Posted 16 April 2013 - 11:03 AM
Posted 16 April 2013 - 01:42 PM
Unfortunately I will have to stop trials until the stakes are lower. I think this is something to be taking as a regiment and not a crutch. I will re test this substance in the summer, but with finals rapidly approaching I just can't risk any unexpected downsides. Instead I will stick to the chems I know work, at least for this week.
*2 other notes: I also felt as though some effects would wear off at different times, while others remained. I have not experienced this with many other substances.
I would say that over the night I developed quite a dry-mouth.
Edited by Southern_Lights, 16 April 2013 - 01:51 PM.
Posted 16 April 2013 - 05:01 PM
Alright so I just had my first dose of sunifiram about 7 hours ago and I'd have to say the effects are pretty extreme so far...had no idea it would be this strong TBH. I took one microspoonful of it (using those red really small plastic spoons), which I think would be somewhere around 10mg.
All these positive reports has swayed me. I put my order in and am cautiously optimistic this will help reduce my sleep requirements and reduce my caffeine tolerance.
Posted 16 April 2013 - 05:12 PM
I would be cautious if youre looking for reduce ur sleep requirements.
Your sleep requirement doesnt just drop like this. Unless you know how sunifiram impacts your sleep and why nobody should use it to inentionally reduce their sleep.
Posted 16 April 2013 - 07:59 PM
Prohibitions (130)
Firing caps, loaded metal cartridges for portable firearms, non-explosive elements of artillery fuses and matches.
Pharmaceutical products of any kind, whether of synthetic extraction or classified as naturopathic preparations.
Radioactive materials.
Substances considered explosive; inflammable or dangerous.
My chances of receiving Sunifiram are probably slim to none. Why they heck is importing from the US so more strict than from the EU countries?
Posted 16 April 2013 - 08:05 PM
Since Norway isn't in the EU I guess you'd have the same kind of problems.Just found this:
Prohibitions (130)
Firing caps, loaded metal cartridges for portable firearms, non-explosive elements of artillery fuses and matches.
Pharmaceutical products of any kind, whether of synthetic extraction or classified as naturopathic preparations.
Radioactive materials.
Substances considered explosive; inflammable or dangerous.
My chances of receiving Sunifiram are probably slim to none. Why they heck is importing from the US so more strict than from the EU countries?
NSN sunifiram is labelled as a research chemicals not a pharmaceutical product so the chances of receiving it are maybe not that weak.
Posted 16 April 2013 - 08:11 PM
Posted 16 April 2013 - 08:13 PM
Since Norway isn't in the EU I guess you'd have the same kind of problems.
I'm shocked that you actually knew that :P I hope as you say, that the labeling improves my chances of getting it. I've ordered numerous pharmaceutical drugs (Cerebrolysin, piractetam, noopept etc.) from EU countries before without problems. The reason could be that Norway is part of EEA.
Edited by Megatrone, 16 April 2013 - 08:13 PM.
Posted 16 April 2013 - 08:16 PM
what's the range of doses that cause the reduced sleep (which sounds horrible, by the way)?
I noticed differences in my sleep at dosages of 10 mg. It was not acute, I woke up perhaps 30 minutes early after sleeping very sounding through the night(which is not all that common for me); I did not feel tired at all that morning, day nor particularly tied that night.
I woke up several hours early after the 100 mg dose; I was not tied upon waking but was noticeably tied in the afternoon. It is certainly NOT a substitute for sleep. I did sleep soundly throughout the night until waking.
Posted 16 April 2013 - 08:18 PM
what's the range of doses that cause the reduced sleep (which sounds horrible, by the way)?
I noticed differences in my sleep at dosages of 10 mg. It was not acute, I woke up perhaps 30 minutes early after sleeping very sounding through the night(which is not all that common for me); I did not feel tired at all that morning, day nor particularly tied that night.
I woke up several hours early after the 100 mg dose; I was not tied upon waking but was noticeably tied in the afternoon. It is certainly NOT a substitute for sleep. I did sleep soundly throughout the night until waking.
thanks for the quick reply. i think when i get mine from liftmode i'll try the 5mg dose and maybe increase gradually depending on how it goes.
