Did Noopept improve your overall cognition?
Posted 07 November 2013 - 07:15 PM
Posted 07 November 2013 - 09:24 PM

Posted 08 November 2013 - 09:23 AM
Polish people and their strange relationship to yerba mate. I need to drink more of this because I still have 3 packs and drinking with a bombilla might have helped me quit smoking effortlessly. (Something that I could use again right now even though its only 1-2 days a week of smoking)Yes it did, i tested it here http://nextgen-human...oopept-test/135 .
Could be social contact+ having fun that has a positive effect.Number 9 – Max progress was made from dual 2 back 47% to dual 3 back 48% after sleeping 4.5 hours, and after party playing with friends on Xbox using Kinect and drinking alcohol (vodka, whisky) + eating junk food. How can it improve your cognition? Kill me i don’t know. Looks like I’ll have to test it yet.
Anyways how do you know that what you measure has nothing to with learning effects, of course you get better at these games with or without nootropics because you "intelligence" is not fixed, you do something more you get better at that task.
Edited by machete234, 08 November 2013 - 09:41 AM.
Posted 08 November 2013 - 09:50 AM
Polish people and their strange relationship to yerba mate.
Yes, yerba mate is more and more popular in our country since it was popularized by traveller W. Cejrowski. This is phenomenon because a few years ago we did not know at all yerba mate. I personally think that it's just more healthier than caffee.
Could be social contact+ having fun that has a positive effect.
Something in it. I will try to recreate this conditions and we will see : )
Posted 08 November 2013 - 10:35 AM
If there is one thing that it does positivley is that it improves cognition of external stimuli and memory recall.
It makes me extremely horny. This is one of the effects which has actually stuck around and been enjoyable.
It makes me cocky and full of myself, kinda nice sometimes when you get a "lord of the throne" kind of feeling. Giving me a huge ego, being sure of myself, etc.
While playing games I notice no improvement except that I can maybe sometimes target better.
The first few weeks I took it I wrote a huge page of science fiction for my novel. Never to be repeated again.
For the first few weeks while on it I got a very weak almost non existent euphoria from it. It was nice.
When I drive noopept makes me drive drunk, I almost crash. Its because I'm distracted all the damn time while I'm driving!
After I masturbate in the morning because I cannot stand ANOTHER MINUTE being this turned on, I have nothing else better to do for the rest of the day and I actually get depressed. Also, the effect is wearing off very slowly but gradually.
Being a lord over other people/having a huge ego really goes down badly at dinner parties.
But on the 2nd or 3rd day after taking it everyday I lose that effect of being able to target better. its almost like it hits a saturation point and then quits on you, just like anti-depressants do.
I write terribly while on it for more than 2 or 3 days, or as usual not at all (ie it stops working for me), its kind of like caffeine intoxication in that way..
The euphoria is almost completely non existent now after being on it for only 1 1/2 months, even at doses of 20-30mg/day.
Its kind of like anti-depressants in a way in that it stops working. So I just take it so I can orgasm, thats about all that I use it for now.
So no it didnt improve my overall cognition because I'm too distracted by external things and cannot think internally anymore while on it. But its not good enough to be taking all of the time because its just too much of a headfuck to be on it all of the time.
So what I've been doing is taking it once or twice a week, sometimes 3 times a week, but it feels like I'm slowly getting used to it.
I hate Brains, wish I could become transhumanist already, if you're a computer you don't have to put up with this cloak and dagger/wax on wax off shit all the damn time.
Short answer:
I voted no. Because being horny all the time isnt a benefit unless you're a porn star.
Edited by Layberinthius, 08 November 2013 - 10:40 AM.
Posted 07 December 2013 - 10:18 AM
someone can explain me why (not only in me) there are benefits with noopept only the first times is taken and then even if stopped for months is impossible to replace those effects? What happen in the brain to produce those feelings only the first time, looks a bit strange... it's a shame, the first times on noopept was wonderful.. then only irritability and numbness
How much and how often did you take it?
What do you mean by "only the first times" - how long did Noopept work well for you?
Posted 12 January 2014 - 06:57 AM
Noopept has no direct improvement, for me, on my ability to think better. It does, however, exhibit a very marked anxiolytic property that keeps away the negative effects of stress.
