What exactly is wrong with sending nuclear-coded mRNAs to the mitos, rather than proteins?
Although the import pathway in anmials is not known, the addition of a yeast tRNA import factor enabled tRNA import in human cells.[1] This paper would suggest the strategy to tag mRNAs with a suitable aptamer sequence (such as a tRNA) that binds some mitochondrially targeted protein (such as the same yeast import factor) to piggy-back into the mito. We could plausibly get around protein hydrophobicity, codon adaptation, possible saturation of the TIM/TOM complex and a universal vector might be used for all the 13 genes and the tRNAs (which also need to be allotopically expressed if the mito DNA is to be scrambled). I guess this would not be all that hard to test, if only someone had the motivation, would it?