i dosed on that shit for fatigue and stress and i took only 4 damn capsules yet i feel like shit. got all dizzy, cant stand up and i feel super sedated as if i took benzos. it feels exactly like this, all negative effects of benzos without the positive (pleasure, euphoria). wtf is up with this crap ? how can you guys take it ? it makes me feel sooooo sick. right now as i type im super dizzy and if i stand up from the chair, i almost faint. CAN SOMEONE HELP ME DETOX IT ? WHATS THE HALF LIFE ???

Posted 29 January 2013 - 12:14 AM
i dosed on that shit for fatigue and stress and i took only 4 damn capsules yet i feel like shit. got all dizzy, cant stand up and i feel super sedated as if i took benzos. it feels exactly like this, all negative effects of benzos without the positive (pleasure, euphoria). wtf is up with this crap ? how can you guys take it ? it makes me feel sooooo sick. right now as i type im super dizzy and if i stand up from the chair, i almost faint. CAN SOMEONE HELP ME DETOX IT ? WHATS THE HALF LIFE ???
Posted 29 January 2013 - 12:25 AM
Posted 29 January 2013 - 12:42 AM
Posted 29 January 2013 - 12:51 AM
Edited by mait, 29 January 2013 - 12:52 AM.
Posted 29 January 2013 - 04:54 AM
Posted 29 January 2013 - 05:40 AM
Posted 29 January 2013 - 05:48 AM
Posted 29 January 2013 - 05:55 AM
Posted 29 January 2013 - 06:08 AM
Posted 29 January 2013 - 06:45 AM
Posted 29 January 2013 - 06:55 AM
Your posts are like a virus attacking this forum.
If you can't or wont do due diligence, you should really stay away from supplementing noots/herbals.
Why on earth or even hell (if they would even allow this in hell), would you drink like that after what you were currently experiencing?
Edited by Deckah, 29 January 2013 - 06:56 AM.
Posted 29 January 2013 - 08:01 AM
Posted 29 January 2013 - 08:58 AM
Posted 29 January 2013 - 10:56 AM
Posted 29 January 2013 - 11:10 AM
Posted 29 January 2013 - 01:25 PM
Dear Troll, you should have just ridden it out and you shouldnt have tried to drink youself down from it, its a bad idea even with amphetamine like stimulants and with rhodiola its less forseeable how it will interact with alcohol.guys call me troll or not, lets forget the labeling for a moment and solve this. is rhodiola very potent mao-b inhibitor ? with alcohol, im feeling serious surge of dopamine.
And yes there is some supposed MAO inhibtion so you shouldnt have taken this in dosages higher than recommended.
Posted 29 January 2013 - 05:27 PM
heart going like crazy hallucinations hyperexcitation this is fucking ill and even booze didnt calm me down
dont take this again, again one of these weird russian herbs we don't know what thye put in them
Edited by goldsilver, 29 January 2013 - 05:29 PM.
Posted 29 January 2013 - 09:33 PM
tnx guys. makes sense. but im having problems with this stuff 10 hours later. cant sleep and i drank shit load of alcohol. I CANT GET HIGH OFF ALCOHOL cuz of it. is this weird ? it somehow dulls the effect of alcohol to such degree, its pointless drinking. ...
Fwiw, when I recommended drinking liquids, I had bottled water in mind. But you might be on to something. Check this out:
Manipulation of catechol-O-methyl-transferase (COMT) activity to influence the attenuation of substance seeking behavior, a subtype of Reward Deficiency Syndrome (RDS), is dependent upon gene polymorphisms: a hypothesis.
... under physiological conditions (no psychoactive substances present (e.g. alcohol) carrying the DRD2 A1 allele with associated low D2 receptors should, as theorized, increase craving behavior because of a low or hypodopaminergic state causing the individual to seek out substances that increase the release of dopamine for subsequent activation of unbound D2 sites in the nucleus accumbens. Thus, in the absence of alcohol or other psychoactive drugs (dopamine releasers), especially during recovery or rehabilitation, decreasing, not increasing COMT activity, should result in enhanced synaptic dopamine as physiologically released, thereby proliferating D2 receptors while reducing stress, increasing well-being, reducing craving behavior and preventing relapse. Based on this hypothesis, we believe that adding the COMT inhibitor R. rosea (as Rhodimin) to our amino-acid and chromium combination in DUI offenders and other illegal drug-related crimes, increases the potential for more targeted neurochemical rebalancing and enhanced relapse prevention. ...
Posted 29 January 2013 - 09:49 PM
you can't get high on alcohol because it's a cholinergictnx guys. makes sense. but im having problems with this stuff 10 hours later. cant sleep and i drank shit load of alcohol. I CANT GET HIGH OFF ALCOHOL cuz of it. is this weird ? it somehow dulls the effect of alcohol to such degree, its pointless drinking. you just feel heavy physical wise. fucking pisses me off but at same time i think its good way to deter drinking, no ? either way, this stuff definately seems to be one of the more potent legal drugs out there. people should be careful with it.
