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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans


Giorgio Gaviraghi

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#1 Bruce Klein

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Posted 19 April 2005 - 09:43 PM


Dear Sirs,
I am glad to submit to your consideration for possible
publication in your planned book, this essay regarding
an Immortality plan from the point of view of a
Project Manager.
In this essay all issues are treated with a positive
“can do” attitude which is not dictated by non
critical optimism but by the experience gained in
directing projects with precise goals.
Such attitude , by identifying problems with a precise
step by step methodology will help, if not solving
specific problems to qualify obstacles on the way and
to isolate them.
At the same time by identifying the single components
of a specific problem and concentrating all efforts on
their solution it may push the state of the art and
direct research to unplanned directions which may give
surprising answers.
I am available to any comment and improvement on the
text following your review which I hope will produce
interesting feedbacks.

Very Truly Yours
Giorgio Gaviraghi

Information about the author

Giorgio Gaviraghi, graduated in Architecture at the
Milan Polytechnic followed by several advanced
Business Administration courses.
Responsible of advanced aerospace projects as Designer
and Project Manager for major companies worldwide,
plant design for pharmaceutical, food and
manufacturing industries, including special projects
for the SDI initiative.
Manager director of several multinational companies in
the design and construction and real estate sector.
Resort and airport design including new state of the
art industrial design systems and products.
Author of the science fiction book, First Contact,
regarding transhumanism and immortality themes.
Founded Mars Society Italia and promoted several space
research projects including a space station
construction system, asteroid deflection system and
their utilization for cyclers, space settlements
design for a modular system for the construction of
artificial planets for a population of over a billion
people, Terraforming planet Earth research with
advanced proposals for city planning and territory
design with environmental concerns.
Participated as speaker to several space conventions
for Mars Society, NSS, and utopia events.
Schedule speaker at upcoming Transvision 2005
convention in Caracas with a paper titled planning the
At the moment preparing a non fiction book , to
include most of the previous subjects , titled “
Challenging the future, Terraforming planet Earth”

