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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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Who are you and what can you do?

outreachvolunteering organisation projects activism volunteering outreach

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#31 Droplet

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Posted 19 February 2013 - 04:18 PM

I work as a graphic designer so my skillset would involve Photoshop, Quarkxpeess, Illustrator, Indesign etc.

Can you produce pamphlets etc.? We have an ongoing leaflet project and such skills could be helpful. :)

#32 mikeinnaples

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Posted 20 February 2013 - 02:06 PM

Current Position: Software Engineer
Current Employer: NASA


I've worked for both a large and small software company in the past on product development teams. I have also worked in IT shops as a developer in the construction and medical device manufacturing industries. Prior to that, I had extensive medical training and experience in the military with responsibilities and duties comparable to both a paramedic and a physician assistant.


My main skills are in designing and developing software, but I do have pretty extensive experience in managing and administering databases. I also have pretty good hardware experience and regularly do system builds from component purchases ( <3 newegg).


My passions other than life extension are surfing (and traveling to chase waves), exercising, gardening, and computer games. Weird mix....... I know. I am only interest in games where you play both with and against other people. Nothing bores me more than repetition and non dynamic game play. The only way to actually have that is when other people are involved. Been successful at my hobby as well, been either the leader or member of some of the top teams in the world across several games. Back in the day, I use to code and design zones for old school MUDs ......for fun.

Edited by mikeinnaples, 20 February 2013 - 02:07 PM.

#33 Proof

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Posted 20 February 2013 - 03:19 PM

I work as a graphic designer so my skillset would involve Photoshop, Quarkxpeess, Illustrator, Indesign etc.

Can you produce pamphlets etc.? We have an ongoing leaflet project and such skills could be helpful. :)

Sure, let me know when you have something in mind!
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#34 Droplet

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Posted 20 February 2013 - 07:23 PM

Sure, let me know when you have something in mind!

Now that's the enthusiastic attitude I like to see on these boards! :-D
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#35 Amichai Řezník

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Posted 21 February 2013 - 11:02 AM

I am 18, still in high school. My major is in Electronics, so I guess that would be my skill, I want to be an engineer like my brother. He's a computer engineer but i'll settle for Electrical engineering. So that's it pretty much :)

I wonder how that could help promote the transhumanist cause.

Edited by Amichai Řezník, 21 February 2013 - 11:05 AM.

#36 Droplet

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Posted 21 February 2013 - 11:31 AM

I am 18, still in high school. My major is in Electronics, so I guess that would be my skill, I want to be an engineer like my brother. He's a computer engineer but i'll settle for Electrical engineering. So that's it pretty much :)

I wonder how that could help promote the transhumanist cause.

There's loads you can do...are you any good at public speaking? What about a bit fo outreach work? We have a whole forum dedicated to outreach. What do you do for your hobbies and what skills do they involve?

#37 Amichai Řezník

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Posted 21 February 2013 - 01:36 PM

I am 18, still in high school. My major is in Electronics, so I guess that would be my skill, I want to be an engineer like my brother. He's a computer engineer but i'll settle for Electrical engineering. So that's it pretty much :)

I wonder how that could help promote the transhumanist cause.

There's loads you can do...are you any good at public speaking? What about a bit fo outreach work? We have a whole forum dedicated to outreach. What do you do for your hobbies and what skills do they involve?

No , I am not really good in public speaking. My hobbies include playing video games, cosmology, philosophy, listening to music etc...
I may be going to college next year for 2 years and than doing army for 3 years(where i live you're supposed to do army for 3 years right after high school, but in this program you do the service in the field that you're specialized at). Where I would be learning to be a "practical engineer"(http://en.wikipedia....ctical_engineer) in electrical engineering.
My point was what would my future of profession of electrical engineering help Transhumanism in the long run? Because really, I think this is the only thing I will ever have serious skill at.

