Hi I recently ordered Pramiracetam for the first time from a vendor on ebay 'naturalsupplements2012'. They seemed to have a decent reputation so I felt okay about this. When it arrived I tested the taste and smell to see if it matched what I've read - it tastes like burnt rubber tires, chemical, bitter, not entirely unpleasant (at least not to an inveterate green tea abusers taste buds) but definitely 'alien'. I took this to be a good sign. More worrisome however is that about half of it was in the form of large solid crystals. I'm not sure if this is really anything to worry about or not, as I would expect these drugs initially are synthesised as crystals until being ground down, but I thought I should ask to see if anyone else had any information on this. For what it's worth I threw the crystals into a mortar and pestle and ground them down into a powder.
I've only used this for two days, the first day was great, second day a lot of brain fog/derealisation, I'm thinking this has to do with my not taking a choline source, thinking I could get away with not taking it as I had with noopept (which so far I would say is the far far far superior nootropic).