1mg every 2 hours or 2mg if parathion symptom appear, it is a vial of liquid that you break.What dose of atropine do you take and how often do you take it?

parathion horror story lasting for months and STILL ongoing
Posted 29 December 2012 - 09:22 AM
Posted 29 December 2012 - 03:02 PM
i was very disapointed and i tried withdrawing atropine myself, i just cut it in half and took half of it only one day in the morning but the night i had severe symptoms, i was spasmatic everywhere, i took the other half and it resolved
Hmmm. So yesterday it was a pill you cut in half and took half of it in the morning, but had severe symptoms by night, and today it's a vial of liquid that you break and you take every two hours. Forgive me for seeming a little sceptical... By the way, why did you choose the avatar name "idle talk"? I hope you get better soon. If you're for real, just reduce the amount of atropine you are taking very gradually, first of all by adding on time between taking the dose, then by reducing the dose by no more than 10% at a time. Don't do it just by "cutting" the vial/pill in half...1mg every 2 hours or 2mg if parathion symptom appear, it is a vial of liquid that you break.
Posted 29 December 2012 - 04:27 PM
a pill? i don't have pills, it's vials, i cut the half of it with eyeballing and how can i cut the proper amount, i don't know how to do that i don't have a laboratory in my house wtf!i was very disapointed and i tried withdrawing atropine myself, i just cut it in half and took half of it only one day in the morning but the night i had severe symptoms, i was spasmatic everywhere, i took the other half and it resolved
Hmmm. So yesterday it was a pill you cut in half and took half of it in the morning, but had severe symptoms by night, and today it's a vial of liquid that you break and you take every two hours. Forgive me for seeming a little sceptical... By the way, why did you choose the avatar name "idle talk"? I hope you get better soon. If you're for real, just reduce the amount of atropine you are taking very gradually, first of all by adding on time between taking the dose, then by reducing the dose by no more than 10% at a time. Don't do it just by "cutting" the vial/pill in half...1mg every 2 hours or 2mg if parathion symptom appear, it is a vial of liquid that you break.
and i am quite scared of the outcome, is there a paper on the internet for how to withdraw atropine because i fear i can screw up, i don't have any medical skill and i looked up there is no paper on how to do, how do you know it's 10%? and i don't know the duration for each amount reducing..............
idle talk is the name of a song : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2KxlzQMTpU
Edited by idle talk, 29 December 2012 - 04:31 PM.
Posted 29 December 2012 - 05:24 PM
Posted 29 December 2012 - 05:47 PM
yes i mesured at eyesight, sorry my english is pretty worthless, it used to be sharp and understandable before!A vial with liquid, yet you eyeballed it? Eyeballing is something you do with powder. Maybe you mean you measured it by eye? B.t.w., liquids are measured in millilitres, not milligrams. Also, the vials of atropine sulphate are for injection, yet you talk about "taking" it. Are you injecting it? If so, the syringe will have a measuring scale marked out on the side, and you can simply reduce by a small amount each time you inject. If you are actually swallowing the liquid (seems a bit odd that you wouldn't have been prescribed tablets in that case), then either mix it with water so that you can more easily take a proportion of the drug or get a fine syringe (without needle) which you can use to measure out a proportion. I said reduce by 10% just to be cautious. You could reduce by 25% instead (i.e., take 3/4 of a vial, measured by eye). It just seemed to me that 50% when you're taking it every two hours was too sudden a reduction. You won't screw up because if you do it gradually you'll notice at what point symptoms begin to return and when/if they do, you can *slightly* increase the dose again until you get used to the new level. The key is to do it gradually and monitor yourself. The other way would be to add 5 minutes between doses the first day, 10mins the next day, 15 mins the next, etc.
on the vial it says mg/ml, i think it's the concentration or something, i used to inject, i was given a kit and they told me how to do but yes i take orally because i figured out its the same and i was sick of using a needle!
i don't think they sell tablets and i can't change like that myself the system is rigid.
do you have a picture of the syringe because i don't understand when you say without needle.
i think the time reduction seems to be a good thing and much easy, i am too screwed up to do calculations or even remember how much i take, everyday i write when i took the dose or else i can forget or overdose.
i will try doing that thanks a lot, i can't wait for going back to normal but still i am very scared that 9 months of atropine poisoning has permanently damaged my brain! i read atropine is a risk factor for alzheimers and i can feel the brain damage myself.