Overall, my overall cognition goes no HIGHER while on Noopept, but it does have a HIGHER AVERAGE due to a lesser amount of stress and anxiety.
Edited by Jeoshua, 12 January 2014 - 06:58 AM.
Posted 27 February 2014 - 01:08 PM
Posted 28 February 2014 - 02:27 AM
Posted 21 April 2014 - 07:38 PM
> Overall, my overall cognition goes no HIGHER while on Noopept, but it does have a HIGHER AVERAGE due to a lesser amount of stress and anxiety.
I think you may have hit the nail on the head.
I think that for people like myself (and maybe you?) who find stress an intelligence/productivity killer,
then Noopept seems to help a great deal.
I find that I am much more calm, focused, and relaxed on Noopept. I am also more confident - intellectually
and socially. These things have a positive overall affect on my mental performance. I think this is how it mainly works for me.
Posted 06 June 2014 - 03:23 AM
While Noopept is a favorite of Biohackers - you could spend many hours reading online in forums and watching Youtube videos with first hand accounts of it's Nootropic effects - as a Nootropic supplement it has a lack of human studies documenting cognition enhancing powers.
This smart drug has so much commercial potential... I wish more human studies would be conducted on it...
Posted 06 June 2014 - 05:33 PM
While Noopept is a favorite of Biohackers - you could spend many hours reading online in forums and watching Youtube videos with first hand accounts of it's Nootropic effects - as a Nootropic supplement it has a lack of human studies documenting cognition enhancing powers.
This smart drug has so much commercial potential... I wish more human studies would be conducted on it...
Can you please stop spamming the forum with links to your shitty site/channel?
Advertising is not allowed.
Posted 06 June 2014 - 06:56 PM
Can you please stop spamming the forum with links to your shitty site/channel?
Advertising is not allowed.
Actually spamming and advertising is very different than me sharing videos on a forum.
- Spamming is advertising messages that are uninvited and not contextually relevant. Not what I'm doing, all of my videos and corresponding comments are relevant to the threads I post them in. And anyone searching forums for a particular Nootropic ingredient is looking for multi media content on it.
- Advertising is promotion of a particular brand, product or offer. You'll notice my videos rarely if ever even make mention of a specific brand or product. I have no loyalty to a particular brand or product, my website and community is simply a watchdog for high quality Biohacking products.
Actually I double checked with Longecity before I ever started syndicating my podcast and videos to the forums to make sure it was ok. Finally I'm sorry that you find my channel shitty, I spend countless hours producing videos and content which are read and watched by many thousands of people and a lot of them contact me personally and thank me for making lifehacking and biohacking information so accessible. If you find them shitty, I suggest you improve upon them.
Sincere regards,
Jonathan Roseland
Posted 07 June 2014 - 09:19 AM
Actually spamming and advertising is very different than me sharing videos on a forum.
- Spamming is advertising messages that are uninvited and not contextually relevant. Not what I'm doing, all of my videos and corresponding comments are relevant to the threads I post them in. And anyone searching forums for a particular Nootropic ingredient is looking for multi media content on it.
- Advertising is promotion of a particular brand, product or offer. You'll notice my videos rarely if ever even make mention of a specific brand or product. I have no loyalty to a particular brand or product, my website and community is simply a watchdog for high quality Biohacking products.
Just stop it. The only difference is you're getting paid for the number of visitors to your crap website and not for selling actual products (by which you'd actually be giving something back).
Actually I double checked with Longecity before I ever started syndicating my podcast and videos to the forums to make sure it was ok.
Lol, the fact you felt you had to check first only confirms what I'm saying.
Finally I'm sorry that you find my channel shitty, I spend countless hours producing videos and content which are read and watched by many thousands of people and a lot of them contact me personally and thank me for making lifehacking and biohacking information so accessible. If you find them shitty, I suggest you improve upon them.
Why on earth would I waste my time doing that?
I just want you to shut up.
Posted 10 June 2014 - 06:41 PM
You have several hundred posts here on Longecity, and I honestly do appreciate this community. So if you have any constructive suggestions as to how contribute my content in a more helpful way, I'm open to suggestions. If however, you are just looking for a digital fight or a place to call people names, I can't help you.
If I was simply a spammer trying to syphon traffic off forums there are far more effective ways to do it and I definitely wouldn't use my real name and photo.
