I've lost some hearing in my left ear due to a single use of heroin. Are there any nootropics or supplements or any other ideas anyone might have that could restore some of my hearing?
I have lost a portion of my hearing (mostly in the mid-high frequency range, but I can't be specific, I haven't had a hearing test since this happened) due to injecting heroin one night and passing out in a chair. When I was found by a friend I had to be carried to a nearby bed on the floor and could barely hear. My hearing came back mostly over the next day or so.. but perhaps a week or two after this I fell asleep one night with my left ear against the pillow and when I woke up I could barely hear from that ear. I'm not sure why it was delayed, and I first assumed it was due to wax, but after removing the wax from my ears as best as possible my hearing has not returned in that ear. It did actually restore somewhat a few months ago, but then went back to how it was. In place of the frequencies that I'm missing I have tinnitus across that range of frequencies.
Another interesting thing to note is that when I change position.. go from sitting to standing or from standing to bending down I will hear a rushing sound in my ear, like blood is filling up some area.
Is there anything that I can take that will restore my hearing? I've heard vinpocetine might help.