Has anyone noticed improvement in memory from sunifiram?
Posted 16 April 2013 - 08:26 PM
Posted 16 April 2013 - 08:41 PM
I will definitely need to re-try this substance in a more controlled, experimental way.
I experienced absolutely zero positive effects on my trial. Having taken 10mg Ritalin today it is exponentially more helpful with studies, understanding, etc.
I do not know why I responded so differently to Sunifiram, than other users.
Hopefully someone else can/will relate?
Posted 16 April 2013 - 09:42 PM
Since Norway isn't in the EU I guess you'd have the same kind of problems.
NSN sunifiram is labelled as a research chemicals not a pharmaceutical product so the chances of receiving it are maybe not that weak.
I live in Germany, and customs here are a bitch. They'll confiscate anything they don't know, even if it's not listed as an illegal substance here. I never had anything confiscated when ordering from the UK, but as soon as I ordered Noopept from NSN, it was confiscated. They are generally more suspicious with shippings coming from the US, of course.
That being said - I ordered Sunifiram from them TWICE, and both times it arrived no problem. I think it's because of the label,too. It even worked for Piracetam from NSN once, and that IS FORBIDDEN to import in Germany, since it's sold as medication here.
Coming to think of it - I think the only reason that my Noopept was confiscated, is because I ordered it as "USPS flatrate - order" with tracking. Paid like 20 $ for the shipping alone. Maybe they label those differently or it makes customs more suspicious. Might of course well habe been coincidence, as well....
My point being - since 500mg are not too expensive it's worth a try, but I would choose regular USPS shipping...
Posted 16 April 2013 - 09:59 PM
Posted 16 April 2013 - 11:06 PM
As for sleep, I am needing only 5 hours compared to 8.5 before.
Bed last night was 3:30a and woke up at about 8:30a.
When I say 'needing' I mean that I wake up naturally every day with no alarms or disturbances so I sleep until my brain's done regenerating, then wake up.
So when I say that my sleep has been reduced from 8.5 to 5.5 hours consistently - I mean need, not ability.
I used to wake up many times in the night but as other posters have written, my sleep is now 'contiguous' or 'defragmented' - I only wake up once per night and often not until morning.
Unlike stimulants that reduce the ability to sleep and by doing so cause loss of needed sleep resulting in health deterioration and tiredness (the crash) - Sunifiram reduces the brain's need to regenerate by preventing metabolic damage.
Edited by Isochroma-Reborn, 16 April 2013 - 11:09 PM.
Posted 17 April 2013 - 01:56 AM
Sunifiram reduces the brain's need to regenerate by preventing metabolic damage.
Wouldn't that be just speculation at this point?
Posted 17 April 2013 - 02:18 AM
to sum it up, tired. other than that, still getting the positives.
Yesterday I noticed it took about 10 hours after my single dose of sunifiram (one red microspoonful which I think is between 10-20mg) for the "constantly on" stimulant feeling to reduce to the point that I felt like my mind could relax/take a break. So at this point I thought it had worn off but I still had a bit of that "sunny" feeling of seeing things in a good light and could still get some work/studying done much easier than usual. Anyways, a few hours later I went to sleep thinking I'd be able to relax, but when I closed my eyes I noticed that I still had a slight "on" feeling. Kind of weird because I wouldn't have thought sunifiram's effects would last so long, it's almost like they fade away really slowly. I also noticed that my body felt really warm. I wonder what part of sunifiram's MOA causes the warmth effect. I didn't struggle to fall asleep or anything.
I had to wake up pretty early for an unrelated reason, so only got 5 hours of sleep. I still felt a slight positive moodlift which was surprising. An hour later I took my 2nd dose of sunifiram plus 100mg choline bitartrate. Right afterwards I started feeling depressed. The depressed feeling started to go away about 30 minutes after this dose, and was pretty much all gone an hour afterwards which is pretty much the times when the effects of sunifiram was kicking in for me. So I'm thinking I was reacting to having too much choline, so I'm thinking it'd be better to take the choline like an hour after the sunifiram to avoid that. Weird though because I can take other racetams (piracetam, aniracetam, pramiracetam, noopept) with choline at the same time without getting any kind of too much choline feeling. I stayed up for about a halfhour more but I was still tired from waking up so I went back to sleep.