Posted 29 December 2012 - 10:28 PM
YOU NEED TO COMPLAIN TO THE HEAD DOCTORS, HEAD NURSES THAT YOU ARE NOT FEELING RIGHT THAT THIS HAS GONE LONG ENOUGH. Doctors and nurses WILL ignore you if you just sit there quiet and say nothing. Ask them about the half life, ask them to take you off of the poison.
Edited by valory5, 29 December 2012 - 10:42 PM.
Posted 30 December 2012 - 06:26 AM
Posted 30 December 2012 - 12:06 PM
do you have a picture of the syringe because i don't understand when you say without needle.
i think the time reduction seems to be a good thing and much easy, i am too screwed up to do calculations or even remember how much i take, everyday i write when i took the dose or else i can forget or overdose.
i will try doing that thanks a lot, i can't wait for going back to normal but still i am very scared that 9 months of atropine poisoning has permanently damaged my brain! i read atropine is a risk factor for alzheimers and i can feel the brain damage myself.
I would *not* go cold turkey as suggested by valory5. That could be very dangerous. You need to reduce the atropine gradually, monitoring yourself. I think the time-based reduction could be a good way to start, but after a couple of weeks, you'd probably need to reduce the amount of atropine too, if all is going well.
If you were injecting previously, then you should still have a syringe with measurements marked out on the side. If there are no measuring marks, you could draw them on yourself using a fine marker pen and millimetre ruler. You could use the syringe to suck up all the liquid in the vial, then expel back into the vial a small amount (equal to about a tenth of the total), marking the level clearly on the syringe. Then squirt what is left in the syringe into a small beaker or medicine cup and drink it. Stick with the same dose every two hours for the day, and the next day reduce the dosage again by another small amount, marking the new point clearly on the syringe, etc. Monitor yourself, and if one day the symptoms return, go back up to the previous level for a day, then try to reduce gradually from there.
I do think you should also seek a second medical opinion. No good doctor should be afraid of a patient asking for an independent second opinion. Gather what you have learnt about parathion and how its toxic effects are not permanent, but only bind to acetylcholinesterase currently in your system, which the body is capable of renewing. Ask for a full explanation from the independent doctor as to why, if this is the case, you would need to be permanently on atropine, and explain that you want to reduce the dosage very gradually to see if you can get off it in time. Say you want medical help and support in doing this.
Posted 30 December 2012 - 01:14 PM
Third, and most importantly, no doctor in their right mind would lie and tell you youd have to take atrophine for the rest of your life, that is simply not true. And if they did they would lose their license. This country is heavily regulated when it comes to medication and you cant just prescribe injectable atrophine for months and months without it being noticed.
If what youre saying actually is true, which I highly doubt, you should a) change doctor and b) make sure the first doctor loses his or her license which wouldnt be difficult considering he/she has indirectly poisoned a patient through prolonged usage of a medication as well as lied to the patient. What hospital were you admitted to?
How do I know this? Well both of my parents are doctors for starters.
Edited by Mikael, 30 December 2012 - 01:27 PM.
Posted 30 December 2012 - 01:31 PM
Posted 30 December 2012 - 01:45 PM
Yes, there are lots of things that don't quite add up, including the decision to ingest the atropine instead of injecting it. Atropine is available in tablet form, so there is little reason why the OP would have been prescribed it as vials for injection, especially if he has problems remembering when to administer it. But I guess we need to give him the benefit of the doubt just in case the story is true. I would also have thought that the police might be interested in a case of potential manslaughter, and at the very least would want to investigate the chain of evidence linking the tablets to the supplier via the friend who supposedly bought them.
I actually dont think tablets are availible in sweden so that one does add up, however its very easy for anyone to look such info up in the swedish fass via google (which is what i did and it took about 20 seconds in total).
