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C60/OO positive bioactivity relates to Hydrated Fullerene (HyFn) formation

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#151 niner

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Posted 06 February 2013 - 01:08 PM

Thorium is a common contaminant in coal, at extremely low levels, but not zero. I recall hearing that living near a coal-fired power plant would expose you to more radiation than living equidistant from a nuclear plant.

also tests have shown a small amount of C60 in the soil produced vegetables yealds 6 to 7 percent higher, and is being considered as an addition to fertiliser,

Now this is interesting! It's been seen in multiple species in the animal kingdom, but this is the first I've heard of it in plants. Someone needs to try it in zombies.

#152 Fred_CALICO

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Posted 06 February 2013 - 02:09 PM

This is not necessarily acting on C60 plants but perhaps trace elements present in the Shungite.
Soils are often a trace element deficiency. At its re-introduction into the environment, it boost life in it.

I can not Edit my initial post.

2002: http://mole.rc.kyushu-u.ac.jp/ IrCl ~ / utu / old% 20homepage/EST_U_nano.pdf
Section which shows the presence of uranium in the shungite.
"Some of the nanocrystals of uraninite are completely
encapsulated by the fulleroid. In this “fulleroid shell”, the U
appears to be partially protected from the ambient oxidizing
conditions of the atmosphere, and this reduces its mobility
in the environments, as oxidized species of uranium are much
more mobile."

Page 40, document 1956 : http://pubs.usgs.gov.../529/report.pdf
"All of the richer and larger known deposits of uraniferous marine carbonaceous shale are of
Paleozoic age: the Swedish alum shales and the Dictyonema shale are Cambrqubrdovician, the
Chattanooga is Devonian, the Domanik in the U. S. S. R. is Opper Devonian, and the shungite in
Karelia (U0 S. S. R.) is now thought to be post-Devonian, probably lower Carboniferous."

But I do not quantities.

I asked for a quote for lab analysis (http://www.criirad.org/)

Click HERE to rent this advertising spot for C60 HEALTH to support Longecity (this will replace the google ad above).

#153 Turnbuckle

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Posted 06 February 2013 - 02:33 PM

Section which shows the presence of uranium in the shungite.
"Some of the nanocrystals of uraninite are completely
encapsulated by the fulleroid. In this “fulleroid shell”, the U
appears to be partially protected from the ambient oxidizing
conditions of the atmosphere, and this reduces its mobility
in the environments, as oxidized species of uranium are much
more mobile."

Your link isn't working, but from this it seems they are saying that C60 somehow protected uraninite from oxidation, but uraninite is an oxide of uranium and a component of pitchblende. So I don't see how there was any potential protection unless there was some un-oxidized uranium found, it which case it was likely the result of mechanical encapsulation.

#154 Fred_CALICO

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Posted 06 February 2013 - 04:12 PM


#155 Turnbuckle

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Posted 06 February 2013 - 04:37 PM


The paper is about fulleroids (along with various metal oxides) in fly ash from coal burning plants. Not about Shungite.

#156 Fred_CALICO

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Posted 06 February 2013 - 05:18 PM


The paper is about fulleroids (along with various metal oxides) in fly ash from coal burning plants. Not about Shungite.

A priori C60 production from natural too.

#157 GVA

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Posted 07 February 2013 - 05:47 PM

Hi Sell58,

My main interest is in Shungite and its carbon 60-like properties. It is my sense that Shungite has more to offer than the man-made version of C60 that everyone here is adding to olive oil, but I'm reluctant to post anything about it at this time. Perhaps when I have more research/experimentation under my belt.

If you don't mind explaining in more detail, what type of experiments were you planning on trying with shungite and vegetable seeds? This is moving away from the topic, so it might be better suited in a new thread.

Dear Sell58 and Somecallmetim,
Be patient please, but now i am preparing my reply as of yours non-simple questions.
SMIE (Sorry for My Imperfect English)!

