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Racetam Prices

racetams suppliers prices piracetam aniracetam oxiracetam nefiracetams pramiracetam phenylpiracetam noopept

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#61 Isochroma

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Posted 29 March 2013 - 03:40 AM

As of Version March 28.3, 2013: Made two new categories for most types of Payment data:

Refused to Provide Details

Never Replied with Details

Refused to Provide Details: Those few jerks that emailed me back actually saying that they would not provide payment details - for no reason or any reason.
Never Replied with Details: Either they never replied again by email or they did reply but did not provide the requested data without any explanation or indication as to why it was omitted.

This post is premature in that Version March 28.3, 2013 has not been posted but will be posted within the hour.

#62 krsna

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Posted 30 March 2013 - 08:32 PM

My advice is to get out of BC as soon as you can get the funds together for a move. That's one of the last places you want to be in Canada if you're suffering and vulnerable, the amount of legal corruption I dealt with in my short 3 years out there was like nothing I've ever experienced in any other part of Canada. I took the hint and got a flight to the other side of the country, loving it out here in St. John's Newfoundland now, great people here, down to earth people. Quebec's another good place for poor/disabled people, there's so much advocacy you can tap into and so many programs.

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#63 Isochroma

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Posted 30 March 2013 - 08:53 PM

Thanks for the suggestions, but I have neither the vehicle, license, funds or ability to move now.

Furthermore as I am now entrapped in the legal process I cannot leave the province.

You are correct in that the legal system in BC is very corrupt - I was a witness to that corruption in David Alexander Parson's case.

We listened to encrypted audio tapes of court proceedings and compared them to paper transcripts - whole sections were edited out by the request of corrupt judges.

As such I have faith that my case will be dealt with in such manner as the beast has so far dealt with it and others I have known.

Knowing this I have prepared my final exit in two strategies, one of which involves chemically-assisted fast deliverance. I will be buying the materials shortly so that if worst comes to worst, they will not have their vicious claws on anything but my corpse.

Rather than live on my knees I will die on my feet - both for honor and as my final statement to the evils that are rapidly destroying this entire world.

It is the survivors whose suffering will be long and drawn-out, and for them I feel a slight sorrow.

Them that makes their bed, lies in it.

Edited by Isochroma-Reborn, 30 March 2013 - 08:59 PM.

#64 krsna

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Posted 31 March 2013 - 04:28 AM

I live/have lived a not too dissimilar life as you, not so much in recent years but I've been there. Kind of like how you (from past posts at least) get paranoid about piracetam supply and stockpile, I get paranoid about money and stockpile, it's good advice for anyone, but especially for someone who is at the mercy of the state and its bequeaths. I make sure I always have enough cash that I can reestablish myself no matter what set-back - paying first/last months, surviving long enough until support benefits kick in/find a job, etc. Something you may want to do in the future. In the meantime however I think you may be thinking rashly on the final exit plan, you say you've found a place to live, jail time if you (doubtfully) got it would be in a real easy place, just do it, get out and pick your friends better next time. Actually, do what I do, don't trust anyone, don't bother with real life friends, all of my friends are on the internet and none of them know my name or address, I prefer it that way, I won't make myself vulnerable to others whims and frankly I enjoy communicating through text more than in person, it tends towards more sincerity and depth. As to your final exit plan however, it's interesting to read your ideas, we must have gone through the same though processes to arrive at the same ideas. My idea had originally been one of starvation, preferably going to some secluded spot, wandering into the forest deep enough to get lost (no turning back), and letting nature take its course, a pleasant letting go, introspective, meditative. Unfortunately in Canada half the year that idyllic scenario would not play out and instead it would be a panic-stricken hypothermia induced end, so alternatives had to be sought out. I found all those books/websites about euthanasia, how convenient, a logical explanation of the most peaceful possible end, inexpensive and within reach, I think I ended up with a preference for the helium route, using a device constructed through diagrams on some pages, carbon monoxide of course would substitute fine. I thankfully held off though, pain and suffering can be interesting processes ultimately and I've come to enjoy the idea of those experiences, thinking of myself as a floating experience-machine, a consciousness separate with different sensations wafting over the blank screen which I the subject passively absorb like in a theatre. Not a very original idea perhaps but taken in that context you can find a lot of otherwise intolerable situations a lot less impossible, it's a form of intentional disassociation from reality, you step out of the scene and become simply the observer of it. Anyways, I hope you won't mind all I've written, it's not meant to lecture or inform, I really don't know you at all but I'd like to help if I can as I've been in that boat before and it's a dark place to be.