Im not saying this necessarily is a troll, im just saying its very unlikely it isnt because everything hes saying is extremely unlikely to occur in any western country and perhaps least of all in sweden. Not impossible but extremely unlikely. Youd have to not only be unlucky enough to get paration instead of galanthamine (how exactly would this happen?), you would have to be "unlucky" enough to end up with the most incompetent doctor in the world who would most likely face criminal charges by now (in fact that wouldnt suffice because there wouldnt be just one doctor handling your case). Also the police would certainly be involved (no one here prima facie buys the idea of your friend just somehow giving it to you yet conveniently not trying it himself even though its his pills, and since the mysterious e-bay salesperson was in the EU that would lead to a warrant of his/her arrest for attempted murder via interpol) and you certainly wouldnt just be left to whatever fate if youve been seriously poisoned. You would remain in hospital for several weeks and you would be carefully monitored. There would be contacts with the police, there would be follow-ups and you would recieve whatever help you need to get by if you have indeed suffered brain damage (which would be determined by tests such as mri, posture stability tests etc. etc), including but not limited to help with cleaning your home.
Edited by Mikael, 30 December 2012 - 01:47 PM.
Posted 30 December 2012 - 01:53 PM
Posted 30 December 2012 - 07:56 PM
Your life or death depend on the power of your constitution and the amount of abuse you put your body through. You need to stop taking poison. I can't imagine that a drug would have a half life of nearly two years. That may be very incorrect from what I gather from the internet. And if it has been 9 months or about 270 days I would imaging 75% to be gone of the parathion using the longest half life of the hydrolyzed parathion. The human body has a Ph of 7.35 from what I gather and an average temperature of around 36.6 C so this means that if it was a purely water based solution the parathion would have a half life of 180 days so according to these assumed correct measurements 75% of the parathion should be gone. The half life of Atropine is around 2-3 hours. This means since you are taking this POISON every 2 hours you are essentially never getting rid of it. So I would think by this point you need to quit it perhaps cold turkey and tell the doctor that and check into a hospital where they can supervise you for a week. Perhaps you need to use the antidote physostigmine or pilocarpine.
YOU NEED TO COMPLAIN TO THE HEAD DOCTORS, HEAD NURSES THAT YOU ARE NOT FEELING RIGHT THAT THIS HAS GONE LONG ENOUGH. Doctors and nurses WILL ignore you if you just sit there quiet and say nothing. Ask them about the half life, ask them to take you off of the poison.
this is too dangerous, i already did by taking half of atropine dose and i had cholinergic syndrome. what are those antidotes? from my reading they are cholinergic, it would make everything worse!
I dont know the half life of parathion, all i was said is that is takes a very long time to get out of the system, generally whne i had the visit they said its several weeks in best case and months in the worst.
in fact i don't know, probably some of you are right, the parathion is already out of my system and i'm taking atropine for nothing!
also i don't know if its relevant but my liver is very slow acting!
I would *not* go cold turkey as suggested by valory5. That could be very dangerous. You need to reduce the atropine gradually, monitoring yourself. I think the time-based reduction could be a good way to start, but after a couple of weeks, you'd probably need to reduce the amount of atropine too, if all is going well.
If you were injecting previously, then you should still have a syringe with measurements marked out on the side. If there are no measuring marks, you could draw them on yourself using a fine marker pen and millimetre ruler. You could use the syringe to suck up all the liquid in the vial, then expel back into the vial a small amount (equal to about a tenth of the total), marking the level clearly on the syringe. Then squirt what is left in the syringe into a small beaker or medicine cup and drink it. Stick with the same dose every two hours for the day, and the next day reduce the dosage again by another small amount, marking the new point clearly on the syringe, etc. Monitor yourself, and if one day the symptoms return, go back up to the previous level for a day, then try to reduce gradually from there.
