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My Aniracetam Daily Journal. Started Aniracetam Today!

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#31 exiledone1

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Posted 03 January 2013 - 06:34 PM

Sorry I haven't been posting every day, but been busy with the Holidays. Here are all my logs which bring me current.

Day 12

Morning: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

I was sleeping as usual and so didn't get anything done in the morning or take anything.

Afternoon: 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm

4:26 pm - Took a 500 mg Choline and will wait 30 minutes before taking my 750 mg Aniracetam. I want to see if it helps any by allowing the Choline to enter my system before taking the Aniracetam.

Evening: 5:00 pm - Bedtime

5:47 pm - I took one 750 mg Aniracetam with olive oil as the fat source. I wanted to take it within 30 minutes but got caught up with something so I forgot.

7:00 pm - For the first time every I'm not feeling that chilled out sort of feeling I get from The Aniracetam.

8:30 pm - It's New Years Eve so going out with the wife to eat dinner. I had one drink that contained alcohol. After eating I took my second 750 mg Aniracetam without Choline. The reason I took this one without Choline was I wanted to see if just taking one Choline pill each day made me feel better than taking it twice a day.

9:42 pm - I will admit I'm feeling a little buzzed right now and yes I'm a lightweight when it comes to drinking. I rarely drink and usually when I do I can feel the alcohol running through my system and so on. As I've mentioned before I'm very sensitive to how my body feels. I have something interesting to report. Usually when I drink I sweat a lot and feel more buzzed, but I feel like I can drink a little bit more while on the Aniracetam. I feel like I didn't sweat as much either. So I'm just reporting my feelings and nothing more. Interesting.

10:26 pm - I feel good overall.

I went to bed sometime around 2:45 am

Day 13

Today is a very interesting day and I decided to get a little crazy today. I got some interesting reactions today. My plan today is take a lot more than 1500 mg of Aniracetam

Morning: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

I didn't wake up till after 1:00 pm

Afternoon: 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm

I woke up around 1:00 pm, but was feeling pretty lazy today. Played Hitman Absolution most of the day so my mind was sort out of it. lol No food in the house either as we haven't been shopping so planning to take Aniracetam later in the evening.

Evening: 5:00 pm - Bedtime

9:35 pm - took two 750 mg Aniracetam to see how I feel without Choline. So basically I popped 1500 mg. I took 1000 mg of fish oil as a fat source. I'm planning to exceed the recommended dose for today to see if my body requires more Aniracetam than normal. I may be able to kick start something. Some people may be wondering why I'm not taking Choline here and there with different days. Well, so far I have never got a racetam headache. It appears so far that I don't need to take Choline with the racetams, but I'm trying to see how long it takes before i get one, if I even do.

I do like taking Choline though and will continue taking it in the future. I am still waiting for the arrivial of my CDP Choline as well.

10:15 pm - Feeling the slight chill thing Ani tends to do. Never very strong but feels nice and cool. Very mellow.

11:58 pm - feeling pretty good still. The mellow thing is calming down a little, but I just feel good.

12: 25 am - Big News! I've finally passed dual n back level 2 and can do it almost every time now!!! Yay! So I have moved up from Dual 2 Back to Dual 3 Back!!!!!! Very excited!!!

12:59 am - I decided to be brave and took three 750 mg Aniracetams with no choline. So in other words I took 2250 mg. So total today I have taken 3750 mg of Aniracetam.

2:13 am - I feel very interesting lol. The only words I can describe it is super Alert. I'm very aware of my surroundings. No real self talk or anything that is weird. I'm noticing everything. A piece of dust flies in front of me it catches my attention. A piece of my hair falls out of my head it catches my attention. My head and face feel a little odd. The best way to describe it widen your eyes and don't blink for 1 minute while moving your head left and right. I know, crazy, but that way your face feels when doing that is how I feel. It's pretty cool. I feel stimulating! This is a completely new feeling and I'm sorry I can't describe it better.

2:34 am - feeling really "UP", my body is tired, but my mind is focused and wide awake. I've spent almost a few hours straight studying and looking into Noopept as it's one of the Nootropics I want to try in the future. I'm reading and going through post left and right. It's like my mind just wants to consume information. Very cool

3: 15 am - I'm still up, still reading, I need to go to bed.

4: 54 am - I'm writing this while reading this site on my phone in the bed. I can't sleep, I just want to read, get more information. Okay, I'm going to try and go to bed now. Maybe....

Day 14: I'm planning to try lowering dose today to see how I feel

Morning: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

I had to go back to work after having some time off. I do data entry for a living btw. Super easy job, no real stress, but wish I could lay in bed. I forgot to take my Aniracetam before leaving for work. So I'll have to take it later today.

Afternoon: 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm

3:43 pm - I decided to take about half of a 750 mg aniracetam. I opened up the gel cap, dumped what was in the small part out and dumped about half of the long part out. So now sure how much that was exactly but it was less than 750 mg of Aniracetam and I didn't take any choline and I took fish oil 1000 mg as fat source. I have seen some reports of people taking lower than recommended doses and it having a good effect so I figured what the heck. Eventually I will do a lower dose with Choline, but later on.

4:30 pm - I had to write some blog post for a few websites I own and WOW! I flew through them in no time. It's as if the words just flowed to me. No brain fog or having to take time to think about what I'm going to say. The words flow naturally and my typing has really increased. I find myself making a few more errors than usually, but I think that is just because my thoughts are flowing so fast my hands can't keep up with them as I type. I knocked out two blog post in 10 minutes where it usually takes me about 30 to 40 minutes as I'm a slow writer.

Evening: 5:00 pm - Bedtime

11: 35 pm - My car broke down and I had some other issues that happened when I got off of work so I got sidetrack with my Ani. I really need to get a better schedule down. Either way I repeated the process with taking less Aniracetam as I did earlier. I took a 750 mg Aniracetam capsule. Opened it up, dumped out the small part and dumped about half out of the long part of the capsule. I think I dumped a lot more out this time. Btw, I'm not feeling any headaches or anything either.