Giorgio Gaviraghi

The Immortality Plan

The Project Management approach

For the first time in history the continuous
scientific progress is allowing our generation to
approach the issue of human
immortality as a working possibility and not
anymore as a divine attribute.
Such possibility may not be valid for us but certainly
for the next future generations.
We can use one definition to describe immortality:
life without end.
In this case we can simply state the following:
Death is the end of life
We die because of a physical failure of our body
functions due to internal causes (disease or wear due
to aging), or external (accidents or acts of
Considering all the above cases, death happens, when
the vital functions of our body stop working.
At the same time our mind follows, and somehow our
identity disappears.
But is this really the case?
Religions have tried to explain such mysteries for
centuries, some proposing alternative worlds and
dimensions for our souls, others theorizing on
possible reapperances on other people or even animals,
other describing resurrection of the body as the
ultimate destiny.
Science, up to now, is unable to give us any rational
explanation of what happens to our mind after the
demise of the body.
Lacking rational answers let’s try logic as an
alternate approach to explain the relationship between
body and mind.
If we loose a finger, a hand, a leg, even both arms,
legs even the eyes, our mind would still be alive and
It stops working only if we loose the functionality of
organs or system that keep our body alive.
But if we live on an artificial or transplanted heart,
certainly a vital organ, what would happen to our
Nothing different as if we loose a hand.
We can’t say the same for our brain.
Much have to be studied and identified about the
interaction between the mind as immaterial and our
brain as its supposedly material container.
As long as the vital body functions are guaranteed our
mind will not resent any body loss eventhought recent
advances in medicine allow our bodies to stay in a
vegetative life state , even for years, but without
trace of our mind.
.We could theoretically live in a body composed
entirely by artificial or transplanted organs
including blood and bones.
The mind can live without the original body, while
science still don’t knows if the body can live without
the mind.
This leads to a consideration: if body and mind are
two separate entities we can ask ourselves what is
the mind?
Some immaterial entity that, we believe is located in
our brain, and can be described as composed by our
memories, experiences, knowhow, emotions, tastes,
preferences, nature, drives, energy, identity just to
name a few features.
The first consequence of the above is that the body,
being material, could be mortal, while the mind, being
immaterial, could be, and actually already is,
The body remains the weakest part of this combination
and that leave us with two alternatives to preserve
mind’s immortality :
1-preserve our original body with continuous
2- change it periodically and transfer our mind in a
new one.
The body becomes a physical living container for our
immaterial part, the mind.
In this aproach we will try to give a positive answer,
abandoning philosophical discussions about
immortality and propose a possible plan to achieve it
and analyse some future scenarios caused by the
consequences of such plan.
The main concept to establish is to define Immortality
not as a more complex medical research problem that
will give sophisticated answers and will be available
for a few members of our society in due time.
Immortality means a new general medical assistance
concept, associated with new technologies based on
advanced research and its availability to all
population without any kind of limitations.
Only under such circumstances immortality can be a
valid and promising direction for humanity.
Our approach will not be mainly medical or
technological but based on Project Management
techniques and attitudes: given a specific goal,
define the activities, the schedules , the milestones
to achieve the end result in a step by step
progressive path with the possibilities and the
instrument to control and redirect the activities as
In this scenario we are considering that other
subjects are proceeding and progressing in parallel to
our plan, in particular we must include benefits from
the environment, pollution reduction, economy, space
development and general technological advances.
Let’s start with the first step: who will be in
1-Create a health global agency
ImmO the responsible organization
In order to have an efficient plan, having defined a
clear goal, is essential to establish who must
prepare, direct and implement it.
The organization that must be responsible must be
either government funded or privately profit oriented
but with something in common for the two alternatives,
it must be of global scope and dimensions and
independent in it decisions with guaranteed funding.
All efforts must be coordinated in an international
dimension and every qualified person must take part to
the challenge.
Thousands of organizations will be involved from
research labs, academic institutes, pharmaceutical
companies and other facilities.
Coordination and direction will be essential.
Immortality Organization (ImmO) must be headed by an
operating General manager who will coordinate the
general efforts with a staff organization for defining
guide lines, planning and scheduling, and with a line
organization divided in single specific projects each
headed by a separate Project Manager who will be
directly accountable for the results.
Having established that disease is the first cause of
death, our first goal must be its elimination.
Assuming that disease is generated at atomic scale by
alteration of any body parts(cells, molecules, other)
and knowing that enormous research is currently being
undertaken in the entire world to face the medical
problems and defeat disease, we believe than we are
lacking a dedicated plan , like the Manhattan project
for the atomic bomb, or Apollo for the moon landing,
that with a precise goal can coordinate and direct all
efforts avoiding useless activities and duplication
and achieve the final goal in due time.
The main scope of ImmO will be to prepare, coordinate
and direct in a precise way all efforts existing and
future till we could meet the challenge.
2-Prepare a General Master Plan
The Immortality Plan
While immortality is our final goal, we can proceed to
it in a planned step by step schedule as follows:
Concerning internal causes
Phase 1- eliminate disease
Phase 2. eliminate wear and aging consequences
Phase 3-Enhance human body
Phase 4- Enhance human mind
Phase 5-create new life forms: cyborgs and androids
Phase 6- rejuvenation and mind transfer techniques:
virtual immortality
The final result will not only be immortality in
itself but the creation of a new human life form that
can overcome any disease and that will be physically
and mentally superior to the existing, individual or
part of a more complex network.
While concerning external causes:
Phase 1- eliminate external causes
Phase 2- analyse all causes (environment, food,
pollution, acts of violence, accidents)
Phase 3-prepare single detailed plans for every
Phase 4- implement single plans with global
The above subjects are not part if this proposal but
must run on parallel directions.
For that purpose we will analyse only the internal
death causes.

