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Did Noopept improve your overall cognition?

noopept cognition

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Poll: Did Noopept improve your overall cognition? (240 member(s) have cast votes)

Did Noopept improve your overall cognition?

  1. Yes (150 votes [61.73%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 61.73%

  2. No (93 votes [38.27%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 38.27%

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#61 splinter6

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Posted 03 May 2015 - 10:27 AM

It increased my brain fog at 20mg and gave me a headache even with a choline supplement. Useless for me.

#62 KJx

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Posted 03 May 2015 - 01:26 PM

Have you tried it without choline? What choline source are you using? 

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#63 splinter6

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Posted 03 May 2015 - 01:31 PM

Have you tried it without choline? What choline source are you using?

Yeah I had it without choline and the effect was the same. I just used a choline+inositol supplement.

#64 KJx

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Posted 03 May 2015 - 02:36 PM

Well that's certainly a rare reaction to noopept (if it was really because of noopept). When I bought noopept first time, I gave some to around ~10 people :D And all reported no effects or mild positive ones. But I did read on the internet that some respond poor to noopept. Also choline is really not necessary for using noopept. 

Also be careful with inositol - it leeches away minerals from your body. I think it caused my tooth decay once (or could just be I ate too many sweets at that time in my life!) 

Edited by KJx, 03 May 2015 - 02:37 PM.

#65 jroseland

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Posted 09 June 2015 - 05:26 PM

Ok Noopeptites, I recently got some sharp graphic designs done of the Noopept molecule. Let me know what you think...




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#66 KJx

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Posted 09 June 2015 - 06:25 PM

No offence, but I think you have too much time on your hands :> Might as well play a good PC game or read a book. Well, you asked what I think :>

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#67 Strangelove

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Posted 09 June 2015 - 07:52 PM

Is sublingual absorption much more effective than oral? I think I am overdosing even with 20mg...

#68 KJx

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Posted 09 June 2015 - 07:56 PM

I read oral absorbtion is only 10%. Sublingual is preferred... Personally, I sometimes take up to 100mg doses and they work just fine. Although I suppose that is unnecessary. 40-50mg seems to hit the right spot for oral consumption.

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#69 Creo

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Posted 10 June 2015 - 01:47 PM

I read the effect of oral comes a lot later compared to sublingual (ofc as anything), however the effects are longer.  I think i am going to take it with some water.

#70 Colactix

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Posted 17 January 2016 - 06:36 PM

I didn't really notice much from Noopept. Paradoxically it seemed to increase my brain fog. And after a day or two I developed a headache, even when taking alongside DMAE. Everyone's different when it comes to this though. I was really hopeful... 

#71 KJx

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Posted 18 January 2016 - 01:50 AM

I notice with noopept I need more sleep. Like 10 hours. It could be unrelated, but I suspect it is. I sleep as much as I want so it's easy to notice how much I sleep chronologically after noopept. However, this does not mean noopept induces any kind of sleepyness. Not at all, it has no effect on that. My theory is noopept's neuron or whatever growth effects means when you use it your brain may need more sleep to actually perform that nerve growth? Anyone with science understanding could confirm/deny that assumption?


#72 davidallen

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Posted 23 January 2016 - 05:34 PM

Well, all the cientific studies on noopept (and there is very few of them) tested short-term effects. None seems to try adding choline source.

If I were to desing an experiment, I would get a group of volunteers, make them do few test for a week or so, then sort them randomly into two groups. Then give one of them a real stack (30 mg noopept + some strong choline source) and give placebo to the other.

After 3-4 weeks, another series of tests.

The problem, of course, is with lack of willing volunteers (people are unlikely to do this for free, and I am not able to compensate them) and the price of drugs themselves. Noopept and good choline sources (alike Alpha GPC) are expensive. And we are talking about dozens of people, to get some significant results.

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#73 KJx

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Posted 23 January 2016 - 07:51 PM

I've given noopept + citicoline to many of my friends. Only 30% felt -something-. 

#74 Wingless

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Posted 09 February 2016 - 09:53 PM

If I take about 30mg+ of Noopept sublingually, I absolutely feel a sharp increase in cognitive functioning. It's hard to describe exactly what it does, as I've only taken it a handful of times. But it's completely unlike any racetam or other nootropic/smart drug I've taken. It's very useful for taking exams too, as it provides a noticeable anxiolytic effect.



