Newton physics is the word we live in. His laws apply pretty much except where modified by Einstein and quantum theory?
We always live in a quantum world. Even the most powerful computer can't predict when a single radioactive atom will decay, thus this whole idea is based on the impossible.
Why cant it?
It's at the very basis of reality that we can't have full knowledge of the states of any particle. It's called the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.
Yes I'm aware of that barking lunacy, conveniently unprovable since the stuff under investigation is too small to observe. The man on the Clapham Omnibus is not so lunatic: he runs his life according to Cause and Effect which works.
Throw out Causation and you throw out science. For Cause & Effect is the biggest discovery by mankind, and science has driven down a cul-de-sac.
Probability is highly useful..indispensable, but it is not capable of dismissing causation.
the correct position is to say that probability works in the quantum world but how weird effects are happening is unknown...not that they prove causation is abolished.
NB where there is Law, there is necessarily causation One implies the other., and probability itself is but a branch of Causation.
That is my argument from ignorance, based on experience and following silly paths in physics which spring up periodically. eg Big Bang was said to be the non-causal spontaneous creation for the universe from nothing.
This preposterous view was even taught in schools and universities as true until Ed Witten showed M- Theory and many universes existed.
Maxims abounded like "If you think you understand quantum theory, you dont understand quantum theory" and "No-one understands quantum theory"
It is an attempt, very human, to introduce the mystical, the fantastic as proof of God: ie mysterious therefore God.
We cannot be immune to our education
secondly, Quantum Archaeology is already happening..we are already 'resurrecting' the past on microlevels
The intelligent thinker racks his brains thinking he must be ignorant and stupid because he doesn't understand quantum theory...well it is wrong in some essential assertions therefore not understandable:- the worst of these is the dismissal of causality.
10 de-bunked scientific beliefs
Maternal Impression
The Four Humors
California Island
World Ice Theory
Rain Follows the Plow
(“Rain Follows the Plow” is the name given to a climatology concept which is now completely debunked. The theory said that human settlement caused a permanent increase in rainfall – thus enabling man to move to areas previously considered arid. It is this 19th century theory that brought about the settlement of the Great Plains (previously known as the Great American Desert), and parts of South Australia. The theory was eventually refuted by climatologists, and in the settled areas of South Australia, drought brought an end to the attempted settlements.)
Nobel Prize winning doesn't affect the wrong paths science takes (but it is always lack of science like inability to observe yet making sweeping explanations, eg there is no cause and effect in the quantum world):
Nobel committee retroactively awarded Fibiger the 1926 prize in 1927. About a decade later, however, a series of experiments proved that Fibiger was wrong.
, this Danish scientist found that he could induce abnormal cell growth in rats by feeding them cockroaches that were infected with a species of worm"
Some of these held for 100's of years
10. Spontaneous combustion:"Before microscopes (NB BEFORE OBSERVATION) and theories of cells and germs, man had other ideas about the creation of living things. .... bizarrely believed that maggots come spontaneously from rotting meat. Proponents of this view (virtually everyone) used the Bible as a source of evidence, due to the fact that God made man from dust. However, the view did exist before Christianity and Aristotle said, in no uncertain terms, that some animals grow spontaneously and not from other animals of their kind. Earlier believers had to come up with some pretty strange ideas to make their theory work: Anaximander (a Greek philosopher who taught Pythagoras) believed that at some point in man’s history, humans had been born from the soil spontaneously in adult form, otherwise they could never have survived."
does this sound familiar????
Quantum Theory has to come up with more & more bizzare theories to make it work, like an evolving gambling system that eventually has to take Tuesday out of the week for it to fit all past results.
How one could ever believe the observer could effect the experiment and not equate it on the same footing as keeping the door open during photographic development is astonishing.
The muddling into to quantum theory of the observer, consciousness, free will is further indication that it is nuts.
Probability yes..non-causal
logically impossible.
Edited by Innocent, 31 May 2013 - 02:48 PM.