Reversing stress-induced impaired neuroplasticity by pharmaceutical means
Posted 28 December 2013 - 12:44 AM
Could you post experience/source?
Posted 28 December 2013 - 05:28 AM
I´ve forgotten whether its an anticoagulant, platelet agreggation( PAF) inhibitor or thrombozyte inhibitior nor its potency.
So be careful about mixing it with e.g. Curcumin, a Cox 1& 2 inhibitor.
Posted 30 December 2013 - 10:51 AM
In vivo reprogramming of astrocytes to neuroblasts in the adult brain
and this:
Edited by Flex, 30 December 2013 - 10:52 AM.
Posted 30 December 2013 - 12:27 PM
Posted 30 December 2013 - 04:11 PM
Cloud You please post some interresting finding, if You find some.
Its not easy to find some, even for my self, Its rather luck that I found those articles that I´ve posted.
Posted 30 December 2013 - 04:18 PM
Posted 30 December 2013 - 05:00 PM
it was hard for me to find this studys.
Like targeting the SOX-2 with the compund that i´ve posted could revese Astrocytes in to neuroblasts and therefore to new braincells.
Sounds even to me unbelievable, but thats whats the study says and the company deriver as a (by)product
Yes, something Interresting or helpful what You´ve found for Your self e.g. an article.
of course if You dont mind.
Btw, I´ve taken Heuricium extract in the past days. It seems to helps me more than MAO blocker.
Edited by Flex, 30 December 2013 - 05:06 PM.
Posted 30 December 2013 - 05:24 PM
FGL peptides
Bunch of interesting stuff to find on those, if you're looking for some reading material

Posted 30 December 2013 - 05:26 PM

Edited by Flex, 30 December 2013 - 05:27 PM.
Posted 30 December 2013 - 07:31 PM
Interesting, I also want to try a few of them.Hmm.. all I can add is my wishlist (in order of how much I want them):
FGL peptides
Bunch of interesting stuff to find on those, if you're looking for some reading material
JDTic, looks good, but as you know the studies on human were cancelled due problems with the heart,
I would like to know how you would approach JDTic.
And yes, nrx-1074 is a substance I also want to try out to. Ive already emailed naurex about the chemical structure, but didnt get a reply yet.
When do you think naurex will release the chemical structure? Cause im eager to try it out

Posted 30 December 2013 - 08:13 PM
Naurex announced that they were going to file an IND for NRX-1074 early 2013 (previously I thought this was 2014..), in which the structure should have become public (afaik).
So yeah.. no idea. Perhaps GLYX-13 would be worth pursuing in the meantime, if it were active intramuscularly at least (dunno if it is or isn't though).
Naurex is still recruiting for a pharmacokinetic study, though you'd have to fly abroad for that.. Doubt you'd get in to the study due to your location.
Perhaps new patents have been filed? Worth looking in to, provided you can digest such writings.
Posted 02 January 2014 - 07:06 PM
Interesting, i think in that dose, it probably would be safe.Yeah.. those heart issues seem really benign if you ask me (read the full report to see why), but I'm no doctor. The risk vs. possible reward seems enough for me to go through with it, provided I can get my hands on some. I'd start with 100mcgs and work my way up until I think the dose is sufficient to ameliorate my symptoms; progressive ascending dose should provide extra safety.
Naurex announced that they were going to file an IND for NRX-1074 early 2013 (previously I thought this was 2014..), in which the structure should have become public (afaik).
So yeah.. no idea. Perhaps GLYX-13 would be worth pursuing in the meantime, if it were active intramuscularly at least (dunno if it is or isn't though).
Naurex is still recruiting for a pharmacokinetic study, though you'd have to fly abroad for that.. Doubt you'd get in to the study due to your location.
Perhaps new patents have been filed? Worth looking in to, provided you can digest such writings.
Ive seen the group buy which I would like to participate in. Any info on it when we can get our hands on it?
There are multiple chem suppliers in China who are offering GLYX-13 for 200+ dollars for a gram.
They tested 3mg/kg on animals which produced AD effects. A rough guess, should be around 500 mg for a human. So this is still very expensive.
It should be somewhat cheaper when bought in bulk, but I dont know the efficiency and or safety.
Edited by alex921, 02 January 2014 - 07:09 PM.
Posted 08 January 2014 - 08:43 AM
I'm going to go through this thread in its entirety as I only read pages 1 & 2, but I have some recommendations, questions, and then I'll add what I'm going to be doing to try and rid myself of this terrible problem:
1. I'd drop everything that you take that doesn't give a noticeable effect, you seem to be taking a lot (this isn't meant offensively, and I know how much you want help as I do myself and I've often contemplated doing things such as taking up smoking air dried organic additive free tobacco established in some other posts as having nootropic potential).
