isnt curcumin simply a MAOA inhibitor
Nope. It's antinflammatory, antibacterial, anticatabolic, anticarcinogenic (removes cancer in a subset of patients completely, and stabilizes it in others), neuroprotective, reduces amyloid in the human brain (in case of longvida curcumin), regrows the hippocampus .... thats an incomplete list. And yes, it seems to be a weak mao inhibitor.
@BioFreak: Yes I believe having read of your experience is what prompted me to buy Curcumin. However, I've bought LEF BioCurcumin (BCM 95 I believe) which, alas, has no effect on me, even with 1g of NAC. The LongVida is quite expensive ($60 + presuming ~$15 shipping).. I'm not sure I'm willing to buy a different brand of a product that hasn't helped me based on claims of bioavailability differences (though I must say I haven't looked in to this matter). I'll look in to it further to see if there are other people who report the LongVida superior, seeing as currently I don't trust my own judgement for my desperation makes me a bit gullible it seems. Nonetheless, thanks for the advice; I'll look in to it (the c60 as well). Meanwhile, if you've a cheap EU source (Du bist Deutsch sehe ich.); I'd appreciate it.
Well if you're waiting for confirmation here, it will be difficult, because no one really seems to be on the top of curcumin science. The funny thing is, noone buys longvida since its so expensive. They try out other kinds of curcumin, which, surprise, wont work because they don't cross the bbb or it takes years to show an effect on the mind. And the magic conclusion: "curcumin didnt work for me".
Longvida is the only curcumin that has been shown to work in the brain of humans, only longvida curcumin shows proof that it can cross the bbb.
So for everyone not having an effect with non-longvida curcumin, well, its simple, cause no curcumin actually made it into your brain. :D So its not a question of minor bioavailability differences, like one is better then the other, its more like the others don't work at all (or work only after a year or more, or by eating tumeric daily for your entire life), while longvida works very reliably.
Check out studies about longvida curcumin on , or do a pubmed search on SLCP (other name for longvida) curcumin.
About Bioavailabilty: are a few more posts on the same site.
Also, for a case study of curcumin stopping multiple myeloma search google for margaret curcumin. She's a women who keeps her illness in check with curcumin, and does lab tests to confirm it is working. But she uses c3 complex with piperine and oil and quercerin and I dont know what else, mainly because it works for her MM. She has no priority for getting curcumin into her BRAIN, so this is why she prefers c3 curcumin. Still, its interesting to get more into curcumin.
To get 2 european sellers for longvida curcumin type into google: " longvida curcumin" I haven't found more. I get mine from specialhealthstore.
You should count my positive feedback as feedback from 2 sources, its working for my grandma too.

Maybe I'll write a post about curcumin, hoping that more people will try out longvida for mental purposes.
In fact, I cant believe that curcumin is not a hot topic on longecity, since it has so many positive applications that work in anecdotal reports, and in human studies. In fact I consider curcumin a lifelong addition to any meaningful anti aging stack. How else would you keep amyloid in check, etc...
I'll stop ranting now.
Anyways, for actual brain regeneration, the stack I wrote you about is one of the best shots. It's expensive (UMP and longvida curcumin alone are the two expensive supplements, if you know a cheap source for UMP in europe, tell me

), but let me tell you that randomly trying out supplements that have no regenerative effects, barely replacement effects, will be more expensive in the long run because you will simply not get the effects you are hoping for and keep trying, with the risk of further damage (i.e. neurotoxicity with l-dopa). And while you try and try to get better, you probably won't get more productive, meaning less income, more experimenting, and prolonged suffering... Try my stack for one month. Its not expensive for one month, and its damn cheap, if it works.
Anyways, I am mainly speaking for myself, what I have experienced on myself and my grandma, and what I have researched. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that you find your way back to great health, by whatever means!
Edited by BioFreak, 19 November 2013 - 06:44 PM.