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C60 Log - MikeInNaples

c60 evoo log experience

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#1 mikeinnaples

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Posted 12 March 2013 - 12:22 PM

Physical Attributes:

38 y/o, Male, 6'1, 182 lbs

BMI - 24.0
Body Fat: 8-10% (estimation, my last actual is dated)
Athletic/Lean build

Significant greying / whitening on facial hair.
Slight greying on head, no balding, perhaps some receding hairline (so slowly I cant tell myself if at all)


I don't adhere to a 'paleo' diet, even though I do adopt many/most of its principals.

4/5 days a week in the gym. Avg: 1hr weight lifting / 30 minutes cardio. I have been working out my entire life starting in high school.
Supplemental exercise via surfing and other activities

Most likely at calorie deficit on workout days according to typical diet, CRON-o-meter, and calories burnt.

Occasional drinker. 1-2 / week on average. Sometimes more and sometimes less. Lately less (1 btl wine over last 3 weeks approx).

Non smoker for last 4 years / Former smoker for 18 years prior (off and on as I struggled to quit)

Health/Mental Issues:

Prior issues with Cholesterol and was on statin for 5 years. Managed now via lifestyle and Nicotinic Acid.

C5/C6 artificial disc replacement.
C3/C4,C4/C5,C6/C7 are still blown and unrepaired. Mainly chronic and not acute symptoms via referral discomfort, tightness, and trigger points

ADHD - diagnosed as an adult


Metformin 500mg x 1/day
Adderal 20mg x 2/day
Retin-A : 2-3x / week depending on potential sun exposure and skin condition. I apply with 99% pure aloe.


Every Day:

Nicotinic Acid - 2g

5 Days per week:

ALCAR - 500mg
Melatonin -3mg
Ultra Omega 3 - 500/250
NAC sustain - 600mg
LE Super K (100mcg mk-7, 1000mcg mk-4, 1000mcg K1)
Mag. Citrate - 400mg
Lysine - 2g
Beta Alanine - 2g
P-5-P - 50mg
Lutein/Zeaxanthin - 20mg
IP6 - 500mg
Green Tea Extract - 400mg (80% Total Catechins, and 50% EGCg)
Silymarin - 300mg (80%)

3 Days per week:

Methyl B12 - 1000mcg
TMG - 500mg
Benfotiamine - 150mg
Lithium - (5mg actual)


D3 - 5,000 IU, 1-2x/week depending on sun exposure

Test Subject #2:
Pigi - 10 y/o Parson Russel Terrier (15-17lbs)

Edited by mikeinnaples, 12 March 2013 - 12:35 PM.

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#2 mikeinnaples

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Posted 12 March 2013 - 12:33 PM


.6mg/ml solution approx.

Initial Dosage

15mg (25ml) x 3 days for a total of 45mg.

Initial Observations

Slight feeling of malaise kind of like I was coming down with a cold the day following my first dose. I have been more tired in the evening and lethargic first thing in the morning, but I feel refreshed. Been feeling hungrier than normal that past few days as well.

Pet's Dosage

.6mg (1ml) x 3 days for a total of 1.8mg


She was lethargic and grumpy and not at all herself after her initial dosage. She is back to normal and seems to have extra energy now. More anecdote is that there seems to be extra pep in her step and she is more actively playing and sleeping less.
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#3 mikeinnaples

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Posted 12 March 2013 - 12:59 PM

For 3 lifting sessions in each muscle group / exercise I chose and inclusive of one weekend recovery period, I logged my lifting. This was done with a static weight for each exercise and stopping after a 8 rep maximum (or earlier if i hit failure) on each set until the last one, which I pushed to failure. In addition, I logged a very specific cardio routine on a treadmill beginning at a specific speed and incline, then steadily increasing load every 5 minutes for 30 minutes. Near the end of the 30 minutes, I took my pulse electronically. I then took 60s, 120s, and 180s recovery pulse rates. (I also took resting HR measurements, but wont be doing that observation until tom. as I forgot today).


Make of it what you will, but this is a enough of a result for me as a skeptic that I cannot easily attribute it to placebo effect. I am very in touch with my body and my limitations as I have been doing this for all of my adult life. What I found most interesting is that the first lift was not outside of 'normal' or what could be considered a possible normal gain after a normal recovery period. The real noticeable difference was in the additional exercise utilizing some of the same muscles. This makes sense if C60 is effecting endurance and exercise recovery more so than actual strength. The gain in the abdominal exercise as well as the drop in heart rate during my run would support that.

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Edited by mikeinnaples, 12 March 2013 - 01:03 PM.

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#4 mikeinnaples

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Posted 13 March 2013 - 12:28 PM

I did not make it into the gym yesterday, so my second set of exercises will not get posted today. We had good waves yesterday, so I opted to get a liquid workout by surfing. One small piece of anecdote: I was tight and sore yesterday in the muscles I worked out Monday. I kind of felt like I would after a 'first' workout rather than how I would normally expect to feel for someone that exercises as much as I do. I am attributing this to the extra reps I was able to do on Monday.