#65 Mr. Pink

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Posted 31 March 2013 - 04:54 AM

Thanks for the suggestions, but I have neither the vehicle, license, funds or ability to move now.

Furthermore as I am now entrapped in the legal process I cannot leave the province.

You are correct in that the legal system in BC is very corrupt - I was a witness to that corruption in David Alexander Parson's case.

We listened to encrypted audio tapes of court proceedings and compared them to paper transcripts - whole sections were edited out by the request of corrupt judges.

As such I have faith that my case will be dealt with in such manner as the beast has so far dealt with it and others I have known.

Knowing this I have prepared my final exit in two strategies, one of which involves chemically-assisted fast deliverance. I will be buying the materials shortly so that if worst comes to worst, they will not have their vicious claws on anything but my corpse.

Rather than live on my knees I will die on my feet - both for honor and as my final statement to the evils that are rapidly destroying this entire world.

It is the survivors whose suffering will be long and drawn-out, and for them I feel a slight sorrow.

Them that makes their bed, lies in it.

depression sucks man. everyone feels pain, suffering is optional though. killing yourself is such a definitive act though, it's something you'd never be able to come back from. or worse, what if you're not successful and have to live completely disabled? you really should try to get to see a psychiatrist. you sound like you have depression or bi-polar disorder, where you get mania too.

with regard to your legal troubles, why is this person you thought was your friend pressing charges against you? seems like working through that, whatever it would take to get him to drop them, would be a better solution than dealing with the legal system.

#66 Isochroma

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Posted 31 March 2013 - 04:19 PM

Thanks for all the suggestions guys, I think it will be fine now.

#67 krsna

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Posted 03 April 2013 - 03:33 PM

hey Isochroma, I was looking at finding a supplier of piracetam for my gf, I tried to contact that first one on the list, mangerqi@aol.com, and received no response. Can you suggest a supplier you have personally purchased from in the past with reasonable prices, including shipping to canada? thanks

#68 Isochroma

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Posted 03 April 2013 - 04:30 PM

Yes, some of the Piracetam suppliers are old.

I always use Shanghai Soyoung Biotechnology <sales6@sybio.com.cn> - they are superb and I will be buying more from them soon.

Pricing is $115 USD / 2kg including EMS fee - $57.50/kg in 2kg lots.

#69 Isochroma

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Posted 03 April 2013 - 06:04 PM

I have deleted magerqi@aol.com from the Racetam Prices list as of version April 2.2 2013.

Edited by Isochroma-Reborn, 03 April 2013 - 06:04 PM.

#70 Isochroma

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Posted 03 April 2013 - 07:27 PM

Mistake: The entry is deleted as of version April 3.1 2013.

#71 krsna

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Posted 03 April 2013 - 08:51 PM

Yes, some of the Piracetam suppliers are old.

I always use Shanghai Soyoung Biotechnology <sales6@sybio.com.cn> - they are superb and I will be buying more from them soon.

Pricing is $115 USD / 2kg including EMS fee - $57.50/kg in 2kg lots.

thanks, I'll send them a message

#72 krsna

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Posted 04 April 2013 - 09:02 PM

More than 24 hours an no response from that one you mentioned. Should I be pretending to be a company? I've kept my emails brief, simply requesting a quote on piracetam, with shipping to canada, maybe I should be pushing harder in the direction of pretending to be a company?