#38 Droplet

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Posted 21 February 2013 - 02:28 PM

My point was what would my future of profession of electrical engineering help Transhumanism in the long run? Because really, I think this is the only thing I will ever have serious skill at.

Well for a start, you're from Israel...what language do you speak? That's a skill. :) Secondly, if you look in the projects and ideas forum, just pick something that takess your fancy and help ouy. I've said it before and will say it again - outreach takes no specialist skills and is easy. After all, I help out here and I'm just an office worker.

Edited by Droplet, 21 February 2013 - 02:28 PM.

#39 He@dshot

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Posted 26 February 2013 - 02:35 PM

17 years old, still going to school :)

Skills? dunno... Perhaps all Computer related stuff, just started learning C++
I'm a very good seller too (I think :|?)

about me... only living in Germany since 3.5 years, France for the rest (which could explain my horrible English skills? :-D )
Found this forum while searching about nootropics, and plan for the next few years to begin with skydiving, and move to BASE jumping :laugh:

Edited by He@dshot, 26 February 2013 - 02:36 PM.

#40 Droplet

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Posted 27 February 2013 - 07:00 AM

17 years old, still going to school :)

Skills? dunno... Perhaps all Computer related stuff, just started learning C++
I'm a very good seller too (I think :|?)

about me... only living in Germany since 3.5 years, France for the rest (which could explain my horrible English skills? :-D )
Found this forum while searching about nootropics, and plan for the next few years to begin with skydiving, and move to BASE jumping :laugh:

Well He@dshot, you are young and volunteering here could potentially look good on a CV for future jobs. Computer skills and sales are VERY good skills. As you are obviously comfortable dealing with people, would you ever consider public speaking/outreach at at all? A talk at your school on life extension could be a good idea perhaps. :) We also have a lot of life extension outreach work where we could use someone with good persuasion techniques able to sell our cause.

#41 He@dshot

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Posted 27 February 2013 - 09:19 AM

As you are obviously comfortable dealing with people, would you ever consider public speaking/outreach at at all? A talk at your school on life extension could be a good idea perhaps. :) We also have a lot of life extension outreach work where we could use someone with good persuasion techniques able to sell our cause.

Just found about this forum a few days ago, let's wait a little for that :laugh:

They are so many things i have to discover before even think about the "talk on life extension" :happy:
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#42 blueinfinity

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Posted 27 February 2013 - 08:24 PM

As you are obviously comfortable dealing with people, would you ever consider public speaking/outreach at at all? A talk at your school on life extension could be a good idea perhaps. :) We also have a lot of life extension outreach work where we could use someone with good persuasion techniques able to sell our cause.

Just found about this forum a few days ago, let's wait a little for that :laugh:

They are so many things i have to discover before even think about the "talk on life extension" :happy:

yeah, that is a good idea.

get at least a general understanding or basic understanding of what direction and specialty you want to take even this forum and the life extension can be extremely broad.

Lots of learn on here and great place to meet and get to know some really great people for mutual and worldly benefit.
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#43 theconomist

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Posted 02 March 2013 - 07:34 PM

I'm still a student(hopefully that will change in a few years) but I can provide legal advice; France/EU law specifically. I guess I could also provide translation services if needed; french to english and vis versa.
I'm also rather good at stocks, (protofolio up 7.8% so far this year (got hammered by Boeing), 121% last year (thanks Apple,Greece,Société Général,Ford and Porsche) ) and so I've got a little fund set up on the side to invest in projects which I'm hoping to add to in the coming years.

#44 stratego

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Posted 05 March 2013 - 02:53 AM

Haul truck driver and Trainer at gold mine. I work a rotating schedule days and nights. As far as my hobbies go I read and workout a lot. Enjoy speaking and spreading information to help improve the people around me.

#45 Droplet

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Posted 05 March 2013 - 03:25 PM

Haul truck driver and Trainer at gold mine. I work a rotating schedule days and nights. As far as my hobbies go I read and workout a lot. Enjoy speaking and spreading information to help improve the people around me.