Posted 30 January 2013 - 12:30 AM
you can't get high on alcohol because it's a cholinergictnx guys. makes sense. but im having problems with this stuff 10 hours later. cant sleep and i drank shit load of alcohol. I CANT GET HIGH OFF ALCOHOL cuz of it. is this weird ? it somehow dulls the effect of alcohol to such degree, its pointless drinking. you just feel heavy physical wise. fucking pisses me off but at same time i think its good way to deter drinking, no ? either way, this stuff definately seems to be one of the more potent legal drugs out there. people should be careful with it.
i do. why would you claim i dont ? i feel a high. it also depends on what alcohol. each type affects you differently. there must be done research on it.
tnx guys. makes sense. but im having problems with this stuff 10 hours later. cant sleep and i drank shit load of alcohol. I CANT GET HIGH OFF ALCOHOL cuz of it. is this weird ? it somehow dulls the effect of alcohol to such degree, its pointless drinking. ...
Fwiw, when I recommended drinking liquids, I had bottled water in mind. But you might be on to something. Check this out:
Manipulation of catechol-O-methyl-transferase (COMT) activity to influence the attenuation of substance seeking behavior, a subtype of Reward Deficiency Syndrome (RDS), is dependent upon gene polymorphisms: a hypothesis.... under physiological conditions (no psychoactive substances present (e.g. alcohol) carrying the DRD2 A1 allele with associated low D2 receptors should, as theorized, increase craving behavior because of a low or hypodopaminergic state causing the individual to seek out substances that increase the release of dopamine for subsequent activation of unbound D2 sites in the nucleus accumbens. Thus, in the absence of alcohol or other psychoactive drugs (dopamine releasers), especially during recovery or rehabilitation, decreasing, not increasing COMT activity, should result in enhanced synaptic dopamine as physiologically released, thereby proliferating D2 receptors while reducing stress, increasing well-being, reducing craving behavior and preventing relapse. Based on this hypothesis, we believe that adding the COMT inhibitor R. rosea (as Rhodimin) to our amino-acid and chromium combination in DUI offenders and other illegal drug-related crimes, increases the potential for more targeted neurochemical rebalancing and enhanced relapse prevention. ...
so COMT inhibitors like R. rosea (as Rhodimin) should prevent alcohol usage ? i didnt understand this article too well. but either way, i couldnt personaly get high on alcohol being on rhodiola :(
not sure if its good for prevention for it, like not seek it because i still didnt mind drinking before i knew it didnt work.
any idea what the meaning of "our amino-acid and chromium combination" means ? not sure what roile chromium plays at all !
Edited by dear mrclock, 30 January 2013 - 12:50 AM.
Posted 30 January 2013 - 12:38 AM
rhodiola seems to be anti-alcohol, anti-cigarates, benzo like (big doses), anti-stress type of herb. i would not generally recomend it unless you wanna do a trick on some guy who smokes and drinks a lot lol
Posted 09 July 2017 - 01:47 PM
so to sum this up guys, wasnt a great day yesterday for me. i had dizzyness first 2 hours, then huge stimulation lasting 4 hours and then with alcohol, nothing calmed me down, just made me dizzy again. BUT toward the morning around 4 am, i did experience huge rush when i added cigarates too. guess what ? rhodiola also prevented huge high from cigs as well ! but i guess all the effects wore off by the morning and i felt pretty damn good.
rhodiola seems to be anti-alcohol, anti-cigarates, benzo like (big doses), anti-stress type of herb. i would not generally recomend it unless you wanna do a trick on some guy who smokes and drinks a lot lol
Sorry for ressurecting an old thread but I too noticed when I was last on it the anti-alcohol and anti-smoking effects.
And as someone that drinks to slight drunkenness every night and smokes too I think it could actually be very useful in helping me cut down these bad habits and many other people on here actually that use these substances for relief at the moment too much whilst knowing they're pretty bad for us.
You just took way too much and are blaming that for you not looking at dosages like everyone else would. You took too much recklessly and had a hard time with it, this doesn't make Rhodiola bad.
In fact those bad points you mention sound very useful in fact. And if you fancy getting drunk some time you'd have to not take it for a day or two, but taking it every other day would be a good way to avoid alcohol as no one really drinks it for the taste, just the buzz. Get rid of the buzz and you get rid of the attraction to drink.
Posted 09 July 2017 - 07:30 PM
Yes, from my experience you do not want to take too high of a dose.
Posted 14 July 2017 - 03:31 AM
so to sum this up guys, wasnt a great day yesterday for me. i had dizzyness first 2 hours, then huge stimulation lasting 4 hours and then with alcohol, nothing calmed me down, just made me dizzy again. BUT toward the morning around 4 am, i did experience huge rush when i added cigarates too. guess what ? rhodiola also prevented huge high from cigs as well ! but i guess all the effects wore off by the morning and i felt pretty damn good.
rhodiola seems to be anti-alcohol, anti-cigarates, benzo like (big doses), anti-stress type of herb. i would not generally recomend it unless you wanna do a trick on some guy who smokes and drinks a lot lol
Sorry for ressurecting an old thread but I too noticed when I was last on it the anti-alcohol and anti-smoking effects.