Let’s start our plan by facing disease considered the
main end of life cause ( aging can be considered a
progressive deterioration of our organs and cells and
as such treated as a disease).
In this case we must prepare a particular strategy to
face and eliminate disease as cause of death.
For this purpose let’s analyse a specific plan,
actually a plan within a plan, with a project
management approach and milestones to establish
Such plan must include the following:
Goal: eliminate disease (considering it an alteration
at atomic scale of body components)
Plan: a step by step progressive process by utilizing
all the available and future resources
Implementation: create the tools, systems,
technologies and organizations that will be necessary
to reach the defined goal
We can divide such plan in several phases
Phase 1-eliminating disease ( internal causes)
To achieve such goal we must define what causes
disease in our body at the atomic or submolecular
level since disease is a progressive alteration of our
cells at such level whose consequences, if not
properly treated , lead to the expansion, initially at
a slow pace later exponentially, of the cell
alterations to the final collapse of our vital system
causing death.
Being the causes at atomic or nano level we must face
them and stop them at the same dimension before they
spreads to uncontrollable levels.
We need to proceed with the following strategies on
the disease front, implementing the general plan and
procedures and develop the necessary tools.

The Plan for eliminating disease
Phase 1-atomic level data collection
-map and define human body
-map and define all diseases
Phase 2-Treatment simulation
-simulate disease and possible treatments
-reach optimal treatment solution for every situation
Phase 3-prepare tools, systems and facilities for
various stages of disease attack
Phase 4- develop procedures
-develop procedures for general treatment
-develop procedures for specific disease
-apply procedures and improve them with continuous

3-Implementing the plan
Let’s analyse in detail the above
Phase 1- atomic level data collection
Simulation Treatment System (STS)
STS is an integrated system for instant diagnosis and
treatment, local or remote, based on the interaction
of the patient body model with alternative
The needed tools are:
1.1-Body model
To develop a body model we must map our body at atomic
level, not only the genome, which could be considered
a prototype research, but all its components, the
working parts, the vital functions defining all the
necessary parameters.
The final result of that research must be a
computerized body model at atomic scale containing all
needed information and parameters.
Such tool must be capable of simulating all
consequences of any alteration cause that we can feed
and control the trends and consequences.
Once the body model is available as a tool it should
be utilized to map every patient and be available
online to medical centers as part of the patient’s
Such models can be prepared as diagnosis tools at
medical centers with instant non invasive procedures
by body scanners and be updated together with the
patient files.
1.2-Disease model
Develop a disease model by mapping all diseases, from
the common cold to the most complicated tumours and
Alzheimers at atomic scale, analyse its causes and its
progress if untreated inside the body showing the
progressive deterioration and interaction of our cells
defining the point of no return till the final
outcome, including death, for each of them.
For each disease develop a computerized model that can
interact with the body models following alterations.
Phase 2- treatment simulation
Once we know at atomic scale all the causes and trends
of a given disease we can begin the treatment phase of
the general plan.
2.1-Interactive models
Utilising the patient body model and analysing and
comparing it interaction with the disease models
define the potential disease and possible diagnosis
Simulate treatment by evaluating the interaction of
the patient model to alternative cures.
2.2-reach the optimal solution for each particular
case after evaluating various alternatives with
simulation technologies and apply them to the patient
monitoring closely its progress.
Phase 3-prepare tools for various stages of disease
attack and implement the STS system

3.1- Prevention
Medical Alert System (MAS)
The MAS is a proposed integrated system , based on
several technologies, to help prevent disease by
monitoring instantly a person health conditions
through an organized network of health assistance
Such monitoring activity can be performed in any
location, from the person’s home to pharmacies,
doctor’s offices or any medical facility accessible to
the public.
The system is composed by the following components:
1-Injected Nanochip
A nanobot size probe to monitor a person’s body
situation with critical parameters will be injected in
the blood stream.
Inside the blood stream such nanobot will travel with
the blood flow in the body and will monitor vital
functions such as:
-Body temperature
-blood pressure
-sugar levels
-blood analysis for such parameters as cholesterol
levels, tryglyceridis, hormones and most regular blood
composition analysis factors
-liver functions
-water content
-other critical parameters for more specific diseases
and treatments
The nanobot will continuously monitor the body
functions and will alert patient in case it detects
any alteration to the average situation.
Such nano chips can be injected once in a lifetime for
general use or periodically with specific parameters
monitoring capacity for particular diagnosis or
treatment requirement.
The injection can be done at any authorized doctor’s
office or medical center.
First generation nanobots will only perform a
monitoring function with simple parameters while
second generation or more advanced chips can hold all
the patients records and receive constant updates by
authorized parties.

