Posted 07 September 2013 - 10:00 PM
Posted 09 September 2013 - 05:40 PM
The stuff works really well on me (I tend to be very responsive with drugs), I can take as little as 5 drops, and my anxiety
goes away for a few hours, my breathing is much easier and my body feels good. I experience 2 side effects, first like most people, it does dull me quite a bit, not so much in the 5 drops range, but I took 12 drops on my first try and felt compelled to have a nap !
What I find interresting (and to a certain extent inconvenient) is that it wakes me up at least once the night following ingestion, right after a REM sleep, and my dream recollection is amazingly enhanced. Also I seem to be unable to "sleep in".
The dreams I get are really random and not as anxiogenic as the ones noopept would give me.
I guess that must be a consequence of hippocampal neurogenesis triggered by cannabidiol, I think I read something about that somewhere on here.
Anyways, anyone experiencing the same ?
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Posted 11 September 2013 - 01:09 PM
Just wondering if anyone knows what a good dosage is for anxiety. Also need help in knowing how much a dosage is, as in how many drops is in 200mg, or how many mg in a 5ml bottle.
I have just been guessing for the last few days since getting my free sample, it's definitely helping me out but now I'm buying some more I want to make sure I'm not overdoing it.
Keep up the good work cbdbro, hope it all goes well.
Posted 11 September 2013 - 05:09 PM
Posted 15 September 2013 - 10:48 AM
Nothing adverse though.. Wasn't exactly high or anything. But figured I'd give it a rest after day 2 and try it some other time. Maybe I should adjust the dosage next time.. I'll see.
Posted 19 September 2013 - 11:52 AM
I've taken half a bottle with no more than a slightly woozy feeling. On the contrary, there is no mistaking the effect high-CBD dispensary weed has.
Posted 19 September 2013 - 08:37 PM
Posted 20 September 2013 - 02:05 AM
High CBD/low THC cannabis from a dispensary has a very definite effect on me. Immediate anxiolysis along with zoning out/depersonalization, followed by an antidepressant effect that develops over a couple of days.
Posted 20 September 2013 - 12:50 PM
Posted 10 October 2013 - 05:32 PM
Posted 30 October 2013 - 07:51 AM
Posted 30 October 2013 - 09:08 AM
I don't know when they measured. I had this effect in the first only in the first hour. But when the blood pressure went down so did the effectiveness for me. As already written I see this as an effect of the rise in anandamide level. I have a schizophrenia with cognitive and negative symptoms, however, never had to do with anxiety.CBD looks promising for anxiety from what I see. I saw on PubMed that it states CBD didn't affect blood pressure, and other physiological areas but I see here that it is raising bp. Wouldn't that be bad for anxiety relief?
Posted 26 November 2013 - 10:42 PM
Former Dixie Elixir chief scientist outs Medical Marijuana Inc and Dixie as frauds:
"I'm tired of so called CBD companies claiming that what they provide is medicine. Anyone using a CBD from hemp product please be aware of what you're actually getting b/c it is not what you think. These formulations start with a crude and dirty hemp paste (contaminated with microbial life! I have seen this and these organisms decompose the paste. The paste perhaps even contains residual solvent and other toxins as the extraction is done in CHINA) made in a process that actually renders it unfit for human consumption. What these companies are doing is criminal and dangerous. In fact MJNA's RSHO is literally just this hemp paste diluted in hemp seed oil. No refinement at all!!! And what Dixie Botanicals is offering is beyond disturbing. I cannot keep quiet any more. And since I formulated most of these products as head of Dixie science, I feel responsible for spreading the truth. I left Dixie for ethical reasons but it is not enough to just walk away. These frauds need to be exposed for what they are. Look out for my tell all article coming soon and feel free to contact me directly with questions as it is time to blow the whistle. Let's keep this industry pure and safe." -- Tamar Wise, formerly head of Dixie Science
Posted 05 December 2013 - 06:23 PM
Direct from the source.
Former Dixie Elixir chief scientist outs Medical Marijuana Inc and Dixie as frauds:
"I'm tired of so called CBD companies claiming that what they provide is medicine. Anyone using a CBD from hemp product please be aware of what you're actually getting b/c it is not what you think. These formulations start with a crude and dirty hemp paste (contaminated with microbial life! I have seen this and these organisms decompose the paste. The paste perhaps even contains residual solvent and other toxins as the extraction is done in CHINA) made in a process that actually renders it unfit for human consumption. What these companies are doing is criminal and dangerous. In fact MJNA's RSHO is literally just this hemp paste diluted in hemp seed oil. No refinement at all!!! And what Dixie Botanicals is offering is beyond disturbing. I cannot keep quiet any more. And since I formulated most of these products as head of Dixie science, I feel responsible for spreading the truth. I left Dixie for ethical reasons but it is not enough to just walk away. These frauds need to be exposed for what they are. Look out for my tell all article coming soon and feel free to contact me directly with questions as it is time to blow the whistle. Let's keep this industry pure and safe." -- Tamar Wise, formerly head of Dixie Science
Thanks for the info! Sounds to me the best way to get this oil is to make it yourself, illegally.