12: 23 am - Not feeling much at all this time in terms of the chilled out feeling I usually get. I feel pretty good though, I feel sharp, my mind feels clear.

End of log, but please read my next post as I wanted to post some of my thoughts on this whole journey so far to bring all of this together.

Edited by exiledone1, 03 January 2013 - 06:34 PM.

#32 exiledone1

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Posted 03 January 2013 - 06:48 PM


Well it's been 14 days and I've been keeping a log during this time. I've never done anything like this before and I find it pretty awesome and fun actually. The problem with the log is I mainly just report how I feel during the day and sometimes I inject some of my own thoughts and ideas. Well, I wanted to write a quick post that isn't in log form just to get some of my thoughts out. I have a feeling it's the Aniracetam making me even want to write this right now as I hate writing actually lol. Either way here are some of my thoughts.

First off, there is no doubt in my mind that Aniracetam is working! I know my log has been pretty boring and I haven't really experienced things some people report such as music sounding like it's 3D and vivid colors and things of this nature, but I feel it's working in the background with me. I was talking with a guy the other day who does Youtube videos on Nootropics and he was saying Aniracetam can take up to 3 weeks to feel the full effects and that a lot of people don't have the vivid colors or sounds happen to them. Most people report that Aniracetam works in the background and I believe that.

I think for me, that the longer I'm taking Aniracetam the more I'm starting to notice. After reviewing my logs the other day and talking with friends and family they have reported and I have noticed I've been much more happier lately. My mood has been much better. I've been joking a lot more, smiling and playing around a little bit more.

I've noticed that when I'm actually working on something or researching something that my focus is really enhanced. I seem to be able to knock things out a little faster. I wouldn't say my memory has been enhanced or anything, but I haven't been on it for 3 weeks yet either. I just feel more clear minded and better when I'm on Aniracetam. It's very small things I notice and to be honest I doubt I would notice them without the log.

So I do believe that Aniracetam is working and that as it continues to build up in my system that I'm getting results. I've noticed 100 percent that my ability to write without so much thinking has increased. Even as I write this now I notice I'm able to just type without stopping to think. I must admit this is pretty cool and comes in handy when I'm trying to finish up work. So I believe I must continue to keep taking Aniracetam and will continue until my new bottle wears out. I have about 50 pills left and will continue this log until such time.

I've also noticed that I appear to be Choline Dominant I guess. I haven't had any need for Choline, but I have taken it just to see how I felt. I do believe the choline enhances the Aniracetam effects, but also adds a stimulating feeling for me. Good when I need it and not so good when I don't. I have a feeling that the type of Choline I'm on could be playing a part as well. I'm currently on Choline Bitrirate which isn't the stronger form.

I've ordered some CDP and Alpha GPC and will try both before my Aniracetam experiments ends.

So long story short is I believe I'm seeing results, small, but they are there and I think the effects will get stronger as I keep taking Ani. So thank you to everyone who is following and helping and I hope my log is helping anyone of thinking of taking Aniracetam to just give it a try. You'll make mistakes and your journal won't be perfect, but give it a try.

Well I got to run but just wanted to post a few of my thoughts and ideas.


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#33 stablemind

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Posted 03 January 2013 - 08:39 PM


Well it's been 14 days and I've been keeping a log during this time. I've never done anything like this before and I find it pretty awesome and fun actually. The problem with the log is I mainly just report how I feel during the day and sometimes I inject some of my own thoughts and ideas. Well, I wanted to write a quick post that isn't in log form just to get some of my thoughts out. I have a feeling it's the Aniracetam making me even want to write this right now as I hate writing actually lol. Either way here are some of my thoughts.

First off, there is no doubt in my mind that Aniracetam is working! I know my log has been pretty boring and I haven't really experienced things some people report such as music sounding like it's 3D and vivid colors and things of this nature, but I feel it's working in the background with me. I was talking with a guy the other day who does Youtube videos on Nootropics and he was saying Aniracetam can take up to 3 weeks to feel the full effects and that a lot of people don't have the vivid colors or sounds happen to them. Most people report that Aniracetam works in the background and I believe that.

I think for me, that the longer I'm taking Aniracetam the more I'm starting to notice. After reviewing my logs the other day and talking with friends and family they have reported and I have noticed I've been much more happier lately. My mood has been much better. I've been joking a lot more, smiling and playing around a little bit more.

I've noticed that when I'm actually working on something or researching something that my focus is really enhanced. I seem to be able to knock things out a little faster. I wouldn't say my memory has been enhanced or anything, but I haven't been on it for 3 weeks yet either. I just feel more clear minded and better when I'm on Aniracetam. It's very small things I notice and to be honest I doubt I would notice them without the log.

So I do believe that Aniracetam is working and that as it continues to build up in my system that I'm getting results. I've noticed 100 percent that my ability to write without so much thinking has increased. Even as I write this now I notice I'm able to just type without stopping to think. I must admit this is pretty cool and comes in handy when I'm trying to finish up work. So I believe I must continue to keep taking Aniracetam and will continue until my new bottle wears out. I have about 50 pills left and will continue this log until such time.

I've also noticed that I appear to be Choline Dominant I guess. I haven't had any need for Choline, but I have taken it just to see how I felt. I do believe the choline enhances the Aniracetam effects, but also adds a stimulating feeling for me. Good when I need it and not so good when I don't. I have a feeling that the type of Choline I'm on could be playing a part as well. I'm currently on Choline Bitrirate which isn't the stronger form.

I've ordered some CDP and Alpha GPC and will try both before my Aniracetam experiments ends.

So long story short is I believe I'm seeing results, small, but they are there and I think the effects will get stronger as I keep taking Ani. So thank you to everyone who is following and helping and I hope my log is helping anyone of thinking of taking Aniracetam to just give it a try. You'll make mistakes and your journal won't be perfect, but give it a try.

Well I got to run but just wanted to post a few of my thoughts and ideas.