1.1: Make sure your sourcing for things are top notch - I've been doing A TON of research on Ginkgo and there are literally dozens of formulations that have entirely different compounds in there; not just in different ratios, but entirely different compounds (ginkgosalides vs. bilobalides vs. ginkgolic acids, etc.)
1.2. Also focus on diet, even if it's not perfect
2. Have you looked into aiding your thyroid? Dr. Peat speaks about this ad nauseam and rather than simply listening to him without investigating claims, I found some Russian sites offering free books/texts, etc. and found Hans Selye's old hormone physiology textbooks and it's honestly fascinating (thousands of pages long). Thyroid functioning is even implicated in myelinating our brain and effecting the electromagnetic current contained within (some other researchers I can post for you about that, but electromedicine is my next avenue).
3. Restart the things that were helping you, such as tDCS. With the money you've spent on a lot of supplements and meds, you could've gotten a real nice tDCS set up, perhaps even an HD tDCS unit or HEG unit.
4. Also, have you looked into the specific problems that amphetamine consumption does to your physiology, and worked from that foundation? Personally, my HPPD was very, very minor originally from LSD trips and would only be around when I was sleep deprived and on amphetamines or after taking a tolerance break and then smoking a lot of weed/hash/etc (or a combination there of); but then one night at a NiT GriT concert I took a puff of a cigarette (never even smoked those things) and I'm certain it was laced with PCP or embalming fluid - the guys who gave it to me were out of their mind shortly after and my close friend even looked into the cigarette (I instantly dropped it to the floor because I lost motor control temporarily) and it was all tampered with and had crap added to it. I was already on a bunch of MDMA, the night before DXM, codeine, xanax, alcohol, and cannabis; the night after I did a bunch of benzos, and the day after that I took a huge dose of DXM and was probably having a level-3 DXM trip. After that weekend my brain has not been the same. The only reason I chose to describe that is because I believe my HPPD was caused from acute anticholinergic syndrome from the PCP/embalming fluid, and all my symptoms match. Therefore, I should probably focus on the cholinergic system(s), as opposed to glutaminergic, AMPAkines, etc.
It's hard for me to look into things for my own personal interest now, because I'm currently working on a large blog project with Ben Greenfield, college is starting back up, etc. but I looked into some things and went to my general practitioner and got a script for the Fisher Wallace CES device. I just need to save up the money for it. So, my current stack will look like this:
1. Restart LLLT, 1 minute per 'spot' covering the entire prefrontal cortex; once my head is shaved, I will target my entire head
2. Intranasal NIR light pulsed at 10hz; depends on the literature, I just did a 10 day trial with it and it helped somewhat, but some studies have went 30+ days in a row with intranasal light being used
3. 630nm Red Laser at acupoints used in neurological cases; Naeser, the researcher who used LLLT in two TBI patients, has a bunch of studies on acupuncture and laser acupuncture; I'll be doing Kidney 1 and Ba Feng, then adding in aural acupuncture (of the ear)
4. Adding 5-10g creatine with Orange Juice and Baking Soda for enhanced absorption (trying to get 1-2qt's of OJ in each day anyhow)
5. Roughly 2tsp of Baking Soda a day to increase serum bicarbonates (lots of literature on increased metabolism, neuromuscular functioning, etc. but I'm interested in it aiding my thyroid through CO2 production)
6. LiftMode L-theanine as needed
Future additions (hopefully soon):
1. CES (Fisher Wallace)
2. water filtered infrared-a
3. Increasing BHB levels without sacrificing carb consumption through a coconut oil based fat consumption + MCT Oil
4. CO2 device for use while sleeping
5. Inclined Bed Therapy
Phew, that's a lot. Sorry about the length of this. Lastly, what is a brief synopsis of your experience with Coluracetam? I read your posts on HPPDonline but then it wouldn't let me access the last page, lol. I'm interested in purchasing this and looking for custom synthesis of Cyclocreatine and Pregnenolone entiomers similar to the Sulfate form.
Posted 08 January 2014 - 02:46 PM
thanks for that elaborate post.
1)Yes indeed I've come to realize not to take those things that aren't helping. Currently I'm just taking basics; fish oil, B vitamins, etc. Nothing special.
Well, aside from starting NSI-189 today that is.
1.1.) Yes I do that; my Ginkgo was the egb 761 formulation.
1.2) I do.
2) Nope.. Don't know too much about the thyroid tbh.
3) Those were my plans! I intend to get back on the tDCS wagon soon.