I do think you should also seek a second medical opinion. No good doctor should be afraid of a patient asking for an independent second opinion. Gather what you have learnt about parathion and how its toxic effects are not permanent, but only bind to acetylcholinesterase currently in your system, which the body is capable of renewing. Ask for a full explanation from the independent doctor as to why, if this is the case, you would need to be permanently on atropine, and explain that you want to reduce the dosage very gradually to see if you can get off it in time. Say you want medical help and support in doing this.
thanks I think I will do this way, i will try finding a new doctor but that really bothers me, if he says the same i will withdraw myself
Im swedish and I remain highly doubtful this isnt a troll after reading this. First of all you wouldnt have to go to a webforum to ask how to withdraw from atrophine, our medical system is worldclass and theres a limit of about 140dollars a year before it becomes free so money isnt an issue either. Why wouldnt you just ask your doctor on how to do it? I assume you asked your doctor about whether swallowing the liquid was equivalent to injecting it or not, or did you figure that one out by yourself somehow? Second, If you were poisioned this severely they would certainly do other tests such as an mri and/or other brainscans in order to determine if any permanent braindamage has occurred, they wouldnt just send you home with some atrophine and a pat on the shoulder and no help whatsoever and just be like "see ya in 6 months! Keepin my thumbs crossed!".
Third, and most importantly, no doctor in their right mind would lie and tell you youd have to take atrophine for the rest of your life, that is simply not true. And if they did they would lose their license. This country is heavily regulated when it comes to medication and you cant just prescribe injectable atrophine for months and months without it being noticed.
If what youre saying actually is true, which I highly doubt, you should a) change doctor and b) make sure the first doctor loses his or her license which wouldnt be difficult considering he/she has indirectly poisoned a patient through prolonged usage of a medication as well as lied to the patient. What hospital were you admitted to?
How do I know this? Well both of my parents are doctors for starters.
Yes, there are lots of things that don't quite add up, including the decision to ingest the atropine instead of injecting it. Atropine is available in tablet form, so there is little reason why the OP would have been prescribed it as vials for injection, especially if he has problems remembering when to administer it. But I guess we need to give him the benefit of the doubt just in case the story is true. I would also have thought that the police might be interested in a case of potential manslaughter, and at the very least would want to investigate the chain of evidence linking the tablets to the supplier via the friend who supposedly bought them.
i don't care about money problems, i am just sick going doctor after doctor to find the good one, most of them are stupid and say it's stress and anxiety and want to put me on benzos, wtf!!
for the liquid, i asked if i can take it orally because i have a huge phobia of syringes and injecting things myself. i didn't ask for tablets, i have swallowing issues and i wouldn't like the tablet to be stuck or asphyxiate me.
if you read my thread you would see i say i had several scans of my brain to see if there was a problem, i had to pass a lot of tests, blood test, csf test, eeg, ekg...
they detected the parathion and even tested it and they put me on drugs to calm down the poisoning during the hospital charge.
i had a followup to see if symptoms would change and always i would be given atropine again, you say heavy regulated? yes its too regulated, too bureaucratic and doctors end up just reading a paper to treat problems, they don't take care of yourself. good for you if you had a good experience with doctors but with me they're all acting like i was an idiot and i had nothing to tell them. but wait maybe it's because your parents are doctors, this make you not credible at all.
you know doctors are all protected and cannot lose their license just because of me and why would attack a doctor if i don't know if he was right and i am wrong? the justice would turn against me, really stupid idea!
I actually dont think tablets are availible in sweden so that one does add up, however its very easy for anyone to look such info up in the swedish fass via google (which is what i did and it took about 20 seconds in total).
Im not saying this necessarily is a troll, im just saying its very unlikely it isnt because everything hes saying is extremely unlikely to occur in any western country and perhaps least of all in sweden. Not impossible but extremely unlikely. Youd have to not only be unlucky enough to get paration instead of galanthamine (how exactly would this happen?), you would have to be "unlucky" enough to end up with the most incompetent doctor in the world who would most likely face criminal charges by now (in fact that wouldnt suffice because there wouldnt be just one doctor handling your case). Also the police would certainly be involved (no one here prima facie buys the idea of your friend just somehow giving it to you yet conveniently not trying it himself even though its his pills, and since the mysterious e-bay salesperson was in the EU that would lead to a warrant of his/her arrest for attempted murder via interpol) and you certainly wouldnt just be left to whatever fate if youve been seriously poisoned. You would remain in hospital for several weeks and you would be carefully monitored. There would be contacts with the police, there would be follow-ups and you would recieve whatever help you need to get by if you have indeed suffered brain damage (which would be determined by tests such as mri, posture stability tests etc. etc), including but not limited to help with cleaning your home.