I noticed that for me, Aniracetam worked for the first two days and I noticed the improved speech abilities and improved mood, but after that it just stopped working. For those people that noticed an effect after 3 weeks of use, did they notice an initial honey moon effect?

#34 exiledone1

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Posted 03 January 2013 - 09:10 PM

I noticed that for me, Aniracetam worked for the first two days and I noticed the improved speech abilities and improved mood, but after that it just stopped working. For those people that noticed an effect after 3 weeks of use, did they notice an initial honey moon effect?

That's interesting as I didn't notice anything for the first week except for a slight chilled out feeling. It made me very laid back. Still don't really feel or notice anything beside a few of the things I mentioned above. Aniracetam is pretty interesting because if it is doing anything for me it's doing it in the deep background to the point where I barely notice it. I can only tell through some of my actions and noticing some of my things such as writing has improved as far as thinking it and writing it without pausing.

The crazy thing is my wife took one Ani and got the whole range from vivid color enhancement, the enhanced sound and much more. I can't wait to try another racetam or Ani with some different Choline to see what happens.

#35 javanaut

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Posted 03 January 2013 - 10:32 PM

Excellent log and it's nice to hear about your experiences. In reading about your food intake, I would suggest eating fruit or vegetables on occasion. The antioxidants and fiber will help a whole lot. Water intake is also very important.
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#36 exiledone1

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Posted 04 January 2013 - 06:25 PM

Excellent log and it's nice to hear about your experiences. In reading about your food intake, I would suggest eating fruit or vegetables on occasion. The antioxidants and fiber will help a whole lot. Water intake is also very important.

Thanks for the comments :) It's been fun and a learning experience for me. I'm on the Atkins diet and I eat a ton of meat and vegetables, but I can't eat fruit at all. I'm on the induction phase so fruit is off limit, but yeah I drink a lot of water everyday too. Thanks for suggestion though and feedback. :)

#37 exiledone1

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Posted 04 January 2013 - 07:07 PM

Day 15 (This is an interesting day for me. My CDP Choline Arrived)

Morning: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

I had another rough morning and didn't have time to eat so I didn't want to take my Ani on an empty stomach. So I thought I would wait until lunch time.

Afternoon:12:00 pm - 5:00 pm

2:25 pm - I took a 750 mg Aniracetam with a 1000 mg fish oil pill for my fat source

3:25 pm - I feel pretty good again. It's hard to describe, but my mind just feels crisp and shape. I just feel happy. Once again I get that very relaxed, chilled out sort of feeling.

Evening: 5:00 pm - Bedtime

5:24 pm - Excited!! My CDP Choline from Smart Powders finally arrived. It's 250 mg Capsules! I'll take one tonight after I eat dinner! I have currently been using off and on Choline Bitiriate.

8:42 pm - My dad took me to dinner at Carrabbas. I had Chicken parmigiana, a salad and some bread. After I ate I took 750 mg Aniracetam and a 250 mg CDP Choline with a 1000 mg Fish Oil Pill.

9:30 pm - I'm feeling a little off. I don't feel as good as I've been. I'm not getting that chilled out feeling I usually get after taking Ani. I'm also not feeling stimulated. When I usually take a Choline Bitiriate with my Ani I feel a little stimulated. As if I drank a lot of Caffeine. The CDP Choline seems to be doing the opposite for me. I feel a little more down.

10:37 pm - I still feel very off, a very small throbbing in my head..a little sick to my stomach feeling. It's not a depression feeling or anything. It's as if I don't want to do anything. I feel bored, unmotivated. This is completely opposite for me. I can't say 100 percent it's the Choline as I have been staying up really late lately and not getting the best amounts of sleep. So I want just say "It's the CDP Choline" but I really don't even want to type this log right now. I just feel like, why should I type it? That's just how I'm feeling.

11:45 pm - Trying to get some work done on my hypnosis blog, I'm a hypnotist btw lol. I felt less interesting in my work than usually.

12:27 am - The sick to my stomach feeling is gone. This could have just been from the big dinner I had earlier tonight. I feel pretty tired, but as I said earlier my nights have been out of wack lately. I always go to bed super late, but feel like I just haven't slept good lately so need a good night sleep. Still feel like doing nothing, I'm just starting at the computer screen.

3:00 am - Going to bed, apply my rogaine, drink some water and head to bed.

Personal Thoughts:

Interesting evening with the CDP Choline. Going to take for a few more days, experiment with dose and see how I feel.

#38 Hope47

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Posted 04 January 2013 - 07:30 PM

Good journal man,simple and straight.Have your tried piracetam.
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#39 exiledone1

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Posted 04 January 2013 - 07:41 PM

Good journal man,simple and straight.Have your tried piracetam.

Thanks Hope! No I haven't tried Piracetam yet, but that will be the next one I do after I'm finished with Aniracetam. My goal is to try a good majority of them for a period of a few months each and keep one of these logs. Eventually I'll do some stacks too, but for now one at a time so I can see how I feel, how my body and mind respond to it and so on. The problem with Piracetam is I require it in pill form. I know you can make your own, but I prefer it to be pre-measured and stuff so I can just pop a pill and take it.

I've only found one place so far that has pills and its at Smart Drugs For Thoughts. So may buy it from there. If Piracetam works better for me and determine I want to take it in the long term I may go the powder route and cap my own. Have you tried Piracetam or Aniracetam?? If so, what was your experience?


#40 remone

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Posted 04 January 2013 - 08:48 PM

Great Log!
Really clear, and there should be more just like these!

I tried Ani a few months ago, without much succes. Gave me headfog, where no other noot has given this to me.
Recently asked a sample with my order and started to like the aniracetam.
Ordered some more and since a week or two takingit every day, mostly twice 800mg. Last two days took some more, and beginning to like ani more and more. Relaxed clearheaded vibe is what it gives to me.

Keep up the good work!

#41 exiledone1

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Posted 04 January 2013 - 08:58 PM

Great Log!
Really clear, and there should be more just like these!