Perhaps you would consider doing talks about life extension, maybe at your local educational establishments? It would use your love of speaking...you love what I hate. :)

#46 stratego

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Posted 05 March 2013 - 05:59 PM

Haha yeah sounds good! I am new to this forum but wanted to get involved. Are you compiling information to distribute? I have been into smart drugs, nutrition, and supplements. But it would be nice to have a general outline to work with or if you have a idea of where I could start. That would be great. Looking forward to getting involved! Thanks!

#47 Droplet

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Posted 06 March 2013 - 06:43 AM

Are you compiling information to distribute?

We are in talks about such things. :)

#48 donnie_d

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Posted 08 March 2013 - 09:50 AM

donnie_d - data analysis/management/migration
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#49 Droplet

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Posted 14 March 2013 - 03:40 PM

donnie_d - data analysis/management/migration

Very good. :) Do you have any hobbies and interests that have transferable skills? If unsure, please tell us of your hobbies that you are comfortable with us knowing about. :)

Edited by Droplet, 14 March 2013 - 03:40 PM.

#50 alex.49.98

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Posted 14 March 2013 - 08:31 PM

I've got who we are, all right. To move forward it is not enough to have a forum topic. Where is the leader and what is the plan? There are many well educated people on the planet and if we put a good effort into the solving of this problem we might be able to do it. First of all we have to find professionals working in bio-research already investigating the influence of different proteins on the longevity such as SIRT3, for example. We need to find out how to speed up the research.

#51 carenesworld

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Posted 14 March 2013 - 09:57 PM

Hi there, I am Carene ~ There are some really awesome people here, with great skills! What can I do? Most everything I set my mind to actually that doesn't involve insects ~ but for the sake of describing my current situation:

Administrative - I am currently employed as a Legal Assistant for prominent attorneys in the labor and employment area of law. I am extremely organized, and have interpersonal skills that span all walks of life. Great researcher, compiler of information, above-average in spreadsheets.

Creative - Out-of-box thinker, "type A" - I am very artistic, ambitious and caring. I can sing. I can dance. I am persuasive and can find ways to get what I want by alternate angles when necessary without unrest. I can compromise, too. I can analyze and adapt to a team situation where needed.

Handy Person - I can weld, light electrical work, I have been known to make furniture, can change a tire and check basic things on car, I can read specs pretty well, and can troubleshoot.

Spiritual - I can appreciate many aspects of different cultures and religions.

Assorted - I can ride (and jump) a horse. I also can read tarot cards with an impressive level of accuracy.
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#52 donnie_d

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Posted 14 March 2013 - 11:49 PM

donnie_d - data analysis/management/migration

Very good. :) Do you have any hobbies and interests that have transferable skills? If unsure, please tell us of your hobbies that you are comfortable with us knowing about. :)

Well for work I review and move large volumes of engineering data, for Fun I collate information on nootropics and supplements.

As a side note I am sure someone has a better spreadsheet for tracking their supp's but here are the data points I collect:

Owned or Not
Common Positives
Common Negatives
Low Daily Dose
High Daily Dose
Doses Per Day
Initial Dose
Daily Limit
Stack With
Comments - ROA/Interactions
Comments - Mode of Action
Comments - Other
Total Volume
Total Price
$ Per Gram
Date of Purchase
Date of Manufacture
Batch Number

This was created from http://www.longecity...vity-enhancers/

#53 Droplet

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Posted 19 March 2013 - 04:29 PM

Thanks again so far, everyone. :)

#54 robertangel30

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Posted 20 March 2013 - 08:05 PM

Hi, BA in polisci, liberal democrat, atheist and gay. Work for a hotel as customer service for reservation. I use many LEF products and was turned on to this by Pearson and Shaws book.
I am 52 years old.