#73 Isochroma

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Posted 04 April 2013 - 09:14 PM

You mean Soyoung?

First, check your Spam folder.

Second, wait a bit more - she last replied to my email on Mon, 4 Mar 2013.

They don't work on weekends either, of course - and some days are Chinese holidays.

They are good folks and I have been buying from them for years.

For example, I emailed her on 2013/01/11 and received a reply on 2013/01/14 - three days later.

Established companies like theirs don't just disappear - though employees change and delays exist.

Edited by Isochroma-Reborn, 04 April 2013 - 09:16 PM.

#74 krsna

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Posted 04 April 2013 - 09:41 PM

Yes, definitely nothing in my spam folder, it's good to hear she responded recently and that they'll do business with private individuals. I'll wait a week then try again, possibly from a different email address, just to make sure mine didn't somehow get blocked on their end.

#75 Isochroma

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Posted 04 April 2013 - 10:13 PM

I contacted them first on a trade site [Alibaba, LookChem, Tradekey] then the manager assigned me to her.

That's how it normally works so I would expect it might be impossible to just email her and expect a reply.

#76 krsna

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Posted 04 April 2013 - 10:55 PM

I'll wait and see what happens, if they can't be bothered to take my $115 and future business then I'm sure I can find someone else who would be happy to. Might it be an idea to have some sort of addition to your racetam list which might inform prospective buyers on appropriate ways of contacting a supplier and/or whether that supplier is open to business with private individuals? It might be more work than you're interested in doing, but right now, not to disparage your effort, the list isn't proving very useful. Then again, perhaps it's not intended for the casual (lazy) person who simply wants to look at the cheapest on the list and contact them for a quick and easy transaction, but is instead intended for the more hardcore power buyer who can use it as a reference to compare approximate prices across the board before diving in.

#77 Isochroma

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Posted 04 April 2013 - 11:02 PM

There's nothing I can do about sellers that don't respond within a given time period, however I will contact her in the coming days to verify the status of her company.

As for the list, it's my private list.

I post a copy of it online as a favor, but it is all I can do do keep prices updated and even then not enough.

It is a free community service based on helping others and hopefully they contribute back - not a consumerist convenience-for-you item. For those folks I recommend buying from more expensive resellers - there's plenty of them.

Time and Money are a zero-sum equation. When you use my list you're using the time I invested - I am not paid any money to do the work - to obtain the chance of paying lower prices on racetams.

There is no financial support - it is a personal project and a cost to me as I keep more items listed than I personally use for several purposes - only one of which is serving direct demand from others. The other purpose is to put continuous price-pressure on sellers which is why prices have not risen as much as they would have without such a central point of market information.

It is up to you to decide how useful the list is to you - so when you say it's not useful you forgot to put the words TO ME after your statement.

PM me your email address so I can inform her.

If your time is worth that much then you have nothing to complain about paying higher prices from more-responsive sellers and therefore no need to use my list.

Edited by Isochroma-Reborn, 04 April 2013 - 11:16 PM.

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#78 krsna

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Posted 04 April 2013 - 11:38 PM

As a private list which you are generous to share with others it might be worthwhile, if you prefer it to be a bigger favour than it presently is, to include any relevant information that you have about any of the suppliers, such as for instance, the need to contact through alibaba in the case of soyong. This is just a friendly suggestion if you are interested in making this list more useful to others. The way you present this list makes me think you do care about providing something useful to a majority of users, in which case you might appreciate any feedback on how the list could be improved. If it's simply a pet project with the sole intention of helping yourself, which you are posting here with no concern whether it is of any actual value to others then I should not have spoken.

Edited by bowleaf, 04 April 2013 - 11:41 PM.

#79 Isochroma

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Posted 04 April 2013 - 11:57 PM

There will be no changes to the list's format.

