I have been on piracetam for roughly a week and a half. My doses are following the thread which theorizes you need 9.6g of piracetam daily. Well either way I am lazy and just ballpark my dosage. I take one leveled out teaspoon , 4 - 5g approximate? with 250mg CDP Choline.
I take the 4 - 5 g upon waking up with no protein in stomach and with choline
if time permits i take another 4 - 5g in the PM
There are times I feel incredibly confident and capable of anything, feel like my vision is amazing and other times where i try and talk and my speech will slur and an accent will break out, not even an accent of my ethic origin, it is becoming more frequent as well and it worries me
side note: I took piracetam about 7- 8 months before it also made me feel a little slow ..800mg doses multiple times
took noopept at 15mg around 4 - 5 months ago or so
I know I will probably be told to ramp the doses down, it just seems like the 800mg doses do not possess much effect...just realized another side of piracetam
my typing speed, my unconscious knowledge of letter positions have suffered, I actually have to look at the keyboard sometimes now when before it was second nature, not very descriptive but it's what you would call something, you must experience to believe
edit: strange accent might just be slurred speech...
Edited by SyntheticPerfection, 11 February 2013 - 09:04 PM.