my friend didn't buy galantamine from europe, the galantamine is from china, china as far as i know is not western country.
the guy who sold was from poland selling from uk, not that i don't trust eastern europe but poland is not really regulated country.
i think the most probable is contamination, if i had a whole tablet of parathion i would die directly, coming fromchina maybe this is possible, i don't know their safety standard.
if the doctor was so incompetent like you say i would die idiot! i was rapidly stabilized with injections, i don't want to defend the doctor because the solution he provide me is narrow minded but i'm still alive even if in really bad condition.
since your parents are doctor, tell me if i can just go to the hospital and ask for brain scans to see if i really have damage from atropine. and what is the best hospital in the country? (i can move to stockholm not really far away from my city)
i didn't have contact with police, the doctors just said "it's normal you got poison if you buy on internet" then giving me a speech saying it's dangerous to buy because there can be poison and so on, do you really think they invesgiated? they can't do anythign in any case, what can you do against a chinese guy selling contaminated galantamine? i don't even know where he lives nor the chinese nor the seller.
there is only one thing i can do now, find a good doctor or try withdrawing myself and that what i will do.
Posted 30 December 2012 - 09:34 PM
for me the doctors gave me atropine to take everyday for at least 6 months and then come back for further checkup if the toxin got out of my system (the doctor says it's irreversible and will never get out of my system but he said time could also help very slow healing)
all i was said is that is takes a very long time to get out of the system, generally whne i had the visit they said its several weeks in best case and months in the worst.
Om du trollar så är du ett jävla kukhuvud bara så du vet. In any case if youre for real which I highly doubt the things you can do is a) withdraw with the help of a knowledgable doctor (you can find one if you demand to get proper treatment and show that youve been mistreated for example by printing advice on how to treat acute poisoning from the internet) b) withdraw on your own. I would advice not to withdraw on your own.
No one should respond to this guy before he provides some kind of evidence that hes actually even having atrophine, such as a picture with his online name on a postit beside the vial. Especially since weve already given the advice this one needs if hes for real, which I doubt.
Fråga på flashback medicinavdelning istället där det finns flera läkarstudenter som kan hjälpa.
Edited by Mikael, 30 December 2012 - 09:37 PM.
Posted 30 December 2012 - 09:53 PM
yes the doctor said weeks to months when i went for hospital tests months after poison splinter. i don't think i told you it would stay forever, i fear it stays forever because it last so long and when i had the withdrawal i had poisoning coming back which scared me even more, you have never be poisoned don't you? the day you have that you will understand why i fear it stays forever, do you realise i was pioisoned in early 2012 and i still suffer?
now you want my name? how about all the details of my life? if i came on internet it's to be anonymous, i don't want everyone to know that story, if i would i would just ask people around who know that so why tell me that again?
what do you want me to do? all i can do is wait for seeig anoter doctor.
Posted 30 December 2012 - 09:56 PM
Posted 30 December 2012 - 10:11 PM
dra åt helvete!!!!!!

i will look help myself

Posted 30 December 2012 - 10:27 PM
Posted 30 December 2012 - 11:36 PM
An "Internet troll" is a person who posts outrageous message to bait people to answer.
He (and in at least 90% of cases it is he) tries to start arguments and upset people.
Sometimes, he is skeptical, trying to scare people, trying to plant fear in their hearts. Sometimes, Internet troll is trying to spin conflicting information, is questioning in an insincere manner, flaming discussion, insulting people, turning people against each other, harassing forum members, ignoring warnings from forum moderators.
When trolls are completely ignored they sometimes step up their attacks, desperately seeking the attention they crave.
Their messages become more and more foul, and they post ever more of them.
----Troll Spotting----
Trolls often have many basic characteristics in common:]
1. Low post count. Trolls usually do not last long enough on a forum to rack up a large number of posts. Be particularly suspicious of any poster whose count is not yet in double digits and who appears to be causing trouble.