2-Monitoring Portals
Fixed control equipment installed at home, recessed in
walls , in pharmacies or doctors offices that will
allow immediate reading of the injected chip by
physical non invasive contact from the body to a
monitor or other sensor.
It could be activated simply by laying the hand on a
sensor installed on the front of the portal.
The portal monitor will show all the parameters
reading and will transmit immediately a warning in
case of any variation from the person’s average
Such alteration can be immediately transmitted to the
interested person and to his personal doctor or health
responsible for immediate action when it shows more
dangerous levels.

The systems requirements for this case is the
connection of the doctor’s office or the health
service computer system to a medical communication
network that will transmit the patient information in
real time from the reading portal to his terminal by
online transmission.
Second generation MAS systems will include portable
monitoring devices and allow instant access from any
3-Personal medical responsible (med)
Each person must , at the time of the nanochip
injection, register with an authorized doctor or
organization who will file all his medical records and
be ready to accept information about his altered
Such organization must be available at all times by
remote alert notice, 24 hours a day and 7 days a
Once the information reaches the authorized person
instant instructions will be applied to the patient on
how to proceed.
4-Global medical communication system (medcom)
Such system, web based and utilizing satellites, cable
or any other necessary means must be dedicated to
transfer and manage medical information from the
portal to the personal medical responsible
organization for the patient health.
Another requirement, but part f the diagnosis system,
will be the online medical records database for every
In this proposal we are only outlining the system and
the needed technologies, a more detailed study is
necessary to reach preliminary design and working

Once the MAS has detected any alteration from the
optimum conditions such info must be instantly
transmitted by medcom to the med for instant action.
To perform diagnosis the following will be necessary:
-Online medical centers
Medical centers connected online for instant action in
case of emergencies and when patient is far from
personal med assistance.
The above centers must be supported by the following
-Remote checking
>From the portal instant information by web of the body
variations to personal doctor or nearest medical
Such technology, associated with portal information
should allow two types of remote intervention
a-instant pharmaceutical prescriptions for easy cases
b-instant reservation for follow-on analysis at
nearest specialized centers
such equipment must allow interaction between the med
and the local operator.
-Online medical info system (MEDINFO)
To support the above activities this system s
necessary to avoid mistakes and lack of patient’s
information and it consist of the availability on line
of all patient medical history information and body
models for immediate control and updating in case of
emergencies or not immediate availability of health
This system is currently being proposed in many
countries but not yet operational .
Once it will be applied it will contribute to save
many lives especially in emergencies and unexpected
situations when the patient cannot refers to his
personal doctor.
The online medical records associated with the MAS
will play an essential role in the future of health
care especially in prevention and diagnosis phases.
Diagnosis equipment
-Body scanners
To instantly map the body a non invasive scanning
device, at approximately body dimension, with a
similar size and function of the existing TAC machines
must be developed.
Such scanner must be capable of reaching any interior
layer in great detail and produce 3D images of every
body part and component at atomic scale
They must also be capable to produce instant body
models utilizing the needed parameters.
. They must be located in all medical centers that
performs diagnosis procedures
-Portable non invasive scanners
Portable, hand held scanners to be utilized by doctors
by approaching the patient’s body and with immediate
readings of main functions must be available at
doctor’s office or medical centers for preliminary
diagnosis tasks.
STS as described before available at all medical
Tools and equipment
While the preferred treatment will be at atomic level
traditional technologies and alternative treatments
must be further developed.
-Patient station
New high tech patient station with equipped bed and
all needed services to treat and monitor constantly
patient activity showing all data and chart trends.
-remote surgery station
Stations for surgeons to operate in remote conditions
with instant communications and control center
connected to surgery stations where teams of human
assistants and robot equipment can perform surgery
operations in case of emergencies or non presence of
human surgeon
-Automatic and robotic surgery
Robotic stations for surgery where automatic equipment
commanded by human surgeon perform risk free
Including al the needed technologies
-Nanorobot surgery
surgery utilising probes and nanorobot dimension
equipment for blood clots or other forms of urgent
-Artificial organs
Advanced artificial implants for all human organs
including blood and skin.
New and existing medical technologies must be improved
and perfected.
We can list a few of the most important:
-Atomic level medicine
This technology will involve every treatment
possibility at atomic scale by several different
-Out of womb pregnancies
All pregnancies must be realized out of the mother’s
womb, to avoid risks and inconvenience to the bearer
and the possibility to properly control and monitor
the fetus.
Such out of womb pregnancies must become commonplace
and replace the traditional one.
-Cell substitution
At atomic level techniques that will allow to
substitute alterated or aged cells where necessary
-DNA correction
Techniques to correct DNA at atomic levels eliminating
disease causing components in sperm and existing
-Human cloning
Entire and safe cloning with out of womb techniques of
human being
-Animal cloning
Same entire cloning possibility for all animal types
-Gene engineering
Possibility to modify and enhance body components by
genetic engineering

