Hi Everyone,
Today I have started on my first nootropic, Aniracetam. Based on the advice of forum members here I have decided to keep a daily log to record everything going on with me as I start my Aniracetam journal. I'll update this thread either once or twice a day.
I look forward to any feedback as I'm new to the topic of nootropics.
What I'm Talking:
750 Mg Aniracetam capsule
500 Mg Choline Bitartrate capsule
Additional Information:
Based on advice from members of another forum I'm a part of before I came here I'm going to follow a certain procedure for a few days to test how I feel, develop baselines and etc. Here is the procedure they purposed to me and I'm currently following for the first few days...after the read your notes part I'll start to test, tweak and decide where to go, with the help of other forum members here as well.
- In the beginning, take NO choline for 2 days. Write down how you feel every few hours.
- Add 500mg (+/- 164.7 mg of bitartrate) the next few days with each 600-750 dosage of Ani. Write down how you feel (+2, +4, +6 hours after pill).
- Double choline for the next 2 days.
- Read your notes..........
I think this is a great way to establish baselines, how I feel and by recording everything allow me to keep track and hopefully find the right combination, dosage and so on for my body and mind since Nootropics seen to affect everyone different. So here is my daily log so far although my day isn't over yet. I just wanted to get this log started. In the future I'm only going to record every few hours or so, but decided to do it a little more today so I could get into the habit of keeping a log. So please bear with all the minutes.
In addition, I'm not expecting any results over night. I know this is a process and it could take me a few days to see or feel any results.
Day 1 Thursday Dec 20 2012
9:15 am - I woke up
10:00 am - I ate breakfast - had four pieces of bacon, 2 pieces of pork sausage and a bottled water
10:19 am - I took a tablespoon and a half of 100% extra virgin olive oil as a far source although I'm sure my breakfast was enough, but it didn't hurt to take the olive oil as well.
10:20 am - took one 750 mg Aniracetam capsule with some water with no choline bitartrate to see how I feel first. I bought mine from Upgraded Self.
10:30 am - I left home for my day job which is Data Entry. I work for a company my parents own. Pretty easy job and I usually don't have much stress while at work.
10:44 am - I arrived at work. Everything appears normal so far. I feel like my usual self which is basically pretty quiet, pretty content.
11:14 am - I'm feeling the same as usual. A little bored, but that's nothing new.
11:48 am - I feel fine, no headache or anything. The only thing to report is a very slight feeling of spacing out for a moment. Hard to describe really but nothing bad and barely noticeable. It could have just been me spacing out as work is pretty dull and boring.
12:29 PM - Nothing to report, feel the same I usually do.
2:25 pm - Taking my lunch break. I went home and I took my second 750 mg Aniracetam capsule. I wasn't really hungry, but took a tablespoon of Olive Oil again before taking my pill. Had a piece of turkey, cheese stick and drank a bottle water.
3:11 pm - I had a slight tingling pain on the right side of my head. Lasted a few seconds and it went away. Nothing major though.
4:25 pm - I had a small tingling pain again on the right side of my head. Only lasted a second or two, nothing major. Got off work early and now I'm heading home.
6:30 pm - I workout doing the treadmill for about 30 minutes. I feel pretty good afterward, like a boost of energy for about 30 minutes, but that happens to me sometimes so I doubt it's the Aniracetam. In other words, I feel about the same
8:00 pm - Decided to watch Limitless just because I thought the movie fit well with what I'm about to do with these test
10:00 pm - I'm writing this journal up now and will stay up till around 2:00 am and will start my day over tomorrow.
Tomorrow I will do the same regimen as I have done today and than go from there. I believe Saturday I will start talking Aniracetam with my Choline Birtrirate and see how I feel than.
My Overview of The Day:
For the most part I have felt nothing, but I didn't expect to feel anything either. I know from many people it can take a few days for stuff to build up in the system. Plus, since I'm not on the Choline phase yet I may not feel anything. I do feel pretty good right now, but I can't say it's Aniracetam as I'm a pretty relaxed and chill person and usually feel pretty good so I don't feel it's right for me to say it's the Aniracetam without more logs.
I will keep this up everyday and look forward to chatting with you about this and learning from all you. Input, advice and thoughts are 100 percent welcome from the community. I'm excited for tomorrow. I was thinking about talking a third Aniracetam right now since I usually stay up late, but I will stick to my plans for now.