Yes, the question about schungits, fullerenes and special properties of water is really actual topic to find out all aspects of it. But it, probably, not for this thread.

Nevertheless I’d like to say, that expected effects could be both positive and negative. Why? All depends on samples of schungits: some samples (ShC1) can contain fullerenes, the other ones (ShC2) don’t contain them.
(Photo of three types of Schungits it's possible to see at the end of this message)
Also some samples of schungits can contain toxic ions of heavy metals, such as cadmium, zinc etc. How such factor can influence the germination, further growth and health of plants is hard predictable.
Additionally, even if the high-carbon schungits (ShC1) contain C60 (approximately 0.001 - 0.04 % w/w, according to our data, e.g. on http://www.ipacom.co...lin 2000_en.pdf), it is impossible to extract them with water, since fullerenes are strong connected with silicate-carbonic matrix of the schungite because of donor-acceptor bonds between C60 and oxygen-containing natural components of schungits.
But why schungite is biological active?
Working with this material many years, we have come to understanding that fullerenes (Ñ60 first of all), being in schungits, determine their fullerene-like microstructures. As a result of this, when water contacts with C60 containing schungits, it gets special structures, which are similar to the water ones, surrounding hydrated C60 (HyFn).
In other words, the appearance of biological properties of water, drawn on the schungite, is determined by the water structures, which water acquired, contacting with the surface of the schungite stones (see on http://www.ipacom.co...d-water-left/57 and more extended version of this see on http://www.ipacom.co...es-and-water/57, sorry, but in Russian).
Regarding the question of the schungits radioactivity I could say, that there should not be problems with it at all, because in the late fifties of the last century the Ministry of Health of USSR allowed the using of schungite paste for external use for treatment of skin and joints diseases. Moreover, in the early nineties of the last century, household and semi-industrial schungite øóíãèòíûå filters (in a combination with zeolites) have been officially allowed in Russia and used now for clearing and preparation of qualitative potable water (e.g., see on http://www.shungitpl...ning_water.html).

As a conclusion, there are all grounds to insist that there is no sense to continue the discussion of questions about the radioactivity of the schungits on this forum, and it could be organized a separate thread for the discussion of questions about the correlation of the biological activity between “water+schungite” and “C60+OO”.

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Edited by GVA, 07 February 2013 - 06:00 PM.

#158 SarahVaughter

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Posted 07 February 2013 - 06:01 PM


As I mentioned before, alpha particles do not penetrate the skin. It would in theory be quite safe to use Plutonium cream on the skin, since Pu is mainly an alpha emitter and alphas do not cross the dead keratin layer of the skin.

Please do not say that something is "safe" and "not radioactive" when the type of radiation merely is only lethal through ingestion.

I am not saying that Shungite is radioactive, I'm just trying to draw attention to the little-known fact that there are many types of ionizing radiation. Some radioactive materials can be smeared all over the skin and you'll never get get cancer, neither does any radiation show up on a Geiger counter, however after ingestion you face a certain, speedy death of radiation-induced cancer.

Edited by SarahVaughter, 07 February 2013 - 06:07 PM.

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#159 somecallmetim

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Posted 07 February 2013 - 08:44 PM

My main interest is in Shungite and its carbon 60-like properties. It is my sense that Shungite has more to offer than the man-made version of C60 that everyone here is adding to olive oil...

I should have been more specific when I wrote this. What I meant to say is that it is my sense that the carbon 60-like molecule, which can be found in Shungite, may have more to offer in terms of its physiological benefits than the man-made version of C60 that everyone in this forum thread is familiar with. I believe that the molecule found in Shungite is not the same as C60, and by harnessing this molecule without any heavy metals etc. tagging along, then we might have something even better than C60. I apologize to those of you who thought I was suggesting that consuming Shungite was a good idea.

GVA - thanks for the followup post. Yes, I was aware of the various grades of stone, and I have a few pieces of the glassy, ShC1. I will read the links you provided hopefully later tonight. And I agree that there is no cause for alarm about Shungite being possibly radioactive - of the lab analysis' that I have come across, none have reported any levels of radioactivity to be concerned about.