I tried Ani a few months ago, without much succes. Gave me headfog, where no other noot has given this to me.
Recently asked a sample with my order and started to like the aniracetam.
Ordered some more and since a week or two takingit every day, mostly twice 800mg. Last two days took some more, and beginning to like ani more and more. Relaxed clearheaded vibe is what it gives to me.

Keep up the good work!

Hey Remone,

Thanks for the compliment and I wish more Ani takers would comment on there experience here in the log like you. It helps me out actually to see how others are doing with it, what they are taking dose wise and so on. I think the key is learning from others who are taking the same Nootropic. The compliments are great as I've been worried the logs are pretty boring as nothing super exciting is happening to me really. It's all very small, behind the scenes type of stuff.

I think I know what you mean about the relaxed clear headed vibe. I usually get it within 30 minutes to an hour of taking Ani. I usually keep the clear headed part for a few hours, but the real relaxed, mellow vibe seems to vanish after about an hour or hour and half for me. It's not really strong for me, but just barely there.

What else do you feel or experience on Ani? See, for me it was hard to know if it was working because I didn't get cool side effects like the 3D music thing or vivid colors or anything like that. I just feel a tad better on it. I just wish I did have some type of concrete knowledge of knowing it is working on me.

Do me a favor if you can and keep me updated on your Ani progress. Feel free to friend me and PM me or post your experiences here once in a while. Are you taking any Choline? It's odd because I have gone as long as 4 days with no choline. I have taken Ani with Choline and without and I can't honestly say 100 percent if I find the Choline enhances anything or not. I have such a hard time explaining the way I feel sometimes. It's like, I know how I feel, but I can't find the words to express it.

Sorry so long, but I love talking with other people on Ani and sharing results and so on. Keep in touch on this thread. Thanks Remone


#42 Hope47

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Posted 05 January 2013 - 06:21 AM

I have tried piractem 3-4 months backs and it didn't work for me.That is why i am interested in Ani.How much should i order for a one month supply?

#43 exiledone1

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Posted 05 January 2013 - 06:48 AM

I have tried piractem 3-4 months backs and it didn't work for me.That is why i am interested in Ani.How much should i order for a one month supply?

Well I get mine from Smart Powders. I got 60 capsules at 750 mg each for a really great price. This should last you 30 days no problem. I usually pop one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Sometimes another later in the evening depending if I have work to do. I haven't seen anyone beat Smart Powders price when it comes to capsules, personally speaking of course.


#44 Nickthedevil

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Posted 05 January 2013 - 11:24 AM

good to see your getting the anxiolytic affects of ani, once I work out this prami issue I'm having I'm starting my ani adventure, ordering it now, going to work on my prami levels and introduce ani in a week or so, I keep a log but it's not published, I'll change it to be more similar to your log type so that there is some continuity for us to compare the logs.

I'm stoked your cdp arrived I'd recommend maybe isolating the components of your stack somewhat, take only cdp, then only ani, then a combination. The suggestion about your diet is a good one, lots of people find dosing on an empty stomache helpful I know I do, Ani should start for me about mid next week when I have finished my plan to play with my prami dose, I'll keep you up to date.
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#45 Loudvirus

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Posted 05 January 2013 - 11:55 AM

I've really enjoyed reading the log I had my Ani arrive in the post today so i'm interested to see what effects it has on me.

#46 remone

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Posted 05 January 2013 - 04:51 PM

Hey Remone,

What else do you feel or experience on Ani? See, for me it was hard to know if it was working because I didn't get cool side effects like the 3D music thing or vivid colors or anything like that. I just feel a tad better on it. I just wish I did have some type of concrete knowledge of knowing it is working on me.

Do me a favor if you can and keep me updated on your Ani progress. Feel free to friend me and PM me or post your experiences here once in a while. Are you taking any Choline?

Sorry so long, but I love talking with other people on Ani and sharing results and so on. Keep in touch on this thread. Thanks Remone


Ok Josh! A short response because not much time;
I also find it hard to dscribe, but the 'feelgood'effects are just real good, not overwhelming or stimulating but I definitely feel the effects Ani give me particular. Music sounds clearer to me.
Today, after experimenting yesterday with pretty high dose, 3,5 gs total (guess), it seems today started a bit dizzyness in he head, but could have been due to lack of sleep my daughter gives me ;) But it did seem to relate with Ani, some kind of headfog/tiredness combined with weird dizzyness. Anyhow, it dissapeared in a few hours.
All in all, the effects seem clear and 'pure' to me. I even think I'll drop the rest of my stack and start again with only aniracteam, to see if it fits me better nowadays.

I seem to get plenty of choline with my diet. Actually I don't undestand how people don't.... I never really experience headaches or other annoying effects wich should make me use it.
But recently I reinvented centrophenoxine. It energizes a bit and seem to go very well with ani/pira. I just dont use it because of other sideeffects.

Well, it got a little bit of a rant, I'll check back late to see if it should be edited some way. But noe gotta go!

#47 Hope47

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Posted 05 January 2013 - 05:11 PM

@exile:Do you take multivitamin/fish oil.

#48 exiledone1

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Posted 08 January 2013 - 06:05 AM

I've really enjoyed reading the log I had my Ani arrive in the post today so i'm interested to see what effects it has on me.

Thanks for the kind words. Keep me up to date and let me know how Ani goes for you?


@exile:Do you take multivitamin/fish oil.

Hi Hope,

yes, I usually take a 1000 mg Fish Oil Pill with my first dose of Ani and another one with my second dose of Ani. In the beginning though I was talking 1 tablespoon of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and than for a while I was taking a hand full of Wal-Nuts. I enjoyed taking it with the Wal-Nuts, but they are so expensive and honestly Fish Oil is just so good for you. Within the next few days I will be switching to Krill Oil instead. No real reason except that Krill Oil is supposed to be a little bit better than Fish Oil.