-Cell therapy
Cell scale medicine for main diseases
-body parts techniques
limb growth technology
bone growth technology

-Safe transplant techniques
-from human donors
-Esotransplants from
Modified animals with genetic engineering to produce
organs to be transplanted in humans

To implement the above plan also medical facilities
need to be improved and renovated
In every apartment a monitor portal , connected with
the med must be installed for instant control and
monitoring potential alterations
Fitness facilities can be provided inside the
residence and\or in its neighbourhood

Medical center fully equipped must be located within
walking distance from the residence in all
neighbourhood units, the centers will be equipped
with appropriate facilities for prevention and
preliminary diagnosis.
Each individual must registered at one of these
centers for future care.
Full size medical centers in locations well connected
by transportation with all the necessary equipment for
complete diagnosis and treatment
For specialized treatments, dedicated centers where
will be possible to complete any surgery or long term
-Post treatment
Facilities , in good and healthy location for
specialized post treatment cures
-Sperm banks
to allow safe reproduction a sperm bank, containing
every person’s sample sperm must be in operation.
Such facility must have the right equipment for DNA
control of sperm at atomic level.
Phase 4- Develop Procedures
Once the above is developed and the system is
operational we can foresee the following procedures
4.1-1monitor instant alterations by reading injected
chips in monitoring portals
4.1.2-Alterations readings transmitted online to
doctor or medical center for immediate follow-up
through online records
4.1.3-remote checking system can give instant
treatment information for clear cases, require further
intervention on suspects cases and identify trends for
potential disease
4.2.1-Suspect cases to medical centers to prepare
instant body models and detect alterations with all
4.2.2-Compare body model trends and situation with
disease models and identify potential situation
4.2.3-treatment simulation tests utilizing patient
body model and possible diagnosis for possible
4.3.1-Immediate treatment in case of clear diagnosis
of simple disease followed by controls and further
4.3.2-suspected cases send to fully equipped medical
general centers
4.4.1-serious diseases ( heart, cancer other ) send
patient to specialized centers with adequate treatment
4.4.2-Atomic level treatment and robotic surgery if
4.5-Post treatment
4.5.1-At specialized post treatment centers for fast

2-eliminate all disease causing external factors
this is the task and part of a different and dedicated
plan involving political issues not part of this
section so we will name some main features:
-intervention on the environment, food, way of life,
pollution, security, crime
Once the above system will be fully operational we
will learn , all causes, consequences, risks of any
single natural disease which could be prevented in its

Having eliminated disease as a cause of death we still
must face the natural aging and wear of our body
components at atomic scale.
Such natural wear will undoubtedly lead to a physical
end of such components unless they are adequately
treated , rejuvenated or substituted.
Since we are still dealing with an alteration of the
body components at atomic scale, the intervention is
similar to the previous regarding disease with the
additional possibility of changing our cells with a
rejuvenation procedure to be analysed separately
At the end of this phase we must reach the goal of
eliminating disease as a cause of death.
Much has still to be achieved to reach immortality .