Edited by robertangel30, 20 March 2013 - 08:06 PM.

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#55 Droplet

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Posted 21 March 2013 - 11:44 AM

Hi, BA in polisci, liberal democrat, atheist and gay. Work for a hotel as customer service for reservation. I use many LEF products and was turned on to this by Pearson and Shaws book.
I am 52 years old.

Very good. :) What are your hobbies and interests? They may show even more of your skills.:)

#56 hellbounddevildog

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Posted 24 March 2013 - 09:36 PM

Decent with electronics, good with computer hardware and software. Access to various software applications. Currently running a website and forum. Began looking into nootropics and came upon this site. Looking forward to helping in any way possible and helping further myself , as well as the people here.

...28 yrs old. Volunteer fireman and military reservist.
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#57 Droplet

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Posted 28 March 2013 - 07:10 AM

Decent with electronics, good with computer hardware and software. Access to various software applications. Currently running a website and forum. Began looking into nootropics and came upon this site. Looking forward to helping in any way possible and helping further myself , as well as the people here.

...28 yrs old. Volunteer fireman and military reservist.

Very Good. Love your username. :)

#58 Droplet

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Posted 28 March 2013 - 07:18 AM

I've got who we are, all right. To move forward it is not enough to have a forum topic. Where is the leader and what is the plan? There are many well educated people on the planet and if we put a good effort into the solving of this problem we might be able to do it. First of all we have to find professionals working in bio-research already investigating the influence of different proteins on the longevity such as SIRT3, for example. We need to find out how to speed up the research.

We are not all scientists here although we do have a fair few of those. This thread will hopefully get made into a database to match people and skills to voluntary roles. Science is very important but we also have to raise awareness to bring people round to the idea and also to encourage funding to our cause and many other roles. There are still a lot of people dead against the idea of defeating death (ha ha bad pun!) and we have to try to change that.

#59 simonpc123

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Posted 28 March 2013 - 10:57 AM

Hi there, I'm having a rather eclectic life mostly because I'm prone to both OCD, ADHD and deep depression, this translates such that I get extremely interested in something, think far too deeply about it and then absolutely have to find something else. To top it off I'm dyslexic (diagnosed 3 years ago) which is both totally awesome (3D mind and memory palaces) and terribly annoying (I love books but very rarely finish them, give me an equation any-day)
So my list of passions goes like this, of which some I'm rather proficient at, all of which I'm developing.

Biochemistry (currently in the form of standardized education at Wolves Uni but 25 years in a variety of styles and guises)
Nutrition (a necessity as I have a body that needs it and years of sport and health development. I have designed health foodstuff sold in major chains but, more interestingly for me, worked with high athletes)
Herbalist (the medicine man and the scientist. I was head of R&D for Advanced Herbals now called Swiss herbals.)
Sports conditioning (I've always had loads of energy and a mind to apply it to an aim)
No-Gi jujitsu/submission grappler (I get folded in to odd bruised shapes by my coach every week but recently competed in the nationals an came 4th. I was told that they didn't have anyone of my age (44) in the weight-class (70-75kgs) I was competing in so I had to compete with the 16-25 year olds ha ha ha kicked arse)
Hedge-layer (I grew up with woodlands around me so I'm in love with nature absolutely and totally so to enable better wildlife management I often go hedge-laying)
Woodland copicing (as above)
Groovy schmoozer (When I need to be I can work with a group with a pleasant, stimulating and easy manner)
Hermetic annoyingly deep think (I often get my teeth stuck in to an issue and take myself off until it's resolved sometimes for weeks)
Yoga instructor (Om shanti)
Good cook (My mother is a chef so I grew up being commis-chef as she learned her food art. And she has always been on a diet so, of course, I learned about macronutrients)

#60 hellbounddevildog

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Posted 28 March 2013 - 09:38 PM

Thanks Droplet.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: outreachvolunteering, organisation, projects, activism, volunteering, outreach

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