No amount of processing power can solve the problem of underdetermination.
"In the philosophy of science, underdetermination refers to situations where the evidence available is insufficient to identify which belief we should hold about that evidence." wikiI'll side step this because belief is irrelevant.WE know logic shows what a result can be whenever it's valid.That means if you know the positions and you know the laws you can logically calculate when the result is going to be.This works also with retrodiction, ie you can calculate logically what the past was.Belief is irrelevant to this process which is proven in Newtonian and Relativity.
In the quantum world we have a major problem.
Explanations pop up that it is doing stuff contra causation, and spooky, and that a new physics must exist.
Nobel physicist 'tHooft is sure its still causal (Superdeterminism...thanks)
He also states quantum mechanics is a statistics, because we aren't doing physics yet (presumably)
The explanations in QT like things spontaneously popping into being and synchronising with no causality nor link between them is bilge:
We are running ahead of the facts and hypothesising...a great error (Sherlock Homes)

but based on the first great forensic surgeon Joseph Bell, Doyle's tutor.
I saw physicists in my era stating confidently that the universe poppped into being from no cause.
M Theory shows otherwise now, and the first evidence for it just proffered by analysis of the recent cosmic map (ie many universes exist) from the Planck Observatory:


The universe did NOT in fact just pop into being from nothing, but bubbled off when 2 infinite branes collided (Ed Witten)
I have no truck with quantum mechanics it works as statistical theory with intensely accurate PROBABILITY.
But we dont know what is going on in the quantum world and it is, I restate, a mistake to hypothesise in advance of the facts.
Cause and Effect and indeed so-called non-deterministic laws (an oxymoron if there ever was one)
must operate with reference to other things.
EVERYTHING is governed by laws that is provable. Stiff that isn't i just conjecture IMO
This is the universe:

It seems to me unassailable that where there is laws, there is prediction.
However, non-causal laws could exist I suppose, but that remains to be proved.
Meanwhile I'll take explanations that have proof.
Probability is a great thing.
None of this invalidates resurrection BTW
Laws = prediction = retrodiction.
We KNOW because we've done experiments that quantum systems are absolutely reversible.
we can play them backwards (when unobserved).
Secondly there is a DETERMINISTIC --cause & Effect quantum explanation Many World THoery (wiki) of what;s going on.

So i would argue that beleif is irrelvant because we can make technology. In quantum machines...being made since 2010..wwe're using probability to construct. So what?
Cause & Effect are logic, and maths (computers are living maths) can do anything describable.
Scientist go nuts periodically ans come up with mad ideas like flat earth flogeston spontaneous combustion, and spontaneous creation.
Chaos doesn't is a biblical terms...everything by order number and measurement.
When we raise the dead will still say 'these are not the true people back!
Edited by stopgam, 22 May 2013 - 01:57 AM.