2. Suspicious IP addresses.
3. Suspicious E-mail Addresses.
4. Syntax and grammar. Trolls, particularly Deceptives, invariably have trouble hiding their writing styles.
Classic Troll Tactic Number 4: When nothing else works, claim that now, finally, you're telling the truth about all the lies you told before. Make up a fresh set of lies, and throw yourself on the mercy of the forumites.
Classic Troll Tactic Number 5: When all else fails, claim to be leaving forever. Trolls who claim they are leaving never do, of course; you can bet that anyone who proclaims, "I'm never coming back here," will most certainly at least check back for responses, and probably will not be able to resist posting again.
Classic Troll Tactic Number 6: Have a tantrum. When all their other tricks are exhausted, Classic Trolls will become angry and start shouting. Often they revert to Vulgar Trolls when this happens.
Posted 31 December 2012 - 06:37 AM
Posted 31 December 2012 - 08:16 AM
He's probably against nootropics or he justs want to have some fun looking at terribly shocked forum users.
There has been a lot of trolls coming there this last week, this one and the guy who claimed ingesting the pkr inhibitor.
Strangely, Isochroma came back on LongeCity at the same time...
Next thread, Isochroma and his delusional rant about how piracetam is the "god particle", isn't what he has said?

Do you remember that guy? http://www.longecity...e-god-particle/
Pure gold, I am pretty sure it's Isochroma undercover, look at him posting in his own topic under his real ID.
LOL, piracetam drums? We have a weirdo here.i took my piracetam at nootrabiolabs but i take a lot of it and it is becoming expensive that way, now i buy piracetam drums from china very cheap at hanzhou biofarm.
Edited by renfr, 31 December 2012 - 08:31 AM.
Posted 01 January 2013 - 03:45 PM
via blockage of muscarinic receptors and parathion will cause slowing of heart rate because of too much choline at the receptors.
Muscarinic Receptors.
Stimulated by ACh and muscarine, not stimulated by nicotine.
- Found at target organs when ACh is released by post-ganglionic neurons (all of parasympathetic, and some sympathetic).
- Stimulated selectively by Muscarine, Bethanechol.
- Blocked by Atropine.
- Stimulation causes:
- Increased sweating. How much are you sweating?
- Decreased heart rate. What is your heart rate like?
- Decreased blood pressure due to decreased cardiac output. What is your blood pressure?
- Bronchoconstriction and increased bronchosecretion. What are your respirations per minute?
- Contraction of the pupils, and contraction of ciliary body for near vision.
- Tearing and salivation. Do you have dry mouth?
- Increased motility and secretions of the GI system. How is your appetite?
- Urination and defecation. Are you able to go to the bathroom how much?
- Engorgement of genitalia.
- Any competent doctor or nurse would have evaluated these things. As far as brain damage is concerned. There is little you can do about that if it is true except rehabilitate after you get all this poison out.
- Well whether this guy is a troll or not this is all he needs to know to help himself.
Posted 02 January 2013 - 05:17 AM
Posted 02 January 2013 - 08:50 AM
Or tell your current doctor, politely, that you would like a second, independent, professional opinion on whether the atropine might now be causing some of your symptoms, and how you can taper its use safely. I don't think any doctor could refuse a request for a second opinion. It's a universally recognized medical right. As long as you are polite, and explain that you are extremely anxious about the long-term effects of atropine and the need for it, I don't see that you could alienate your current doctor. If he does take offence, then he's not a good doctor with professional ethics.there is only one thing i can do now, find a good doctor or try withdrawing myself and that what i will do.
