Basically, bleeding is very good for you. People who donate blood tend to have an extremely lower risk of heart disease.
This is because when you decrease the amount of iron in your body, you are preventing the fenton reaction, which is part of aging/damage to DNA.
In addition to the decrease in iron from bleeding, when using the snake venom he is destroying destroys RBC releasing free iron which will fool your body into thinking it has enough iron. So snake venom will not increase ferretin exp
ression meaning you don't absorb iron as much, and you have reduced amounts from bleeding, a general ++ to reduce aging.
Snake venom probably exposes the body to mild shock, and protein denaturing, which is perhaps equivalent to hypoxia, he is preconditioning himself to mild stresses that also may cause aging. In terms of an antiaging solution, I would just donate blood for effects though, snakes are dangerous.
Edited by anagram, 29 January 2013 - 11:24 PM.