Your perceived laziness regarding this matter is very relevant to the discussion, as it's putting a drain on me (and maybe others) to go around digging up information you can easily find yourself. I'm not sure if this is clear to you, but I'm not in this thread to prove to you that brainwave entrainment works.
It's not information I "can easily find" myself, as neither I nor anyone else in this thread have been able to find any such information. And I don't intend to "put a drain on" anyone; I've only kept responding to this thread because people keep responding to me with statements I feel need response, after which they feel my statements need response...and the cycle continues.
I'm not against studies, I'm against your infatuation with them. I think studies are overvalued, and in putting them with anecdotes I've stated clearly just how much weight I think they should be given. And that's before I go into studies influenced to go the way of those funding them, and studies that, as a group, defiantly disprove or prove some topic of interest, but then end up being defiantly disproven.
OK, that's an opinion that's yours to hold if you like, but which doesn't seem fair given that almost the whole of our progress technologically and scientifically has been the result of studies and similar research, not anecdotal feelings about how something works. If you believe that studies are equal in merit to anecdotal reports, just understand that you're in the minority and that means it's not unreasonable for someone to disagree with your opinion.
As for my mind control comment, that was made as I'm either going Schizophrenic (not likely, but it's an easy conclusion), or am being (electronically?) harassed and controlled everyday by sources unknown.
I don't mean this is any offensive way at all (psychological issues are nothing to be mocked), but consider what you're saying: you believe you're being "harassed and controlled everyday by sources unknown", and you find it "unlikely" that this is schizophrenia rather than real life mind control. It's certainly a step in the right direction to acknowledge the possibility of a mental/psychological cause to this feeling, but you should think logically and realize that if anyone else told you this before you felt this way, you would assume they were experiencing a break with reality, and you would almost certainly be correct. This is something you should speak with a doctor about if possible. Again, I'm not making a joke or putting you down. I'm just giving the advice that seems reasonable.