4) Hmm a little here and there, but it seems to do so much that I wouldn't know where to start. Cocaine however seems to have made it much worse, so I've looked in to what changes that might've brought about. I found this paper on it that seemed relevant to me. Hippocampal sensory inhibition.. perhaps NSI will help with that :P
Of those things you've mentioned, I think CES might be worth looking in to for me, considering my past success with tDCS.
As for Coluracetam; my experience was mostly positive, however I couldn't get the positive effects to persist consistently. One day I'd feel the effects, the other I'd feel nothing. I think it's well worth the shot though; I recommend you try it; I myself might try it again soon.
IDK about Cyclocreatine, but I'm down for some PregS myself.
Cheers mate.
Posted 14 January 2014 - 10:31 PM
I'm really hoping to start up CES and extensive Heart Rate Variability training soon - I need something to really help me as some days are just so bad with just about every symptom possible of HPPD, especially DP/DR and the bouts of anxiety that follow.
What did you find to be your minimum effective dose for coluracetam, at least on the days you felt something good? I might order a few grams, only if that'd last me a couple weeks, though. Hope all is well. Thanks!
Posted 28 February 2014 - 03:56 PM
Posted 28 February 2014 - 07:05 PM
Please be careful.
Example; you said you tested 600mg of Tramadol. THAT is EXTREMELY HIGH. I remember reading a post on another forum; a guy took 600mg of tramdol, 40 minutes later went outside to smoke a cig and had a full sezuire.
so be careful.
and same with the maois. that stuff can be dangerous regarding, you must wait AT LEAST 14 days for it to get out of your system and try mostly any other med/drug.
Posted 02 March 2014 - 10:50 PM
but its quite fantastic for me to know that the Striatum can regenerate his self.
Gypenosides pre-treatment protects the brain against cerebral ischemia and increases neural stem cells/progenitors in the subventricular zone
( derivered from Jiaogulan)
This could be interresting:
ΔFosB in brain reward circuits mediates resilience to stress and antidepressant responses
ΔFosB-mediated alterations in dopamine signaling are normalized by a palatable high fat diet
Posted 03 March 2014 - 01:15 PM
Posted 03 March 2014 - 03:57 PM
MDAI is supposedly non neurotoxic and does not really do anything else but release serotonine.I've personally tried MDAI, and can vouch for it being a good entactogen if you can obtain it in pure form.
MDMA is a revolutionary, but also old, outmoded and relatively dangerous drug. I'd compare it to Nichols' new entactogens the same way I'd compare Haldol to the latest atypical antipsychotics.
I have my sources but Id be unsure where to get MDAI because it seems to have been a hype years ago and you cant be sure what you get when you order it. (Probably some leftovers from the last hyped up cathinone-shit)
It should be almost relaxing and is probably kind of cool when going out.
Sorry if this does not fit perfectly in the thread but this is a drug thats still on my to-do list.
Edited by machete234, 03 March 2014 - 04:05 PM.
Posted 15 December 2015 - 12:54 PM
So, can we get an update? How is everything going today? Did you manage to reverse the damage/chemical unbalance created in your brain?
I found this thread a couple of days ago and got very unmotivated when I found out that the thread finished without a solution. You seem to have tried everything without success and it's a bit sad since I am going through almost the same thing.
Please give us an update.
Posted 15 December 2015 - 07:21 PM
So, can we get an update? How is everything going today? Did you manage to reverse the damage/chemical unbalance created in your brain?
I found this thread a couple of days ago and got very unmotivated when I found out that the thread finished without a solution. You seem to have tried everything without success and it's a bit sad since I am going through almost the same thing.
Please give us an update.
He hasnt been on in nearly a year. I am in the same boat and havent cured myself either and I have had the same symptoms if not worse than formergenius.
Could you describe how your symptoms came about and what are you symptoms?
I am currently seeking testosterone replacement as a possible lead and also sleep achnea but cant confirm yet. Health care system here is slow.
Posted 16 December 2015 - 04:05 PM
He hasnt been on in nearly a year. I am in the same boat and havent cured myself either and I have had the same symptoms if not worse than formergenius.
Could you describe how your symptoms came about and what are you symptoms?
I am currently seeking testosterone replacement as a possible lead and also sleep achnea but cant confirm yet. Health care system here is slow.
Sorry to hear man. Everything started the day after I took amphetamine (250 mg) and ecstasy (1) one night in september last year. The comedown was brutal and lasted for 2 weeks. I realised how something had changed because I started to get panic attacks when smoking pot and after a day at school I got difficulties concentrating and understanding when trying to read something easy.