Having analysed and eliminated the disease and aging
death causes let’s face the third phase to achieve an
enhancement of the human body
With the knowhow previously developed to eliminate
disease we can proceed to the next phase to prevent
disease and to enhance the body with several steps and
technologies by utilizing atomic level treatment and
new tools.
We can define several progressive phases for the
needed activities
1-Intervention on the individual DNA
We have two general alternatives in this situation
a-prebirth intervention
b-intervention on existing individual
Let’s analyse the first one
a-prebirth disease prevention
Such action can be subdivided in several steps:
-parents sperm in bank
The sperm of the future parents can be stored in a
sperm bank , which shall contain sperm sample of every
individual for potential utilization
-atomic level gene and DNA analysis in bank
The DNA of the chosen sperm must be analysed at all
levels to define by its composition future defects and
traits of the individual
-eliminate all disease causing components
Once all potential defects and diseases will be
identified by proper screening techniques they must be
eliminated with gene engineering and other atomic
level techniques in the sperm.
-modify DNA for improved physical features
After the correction of defects apply gene engineering
techniques to enhance physical features of the future
-modify DNA for improved intellectual features
Same application to enhance the intellectual features
with gene engineering or other artificial implants
-proceed to extra womb pregnancy
Such out of womb birth technique must become

b-living organism
The above treatment and intervention on the individual
DNA and atomic level components should be possible not
only before the birth but also on living persons.
Such treatment should consist of the following:
-analyse DNA for alterations
All genetic disease and other defects must be detected
on the individual DNA
-atomic level gene and DNA treatment
apply similar techniques as on previous case to
correct DNA and other atomic level imperfections
-eliminate all disease causing components
Once all potential defects and diseases will be
identified by proper screening techniques they must be
eliminated with gene engineering and other atomic
level techniques in the sperm.
-modify DNA for improved physical features
After the correction of defects apply gene engineering
techniques to enhance physical features of the future
-modify DNA for improved intellectual features
Same application to enhance the intellectual features
with gene engineering or other artificial implants
The above treatment and intervention on the individual
DNA and atomic level components should be possible not
only before the birth but also on living persons.
Enhancement will refer to the body physical
capabilities like stronger disease resistant cells or
to improve body activities for sport events or
particular physical efforts and also enhancement of
intellectual capabilities for study or work activities
but without damaging the body as in the case of drugs.
Such enhancement will allow our bodies to be more
resistant and less wearable as well as more apt for
specific tasks but without changing their nature.

During this phase medicine in general will have
adopted all technologies previously discussed in phase
1 for alternative interventions or for particular
More advances in general medicine technologies must be
implemented in this phase and in particular:
-human cloning
this technique must become commonplace for any birth
where parents want to preserve some existing genetic
features, but with the possibility of intervention on
the prebirth phase as described above for disease
elimination and physical and mental enhancement.
The cloned humans will in this case , retains the main
features of the original but with improvements due to
new technologies.
-intellianimal assistance
another important improvement will be the possibility
to develop by gene improvement intellianimals or
enhanced mental animals.
Such intellianimals can play an important role as
medical assistance as well as domestic help
-natural growth and regeneration of body parts
techniques to allow the growth of severed limbs and
bone structure must be developed to allow intervention
for accidental losses or damaged of body parts

Once we have enhanced the body physical features with
intervention at atomic level on the DNA, we can face
the more complex psychical features.
The main techniques will be:
-natural enhancement with intervention to modify brain
--artificial enhancement bi implanting nanochips to
interact with brain with extra memory and other brain
functions increased capability
-web connected implants with a web based neuron
network with instant accessibility and interaction
with memory, data bases and other web based
information system capabilities
-development of ESP capabilities, specifically
telepathy, to allow instant mind communication between

