Effects of dairy consumption on SIRT1 and mitochondrial biogenesis
in adipocytes and muscle cells
" Data from this study indicate that not only leucine but also its metabolites
HMB and KIC are direct activators of SIRT1 enzyme. "
" Since SIRT1 is a negative regulator of NF-κB and attenuation of NF-kB
activity by SIRT1 results in suppression of TNF-α ; , it is possible that the
above mentioned effects of HMB are mediated, at least in part, by HMB
activation of SIRT1. "
" ..... It is likely that SIRT1-independent pathways also modulate some of the
effects of dairy components. AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), a key
regulator of energy metabolism, is a likely target, as it also serves
as an energy sensor and regulates cellular metabolism. "
" Since adiponectin activates AMPK, and we previously demonstrated the
high dairy diet to increase adiponectin, adiponectin stimulation of AMPK
may play a significant role in the observed effects. "