I took 18 mg (I think) Concerta one month after and I felt like I was on E again and I had a comedown for 24 hours after that. One month later I endured a lot of stress with finals and other situations with made me kind of crash. Since then I have been struggling with difficulties concentrating (I get head tensions and get tired when reading for 30-40 min and need to take a break), difficulties having eye contact sometimes, it's physically demanding for me to speak, loudness sensitivity etc. When I go shopping I get really tired because of all the impressions. When I drank alcohol I got hungover directly. I didn't get drunk. I made huge progress the first 6 months or something but now it doesn't seem to happen anything anymore.
I am currently on 100 mg Sertralin which have helped me a lot. I can work (in a grocery store) and hang out with people a little more. When I drink now I get drunk, but my problems remain. I just started with 150 mg Bupropion (1 week ago) but I don't think that will help me at all.
Right now I am fighting to get fMRT, a PET-scan, EEG and qEEG done. My main focus is fMRT but since its being researched right now it might be hard. I may even have to pay to get it done... It seems that no one here has done the fMRT so will try my best to get it done. Maybe that will help all of us.
I am afraid to try shit randomly because I don't want to get worse. I need to know whats wrong first to target it. Right now I am not desperate but sooner or later I will probably be and then - who knows? I am curious about trying some ADHD-meds. Just a little, too see if it makes me feel normal or not. That will probably give me a great picture of whats wrong.
Tell me about your story, your symptoms and what you have tried which have failed and helped you.
Posted 16 December 2015 - 04:07 PM
Hmm I'll be sure to read up more about it.
Could you post experience/source?
Since I got an email for being quoted I thought I would try it on you hehe. Come back and tell us about the situation!
Posted 16 December 2015 - 06:39 PM
Mine is completely from stress and not after any substance. I am sorry to hear your trouble. Maybe you took something that was contaminated with something? Anyone else that night have any trouble? I think you should be honest with a neurologist and tell him your story. I would see a few of them even. Book 2 or 3 of them if you have the funds. I dont think I can help you friend :( We're coming from different places I think.
Posted 23 January 2016 - 10:34 AM
I owe. And now my debt is paid. I love you all, best of luck. I've been where you are, and I won. I got lucky, and I could've lost. But I won. Be smart, be a scientist about this. Listen to the video.
Align yourself, with yourself, and become yourself.
Also lao tzu might help, on a spiritual level. After that,
the chemicals in your brain should follow.
Classical music.
I won't be coming back. Debt paid. Peace.
Posted 18 August 2017 - 08:51 AM
Right, I figured I'd bump this thread again, since Formergenius shared some symptoms with me - i.e stress-induced neural impairment.
HOWever... he hasn't made any posts for more than 2.5 years now! Does anyone know what ever happened to him, and if he finally found relief?
I must say that this thread is quite bothersome to me as well... because Formergenius always seemed like a fairly ERRATIC and IMPULSIVE individual - he always seemed to rush things, and never seemed to truly do accurate testing on himself, cognitive, biologic, neurologic et c.
SO! What happened to him?
Posted 18 January 2018 - 11:36 AM
Posted 18 January 2018 - 04:19 PM
I’m getting the feeling that ginko may be what I need as well. I’ve been subjected with doses of formekdahyde in my sleep tablets . Someone played a cruel joke. Need some advice on what to do if ive been microsing this for 4 months
You know this, how? Have you had your sleeping pills analyzed? An allergy patch test only shows that you're allergic to Formaldehyde, nothing else. It should be noted, Formaldehyde can be released from all sorts of things, like furniture or cheap cosmetics.
Do you have any idea how much you would have been exposed to? Depending on the dosage, it may actually have been harmless or without greater long-term damage.
What are your symptoms btw? I'm trying to look into this, and there are notes on wikipedia about certain issues with albumin and oxidative stress, but the only study I can find, was made in vitro (in a test-tube, direct application to cell-slices) and on bovine cells - this doesn't necessarily translate into humans and living beings even.
Most of the issues with Formaldehyde seems to be respiratory, inhaling it can cause problems, but it doesn't seem to be universal - I even found a newer, 5-year study on the allergy of Formaldehyde from 1991 which showed that allergy to formaldehyde must be extremely rare! : o
Have you talked to someone whom told you that you could get issues with stress from this exposure? Where did you find this information? I honestly can't find anything at all on this.
If you have some kind of cognitive or emotional symptoms, I'm not sure that there's any evidence that formaldehyde can cause such long-term issues - I'd be more concerned about the confirmed carcinogenic properties of the chemical - luckily, you can, through dietary measures, improve your situation fairly well - if you use enough anti-carcinogenic dietary sources, there shouldn't ever be any issues.
Posted 18 January 2018 - 04:32 PM
What about a rhodiola, ashwagandha, and curcumin drink? Trying these by themselves might not have any effect on you but mixing them all together might knock your socks off.
Edited by Jiminy Glick, 18 January 2018 - 04:33 PM.
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