Edited by Wingless, 09 February 2016 - 09:54 PM.

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#75 Onyoursix

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Posted 11 February 2016 - 06:59 AM

I would say noopept/nootropics have significantly improved my cognitive performance.  It's a little hard for me to gauge because I haven't taken just noopept for a significant amount of time by itself to notice it's exact long term benefits over other noots.



I was a heavy alcohol user as well as a moderate drug user, I also suffer from a lazy eye (not the kind that wanders, but my brain doesn't fully utilize one eye).  I felt off and a tad slower after 10 years of drinking and from some binge drug experiences.  When I first started using nootropics I felt like I was back to 100% cognitive function, but the weirdest part, and I'm probably not articulating it right, I could feel my brain use my lazy eye.  Things actually FELT 3D, it was very strange to me.  I don't get nearly that same sensation as I did when I first started in my bad eye.  But I would say that over the past two years I've maybe had an increase of 10% (this is just a moderate guess) in use of my bad eye, from what I can tell.  My vision hasn't improved, but it's just different.  I also feel that my mind has been healed (probably not the correct term) from my alcohol and drug problems.  Even when I'm off nootropics my mind is much sharper then pre-nootropic use.  I've remembered lost memories and am able to reconstruct things in my mind from childhood.  I don't want this to sound like nootropics are a miracle drug or whatever.  I think I'm very fortunate in my experiences with them.  


Honestly, they've improved my life I feel like for the better.  I don't take them nearly as much as I used to, but I still take them nonetheless and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon.

Edited by Onyoursix, 11 February 2016 - 07:14 AM.

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#76 Flow

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Posted 12 February 2016 - 01:28 AM

I live on noopept. This thing plain saved my life. I used to have thick brain fog and fatigue, i still have some, but there is a huge improvement because of 2 supplements, to each of which i attribute half of this success: one is noopept, another is pregnenolone.


I have tied almost all supplements available on the market, and noopept is the best one for me, a life saver. 

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#77 koolaid_zero

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Posted 17 February 2016 - 12:30 AM

I've been taking noopept for about a month now. The major benefit that I seem to get from it is that it seems to elevate my mood. I'm naturally a fairly anxious human being and I've found that it pretty much eliminates my anxiety and the paranoia that goes with it. I think that this probably has a good potential to use as part of a therapy of some sort. I'm thinking the clarity I get from it is due to the elimination of my anxiety. I'm not sure if it has had any effect on my memory, but I feel as if I've become more self aware and more aware of things spatially. I've been taking it twice daily 10mg in the morning and 10 mg around the afternoon (sublingualy). I've had no issues with short term memory that some people seem to report. I'm an otherwise healthy person and I haven't been using any other nootropics or substances other than the occasional alcoholic beverage.

Edited by koolaid_zero, 17 February 2016 - 12:40 AM.

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#78 KillazPullinThemTriggaz

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Posted 17 February 2016 - 07:38 AM

Someone mentioned that Noopept helps when he forgot to take his benzo. Would Noopept help a phenibut withdrawal somehow?

#79 Blackkzeus

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Posted 17 February 2016 - 04:34 PM

I live on noopept. This thing plain saved my life. I used to have thick brain fog and fatigue, i still have some, but there is a huge improvement because of 2 supplements, to each of which i attribute half of this success: one is noopept, another is pregnenolone.

I have tied almost all supplements available on the market, and noopept is the best one for me, a life saver.

How has pregnenolone affected you?

#80 MetaphasicSystems

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Posted 05 April 2016 - 05:01 AM

No. But I'd love to know what brand you're all taking.

#81 sedentary

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Posted 23 September 2019 - 12:51 AM

i checked trials on humans relation to noopept, and it seems to be only one comparing it with piracetam. seriously, is this really a substance you can rely on??

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#82 EvaWhite

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Posted 02 July 2024 - 08:16 AM

As someone who has pretty poor cognition, I am trying my very best to improve it. I currently take modafinil from modafinia. I have noticed that low hanging fruit such as daily exercise, drinking adequate water each day (around 3 litres) and ensuring I have eaten enough and daily meditation all contribute to improving my cognition and focus. 

Edited by EvaWhite, 02 July 2024 - 08:16 AM.

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