I've never noticed any real difference between the different fat sources though. So I can't say, for me that it every made a huge impact, but than again since Ani is working in the background who knows :)


#49 exiledone1

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Posted 08 January 2013 - 06:53 AM

I'm back with more logs. Sorry if I don't post them everyday, but when it comes to the weekend it's a lot harder to post. I have a lot of interesting stuff going on in my opinion. So here are all of my logs to bring them current.

Day 16

My plan for today is to take 750 mg of Ani in the morning along with a 250 mg CDP Choline and repeat this in the afternoon.

Morning: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

9:40 am - woke up, took shower and ate two sausage patties. After I ate I took one 750 mg Aniracetam and one 250 mg CDP Choline along with 1000 mg Fish Oil Pill for a fat source.

10:45 am - My car is finally repaired so went to pick it up. I feel average right now. Usually around this time I start to feel a little relaxed and chilled out from the Aniracetam, but nothing so far in terms of feeling that effect. Also, I noticed I don't have that stimulating sort of feeling I get when I would take Ani with Choline Bitrirate.

11:23 am - My day is all over the place right now. My tire blew out. Pretty upset, but noticing I'm not as upset as I usually get. I feel like my inner talk is more positive.

Afternoon: 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm

12:47 pm - Not feeling as clear and crisp as I usually do on Aniracetam. I mean, it;'s a small feeling of clear and crisp, but it's there, but with the CDP Choline I don't seem to get it. If I take Ani by it's self or with Choline Bitirate I feel it, but with CDP I'm not feeling much of anything.

1:00 pm - I have a slight headache on the right side of my head. Very small. I can't say if it's from any of the racetams or CDP Choline as my day as been tough. I also didn't get much sleep last night so could be anything.

1:14 pm - feeling a little down. Sort of how I felt last night when I took the CDP Choline. It's just a feeling of not wanting to do anything.

3:16 pm - feeling sort of alert I guess. I feel like my eyes want to stay open! Like opened wided than my eyes normally are. I know, crazy but that's how I feel lol

4:04 pm - feeling sick to my stomach. Also notching that while I'm listening to the Joe Rogan podcast they are talking really fast and it making me feel like my brain is overloading. It's like I can't handle the information or something. Very odd sensation.

4:51 pm - feel stimulated.

Evening: 5:00 pm - Bedtime

6:48 pm - still feel stimulated, talking faster. My wife also noticed my eyes seem to be popping out of the head lol. It's funny because I was thinking the same thing to myself and than my wife said it to me. I guess Aniracetam gives me physic abilities lol. I'm joking :)

7:00 pm - I took my second 750 mg Aniracetam and 250 mg CDP Choline. My fat source was 1000 mg of Fish Oil

10:00 pm - Feeling a little down again. I have a feeling either I'm taking too much CDP Choline or it just isn't a fit for me.

12:25 am - I'm getting ready to head to bed. Nothing really going on tonight. Didn't get to do any work or anything. I must admit I had a rough day so just felt like chilling out.

Day 17

This log will be pretty short as there was nothing to really report.

2:55 pm - took 750 mg Ani with 250 CDP choline and 1000 mg fish oil

3:50 pm - Feeling a little down again. Yes, I'm taking this dose again on purpose as I want to make sure it's making me feel the way I'm feeling. I'm pretty sure it's the CDP Choline.

5:00 pm - Nothing to report

8:21 pm - I took one 750 mg Aniracetam and I decided to skip the CDP Choline as I wanted to see if just 250 mg of CDP was my sweet spot instead of the 500 mg of CDP I've been taking daily.

9:30 pm - nothing to report..I feel about the same I didn when taking the 250 mg of CDP Choline twice a day.

10:30 pm - My stomach is acting crazy again. I just feel like I want to throw up and I'm a little light headed again.

11: 30 pm - Feeling a little sick to my stomach

2:00 am - Bedtime for me. Sorry for the short log, but was just pretty tired today. I have a feeling the tiredness is from CDP Choline as well. CDP may be great, but I haven't found my sweet spot yet. So far though I think I respond better to the Choline Bitiriate.

Day 18th

Once again, I haven't been feeling very well with my stomach and being light headed. It's making me feel like I don't want to do the logs. I've been feeling down and not myself. So I'm going to stop taking it for a few days. Honestly I was planning to stop the Aniracetam too, but than my wife suggested I just stop the CDP Choline first. So today I will only be taking one 750 mg Aniracetam. It's more just because I haven't felt good. No real reason other than that. The reason I took my first pill so late is as I mentioned earlier. I wasn't planning to take it, but my wife changed my mind.

8:25 pm - I took one 750 mg aniracetam with no CDP Choline.

9:12 pm - I think I'm starting to feel the Ani do it's chilled out, relaxed feeling although it seems pretty weak compared to before.

10:25 pm - feeling sick to my stomach again, but not as bad as before. I feel like it's slowly going away.

11:26 pm - Feeling a little better right now. Oddly I still feel really good right now. Life just seems more clear on Ani, but it's a small thing I notice, but still nice.

12:14 am - I usually go to bed super late, but I'm going to try and start going to bed much earlier. I'm a night person so I don't know how successful I'll be.

12:30 am - I'm heading to bed. Sorry for the lackluster logs as of late. The mixture of not feeling good and being a little busy with personal life tends to make me not remember to fill these out as much.

Day 19th - 1/7/2013

Update: I had a rough weekend with my car breaking down, tire blowing out, the odd stomach pains and being light headed. I've also went over my old logs and decided its time for a reset. The CDP Choline doesn't seem to be a match for me at the moment and with all these odd feelings I think it's time to start from stratch. My goal in the beginning was to just experiment and see what Aniracetam felt like, what Choline felt like, how they felt together, learn about dosages and so on.

Well I've done that so now I want to reset things and start from the ground up again. So starting today I'm no longer taking any Choline sources. I'm doing this for a few reasons. Currently I'm having trouble finding the sweet spot for me and I don't think doing one day experiments and than changing the dose everyday is going to work for me. I think I need to start without any choline and than slowly, slowly start to add Choline back in over time at lower doses. So basically work my self back up to 250 mg and etc.