Posted 11 December 2013 - 08:33 PM
Posted 17 December 2013 - 03:56 AM
As far as anxiety goes, it's hard for me to say. It definitely helps with some aspects of anxiety, although I don't feel 100% mentally clear. I'm still on klonopin .25-.5mg/day, I had the intention, or hope of using cbd weed to come off the klonpin for good after researching it. When I watched the CNN special "Weed", and saw the little girl Charlotte with the seizures which it stopped, I knew it had to do something for anxiety. Seizures are treated with benzos and they're a risk when stopping them cold turkey.
Something about smoking (anything) itself gives me anxiety, probably becuase it takes away oxygen and irritates the airway. Honestly I don't think CBD is strong enough to curb benzo withdrawals. It might take some of the edge off. I have no idea how it would work for someone that wasn't dealing with short/long-term benzo withdrawals.
I ordered the aforementioned Dixie drops and took them a couple times. I didn't feel much, but then again straight CBD is very subtle to feel orally. Smoking it seems to give an immediate effect that you DO notice though; although it doesn't last as long. It isn't as clean feeling also. Anyways- I did the math and figured out that the amount of supposed CBD in the DIxie drops was nominal compared to that in the marijuana, so I haven't used them since.
Marijuan is recreationally legal in Colorado January 1st if you're over 21. Just FYI if you're in the U.S.
Posted 17 December 2013 - 01:56 PM
Posted 17 December 2013 - 05:27 PM
Posted 18 December 2013 - 10:58 AM
The cost per day seem kind of high!
Posted 19 December 2013 - 01:08 AM
i got a bottle of dixie dew drops a few days ago, tried two droppers with no effect, then took the whole bottle (1oz) with absolutely zero effect.
No offense, socialpiranha, but that has to be the dumbest testing protocol I've ever read. If you have a headache, do you take two aspirin, wait five minutes, then take the whole bottle!?
I think the source of the variable efficacy reports on this thread is that some people are using CBD as a mild anxiolytic/neutropic, while others are using it thinking CBD is a legal high. I'm not sure what part of NON-PSYCHOACTIVE the latter group is not understanding.
I suspect that people who regularly use cannabis, or use CBD thinking it's going to get them high, report 'no effect' because [1] they've developed a tolerance to the CBD in their preferred strain of cannabis and/or [2] the effect of CBD is not significant enough to subjectively qualify as a 'high'.
People who use CBD as a supplement to mildly enhance cognition, however, report great results precisely because they're not expecting CBD to take them to the moon; they're getting the mild cognitive benefits they're looking for. For someone to say CBD didn't get them high is about as ridiculous as someone saying acetyl-L-carnitine didn't feel the same as amphetamine. Of course it didn't, you dolt ... it's not supposed to!
I have some of the much maligned Dixie Dew Drops (1oz/100mg formula) on order, so hopefully I'll be able to provide a more objective review than some of the stuff we've heard thus far.
Posted 19 December 2013 - 01:32 AM
Direct from the source.
Former Dixie Elixir chief scientist outs Medical Marijuana Inc and Dixie as frauds:
"I'm tired of so called CBD companies claiming that what they provide is medicine. Anyone using a CBD from hemp product please be aware of what you're actually getting b/c it is not what you think. These formulations start with a crude and dirty hemp paste (contaminated with microbial life! I have seen this and these organisms decompose the paste. The paste perhaps even contains residual solvent and other toxins as the extraction is done in CHINA) made in a process that actually renders it unfit for human consumption. What these companies are doing is criminal and dangerous. In fact MJNA's RSHO is literally just this hemp paste diluted in hemp seed oil. No refinement at all!!! And what Dixie Botanicals is offering is beyond disturbing. I cannot keep quiet any more. And since I formulated most of these products as head of Dixie science, I feel responsible for spreading the truth. I left Dixie for ethical reasons but it is not enough to just walk away. These frauds need to be exposed for what they are. Look out for my tell all article coming soon and feel free to contact me directly with questions as it is time to blow the whistle. Let's keep this industry pure and safe." -- Tamar Wise, formerly head of Dixie Science
Having never tried a Dixie product in my life (yet), I'm extremely skeptical of this "outing" of Dixie Elixirs products by its former Head of Science (Tamar Wise) for the following reasons:
1. Tamar Wise posted the "expose" on her Facebook page and quickly took it down, but not before it was even more quickly re-posted to myriad social media sites. She has declined to comment since then.
2. If what Tamar Wise is saying is true, then she is complicit in consumer fraud, as Dixie's former Head of Science.
3. All of Dixie's products are tested by CannLabs, so Ms. Wise is also accusing CannLabs - a widely respected MMJ testing lab - of consumer fraud as well.