Not that I am anti-radioactivity - I am a proponent of radiation hormesis, but again, this is a topic for another thread.

#160 niner

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Posted 07 February 2013 - 10:10 PM

What I meant to say is that it is my sense that the carbon 60-like molecule, which can be found in Shungite, may have more to offer in terms of its physiological benefits than the man-made version of C60 that everyone in this forum thread is familiar with. I believe that the molecule found in Shungite is not the same as C60

Why do you think this is the case?

#161 GVA

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Posted 08 February 2013 - 07:35 PM

What I meant to say is that it is my sense that the carbon 60-like molecule, which can be found in Shungite, may have more to offer in terms of its physiological benefits than the man-made version of C60 that everyone in this forum thread is familiar with. I believe that the molecule found in Shungite is not the same as C60

Why do you think this is the case?

For strict science there can not be a concept "believe or not". In article which I quote the strict
facts which testify the presence Ñ60 fullerene only in ShC1 are given. In the field of chemistry of
fullerenes, these facts it is quite enough for fullerene's experts, which have no doubt about that
ShC1 contain Ñ60 (standard absorption band of Ñ60 in UV-specra; it standard signals in IR
spectra, and molecular ion Ñ60 signal in mass spectra, like early on http://www.ipacom.co...lin 2000_en.pdf) ). What is more?

Strange, but this link has not been connected earlier correctly, that has caused questions in our readers. We try to correct the such.

Edited by GVA, 08 February 2013 - 07:38 PM.

#162 GVA

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Posted 29 March 2013 - 09:30 PM

http://dx.doi.org/10...tox.2010.12.003 (with using “homeopathic” solutions of C60HyFn)
http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2155-6156.1000215 (with using “standard doses” of C60HyFn)
http://dx.doi.org/10...tox.2008.01.005 (with using “homeopathic” solutions of C60HyFn)

Thanks, GVA. I had not previously seen all of these. For the benefit of the forum, here are the doses used in the two low-dose papers:

Toxicol 2008 p. 158-65: 30 nM = 21.6 ug/l in drinking water
Toxicol 2011 p. 69-81: 4 ug/l in drinking water
Commercial HyFn fully diluted product: 2.8 nM = 2 ug/l

These doses are reasonably comparable, and should put to rest any claims of "homeopathy". If I were to replace all my drinking water with the HyFn water, I'd get a dose of 8-10 ug/day, more or less. My 15mg monthly dose of c60-oo works out to about 500 ug/day. It may be the case that I'm getting more c60 than I need, or it might be the case that HyFn is more bioavailable. It might also be the case that for full benefits from HyFn, you need to use a dose closer to the 2008 paper, like 50 ug/day, or maybe even more.

To many of all aforesaid:
As of “To The Question On The Formation Possibility Of Some “Adducts” Of Ñ60 With Fatty Acids During C60 Dissolution In Olive Oil”, Pl see info on the following thread - http://www.longecity...iple-in-c60-oo/
Sincerely yours,

#163 anagram

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Posted 30 March 2013 - 05:20 AM

Here is an intresting study on Chlorophyll and its metabolites.

Edited by anagram, 30 March 2013 - 05:20 AM.

#164 Fred_CALICO

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Posted 30 March 2013 - 10:09 AM

Reading this far


  • Degrees of hydroxylation of fullerenes and the concentration can influence toxicity

  • Degree of hydroxylation affects nanoparticle agglomeraion in media which affects toxicity

  • Inaccurate results at high concentrations of fullerenes may be due to agglomeration


Executive summary

Photodynamic therapy
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) involves the combination of nontoxic photosensitizing dyes, harmless visible light and oxygen.
The photosensitizing dyes absorb light to form long-lived triplet states that can mediate photochemistry leading to generation of either free radicals (type 1) or singlet oxygen (type 2).
These reactive oxygen species can kill undesirable species that include cancer cells, pathogenic bacteria, fungi and viruses.
PDT can destroy tumors by direct tumor cell killing, vascular shutdown and activation of the host immune system.