The other reason is I have not actually NEEDED any Choline. I've never developed any headaches so far and I've done a few double dose days without Choline a bunch of days without Choline. So starting today I will only be taking 750 mg of Aniracetam twice a day with no Choline for a few days or longer. I want to see if I require any Choline at all. Eventually I'll slowly start to add Choline back, but the simple truth is that I may not need it. I would like to find that sweet spot though.

Sorry for all the rambling on as I think Ani tends to make me do that. So long story short, for a while it's just going to be Ani and I and nothing else. Hopefully stopping the CDP will help my stomach issues and being light headed.

Morning: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

10:25 am - took one 750 mg Aniracetam and 1000 mg fish oil for fat source. No Choline

Afternoon: 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm

12:52 pm - I feel sick to my stomach again...this is starting to annoy me. Could it be the Aniracetam making me feel sick to my stomach and being light headed? I've never had a problem with Aniracetam doing this before? I'm thinking I may still have CDP running through me to some degree, but who knows.

3:45 pm- feeling a little lightheaded. A little dizzy still. On the flipside though I feel pretty good mentally. I feel clear, laid back, shape.

Evening: 5:00 pm - Bedtime

5:23 pm - I took my second 750 mg Aniracetam pill with some Olive Oil as I'm out of Fish Oil Pills. I took about a tablespoon.

6:23 pm - No chilled out feeling at all. I feel nothing at all right now.

8:54 pm - I feel slighly motivated. I feel like I want to clean, cook dinner, read. So yeah motivated.

9:20 pm - I decided to try and play the piano, well Ipad Piano. I downloaded an app that teaches you how to play key by key. I such at these types of things usually, but for some reason I could easily remember the notes. My fingers were moving a little fastest. It's as if I could catch on a little fastest. It's not superhuman by any means, very small increase, but it's there.

10:54 pm - I decided to get some work done on my online business. I had to write a few blog post and once again this is where Ani seems to shine for me. Words seem to flow so much easier for me when I'm writing something. It's as if I can just keep moving my fingers on the keyboard without stopping as words and thoughts seem to come much easier. This is odd a little because when I'm on Aniracetam I actually feel like my creatitity isn't as good as when I'm off of it, but when on Ani it seems when I start working on something I'm focused on that task and nothing else. So it's very odd.

12: 20 am - I feel good as usually mentally, but the sour stomach issue has returned and feeling light headed again. Has anyone had problems with Aniracetam making you feel odd after about 15 days?

1:20 am - I'm writing this log and once again words seem to flow very naturally for me.

End of Log for Tonight

#50 exiledone1

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Posted 09 January 2013 - 04:54 PM

Day 20

Morning: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

10:25 am - took one 750 mg Aniracetam

11:26 am - feeling a little chilled out, feeling good. Very slight feeling

Afternoon: 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm

12:35 pm - been at work. Feeling good! Can't really test anything out at the moment. I don't feel nausea or light headed at the moment.

3:05 pm - i feel a lot better today as far as the lightheaded feeling and sick to my stomach.

4:16 pm - feeling a little light headed for some reason. I haven't eaten in a while so guessing its from that.

Evening: 5:00 pm - Bedtime

5:04 - still feeling a little nausea

8:10 pm - I took my second 750 mg Aniracetam. I had a lot of work to do tonight so I want an extra boost. So that's why I'm taking it so late.

9:30 pm - I feel good, clear minded and just happy. I feel like the chilled out feeling I was getting isn't happening as much now. It could be I've been so busy lately I don't notice it, but I honestly haven't been feeling it as much lately.

10: 50 pm - I'm feeling stimulated. I feel like I want to clean or do something. I feel like if I want to do something I just can where I'm usually sort of lazy at night. So I work out, clean the dishes. It's like, I feel like I have more mental energy to get up and do something.

12:34 am - I'm working on the computer and I'm pretty focused, but I'm nausea again and this is getting annoying. If I keep getting this I may need to stop Aniracetam for a few days and see if this feeling vanishes. I thought it was the CDP Choline, but I'm still getting it with not being on Choline. Has anyone else has issues with being sick to the stomach with Aniracetam?

1:00 am - Playing a video game and notice I'm a little sick to my stomach again and light headed. It's as if the screen is too bright and characters moving too fast. Hard to explain

2:20 am - I heard some people say they have crazy dreams taking Aniracetam right before bed so I thought why not give it a try. I took half of a 750 mg Aniracetam right before bed.

Update: So I woke up this morning which is technically Day 21 as I write this and I didn't notice any crazy dreams or anything. My mind seemed to be a little clearer when I woke up, but that's about it.

Edited by exiledone1, 09 January 2013 - 05:16 PM.

#51 exiledone1

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Posted 14 January 2013 - 05:30 PM

Hi Everyone,

Sorry I haven't been updating as much, but life has been pretty crazy lately. To make a long story short nothing really has happened worth reporting. I've basically been doing the same thing since Day 20. So instead of boring everyone with a date and time by time breakdown when nothing is really going on I want to just give an overview of what's been going on. So below you'll just find a status update of what I've been doing.

Friday Will Be My Last Aniracetam Log

Also, I think it's time to announce that Friday will be my last log for Aniracetam. I've been on Aniracetam for almost a month now and have decided to move on, but it's not because Aniracetam isn't working or anything. My goal has was to always experiment with the different nootropics out there and see which ones work for me. My next one I will be taking is Piracetam. I will be starting a log for that as well.

This has been my first log ever and it's been awesome. I want to say thank you to everyone who has helped me along the way. I will still be posting updates on this log until I'm completely done with Aniracetam. When my bottle is completed I will give my final thoughts of Aniracetam. Until than I'll just post updates until that final day arrives. Once again, thank you for the support and I hope this log helps others who decide to take Aniracetam. There is no doubt in my mind that keeping a log is the way to go. Even if it's just a small log.

I'll be posting my final thoughts on Aniracetam this Friday. Until than here is what has been going on!