The progress in artificial organs development ,
including vital fluids, skin, bones and other
capabilities like limb growth will allow, as an
alternative, the substitution of wear or non working
parts of our body, with artificial ones.
Human utilizing this technique will be called cyborgs,
still they will retain most of their human nature.
With artificial implants they can develop enhanced
vision, hearing, smell and other improved senses as
well as more resistant organs or more disease free
Their brain and their mind will keep all their
humanity and they can obtain immortality simply by
substituting periodically their body parts and
components or through a combination of artificial and
natural rejuvenation techniques.
The use of eyeglasses or of hearing aids make all of
us cyborgs.
In the other hand the progress in robotics and in
their AI capability will allow, as soon as they have
reached a human size intellectual or superior mental
capability, to produce robots with intelligence
capabilities at the same or superior level than
If we give these robots an exterior human appearance
we will have produced androids.
They will be utilized in many functions and activities
where there is close interrelation with humans, such
as domestic help, assistance, personal company and
other endless functions.
In extreme cases such androids may be the vessel for
brain mind transplants from humans

virtual immortality
We can basically summarize several ways to achieve
virtual immortality
a-by periodic rejuvenation treatments
b-by periodically transferring our mind in a new body
Both techniques or other will be promoted and
implemented in accordance with the progress in
medicine since several proposals have been made about
the subject.
Other possibilities have been examined about cyborg
At the moment rejuvenation techniques are being
seriously considered and developed and may be applied
before Phase 1 or 2 are completed since such
activities may take a longer time
other techniques allow speculations about
transferring the mind in artificial organism but such
activities will be discussed later.
Let’s analyse them one by one
-rejuvenation techniques
By modifying the aging cells at atomic level by
returning them to the original conditions or by
substituting them with new ones by transplant or other
The main possibility of virtual immortality will be
the periodic substitution or rejuvenation
intervention, every thirty years approximately, on the
older and wear out cells.
Such intervention will allow to regenerate all body
organs and fluids and have at any time the body
capability of an ideal younger age.
New techniques of cell intervention will be identified
such as atomic level rejuvenation , substitution or
transplant techniques with cloned cells or foreign
Enhancement intervention at cell level will be
performed during the rejuvenation session in order to
improve the entire body functions
-implant artificial components
Another technique , in many ways similar to the cyborg
techniques will be to implant perfectly functioning
and enhanced body parts in a living organism.
Hearing, vision, bone structure, blood circulation
could be permanently disease free and enhanced with
such techniques.
-transfer of brain\mind
Another future possibility will be the transfer of
memory brain parts during pregnancy on enhanced clone
or other body prepared for that scope or to an android
artificial body.
In this alternative virtual immortality will refers to
the mind only, since we will be periodically
substituting the body.
This technique could be applied once the dichotomy
body\mind is clear and well studied and will refer to
the transfer of our mind components to a new brain
during pregnancy, entirely new one or a clone of the
first one.
Here is only considered as a speculative possibility
to complete a logic approach to the problem.
In this case our mind will take possession of a new
body and will grow with it.
Several ethical and practical problems must be solved
before this technique could be applied.
We are not considering the case of mind transfer to a
living body since that implies the demise of another
mind unless such body has been specifically engineered
as mindless.
Another important aspect to be explored and improved
in this phase will be to allow telepathy in human
Such technology and mind enhancement will allow an
entirely new communication system and other major
implications in out species, but such speculations
will be part of phase 3 , an interstellar society
At the end of this phase, to be contemporary to a new
dimension of human society, having achieved the status
of an interplanetary society, will allow humanity to
face the next challenges with the ideal conditions for
developing the necessary tools for further human
species evolution.
The interstellar society with the consequent
interstellar human migration.

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#2 Bruce Klein

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Posted 22 June 2005 - 09:13 PM

Dear Giorgio,

I've posted your essay to ImmInst Leadership for
to our next book project. Your contribution is
warmly appreciated.
Dear Bruce,
I am very pleased that you posted the essay, I hope
that it could be of interest.
if necessary I have an updated version with a few
graphic charts.
Giorgio Gaviragh

#3 Bruce Klein

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Posted 22 June 2005 - 09:14 PM

Yes, Giorgio.

If you can send the latest version, that'd be great.

Thank you,

#4 Bruce Klein

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Posted 22 June 2005 - 10:40 PM

I am sending you the updated version
let me know any comment so we can consider them
reagrds Giorgio

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