Posted 11 January 2013 - 06:18 AM
i tried tapering atropine i am at 80% of initial dose but parathion symptom come back again!! i must up the dose again i am lost i don't know what to do i am doomed to use atropine again i will never get this out!!
you mean with reduced atropine?Some poisons work by attacking the muscarinic receptors others by attacking the enzyme that breaks down acetyl choline. If you block the receptors then acetylcholine cannot do anything at those receptors and if you block the enzyme then you have a great deal of choline. Atropine is parasympatholytic and blocks acetylcholine from working at the muscarinic receptors. So even if you have a great deal of choline in your system (from parathion poisoning) it cannot be used causing tachycardia. So the atropine must be removed for those receptors to work. The question is, how much choline is in your system and how much or your receptors are blocked and how is that affecting you. Are you feeling stimulated or depressed? Physostigmine is a parasympathomimetic and prevents acetylcholine from breaking down. Other things like physostigmine are huperzine a, donepezil, rivastigmine, and galantamine and the poison you took parathion. What are your respirations and pulse like? Atropine will cause stimulation
via blockage of muscarinic receptors and parathion will cause slowing of heart rate because of too much choline at the receptors.
Muscarinic Receptors.
Stimulated by ACh and muscarine, not stimulated by nicotine.
- Found at target organs when ACh is released by post-ganglionic neurons (all of parasympathetic, and some sympathetic).
- Stimulated selectively by Muscarine, Bethanechol.
- Blocked by Atropine.
- Stimulation causes:
- Increased sweating. How much are you sweating?
- Decreased heart rate. What is your heart rate like?
- Decreased blood pressure due to decreased cardiac output. What is your blood pressure?
- Bronchoconstriction and increased bronchosecretion. What are your respirations per minute?
- Contraction of the pupils, and contraction of ciliary body for near vision.
- Tearing and salivation. Do you have dry mouth?
- Increased motility and secretions of the GI system. How is your appetite?
- Urination and defecation. Are you able to go to the bathroom how much?
- Engorgement of genitalia.
- Any competent doctor or nurse would have evaluated these things. As far as brain damage is concerned. There is little you can do about that if it is true except rehabilitate after you get all this poison out.
- Well whether this guy is a troll or not this is all he needs to know to help himself.
How much are you sweating? yes i sweat terribly a lot but with atropine i sweat too with high temperature
What is your heart rate like? normal i think because with atropine it's very high
What is your blood pressure? how do you measure?
What are your respirations per minute? with atropine i breath a lot very fast, when i reduce it's slow down
Contraction of the pupils, and contraction of ciliary body for near vision. very dilated with atropine and very small with parathion symptoms
Do you have dry mouth? with atropine yes a lot, without i salivate like hell too much
How is your appetite? i don't know about that but with atropine i gained lot of weight
Are you able to go to the bathroom how much? always urination incontinence with atropine suddenly
Engorgement of genitalia. i'm not sure to understand?
the doctor has analysed this yes and i still have parathion symptoms
Or tell your current doctor, politely, that you would like a second, independent, professional opinion on whether the atropine might now be causing some of your symptoms, and how you can taper its use safely. I don't think any doctor could refuse a request for a second opinion. It's a universally recognized medical right. As long as you are polite, and explain that you are extremely anxious about the long-term effects of atropine and the need for it, I don't see that you could alienate your current doctor. If he does take offence, then he's not a good doctor with professional ethics.there is only one thing i can do now, find a good doctor or try withdrawing myself and that what i will do.
i will try to get another meeting but i hate this doctor and he hates me he is trying to screw me aways, eachtime he give medication i react badly.
i need help i don't want parathion to stay in me forever!! it's impossible to withdraw atropine i am desperate

Posted 11 January 2013 - 06:46 AM
Posted 11 January 2013 - 06:58 AM
this is atropine
i didn't invent this medication it really exist!!!

Edited by idle talk, 11 January 2013 - 06:58 AM.
Posted 11 January 2013 - 07:21 AM
i am not a troll!!!
this is atropine
i didn't invent this medication it really exist!!!
Did you take that picture?
Posted 11 January 2013 - 07:23 AM
no it's not from me it's from a medical websitei am not a troll!!!
this is atropine
i didn't invent this medication it really exist!!!
Did you take that picture?
Posted 11 January 2013 - 07:25 AM
no it's not from me it's from a medical websitei am not a troll!!!
this is atropine
i didn't invent this medication it really exist!!!
Did you take that picture?
We're asking you to take a picture of the Atropine that YOU have.
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