My Log (Updates)

Since day 20 I've been taking only two 750 mg of Aniracetam daily which comes to 1500 mg a day. I haven't been taking any Choline or anything. I haven't developed any headaches or anything so it appears I'm Choline Dominant as I don't need to take Choline with the racetam.

The feeling sick to my stomach issue has vanished and hasn't reappeared and I believe it was just from the CDP Choline. The moment I stopped taking it I didn't receive the feelings anymore. Well, I did for a few days, but that is just because I still had it in my system I believe.

I've been feeling really great. My mind has been clear and sharp. I haven't really noticed anything beside a better mood, better writing and that's about it. I'm sure it's doing other things beside what I notice. The other thing I notice is I haven't been feeling the chilled out, relaxed feeling anymore. It's seems as if that has completely vanished for a while until the other day.

The other day I decided to stop taking fish oil and I now take Krill Oil. Krill Oil supposely is a lot better than Fish Oil and I must say I had an interesting experience taking the Krill Oil with Aniracetam. The other day, 1/13/2013 I took a 1000 mg Krill Oil with a 750 Mg Aniracetam and I felt AWESOME! The chilled out feeling came back really strong, I just felt amazing. I've noticed that for some reason Aniracetam and Krill Oil works better for me. Krill Oil has some extra stuff for your brain and is also more Bio Available than Fish oil.

My dad has started to take Aniracetam as well as my wife and they are reporting both very different results. I may post some of them here tomorrow just because I think it will be useful to the community. Overall nothing major has been going on.


#52 exiledone1

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Posted 14 January 2013 - 05:36 PM

Btw, anyone reading this log can you help me with something. I'm getting ready to purchase my Piracetam in pill form as it's easier for me. They are 800 mg capsules. I know Piracetam can vary from person to person, but what would be a good recommended starting dose for me to begin with for my log. Also, is a attack dose neccessary? I've seen a few people on here say it isn't. Any thoughts would be helpful. Thanks


#53 exiledone1

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Posted 14 January 2013 - 06:41 PM

Actually I have reconsidered. I will be doing Aniracetam for one more month. After talking with some people I think I need to give it another month to fully give it the benefit of the doubt before I make a final judgement. I tried to edit my last post but I guess I took to long. So this long will continue for another month or so. Sorry for the confusion. It's been one of those days lol

#54 Nickthedevil

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Posted 15 January 2013 - 04:40 AM

Hey exiledone1. this log is excellent, I've been keeping one in the same format for my addition of ani to my stack, I have some interesting results to report, I would honestly recommend prami over pira with ani if my exprrerience is anything to go by the cerebral nature of prami compliments the anxiolytic parts of ani.

I'll get my log off my phone at some point and share it with you or perhaps just the highlights.

hope the ani starts really working for you soon. good to hear your into the joe rogan podcast, I love it lots of insight and humour.
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#55 exiledone1

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Posted 15 January 2013 - 04:26 PM

Hey exiledone1. this log is excellent, I've been keeping one in the same format for my addition of ani to my stack, I have some interesting results to report, I would honestly recommend prami over pira with ani if my exprrerience is anything to go by the cerebral nature of prami compliments the anxiolytic parts of ani.

I'll get my log off my phone at some point and share it with you or perhaps just the highlights.

hope the ani starts really working for you soon. good to hear your into the joe rogan podcast, I love it lots of insight and humour.

Hey Nick,

It's been a while bro :) So you finally started Ani huh. Awesome! I would love to hear about the interesting results. Even if it's just a post detailing whats been going on. Please, Please, please post it hahah. Feel free to post it here in this log if you want. Dying to hear what results and what's been going on with the Prami and Ani?

Look forward to hearing from you bro. Yeah, huge Joe Rogan Podcast fan! Everyday it's something different :)


#56 cryptonite

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Posted 21 January 2013 - 11:13 AM

Hi to all.

Just wanna to introduce myself and describe my reason why I am here, on Nootropics content forum. I am 26 old male with stuttering problem since 6 years old, with great success in eliminating that problem for 2 years in complete and till 20 years old with great control of it. After 22 years old my stuttering has increased so as my social anxiety. My confident lowered drastically which made my stuttering even worse. This was big problem to me because I was very confident person with great social skills and without any family issues. After trying a bunch of medical pills for anxiety (not more than one month of use than dropped because of side effects), physical training, body building supplements (whey protein, creating) and in past one year b1 vitamine, magnesium and calcium, gaba etc. Nothing of these gave me nothing special, except physical training which gave me confidence and better well being. But, unfortunately I wasn't consistent with it so stuttering and anxiety are here and there nonstop. Biggest problem is stuttering and lowered confident, which I am not accepting :) . Beside that, I am a tobacco smoker and was using recreational drugs in past 10 years. I've decided to drop recreational drugs because it make problem worse. So, after a year of self help with google I've found nootropics.

This topic made me interested because of EXILEDONE1 logs. Great stuff man. Sorry if that was longe introduction, I am on aniracetam, so maybe this is the reason :) . So, to get on the point.


Saturday - 1. day

1 cap of 750mg Aniracetam
1 cap of 300mg Alpha-GPC

Feeling: This stuff immediately after 30 minutes started to work. Amazing feeling, no anxiety at all, verbal fluency much better, social interaction much better, confident increased, feeling of well-being, clear head. Overall it was a miracle that last for a 4 hours. I was old myself and because of that very happy. It wasn't placebo effect for sure.


1 cap of 750mg Aniracetam
1 cap 300mg Alpha-GPC

Feeling: After first dose wearing of I had feeling of tiredness, went to take a nap for 20 minutes. Second dose gave me more relaxed feeling than alerted. It was relaxed, confident feeling. No headache or any negative effect. Feeling was great and I was happy that I found a release for myself. Very excited for the next day.


Sunday - 2. day


1 cap of 750 mg Aniracetam
1cap of 300 mg Alpha-GPC

Feeling was slightly less euphoric. There wasn't anxiety at all. I was little pissed off that morning and I think that confident that I get from aniracetam was creating pissed off feeling greater. Social interaction was great, pissed off all the time but we are allowed to be if there is a reason, right. I was not impolite or arrogant, so please don't mix with it.