#5 platypus

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Posted 13 March 2013 - 05:51 PM

Interestin, what could be the mechanism for the added reps? Neural adaptation or something muscle-cell related?

#6 mikeinnaples

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Posted 13 March 2013 - 07:35 PM

Interestin, what could be the mechanism for the added reps? Neural adaptation or something muscle-cell related?

Not sure, though there has been some speculation in one of the other C60 threads regarding lung function / oxygen utilization.

#7 niner

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Posted 13 March 2013 - 09:43 PM

Interestin, what could be the mechanism for the added reps? Neural adaptation or something muscle-cell related?

Muscle fatigue, which is a thing distinct from strength, is a ROS-mediated phenomenon. C60 is very good at de-activating ROS. Other potent antioxidants, like NAC, also reduce muscle fatigue. Here's a paper on it. A number of people have seen this effect from c60, and the typical phenomenon is that people go nuts doing too many reps and injure themselves- several of us did this. Mike's extra soreness after his last workout is probably a little bit of injury. I'm starting to get the impression that muscle fatigue is a protective mechanism that makes us stop before we hurt ourselves.
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#8 mikeinnaples

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Posted 14 March 2013 - 12:37 PM

Here is the second part of my exercise log. The amount of reps I added to my squats was astonishing considering last week it took everything I had to get #6 up on the last set without dropping the bar.

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Edited by mikeinnaples, 14 March 2013 - 12:37 PM.

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#9 mikeinnaples

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Posted 14 March 2013 - 12:45 PM

Interestin, what could be the mechanism for the added reps? Neural adaptation or something muscle-cell related?

Muscle fatigue, which is a thing distinct from strength, is a ROS-mediated phenomenon. C60 is very good at de-activating ROS. Other potent antioxidants, like NAC, also reduce muscle fatigue. Here's a paper on it. A number of people have seen this effect from c60, and the typical phenomenon is that people go nuts doing too many reps and injure themselves- several of us did this. Mike's extra soreness after his last workout is probably a little bit of injury. I'm starting to get the impression that muscle fatigue is a protective mechanism that makes us stop before we hurt ourselves.

This explanation you provided make sense to me. I didn't really feel 'stronger' when I was lifting, I was just able to lift the same load more times. Does this equate to strength gain as well? I am guessing it doesn't directly, however, if you can avoid injury and overtraining, the increased reps over time would probably lead to more strength gain over time as well..... interesting.

I am quite sore and tight this morning as well from yesterday's workout. Looks like I may need to stop a couple of reps short of failure going forward while taking C60 to avoid over training and/or injury.

Edited by mikeinnaples, 14 March 2013 - 01:04 PM.

#10 platypus

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Posted 14 March 2013 - 02:24 PM

Thanks for posting this - even if N is one this is solid data, and something not easily explained with the placebo-effect.

#11 mikeinnaples

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Posted 19 March 2013 - 12:57 PM

FYI - I won't be updating this log unless I have anecdote or evidence of note to report.

1. Ran a 5k recently and it was my fastest time since I ran CC in high school. I cannot attribute this to C60 though with any confidence as it has been quite a while since I did a 5k just to see how fast I could do it.

2. Drowned myself in Guinness and Jameson at a St Patty's block party Saturday night. I was good and drunk by the time my wife drove us home. I don't drink like that normally, so it is hard for me to say whether or not it took more alcohol than it should have to get to that point. Prior to bed, I took NAC out of habit rather than with intent to stave off the alcohol's effect. Though I did not wake up hung over (and I should have!), I cannot say C60 assisted with this or if it was just the NAC alone. On the few times a year I drink like a fish, I always take NAC after to stave of hangover. (New Years, St. Patty's, my birthday mainly).

3. Worked out Monday and lifted heavier than I did during my tests. No astonishing gains or anything even out of the boundaries of what I would expect when jumping up in weight. However, my abdominal exercises which are very high rep.... the endurance increase I noticed last week persisted. More anecdote, I suppose, to support the C60 increasing muscle fatigue/endurance theory rather than raw strength.

#12 mikeinnaples

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Posted 25 March 2013 - 12:44 PM

After a 2 week break from my initial dose, I have decide to switch myself and my fellow lab rat to a lower, more frequent dose.

Me: .75 mg / day

Dog: .375 mg twice weekly

#13 niner

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Posted 25 March 2013 - 01:20 PM

After a 2 week break from my initial dose, I have decide to switch myself and my fellow lab rat to a lower, more frequent dose.

Me: .75 mg / day

Dog: .375 mg twice weekly

Were you noticing a drop-off in effects toward the end of the two week period, or are you just looking at frequent dosing to see if you see any differences?

#14 mikeinnaples

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Posted 25 March 2013 - 02:14 PM

I changed my lifting up last week and went heavier @ lower reps. I didn't notice any benefits at heavy load in regards to pure strength. As I mentioned above though, the high rep count remained in the abdominal exercises.

I decided to change it up a little to err on the side of caution for now and will be taking much less overall. I still up in the air on how to cycle it or if cycling it is even needed.

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