And as someone that drinks to slight drunkenness every night and smokes too I think it could actually be very useful in helping me cut down these bad habits and many other people on here actually that use these substances for relief at the moment too much whilst knowing they're pretty bad for us.
You just took way too much and are blaming that for you not looking at dosages like everyone else would. You took too much recklessly and had a hard time with it, this doesn't make Rhodiola bad.
In fact those bad points you mention sound very useful in fact. And if you fancy getting drunk some time you'd have to not take it for a day or two, but taking it every other day would be a good way to avoid alcohol as no one really drinks it for the taste, just the buzz. Get rid of the buzz and you get rid of the attraction to drink.
so if you dont get buzz from alcohol, what buzz would you get at all from anything since you are being used to that alcohol buzz? its like those anti-alcohol pills i heard of, making you sick when you drink not giving you energy or euphoria. ok, thats all good and it prevents you from drinking, but how do you substitute and get a buzz and feel happy when you are used to feeling happy daily on alcohol??
Posted 12 March 2018 - 10:46 PM
I signed up as I have a tendency to unwind by going to the pub after work and when I am stressed I tend to find it hard to take a break from this. Recently ordered a number of herbs to help with both alcohol intake, and in general health, as well as to help my father with dementia.
These herbs included Kudzu root, Naringin, and Rhodiola Rosea. Today I noticed a strong antidepressant effect from taking Rhodiola Rosea and Ashwagandha, and took nothing else. I also noticed yesterday a strong sedating effect on about 1 gram of Rosea and 3 grams of Ashwagandha. I figured it was the excessive dose.
What I also noticed today is absolutely no desire to go to the pub after work. I realise its only 2 days but I thought I would search for reports on this to see if just perhaps there might be something in it. Todays dose was about 500mg R.Rosea and 3g Ashwagandha.
I should also report that I have cut down a prescription drug called Mirtazapine from 15mg to 7.5mg, prior to this and noticed a strong rebound like effect (easily agitated, tired, no stress resistance) which I think is fairly to be expected during the withdrawal phase from what is a very potent antidepressant.
This ceased almost immediately after starting these two herbs.
Posted 12 March 2018 - 11:00 PM
I've also tried last week dosing on standardised high potency Kudzu root and Naringin, both very high doses to see if it would reduce the either the urge to go to the pub or the quanitity drunk. I have experience of Kudzu root before and can state that there seems to be a trend towards much slower drinking, though when I go out I tend to stay out until late so it hasn't noticeably effected the amount drunk in an evening but rather instead prolonged a session from about 3 hours to 5 hours.
Naringin is one I added to my stack to see if it might help since it has shown in limited animal research an anti-alcohol preference effect. This combination has not seemed to reduce the general urge to go to the pub. Ashwagandha and R Rosea though feels quite different, as if it tackles feelings of stress at their root so that there is less to unwind from, whereas Kudzu seems to make you feel fuller and drink slower.
I'm not suggesting I'm an alcoholic, I'm more of a lightweight, but sensitive to it and it's obviously best to cut it back as much as possible and to a relaxed level.
Posted 13 March 2018 - 07:21 PM
Things you should know about rhodiola.
1. Its half-life is 45 mins.
2. The maximum recommended dosage (not necessarily once daily) is 500mg at 3%.
3. There is a risk of building a tolerance, it is worth cycling.
4. Combining this with Lithium Orotate, EGCG and B6 can improve effects.
5. Much like EGCG, it should be taken on an empty stomach.
6. Avoid tyramine within 2 hours of taking rhodiola.
7. As usual, less is more.
I'd post references here but I've posted them so many times on the forums and most of this is found on the Examine.com page for Rhodiola.
OP: Do what you want, but this is a longevity forum, you should really get your life together before experimenting.
Edited by Nate-2004, 13 March 2018 - 07:24 PM.
Posted 14 March 2018 - 06:25 AM
are you sure its only 45 mins half life? i remember dosing on that stuff, maybe 2 caps at most, and it lasted like 6 hours the stimulation that is. maybe you mean something else in it lasts just 45 mins? because certainly, the stimulation keeps going for a while
Posted 14 March 2018 - 12:57 PM
Like I said, read the page on examine, it's got references. I agree with you, the effects seem to last, which is not unheard of. It could just be that it's a really strong MAO-B inhibitor and then once it wears off it takes time for MAO to deal with all that dopamine. One study showed an AUC of 240 mins which is the total drug exposure time from what I understand. That's a good 4 hours. This was all in mice though so who knows what it does in humans.
I'm considering taking it every 4 days, which is what I do with modafinil. I don't know if I will do it with modafinil or in alternation with it (mod, then 2 days later rhodiola, then 2 days later mod).
Edited by Nate-2004, 14 March 2018 - 01:04 PM.
Posted 14 March 2018 - 05:26 PM
Also just to add, it probably wouldn't hurt to include antioxidants like E, C and R-ALA on these days, for the same reason you would use those if you took molly or other NDRI stimulant like drugs.
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