Woke up after 4 hours, but still felt tired. This is unusual because any other time if I'd have gotten 9 hours of sleep total (even if it was split into two "naps") I wouldn't feel tired. But otherwise, felt pretty good. I noticed in the middle of the day I started to lose steam and was feeling mentally exhausted then I remembered I hadn't eaten any breakfast or any food (I usually don't have breakfast lately), so I had some food and then felt fine again (except for the tiredness, but no mental exhaustion). So I figure I need to eat properly to "fuel" my brain for sunifiram to do its work. Generally had all the sunifiram effects of the previous day, except that I felt tired. Despite the tiredness though I was still wayy more productive than my baseline. Studying was way better, I was much less intimidated by hard topics and I also really like the way how sunifiram only really brings its effects out when I'm doing something. It's like if I just sit around doing nothing, I don't feel anything from it. But if I go do some work, study, watch TV, or talk to people the euphoria/positive effects kick in, and I felt myself constantly doing more productive things because I wanted to get that "mood reward". That impresses me a lot about this nootropic.
A few hours later I wanted to see how noopept would work with this since I had been taking noopept on/off (usually 5 days on 2 days off, sometimes a week break) for at least two months before taking a break yesterday to try out sunifiram. So I took half the amount of noopept I'd usually take (one red microspoonful, guess 10-20mg?) and 100mg choline. After 2 hours the noopept kicked in and I did NOT like it at all with sunifiram. It gave me an unusually strong feeling of empathy/emotion that felt like it was too much. Also it felt like my brain was trying to do too many things at once. Plus the increased focus of sunifiram was negatively affected. It reminded me of when I'd tried pramiracetam and noopept in combo. Pramiracetam tends to make my focus like tunnel-vision whereas with noopept my focus feels more "open", and in that combo taking noopept would basically counteract the laser-focus of pramiracetam. So that was pretty similar to how I felt now, and added to that was my brain felt like it was going in multiple directions...not good at all. Maybe I'll try the combo again later on when I'm more accustomed to sunifiram, but for now I'm not going to take those together.
Then maybe like 4 hours after that I decided to take a cap of biocurcumin, which was part of my daily stack before taking a break for sunifiram,
because the sunifiram/noopept combo left me feeling crappy and curcumin makes me feel less crappy. Curcumin normally gives me a slight increased feeling of anxiety, and it did that as well here except that here I felt like I had too much energy. Where the energized feeling of sunifiram comes with a focus for all that energy, the curcumin just added energy and it felt undirected...didn't like it. So for now I'm probably just going to take sunifiram alone for the rest of this trial (not including my daily use of a multivitamin and fish oil).
Today it took about 11hours for my mind/body to feel like it could relax and not be "on" all the time. But I have a feeling there will still be a lingering stimulant effect that will go on like yesterday when I went to sleep, even if slight. I took my dose a lot earlier in the day this time though to try and avoid this, I'll have to see what happens. If anything I'll need to cycle this 5days on/2days off at least since I feel like all this tiredness will catch up to me if I take it all the time without breaks. Was also considering taking half of the dose I'm taking now.
Overall though, think this is going great so far. My confidence is up pretty much the whole day, the "sunny" mood continues, focus is great, and it really facilitates getting stuff done. And how much easier social stuff is, is great considering my social anxiety issues. But still, this is only the second day and I've read some reports in this thread about how some of the mood effects wear off so I'll have to see what happens with more long-term use.
Posted 17 April 2013 - 02:54 AM
Sunifiram reduces the brain's need to regenerate by preventing metabolic damage.
Wouldn't that be just speculation at this point?
Posted 17 April 2013 - 09:51 AM
Btw, did sunifiram went through German customs?
Sorry, renfr - I just now saw your post. Even though I allready did answer your question indirectly - yeah - unlike my Noopept order it did pass customs twice.