1 B1 vitamine
1 Magnesium and Calcium

After that I felt a little bit dizzy and brain fog. I hate that feeling and reason for using nootropics is to get rid of it.


1cap 750mg Aniracetam
1cap 300mg Alpha-GPC

I felt drowsiness a lot. Brain fog, dumb, without clear head. Overall I was mad/disappointed because yesterday I was feeling great. That feeling lasted whole day.

Late afternoon

1cap 300mg Alpha-GPC

This was a mistake. Brain fog was even intense. Drowsiness higher. I was dumb. My brain was useless and overall not good at all. Also, had a feeling of little depressed because of that. Told myself that I will try next morning only 1cap of 750mg aniracetam with milk on empty stomach with coffee.


Monday - 3. day

1 cap of 750mg Aniracetam

I have noticed feeling in a 45 minutes. Brain fog, anxiety, dumb feeling. Little strange feeling where I said, what a heck??. Headache was there but nothing that I cannot manage. Brain fog, anxiety and not clear head was the things that bother me the most. If you stutter than it is the least wanted feelings.

1 hour from aniracetam

1 cap of Alpha-GPC

Anxiety feeling started to take off. Clearness is coming back. I am having relaxed feeling, like on some benzo. Verbal communication is getting better. I am working psyhological depended job so, drowsiness and brain fog are not acceptable. Also, writing is much more easily, words are coming easily and have a less problems with gathering sentences, but overall not even close to the first day feeling.

This is all for now. I will take second cap of aniracetam without Alpha-GPC.

Thanks for reading and thanks to exiledone1 who gave me motivation to write logs.

#57 cryptonite

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Posted 21 January 2013 - 01:16 PM

Took another 750mg cap of aniracetam. I felt head pressure, dizziness after taking it.

What could be the problem?

#58 javanaut

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Posted 21 January 2013 - 03:24 PM

The drowsiness is probably from too much choline (Alpha GPC). Everybody has different choline needs. If you take Aniracetam without getting a headache, you can probably use less choline. Some people only take choline every other day.

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#59 exiledone1

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Posted 06 February 2013 - 08:46 AM

Hi Everyone,

I know it's been a while. I've been pretty busy with some new projects and stuff. This will be my final post here for my Aniracetam log. Before I close this post out I want to discuss a few things in relation to my trial with Aniracetam. I want to share a few of my thoughts, good and bad and give my overall opinion of this well known Nootropic.

Before I begin I want to thank everyone who provided me advice and help. I honestly don't know if I would have continued with this project if it wasn't for all of you. My goal from the very start was to create a log to help me keep track of things and in the process, by accident I created a log many claim have helped them. So I'm very thankful that I could give back to this awesome community.

Now as some of you may remember a few weeks ago I announced that my trial with Aniracetam was almost up. Well since that last update I have stopped taking Aniracetam and have returned to my normal baseline as I call it. Returning to my normal state allows me to notice the differences from when I was on Ani and off.

So let's take a look at a few of the benefits I received while I was on Ani:

1. There is no doubt in my mind that Aniracetam helped my Anxiety. While on Aniracetam I was more confident, I felt better overall. My mood was improved. I didn't get nervous in public places.

2. Aniracetam increased my ability to type and allowed the words from my mind to translate to another medium much easier. I felt like I didn't need to take time to think about what I was typing or writing. The thoughts just flowed.

3. My mind felt much clearer and I felt more alert.

Let's take a look a few of the drawbacks

1. Aniracetam never made me feel "normal" even though I received some benefits from it I always felt "out of it" a little bit. As if I wasn't myself.

2. Aniracetam affected my creativity in a negative way. For me I felt no desire or motivation really. While on Aniracetam my feeling was just "whatever" it's as if I was just so laid back that nothing was really super important. While this can be great sometimes it wasn't for me since I run my own business.

3. I talked way too fast and came off as if I was on speed sometimes and this was without the choline. Many people noticed this and It wasn't a good feeling. I felt like I was on drugs or something and a few people asked me.

My Conclusion

So yes, in my opinion there is some benefit to taking Aniracetam, but in the end for me, the drawbacks out numbered the positive. Maybe if I gave it two or three months my mind would change, but I didn't feel like Aniracetam gave me any extra edge or a big enough reason to continue taking it. In my personal opinion the best part of Aniracetam is the Anti-Anxiety effects. I never noticed a increase in memory or recall or anything of that natural. If it did have a positive effect on me it's one I didn't notice. I did do Dual N Back testing and other test during this trial and never saw a drastic improvement.

I did learn that I appear to be Choline Dominant and don't require the use of Choline Supplements. Although I have tried them I never noticed any positive or enhanced effects. I also never received the so called enhanced vision or sound as many report. My wife has started taking Aniracetam and she has been experiencing the vision and hearing effects. So it makes me wonder if Aniracetam ever worked on me in the way it was suppose too. Either way, the one thing I have learned from this experience is that EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT!

Nootropics affect everyone different and there is no real way to tell how you will be affected. I highly recommend anyone who attempts Nootropics keep a log. My log was critical in helping me understand this entire process. I have enjoyed this trial, but it's now time to move on and I already have. I have official started my Piracetam trial and have started a new Piracetam log.

I hope that everyone who followed this post will follow my new log as I'm sure I'll need help along the way. Well I got to run, but I hope this log was useful. Sorry if I seem a little scattered brain at the time of writing this as it's 3:00 am in the morning and I'm pretty tired. So my thoughts aren't flowing really well.

In the end, I recommend that if your interested in Aniracetam to give it a try. I never had any negative side effects or anything I felt hurt my body or mind. So give it a try, keep a log and report your findings. I got to run, but this is my log entry in the log. You may follow my Piracetam log HERE.

Edited by exiledone1, 06 February 2013 - 08:47 AM.

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