As for particular vendors your feedback is welcome and I will investigate such vendors.

#80 krsna

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Posted 07 April 2013 - 01:44 PM

she replied. too bad I ordered elsewhere already. I'll try her in the future.

#81 krsna

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Posted 07 April 2013 - 04:01 PM

by the way, what sort of import duties are you charged on that 2kg order?

#82 Isochroma

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Posted 07 April 2013 - 05:55 PM

There are no duties on Piracetam in Canada, nor any other racetam.

I don't even pay taxes.

Here's Nancy's letter - you didn't explain to everyone else why she was delayed in responding to your email:

"Dear Mr **********

I apologize for the delay reply due to we were in our holiday of Tomb-sweeping Day in April 04~06.

For 2 kg Piracetam, the price same as before we supplied to Jason. details as follows,


Price: USD22. per kg for 1~5kg,

USD18. per kg for 25~50kg,

EMS/DHL freight: USD71 for 2kg

SUM: USD115 for 2kg including EMS freight cost.

Delivery: 1~2 days once have payment

Payment method: T/T, Paypal, WU, Escrow.

Hope your early trial order. any question or opinions, please contact me soon. thank you.

Best regards!

Nancy / Irene Sun

Shanghai Soyoung Biotech. Inc.

Email: sales@sybio.com.cn

Tel: 86 21 60484973 , Fax: 86 21 20230163

Add: Lane 688, Fanjin Road, Pudong, Shanghai China

W: www.soyoungbio.cn , http://soyoung.lookchem.com

The Chinese have a number of (often extended) holidays that aren't recognized in the West.
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#83 krsna

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Posted 07 April 2013 - 06:16 PM

thanks for pasting that, my laptop died last night, struggling on a cellphone until I can get it repaired

#84 Isochroma

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Posted 07 April 2013 - 07:52 PM

Yeah, I live in fear of my desktop turning into a deathtop due to expense of parts replacement.

#85 krsna

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Posted 08 April 2013 - 12:12 PM

turns out it was just the power cord, but of course future shop and others only carry $100 universal adaptors! so i ordered a $7 cord from hong kong off ebay, it will take 3 weeks to get here but in the meantime I purchased the $100 cord from future shop, making sure to return the cord before the end of their return policy runs out. that's like a microcosmic example of how our north american economy is run these days.

Edited by bowleaf, 08 April 2013 - 12:12 PM.

#86 Atropy

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Posted 24 May 2013 - 02:38 AM

Is the quality of Soyoung Bio technologies Piracetam comparable to those of more well known suppliers such as Cerebral health and New Star Nootropics. Soyoung do not provide a C.O.A,instead they state that their grade is EP 6 grade.

Has anyone purchased any other powders from them such sulbutiamine, gelatin and glucosomine
glucosomine?And what were your results from their other products?

#87 Isochroma

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Posted 24 May 2013 - 02:42 AM

Soyoung's Piracetam is excellent - I've been eating it for years.

I have also eaten their Oxiracetam which is delicious and works great.

#88 JohnnyP

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Posted 24 May 2013 - 07:21 PM

Maybe someone can help me navigate Soyoung's site, I type in a search query i.e. Piracetam, Aniracetam, etc. but a number of listings/images come up what exactly should I be looking for and choosing?

#89 Atropy

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Posted 25 May 2013 - 12:48 AM

Maybe someone can help me navigate Soyoung's site, I type in a search query i.e. Piracetam, Aniracetam, etc. but a number of listings/images come up what exactly should I be looking for and choosing?

Yes,I noticed that too.They have many of the same products.They carry so many products too,with each product seeming to have a different supplier.I'm not quite too sure how it works.

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#90 Atropy

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Posted 25 May 2013 - 12:56 AM

Where do they source their many raw materials from?

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: racetams, suppliers, prices, piracetam, aniracetam, oxiracetam, nefiracetams, pramiracetam, phenylpiracetam, noopept

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