I noticed that taking higher single doses than 10mg is counterproductive right now. I did 50mg the other day just to try and got massive brainfog. It's hard for me to determine which part the adaptogens I'm taking right now (Schisandra, Rhodiola and Mucuna) are playing in this. But since the combination is working well, for now I'll just keep my Suni-dose low.
Posted 17 April 2013 - 05:15 PM
I'll just be taking about 10-15mg every 3-4 hours.
Posted 17 April 2013 - 06:24 PM
Sunifiram reduces the brain's need to regenerate by preventing metabolic damage.
Wouldn't that be just speculation at this point?
Almost everything he says in speculation.
Posted 17 April 2013 - 07:18 PM
My Suni should be here any day now, stopped dosing Pira and Noopept so I'll be as objective as possible when trying Suni for the first time
Also, anyone here on anti-anxiety drugs can elaborate on how this stack?
Posted 17 April 2013 - 07:28 PM
Sunifiram reduces the brain's need to regenerate by preventing metabolic damage.
Wouldn't that be just speculation at this point?
Almost everything he says in speculation.
To be fair, everything everyone is saying about Sunifiram is speculation at this point. Even the published studies are speculative since there haven't been any human trials.
Also, is everyone still alive? Any mutant appendages growing?
Edited by peakplasma, 17 April 2013 - 07:28 PM.
Posted 17 April 2013 - 07:48 PM
Since Norway isn't in the EU I guess you'd have the same kind of problems.
I'm shocked that you actually knew that :P I hope as you say, that the labeling improves my chances of getting it. I've ordered numerous pharmaceutical drugs (Cerebrolysin, piractetam, noopept etc.) from EU countries before without problems. The reason could be that Norway is part of EEA.
My Piracetam supplier is no longer. Who do you use? Have gotten it stopped 3 times, but it goes well if I get it sent by Royal Mail.
Have you gott Piracetam from NSN through custom?
Posted 17 April 2013 - 08:38 PM
...Also, is everyone still alive? Any mutant appendages growing?

Posted 17 April 2013 - 09:08 PM
To be fair, everything everyone is saying about Sunifiram is speculation at this point. Even the published studies are speculative since there haven't been any human trials.
Also, is everyone still alive? Any mutant appendages growing?
I'm fine. I stopped Sunifiram for 4 reasons:
- It's half-life is definitely more than 4-5 hours. For most of the 12 days that I took it consecutively, I did not take other nootropics. Yet it impacted my sleep and my energy levels (not in a bad way) even when I took it early in the day.
- The sunny, eurphoric, happy, "Limitless" effects subsided after about 6-7 days. My brain needed a rest.
- It helped a lot with memory, processing, and overall cognition, but I regard it more as a weekend noot, for social, creative, and enjoyable physical activities. Swimming, hiking, dancing, creativity, and socializing all seem to accomodate Sunifiram very well.
- I see it as a nootropic that should be cycled; it uses up a huge amount of mental/emotional energy, then downtime is needed for rest, refueling, and consolidation of new learnings.
I guess I also stopped regular use because of concerns about it's safety. I have had no adverse effects that I'm aware of. Other than having to review my online communication and check back on my face-to-face interactions during that time, to see if I was out of bounds.

But I still take it every few days, which is probably not enough time to reset tolerance. A 7-14 day break might be better. Maybe then the "Limitless" effect will return.
There was a small increase in my blood pressure and blood sugar, two things that are easy for me to check and also help determine overall safety of whatever I'm doing to myself or life is doing to me. Those increases were small and could easily be attributed to other changes during that time, such as sleeping less.
Mostly I gauge positive and negative effects of new things I try using subjective performance and well-being measures (of my own design), as well as the vital signs if I am trying something new, or think something is wrong in my health.
It is pretty weird how some people got such profound effects, I certainly did, and others not much at all. But maybe my brain was more damaged, more in need of whatever Sunifiram does. It does seem very similar to other people's reports of low-dose psychedelics.
Like most of the other noots, your intention before taking it (of what you intend to accomplish or do), how you prepare yourself physically and mentally, and the environments and activities you go into while under the influence may play strongly into the effects.
