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schizoaffective disorder

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#1 visorconfederation

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Posted 17 March 2013 - 12:42 PM

I'm gonna write my regimen here and update what I'm doing, hopefully it will up my motivation. Wasted my other thread on arguing and moaning. Well I have a more coherent idea of what I'm about to embark on, thanks to the honourable BLimitless, and Tom_ from Mind&Matter. After my last visit to my psychiarist, who I have refused meds and prescriptions from for the past 6 months, it is said I am probably schizoaffective - mood disorder with paranoid schizophrenia.

Within a few days the last of the supplements below will have arrived. I've only ordered one of each at this stage. It could become expensive to maintain but it's that or insanity. I don't need to go over my history, already done that in my introduction thread and another one in Mental Health. My diet will be a full spectrum exclusion diet. Potential allergens such as dairy and gluten will be removed. And sugar; that goes without saying. I will try to eat as much raw food as possible, especially leafy green vegetables, with my protein coming from organic chicken, beef or salmon. I'm not thinking about exercise at the moment. I am far from sedentary as I walk up to 7 km a day, going to and from work. But I can't begin to think about doing proper exercise until I'm healthier and can manage the motivation and energy. I know it's going to take a while to adhere to the diet (been trying to start it for last 3 weeks).

I will start taking B3, B6, B12, C, D3, Magnesium and Zinc and Fish Oil after a week of solid good diet as described. I've already started the superfoods (I mix with non-concentrated grapefruit juice). After two weeks I'll start taking lots of Reishi (it's not really regimen material but it could provide a boost) and Cayenne mixed with warm water or juice. The other stuff will come later so I have time to get used to the vitamins etc.

Fact File

Name: Paul
Age: 21
Occupation: Cafe assistant (waiting, kitchenhanding)
Location: Western Australia (originally from New Zealand)
Former hobbies: photography, bird watching, reading, writing, history, travel
Current hobbies: sleep, apathy, suicidal thoughts, psychoses, fatigue, brain fog, memory loss, intelligence loss
Desired hobbies: see "Former hobbies"
Desired outcomes: to feel like my normal old self (like most of you people) when I was 16 before my first psychosis and ongoing downward spiral


  • B1 as SULBUTIAMINE powder (600 mg - 1.2 g)
  • B3 as NICOTINIC ACID powder (2-6 g daily)
  • B6 as Solgar P-5-P tabs (100 mg)
  • B12 as Solgar METHYLCOBALAMIN sublingual chews (5 mg)
  • C as Wagner ESTER C powder (2-3 g)
  • D as Healthy Origins D3 caps (5000 IU)
Minerals et al
  • Magnesium as Now Foods MAGNESIUM CITRATE caps (500 mg)
  • Zinc as safehealth ZINC liquid (~50 mg zinc equiv)
  • Fish oil as Nordic Naturals OMEGA-3 liquid (~tbsp)
  • NAC as N-ACETYL L-CYSTEINE powder (2-4 g)
  • Choline as ALPHA-GPC powder (~1 g)
  • Nootropic as NOOPEPT powder
  • Organic superfood mix as WHEATGRASS, SPIRULINA, BARLEYGRASS, CHLORELLA powders (2 large servings a day)
  • New Chapter Organics full spectrum REISHI caps (experimental)
  • Organic CAYENNE powder
Future considerations
  • Lions Mane
  • Sarcosine (Glycine)
  • other

Edited by visorconfederation, 17 March 2013 - 12:50 PM.

#2 renfr

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Posted 17 March 2013 - 12:54 PM

Nice stack, hope it helps with your symptoms.
However you may want to review alpha GPC, a recent study showed that it could be more detrimental than beneficial.
Don't take 100mg B6 everyday though, it will accumulate overtime and cause peripheral neuropathy and autoimmune syndrome on the long term (between 6months-2 years).
If you're very deficient in D3 and you don't get a lot of sun you may want to up to 10000UI plus it is synergic with sulbutiamine and B6.
In which period of the day do you plan to take sulbutiamine?