4. Dixie Elixirs sells products in damned near every dispensary in Colorado and is expanding internationally. If they were selling a crap product, people wouldn't buy it and dispensaries wouldn't sell it. Something about their business model is working and I don't think it's because their products don't work.
I have no idea why Ms. Wise would post these allegations if they weren't true, but I also don't know why 918 people voluntarily drank cyanide-laced Kool-Aid at Jonestown ... sometimes people do really stupid things for really stupid reasons. I trust this matter will be settled in court. Until then, I doubt people would keep buying Dixie products if they didn't work like advertised, as Ms. Wise suggests.
Posted 09 January 2014 - 11:45 PM
I had relatively strong adenosine2a receptor effects after 10 mg dosing that led to discontinuation. Primarily, what felt like carotid artery dilation and the uncommon hemodynamic effect of narrowing pulse pressure. Despite that madness it was moderately anxiolytic.
Posted 10 January 2014 - 04:38 AM
i got a bottle of dixie dew drops a few days ago, tried two droppers with no effect, then took the whole bottle (1oz) with absolutely zero effect.
No offense, socialpiranha, but that has to be the dumbest testing protocol I've ever read. If you have a headache, do you take two aspirin, wait five minutes, then take the whole bottle!?
I think the source of the variable efficacy reports on this thread is that some people are using CBD as a mild anxiolytic/neutropic, while others are using it thinking CBD is a legal high. I'm not sure what part of NON-PSYCHOACTIVE the latter group is not understanding.
I suspect that people who regularly use cannabis, or use CBD thinking it's going to get them high, report 'no effect' because [1] they've developed a tolerance to the CBD in their preferred strain of cannabis and/or [2] the effect of CBD is not significant enough to subjectively qualify as a 'high'.
People who use CBD as a supplement to mildly enhance cognition, however, report great results precisely because they're not expecting CBD to take them to the moon; they're getting the mild cognitive benefits they're looking for. For someone to say CBD didn't get them high is about as ridiculous as someone saying acetyl-L-carnitine didn't feel the same as amphetamine. Of course it didn't, you dolt ... it's not supposed to!
I have some of the much maligned Dixie Dew Drops (1oz/100mg formula) on order, so hopefully I'll be able to provide a more objective review than some of the stuff we've heard thus far.
I won't bother to repay your obvious offense but the studies use 500mg cbd, the whole bottle as you say is only 100mg cbd. studies also suggest no differentiation from placebo up to 50mg. The studies were single dose and effect was immediate so i see no flaws in my report or protocol. When i get a headache i take the amount of aspirin that studies suggest or as close to it as possible.
Edited by socialpiranha, 10 January 2014 - 04:39 AM.
Posted 10 January 2014 - 02:44 PM
Posted 11 January 2014 - 12:02 PM
With that said, my experience with the Dixie Dew Drops 1oz 100mg Hemp Oil Supplement Tincture has unfortunately been similar to yours and others who have found its effects lacking. Also similar to others, I noticed something the first few times I tried it, but nothing much after that. For example, the first day I took two drops and felt a little spacey for a few hours. The second day I took five drops and felt slightly nauseated. The next day I took fifteen drops (the serving size), felt a bit woozy and had a moderately pounding heartbeat for an hour. Since then I've tried various combinations varying from 10-40 drops/day without any appreciable difference in effect.
I've since ordered two of the 25mg Dixie Botanicals Hemp Oil Supplement Capsules, which have yet to arrive (apparently there's a helluva backlog). If, as you say, the threshold dose for appreciable effects is 100mg, then I guess I just wasted $22. I'll let you know how it turns out.
Posted 11 January 2014 - 12:13 PM
That stuff is pretty good. And they're now doing a 3x more potent tincture with a lot of THC! That stuff works the best for me! Haha! Yeah, it's not a bad price either and you get quite a lot.
Posted 11 January 2014 - 11:17 PM
For example, the first day I took two drops and felt a little spacey for a few hours.
In my experience, "spacey" is a good word to describe the effect of CBD. It is anxiolytic in a "spacey" kind of way; it's not something ideal for clear headed functioning.
Posted 23 March 2014 - 12:57 PM
Posted 23 March 2014 - 04:55 PM
If someone does that, you tell them to bugger off.And if someone would make me take a urin test. Would it test positive?
That aside, this woman did test positive:
Also, someone showed me this site (currently down unfortunately) where they bought CBD for a lot cheaper that HempMedsPX' stuff.
Might be worth checking out once it's back up.
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Posted 29 March 2014 - 05:08 PM
With consideration to high dosing protocols one should take into consideration it is an inverse agonist at CB2 and the potential negative effects on immunomodulation and as well gastrointestinal health. Just a head's up to pay heed to
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