...supplemental Choline causes more problems than it fixes.
I have read all the posts - thousands - on this forum and others and from all that data I conclude:
1. Most people don't need Choline stacked with a racetam
2. A lot of people start both together and wonder why they're getting depressed/fogged - both signs of excess Choline.
3. I get all the Choline I need from: daily meat (fish at the moment) 213g + 300mg Choline Bitartrate that is included in my generic B-Complex 100mg formula. It's a trivial amount and most if not all B-Complex formulations contain it.
4. When I first started Piracetam, for the first three days there was a tiny headache (I never get them otherwise) but it went away and never came back. I've been high-dosing Piracetam since then with the current regime at 6x5g/day.
Others may need supplemental Choline but please try Sunifiram (or whatever other racetam you're testing) alone first for at least a week to ascertain its effects, then start adding Choline...

+1 what he said

IMO everyone should most certainly pay attention to what this fine gentleman says about supplemental CHOLINE

Edited by ScienceGuy, 10 April 2013 - 08:29 AM.