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#3 visorconfederation

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Posted 17 March 2013 - 02:53 PM

Nice stack, hope it helps with your symptoms.
However you may want to review alpha GPC, a recent study showed that it could be more detrimental than beneficial.
Don't take 100mg B6 everyday though, it will accumulate overtime and cause peripheral neuropathy and autoimmune syndrome on the long term (between 6months-2 years).
If you're very deficient in D3 and you don't get a lot of sun you may want to up to 10000UI plus it is synergic with sulbutiamine and B6.
In which period of the day do you plan to take sulbutiamine?

Oh. I only bought 25 mg of Alpha GPC so far. What's the ideal one? Citicholine?

What do you mean by synergic? Does that mean it goes well with?

I don't know when I'll take it. Morning?

#4 renfr

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Posted 17 March 2013 - 03:40 PM

Yeah citicholine is by far the best cholinergic but it's quite expensive, choline bitartrate is the cheapest (15 bucks for 1kg) and it stacks very well with sulbutiamine.
Synergic means it is more powerful when used together than when used separately.
Dunno about sulb, I've been taking it every morning for a month but I'm thinking about taking it in the evening to confirm or not my theory.

#5 bobz1lla

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Posted 17 March 2013 - 04:45 PM

I'm a fan of gpc over cdp for a choline source.

GPC seems more calming, and CDP has some stim to it.

To each their own.

Edited by bobz1lla, 17 March 2013 - 04:46 PM.

#6 Turnbuckle

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Posted 17 March 2013 - 05:07 PM

B3, excellent.

#7 telight

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Posted 17 March 2013 - 07:08 PM

However you may want to review alpha GPC, a recent study showed that it could be more detrimental than beneficial.

Do you have a link/name of study?

#8 Tom_

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Posted 17 March 2013 - 07:16 PM

high dose vitamin C, at least 3x the amount of NAC - will stop kidney stones from forming.

#9 renfr

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Posted 17 March 2013 - 07:42 PM

Not if it's ascorbic acid, sodium ascorbate for such doses should be considered or its liposomal form for more potency.
The most potent supplements against kidney stones are rather Magnesium+B6 (they're synergic), glutathione and glycine.

#10 renfr

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Posted 17 March 2013 - 07:55 PM

For the alpha GPC studies :

#11 visorconfederation

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Posted 18 March 2013 - 12:41 AM

Ester C source is calcium ascorbate threonate complex

#12 renfr

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Posted 18 March 2013 - 04:11 AM

Yeah I have some Ester C, calcium/magnesium etc ascorbate are good forms but if you plan taking large doses it will mean more calcium so that's why sodium is the best for such doses.
There's 110mg calcium per g of Ester C.

#13 visorconfederation

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Posted 18 March 2013 - 07:00 AM

I could use some calcium. Why is it a problem?

#14 visorconfederation

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Posted 20 March 2013 - 03:05 PM

At work I today I came very close to having a nervous breakdown and walking out. Every day I'm at work, even though I've been there for nearly a year, I am scared of being fired because I'm not good enough and because they think I'm weird. I always hear them complaining about me behind my back, even the slightest mistakes I make. What's worse is that they have hardly any subtlety and I often overhear them, and they use sarcasm right in front of me thinking that I'm not going to pick up on it. They have nothing better to do than talk about other people but I thought they would have gotten over it by now since I've been working that long. One day it's going to be too much. I swear every moment of my life in this fear, paranoia and anxiety is causing brain damage. I know nothing else than to live in fear and distrust.

Still haven't started the diet/supps.

This seems good: http://www.iherb.com...0-Capsules/3620

It has soy, but the description reads that as it is fermented it does not have the same qualities as normal soy and therefore not a regular allergen. The reviews are good.

#15 visorconfederation

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Posted 21 March 2013 - 12:05 PM

At what time of the day should I take these supplements? e.g. which have best results taken at morning or night. The B vits are fat soluble and will be taken with a large meal. The others I don't know. Can someone please make a short bullet point list from AM to PM?