Sincere regards,
Jonathan Roseland
Posted 05 July 2014 - 01:00 PM
no i actually felt worse strangely.
Posted 23 September 2014 - 09:00 PM
On a recent episode of Smart Drug Smarts he interviewed the creator of Noopept. Her accent is a little thick but it's worth a listen if you are really interested in some of the competitive advantages of Noopept... http://smartdrugsmar...vskaya-noopept/
Posted 24 September 2014 - 08:52 PM
....competitive advantages of Noopept...
Did Dave expose a market niche?
Posted 27 September 2014 - 12:17 AM
Edited by gwern, 27 September 2014 - 12:20 AM.
Posted 27 September 2014 - 12:30 AM
As it happens, I recently finished a blind self-experiment on Noopept supplementation, finding little effect: http://www.gwern.net...owup-experiment I should probably just make a forum thread about this shouldn't I... EDIT: http://www.longecity...clear-benefits/
Will check it out! Thanks Gwern
Posted 27 September 2014 - 01:19 PM
Edited by Nootropos, 27 September 2014 - 01:22 PM.
Posted 27 September 2014 - 05:13 PM
I bought 2 grams of noopept a reputed ebay seller (China supplier). I'm on my seventh day of taking 20 mg a day and the only thing I notice is sleepy and tired. is this normal? it may be for the anxiolytic effect?
Take it down to 10mg
Posted 27 September 2014 - 05:54 PM
I find noopept to be one of the most effective nootropics, probably the best of the racetams. But the taste of the powder is miserable.
Posted 03 October 2014 - 07:30 PM
I find noopept to be one of the most effective nootropics, probably the best of the racetams. But the taste of the powder is miserable.
Just be thankful Nootropics don't smell bad too!
Posted 10 December 2014 - 02:29 AM
Voted yes.
Long term effects: I feel generally more able to comprehend and deal with situations requiring mental processing or managing details. Even after a few days without taking Noopept. I can also focus better even when not taking Noopept for several days. Can't say how long term this is. Atleast a week, I guess? Haven't tested longer without Noopept yet: I only took ~ 20 30mg caps in total, but I rarely took them in two consecutive days.
Short term effects: Works like a charm in social situations. Eliminates brain fog, helps with anxiety, makes socializing less painful, but only in actually interesting or intellectually stimulating social situations. If the conversation is boring I will feel even more boring (Noopept helps "predict" the conversation so if it's shallow it will be apparent). Noopept activates a "no bullshit" attitude.
Posted 17 December 2014 - 04:28 AM
Posted 17 December 2014 - 09:36 AM
I definitely feel a shift in perception from noopept. It is much different than any other racetam I have tried. It seems almost dissociative in that I feel I can afford more control over my senses and emotional state, in a stepping outside the box sort of way. Every other racetam I have tried just feels like some sort of mental stimulant with added effects here and there. While the various racetams often provide a pleasent boost, I feel like I am more in control of my mental state on noopept alone.
Posted 19 December 2014 - 05:57 AM
I just wanted to chime in to agree with someone who said there should be a lot more poll like this.
Also, 60% isn't bad imo. I think of nootropics as being the same as say SSRIs (or any psychiatric med pretty much) and all the other dozens of antidepressants (antidepressants/a million other things), in that there aren't any bad options, just different ones that work for different people, and there's little way of guessing which will be best.
I mean all the SSRIs do basically the same thing. But some people wouldn't dare take one kind while another is just perfect.
Posted 09 January 2015 - 09:32 PM
Does anyone lost the "rush" people get from beginning with Noopept. What does it mean the rush goes away ?
I experienced it once, the first time I did a large dose of 50 mg. I felt like I was seeing the world clearly for the first time, and other people seemed kind of stupid, slow, and dull. everything seemed obvious, like I could see how things worked and it all made sense. All of this led me to feel impatient with others for a few hours, and I became irritable. It was a great experience but not one that I would want to have every day.
Posted 09 January 2015 - 11:17 PM
How do you people take Noopept, though? I read 90% of it is lost when taking it orally? I couldn't try it sublingually because I had it already stacked with choline. Will try sublingual use of pure Noopept powder from newstarnootropics in a month.
Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: noopept, cognition
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