Fullerenes as photosensitizers
Fullerenes have an absorption spectra that span the visible range, although they are biased towards the UVA and blue range.
Fullerenes have high photostability and resistance to photobleaching.
Fullerenes show both type I (free radicals) and type II (singlet oxygen) photochemistry.
Fullerenes can be chemically modified for tuning the drug's physical and chemical properties.
To extend their absorption spectrum further into the red wavelengths, they can be modified by attachment of light harvesting antennae.
Molecular self-assembly of fullerene cages into vesicles allows improved drug delivery.

Photophysics & photochemistry of fullerenes
Fullerenes efficiently generate singlet oxygen in organic solvents but switch to type 1 photochemistry in aqueous environments.
Electron transfer to a triplet fullerene can give a radical anion that produces superoxide from oxygen.
The highly toxic hydroxyl radical can be subsequently formed from superoxide.
Despite the demonstrated ability of fullerenes to quench reactive oxygen species in some circumstances, PDT can be efficiently mediated by illuminated fullerenes.

In vitro PDT with fullerenes
Several studies have shown that cancer cells such as HeLa can be killed after incubation with various fullerenes both pristine and functionalized, and illumination with various wavelengths of light.
Viruses can be inactivated and DNA breaks produced by photoactivated fullerenes.
Gram-positive bacteria, Gram-negative bacteria and fungal cells can all be killed by PDT mediated by fullerenes with cationic charges.
Determination of the subcellular localization of fullerenes in cancer cells is challenging due to a lack of fluorescence but some progress has been made.

In vivo PDT with fullerenes
There are reports that PDT with fullerenes can destroy or inhibit subcutaneous tumors growing in mice.
One report shows increased survival in a challenging disseminated abdominal cancer model.
An illuminated cationic fullerene can save the life of mice with an invasive bacterial wound infection.
Biodistribution and imaging studies may be carried out if the fullerene has a suitable label such as gadolinium.

#165 GVA

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Posted 23 July 2013 - 06:06 PM

FYI: exclusive and not for encyclical !!!

> My friend Bohdan Dolban was in a bicycle accident at Hawkstone, but is recovering very quickly, taking FWS twice per day. He has two broken vertebrae also but that should heal in about 6 weeks
(FWS – is aqueous solutions of hydrated C60 fullerenes = C60HyFn, http://www.ipacom.com and http://www.c60water.com , GVA comments)
> wd

> From: Bohdan Dolban [mailto:bohdan.dolban@sympatico.ca]
> Sent: Saturday, July 20, 2013 4:37 PM
> To: wderzko@pathcom.com
> Subject: Update Bohda

> I am feeling better and recovering very quickly. In addition to the meds, I
> credit the progress to FWS and hyperbaric oxygen therapy . I have been
> going every day since the accident . Take a look at before and 5days after
> pictures.
> http://www.underpressurehbot.ca/

> I am still have a little difficulty speaking, however by the end of the
> week, I hope to be back to 100% speaking capacity. I did not lose any
> teeth and hope the scars to go away quickly. I have an appointment at the
> neurosurgeon on Thursday to determine extent of neck damage. So I will
> provide another update next week.
> Biggest issue right now is that I can sit, stand or lie down for too long.
> In the next couple of weeks I am going to hire a student to take me around
> to calls if needed.
> Thanks
> Bohdan

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#166 Hebbeh

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Posted 23 July 2013 - 08:04 PM

Appears to be a very painful face plant. Best of luck in your recovery.

#167 andprosper

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Posted 13 November 2017 - 07:10 PM

I recently started a daily regime of 50-100 µg C60 in EVOO (+ extra chlorophyll). So far so good, but I’ve also added 500 mg methionine to dampen the postulated demethylation effect.


Turnbuckle, can you share what leads you to postulate a demethylation effect of the c600?

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