#16 visorconfederation

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Posted 23 March 2013 - 05:33 AM

or not

#17 Nootropic Cat

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Posted 23 March 2013 - 08:10 PM

NAC first thing, last thing, probably somewhere in between as well (always on empty stomach). Glycine is good for sleep quality, might be good as a noot during the day as well, not sure. Reishi/lion's mane probably best taken at night. Honestly the rest of the stuff I don't think it matters too much, probably in the morning, or split it morning and afternoon. I think I've heard of meditation having adverse effects in schizophrenics so be careful with that; maybe look into relaxation techniques rather than mediation per se. And please at least stay in contact with your doctor/psychiatrist.

Hang in there bro :)

#18 visorconfederation

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Posted 24 March 2013 - 07:47 AM

Thanks... I tried some noopept the other night from someone who recommended it (they are schizo but now healthy). Well I didn't notice anything except a few hours later when I went to bed my legs had very sore cramps, something which I hardly ever get. Is this from the noopept? I took about 30mg with some Alpha GPC. I've heard that noopept is sort of cumulative and you don't feel anything until after a few days or weeks. Then there's others on here who say after 20 minutes on the first dose they felt changes.

Still haven't started my diet. It is harder than I thought. I can do it from breakfast till lunch, but after that sugar and carb cravings come. When I get my fill of carbs at night it usually puts me to sleep because it's so calming. I'm wondering what I could eat that could mimic this effect other than even more supplements. Because I've been trying to start the diet and eat at least gluten free I have started craving pizza. And most gluten free flours just use rice or corn flour and it isn't satisfying and I still feel like something sweet. Have some xylitol but that doesn't give the same effect. I'm so used to wheat, potatos etc.

Next attempt to start my diet will be next week. I'm going to load up on gluten free pasta and eat it at every meal, see what happens.

Oh and I also crave milk. Almond milk is yuck and basically just bitter water. Rice milks are usually sweetened with sugar. Oat milk of course has gluten. Soy is something I want to avoid, though I love the taste. I was thinking of using GOAT milk? This still has casein but people allergic to cows milk often drink goats milk instead.

#19 visorconfederation

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Posted 25 March 2013 - 08:00 AM

Since today is a Monday I'm going to officially start a log. My niacin (nicotinic acid) arrived today and I'm mildly excited to try it out. I don't expect it to cure me but I am interested to experience a niacin flush for the first time. I'll take 1 gram tonight with some vit c. Then aim for 3g tomorrow split across the day. Then maybe up the dosage to 6g a day after a week.

Question: My ester c powder (taken with juice) seems very sour and leaves me with a sore or irritated throat after drinking it. I'm thinking of getting a different vitamin c supplement. Can anyone recommend a good source/brand of vitamin c (prefer powder)? Note I still have some unanswered questions above as well.

Day 1

Awoke 7am from alarm to ring my work for my roster. Fell back asleep and woke back up at 8:50am, quickly washed and done some dishes and was out the door for my 3km walk to work. Started breakfast with a sugary iced coffee crap drink. Drank that and water throughout work. Finished, did supermarket shopping. Got a taxi instead of walking back home. Opened another iced coffee to drink. So far I've not ate because the milk fills me up. Tonight I'm making gluten/dairy free meatballs with pasta and tomatoes.

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#20 visorconfederation

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Posted 25 March 2013 - 10:21 AM

Well this is an experience.

Only 1 scoop (~around 1gram) of niacin in a glass of apple juice. I took it with my meal. It made the juice very sour but I kept drinking. When I'd finished half the glass (I'm guessing 500 mg of niacin) I knew the flush was coming on after about 2 minutes.

First, my stomach felt odd and heavy. The back of my neck tingled and became prickly. It got warm. Then my face got warm. Then my whole face and neck grew hot, then my arms. After a few more mins my entire body was red and hot hot hot. The sore and prickly tingling went from my face to my arms then to the front of my legs. Now it's at the back of my legs. It's very unpleasant. It's been over 30 minutes since I took the juice so 500mg must have been heaps. Now I just want the flush to go away. At the same time it's kind of fun since it's my first time and it's healthy. I think a cold shower will just make my skin feel worse so I'll just keep lying down.

I sort of feel like I could go to bed and sleep if I wanted to. But it's only 6pm so I won't. Other than that there are no mood changes.

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