Posted 17 April 2013 - 11:02 PM
Yesterday before going to bed I took 10mg but could only sleep 4h as I had an appointment, turned out I woke up fine and I went through all the day with no tiredness at all, damn this is great!
That is very interesting, I will try that tonight before bed, too.
By the way,does anyone know, or maybe can even tell from experience, which adaptogen is supposed to be the most "stimulating" or maybe even most "dopaminergic"? I know this might seem off topic, but then again it's not - because I wanna add something stimulating to the mix for above-mentioned goal-oriented motivation to complement the more "layed-back" Suni-effect...
"Real" stimulants are out of the question for me, though - except maybe Modafinil.
Get schizandrol A; an active metabolite of Schisandra. It's supposed to be extremely dopaminergic.
Posted 18 April 2013 - 02:14 AM
To be fair, everything everyone is saying about Sunifiram is speculation at this point. Even the published studies are speculative since there haven't been any human trials.
Also, is everyone still alive? Any mutant appendages growing?
I'm fine. I stopped Sunifiram for 4 reasons:I guess I also stopped regular use because of concerns about it's safety. I have had no adverse effects that I'm aware of. Other than having to review my online communication and check back on my face-to-face interactions during that time, to see if I was out of bounds.
- It's half-life is definitely more than 4-5 hours. For most of the 12 days that I took it consecutively, I did not take other nootropics. Yet it impacted my sleep and my energy levels (not in a bad way) even when I took it early in the day.
- The sunny, eurphoric, happy, "Limitless" effects subsided after about 6-7 days. My brain needed a rest.
- It helped a lot with memory, processing, and overall cognition, but I regard it more as a weekend noot, for social, creative, and enjoyable physical activities. Swimming, hiking, dancing, creativity, and socializing all seem to accomodate Sunifiram very well.
- I see it as a nootropic that should be cycled; it uses up a huge amount of mental/emotional energy, then downtime is needed for rest, refueling, and consolidation of new learnings.
I was just a little too verbose/manic online, but people in direct contact with me had nothing but positives to say about my behavior.
But I still take it every few days, which is probably not enough time to reset tolerance. A 7-14 day break might be better. Maybe then the "Limitless" effect will return.
There was a small increase in my blood pressure and blood sugar, two things that are easy for me to check and also help determine overall safety of whatever I'm doing to myself or life is doing to me. Those increases were small and could easily be attributed to other changes during that time, such as sleeping less.
Mostly I gauge positive and negative effects of new things I try using subjective performance and well-being measures (of my own design), as well as the vital signs if I am trying something new, or think something is wrong in my health.
It is pretty weird how some people got such profound effects, I certainly did, and others not much at all. But maybe my brain was more damaged, more in need of whatever Sunifiram does. It does seem very similar to other people's reports of low-dose psychedelics.
Like most of the other noots, your intention before taking it (of what you intend to accomplish or do), how you prepare yourself physically and mentally, and the environments and activities you go into while under the influence may play strongly into the effects.
Glad to hear you're alive!

If you don't mind me asking, how large was the BP increase? Was it an appreciable increase or was it within the range of normal fluctuation across the day?
Posted 18 April 2013 - 02:34 AM
Just signed up so I can chime in here
My Suni should be here any day now, stopped dosing Pira and Noopept so I'll be as objective as possible when trying Suni for the first time
Also, anyone here on anti-anxiety drugs can elaborate on how this stack?
I am on clonazepam except at this point I'm not taking it for any other reason except trying to get off it(tapering), all I can really say is that they don't seem to have negative effects combined. I don't know what sunifiram feels like not on clonazepam, so it is hard to compare, but I did get very strong sensory enhancement effects.
Posted 18 April 2013 - 03:57 AM
Glad to hear you're alive!
If you don't mind me asking, how large was the BP increase? Was it an appreciable increase or was it within the range of normal fluctuation across the day?
The times I checked my blood pressure it was about 10-20 percent higher. I only checked about 4 times. My heart rate was not increased as much. But since I have low-normal blood pressure anyway, an increase like that can come from any number of things in the course of the day. It was not worrisome.
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