that the practically unobservable brain-states (mind-states) have far-reaching effects elsewhere in time and space, you have to deal with the effects of all other possible brains too, and therefore all possible events, which makes the underdetermination even worse. There will always be many more possible histories than available observations, that is the nature of the problem.
No No NO! Arg! to calculate a big thing..the size of the world, for dont need a computer the size of the world!
You use symbolic notation...matrhematics...which is a fancy name for short-cuts.
The brain is no special position in physics, but is moving energy, like everything else.
Once you have plotted in the Quantum Archaeology Grid (above) you can run ANY permute of the numbers.
You can call up maps of men who have never existed - variations on actual men.
I know you like underdetermination as a concept.l I reiterate dont use it. So we're @ an impasse here. Underdetermined is a science word form not enough knowledge to solve the problem.
I've shown ways where you can get the knowledge by deduction from knowns.
>>>There will always be many more possible histories than available observations, that is the nature of the problem<<<
Indeed and we've solved it by gridding. Rather than grid-lock. 

The QA Grid was inspired by the artist's method from the renaissance where a gird is used to map out a painting. 'Painting by boxes.' The whole painting is too complex to do at once but you can break it down into boxes which have definite coordinates.

The QA Grid takes this to 3 dimensions, then dimensions (+ time)

Although we're aiming at the mind/brain, which obviously follow the same rules of physics as the body, a tress a rock etc, the whole body can be done initially as we raise people in kin groups.

You're not actually using a scanning machine- though I dont dismiss this as possible- but mathematics and statistics deducing from initial readings---> but going back thru time.

We'll raise in kin groups.
But you can deduce by history lines and deduced lines from starting points in the present eg artefacts, DNA measurements)
to ONE moment in time for any person in the past...even for presently living people in their own pasts.

Eventually a whole world simulation will be possible.
The hypercomputers will be astounding.
Like the Victorians who thought electricity was the marvel of the age, we will see intelligent technology the same way.
It will do what seems 'magic' to us now.
Resurrection of the dead must be one of those things since you can check for accuracies by their descendant states.
I've pushed QA because it is correct, and understanding it is coming science changes the psyche of mankind.
Death is over (in fact it was never a final state. but only the dreamers thought so).
Coming soon:

Emperor Commodus (Joaquim Phoenix)
Edited by stopgam, 28 February 2015 - 09:13 AM.